showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsauthor(s)
Star Control 3  Accolade (Legend Entertainment)1996 aliens apocalyptic blacksheep cdrom combatmode crystalentities darkspace difficulty-single eldritchabominations endtime extraterrestrial fuel future gog hintsystem humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs interplanetarytravel interstellartravel keyboard machinecivilization malapropisms milessound mouse mycoids neutralnpcs precursors progressingworld robots saveanywhere space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage starcontrol starfishaliens stopmotion thedestroyer timecompression unattendedevents viciouscycle voiceovers warptravel withdrawn labelimageminimize
Ween: The Prophecy Coktel Vision1992 clickadventure difficulty-single display-mcga dragons feelies magic maleprotagonist titlementioned vampires labelimageminimize
Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep  Interplay (FTL Games)1994 3.5disk cdrom cpu-386 currency-split difficulty-single dos3 dungeoncrawler dungeonmaster-series gnomes gridmove group groupcreation hunger magic meleeweapons serious shopping sorcery uvl-missingimages walking weefolk labelimagesubject
Stonekeep Interplay (Interplay Productions)1995 bludgeons bombs book bows capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chatter chosenone clanguage classless devsyslost difficulty-single digitizedvideo disguisedtriggers divinemenace doors dosextender dragons dragons-western dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dwarves elves energystations eviloverlord faerierealm fantasyworld fictionaluniverse giantants giantinsects gifting goblins gridmove healingitems healingstations humanoids illusionarywalls inbuilttraps indoors inventory keys knives liveactors magic magic-sigils mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons metaabilities mystics noenergyregen noports notebook npcfleeing npchealing npcinventory paperdoll polearms powerfoci predefinedcontrols premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery puzzles rewardingvandalism rp-levelless secrets serious sorcery spelldesigning sprites stonekeep-series subterranean subterraneanrealm subtitledeficient swords temporarycompanions thrownweapons title-static titularlocale trash voiceovers voiceovers-full walking wands weefolk xp-literal Anthony Bowren (3d rendering artists)
Arlene C. Somers (2d graphic artists)
Brian Luzietti (music)
Charles H. H. Weidman III (2d graphic artists)
Cheryl Austin (2d graphic artists)
Chris Christensen (programmer)
Christian Taylor (designer)
David A. Mosher (2d graphic artists)
Helena Wickberg (2d graphic artists)
Jason D. Anderson (3d rendering artists)
Jayesh J. Patel (programmer)
Jesse Reynolds (programmer)
Jim Gardner (programmer)
John Philip Britt (programmer)
Kevin Beardslee (3d rendering artists)
Kevin W. Bass (programmer)
Leonard Boyarsky (2d graphic artists)
LoQuan Seh (programmer)
Michael Bernstein (programmer)
Nick Kesting (programmer)
Peter Oliphant (programmer)
Spencer Kipe (art director)
Spencer Kipe (2d graphic artists)
The Dig LucasArts1995 alienplanet aliens alientechnology book cdrom cheapdeath clickadventure communicator cpu-486 crystals death desolate difficulty-single displacementfiction dos6 download firstcontact hoarding insaneengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-indisposable isolatedlocale lightbridges lutris mediaindrive militantprotagonist minigames multipleendings noinstall pda publictransit ruins saveanywhere scumm scummvm serious spectres starfishaliens stranded unexpectedsituation voiceovers voiceovers-full Brian Moriarty (designer)
Sean Clark (designer)
World of Aden: Thunderscape Mindscape (SSI)1995 animalpeople automap cdrom cpu-486 difficulty difficulty-single dos5 dungeoncrawler genderchoice giantinsects gog group heroprotagonist inventory magic mediaindrive meleeweapons monsters mouse noports serious titularlocale turnbasedcombat unknownpast voiceovers walking worldofaden labelimagesubject
Betrayal at Krondor Sierra (Dynamix)1993 ♫greensleeves 3.5disk attackmethods automap book cdrom circadiancycle combatmode cpu-386 crossbows cultists difficulty-single display-vga doors dwarves gog golems group hunger injuries inventory itemdurability keys lockpicking magic medieval meleeweapons midkemia mine mouse multiprotagonists nonlinear nooneleftbehind outlaws rotting rp-levelless saveanywhere serious shopping sorcery stamina steampowered subterranean swords titularevent titularlocale tragicending turnbasedcombat walking weefolk xp-literal labelimageminimize