showing 14 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardrank
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar  Origin (Origin Systems)1985labelimagesubject
Terminator 2029 Bethesda Softworks1992labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  Origin1992labelimagesubject
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor  SSI1993labelimageminimize
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993labelimagesubject
Bio Menace  Apogee Software1993labelimagesubject
The Dig LucasArts1995labelimagesubject
The Terminator: Future Shock  Bethesda Softworks1995labelimageminimize
Duke Nukem 3D  Apogee Software (3D Realms)1996labelimagesubject
The Terminator: SkyNET Bethesda Softworks1996labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider  Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1996labelimageminimize
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny  Virgin Interactive (Westwood Studios)1997labelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Edition spéciale  Interplay Productions1998labelminimizeminimize
Zelda Classic Armageddon Games1999labelimagesubject