showing 23 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdisplay
Paganitzu Apogee Software (Trilobyte)1991 archeologistprotagonist display-cga display-ega instantdeath keys lives snakes spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Centipede Atari1983 centipede centipedelike centipedes fixedshooter fleas lives score scorpions spiders uvl-confusable rasterlabelimageminimize
Centipede author1983 centipedelike centipedes fixedshooter fleas lives score scorpions spiders uvl-confusable rasterlabelimageminimize
Spider Web author1989 arachnidprotagonist insects spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Castle Adventure  author;Keypunch Software1984 basic-compiled castle chiroptera claiming demons dos3 escape europeanfae free giantinsects giantspiders license-vague ogres saveanywhere score snakes spiders undead vampires wordinput text, monotonelabelimagesubject
Montezuma's Revenge BCI Software1984 5.25disk alone bootloader cemetery commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-tga joystick keyboard ladders license-proprietary lives mesoamerican-theme metroidvania montezumasrevenge-series pcjr score snakes spiders spu-pcspeaker subterranean rasterlabelimageminimize
Punica  Bondy Productions1993 advergame chiroptera crocodiles egypt lives score spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
The Dark Heart of Uukrul Brøderbund (Digital Studios)1990 amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor books chiroptera combatmode commercial currency display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga dragons dungeon dungeoncrawler elitemobs encounters-conditional encounters-random encounters-set feelies gamesaves gold gridmove group healingitems hunger itemdurability jewelry keyboard keys knives license-proprietary looting magic magic-instant magicfail magicweapons meleeweapons orcs poisoning polearms potions quitsave resting resuscitation safezone scrolls singleencounterrespawn spiders statuseffects staves subterranean swords teleporters theurgy turnbasedcombat undefinedelements whips wolves xp-deeds xp-killbonus xp-kills xp-other rasterlabelimageminimize
An American Tail: The Computer Adventures of Fievel and His Friends  Capstone Software (Manley & Associates)1993 1900s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 3.5disk anachronic city-newyork-ny clickadventure color-4bit color-8bit cpu-286 cpu-386 cpu-486 display-ega display-tga display-vga domesticcats dos2 inventory joystick mice mouse mouseprotagonist movie newyorkstate northamerica rodentprotagonist russia scenic slavery spiders spu-adlib spu-csm spu-lapci spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy usa western rasterlabelimageminimize
Lost Tomb Datasoft1984 5.25disk cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-cga-composite display-tga joystick lives score spiders spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy timelimit rasterlabelimageminimize
Ken's Labyrinth Epic Megagames1993 chiroptera clanguage firstpersonshooter licensechange maleprotagonist score spiders spu-mpu-401 x86-16 raster, textured polygons, mixedlabelimagesubject
The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness Konami (Distinctive Software)1991 3.5disk 5.25disk aliens ants bees bossbattles chiroptera city cliff clowns coconuts commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 crocodilians deadlywater defenseless difficulty disappearingplatforms display-ega display-mcga display-tga dodging dogs domesticcats dreamworld fallofftransitions fish fourfingers geese giantworms handguns harmfultouch hostileflora indigenousresidents indoors joystick jumping keyboard ladders laserbolts lawenforcers lethalobjects license-proprietary lives mall millipedes mosquitoes movingplatforms mutants oddappliances outdoors rapidmovementplants robots rodents ropeswinging savepoints score sewers skeletons spiders spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-sb spu-tandy steppingstones thesimpsons visiblelasers walking rasterlabelminimizeminimize
Spider Kussoft1989 boulderdashlike claiming leveleditor lives score spiders timelimit rasterlabelimageminimize
Night Stalker Mattel1983 score spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Dino Eggs Micro Fun1983 dinosaurs disease display-cga display-cga-composite ducks ladders outbreak past prehistoric-theme snakes spiders timetravel rasterlabelimageminimize
Spyder Mirror Images Software1983 fixedshooter score spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Arcy 2 MVP Software (CAPS Softwaredesign)1994 commercial cpu-386 dos4 dos5 dos6 keyboard keys license-proprietary lives saveanywhere snakes spiders spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro rasterlabelminimizeminimize
Tick Attack Pegasus Software1983 fixedshooter lives mice score spaceinvaderslike spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Edna Signum (Black Raven)1997 elderlyprotagonist femaleprotagonist forest inventory jumping magic mysticprotagonist sorcery spiders titularcharacter walking witches rasterlabelminimizeminimize
Chagunitzu Softdisk1990 archeologistprotagonist lives score spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Dangerous Dave Softdisk1990 dangerousdave deadlywater firearms instantdeath lives nofalldamage score spiders rasterlabelimageminimize
Pool of Radiance  SSI (Westwood Associates;SSI Special Projects Group)1988 3.5disk 5.25disk adnd basilisks centaurs combatmode commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga-composite display-ega display-tga dnd encounters-timed forgottenrealms frog ghouls giants gnolls goblins gog goldboxengine gridmove group keyboard kobolds license-proprietary medieval minotaurs mummies ogres orcs pascal poolofradiance sauroids scorpions skeletons spiders spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy tigers trolls undead vampires wildboars zombies rasterlabelimagesubject
Super Solvers: Challenge of the Ancient Empires! The Learning Company1990 chiroptera directionalforce-movingsurface display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga investigatorprotagonist ladders snakes spiders spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy supersolvers-series rasterlabelimageminimize