showing 13 games

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars  Virgin (Revolution)1996 brokensword city-paris-fr clickadventure clowns conspiracy detectivemystery france hospital hotel ireland museum scotland scummvm spain syria temple train-location virtualtheatreengine youngadultprotagonist dBarrington Pheloung (composer)
Charles Cecil
The Morlov Affair  Nova Media (Interactive Pictures)1996 cdrom city-paris-fr clickadventure detectivemystery france journalistprotagonist c labelimagesubject
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror  Virgin (Revolution)1997 brokensword caribbean city-paris-fr clickadventure earth france jungle maleprotagonist scummvm virtualtheatreengine youngadultprotagonist d labelimageminimize
Le Deuxième Monde Canal+Multimédia1997 cdrom city-paris-fr commercial defunct france free2play mmog openworld c labelminimizeminimize
Zero Zero Nicholson NY1997 1890s 19thcentury city-paris-fr earth europe femaleprotagonist france past Theresa Duncan
The Crossing ? (Arkane Studios)200? alternatetimeline cancelled city city-paris-fr dimensionaltravel earth europe firstpersonshooter france havokphysics paralleluniverse sourceengine c labelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex  Eidos Interactive (Ion Storm)2000 1life 2050s 21stcentury adv-xpdistr airducts airport ammomagazines area51 asia asia-east aureal3d baftaaward bathroom biorobotprotagonist biorobots bludgeons blue bodydragging bundle cdrom city city-newyork-ny city-paris-fr clanguage clones clonetechnology club compatiblewine compressedgas conspiracy crates cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dark-limited deusex directx7 display-640x480 dolbysurround dystopian earth eax eax1 elevators empgrenades empweapons energyitems energystations epigraph europe explosiveobjects firstpersonshooter france future gameoftheyear glide3d grenades greys hacking hangar hazmatsuit healingitems healingstations hongkong hud-explained humanoidprotagonist immersivesim implants inertscenery infravision interactivedialogs inventory itempickup-instant jumping knives lamp leaning leveleditor lockpicking lutris mafia mediaindrive megacorps meleeweapons meninblack mines multinationalorganization multipleendings mutablescenery-large mutuallyexclusivepowerups nanotechnology neutralnpcs nightvision nonlethalelimination northamerica offshorefacility opengl optionaltasks outbreak plasmaweapons pointdefenses postmodern premadeprotagonist proximitymines reactos realisticshotguns researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots rogueprotagonist rooftops rp-levelless s3metal saveanywhere science-theme secretfacility sentientmachines serious shopping shotguns stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subway superjump superspeed swords swrender systemsdriven technology-theme telescope terminal thermalweapons thirdoption thrownweapons title-animated trackermusic transhumanism triad truemyths unrealengine unrealengine1 upgradesystem uvl-missingimages uvl-releases vagrants voiceovers walking weaponcustomization widescreen win95 win98 xp-deeds xrayvision xyzzy cCarolyn McCormick (voice of anna navarre)
Cliff Stephens (voice of bob page)
Harvey Smith
Jeff Groteboer (voice of gunther hermann)
Tom Hall (voice of walton simons)
Tom Hall (morpheus)
Warren Spector
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Eidos (Core Design)2003 actionadventure archeologistprotagonist city-paris-fr city-prague-cz czech earth fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist france oopitems present rating-esrb-t steampowered titularcharacter tombraider tombraider-1st d labelimageminimize
Wanted: Weapons of Fate  Warner Bros. Interactive (GRIN)2009 1980s 2000s achillesheelfoes aimmode aircraft-location alternatingprotagonist ammomagazines antiheroprotagonist apartmentbuilding aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-auto assassinprotagonist autosavepoints bossbattles bullettime city city-chicago-il city-paris-fr cover-swap coversystem dieselengine difficulty difficulty-ingame distortedhearing drm dvd earth equipment-predefined europe explosiveobjects factory firearms fofindicator france grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning itemglow itempickup-auto killingblow knives latemodernperiod meatshield meleeweapons mountain movie multilingual newgameplus northamerica officebuilding openal openended past physx precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rage secondaryattack secretsociety securom sequence-turret skipnoninteractive snipers speech-french splatter temple title-animated tower tracers tutorial undefinedelements usa vaulting walking xml d labelimageminimize
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france gog grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity logitech-g15 lua multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape serialkey sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 d labelimagesubject
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Revolution Software2013 brokensword city-paris-fr clickadventure crowdfunded download earth episodic europe femaleprotagonist france handdrawn maleprotagonist nodrm simultaneousport steampowered virtualtheatreengine beCharles Cecil (author)
Rolf Saxon (voice)
The Fan Plug In Digital (Ezhaac Studio)2017 city-paris-fr steampowered visualnovel e labelminimizeminimize
Fear Effect Sedna Square Enix;Forever Entertainment (Sushee)2018 activepause anxiety city-paris-fr coversystem feareffect-series femaleprotagonist firearms france gog healingitems hongkong lesbians reload-manual robots stealth steampowered a labelminimizeminimize