showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsauthor(s)
Gothic 2  JoWood Productions (Piranha Bytes)2002 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series healing-instant healingitems herbs holstering hostilewildlife illequipped ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers lighthouse lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist milessound monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scrolls serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls willowisps witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Guild of Dungeoneering Versus Evil (Gambrinous)2015 adv-static alteredgenre alternatingprotagonist cardbased cardbattle combatmode dungeoncrawler equipmentabilities equipmentbased gog grid grid-square guide handdrawn illequipped limitedpalette monsters music-ballad namegenerator permadeath postcombatrestoration selectivecolor steampowered titlementioned titulargroup tutorial unseenprotagonist xp-other labelimageminimize
Half-Life 2  Vivendi Universal Games;Valve Corporation (Valve)2004 1life 21stcentury absolutearmor achievements achievements-public airboat airlocks aliens alternateattack ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles apartmentbuilding armoredcars aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints awardgdcwriting bioships bludgeons breakpad bridge buggy burrowers cagetransport cave cc censored chainreactions chapterreplay chargers chosenone city cliff cliffhanger compatiblewine controllablehelplessness corpseactions crates crossbows dam damageindicator dawnofanewage demo difficulty difficulty-ingame dilapidated directx7 directx8 directx9 disintegrators displaydevices distortedhearing dollyzoom doors download driving drm drm-activation dystopian earth ectsaward elevatedglitch encounters-popup energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects extensible facialexpressions falldamage famousprotagonist fascism fastzombies firearms firstpersonshooter forcefields genderdiscrepancy grenades guidedweapons guidedweapons-pointer halflife handguns havokphysics hazmatsuit headtracking healthbuffer healthpickups healthwarning helicopters idlenoise illequipped ingamecinematics inpersoncinematics insectoids jumping ladders langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langthai leveleditor license-crossplatform lightbridges lighthouse lipsync livinglegend lostresources mandatoryloss meleeweapons middleprojection modifiable motionblur mutablescenery-fixtures mutablescenery-small nochildren nofriendlyfire noodleincident npchiding oculusrift pain parasites planetlooters postapocalypse powerarmor powerthrow prison projectileimmunity prologue radiotap railway railyard rebellion rebelprotagonist recurrence recurrence-character recurrence-creature recurrence-object reload-auto reload-manual retcon rewardingvandalism robots rockets saveonline savior scientistprotagonist scientists secrets sequence-defend sequence-survival sessilecreatures shallowwater shore silentprotagonist singlegenderopposition soldiers sourcecodestolen sourceengine squatters steampowered steamworks storagearea superweapon suppression swimming teleporters telescope temporarycompanions timespan-days title-animated title-multi title-scene trains trampling tripeds turrets underwaterdiving voiceovers walking walkingarmory warehouse widescreen win2k windy winxp zombies labelimagesubject
Hinterland  Tilted Mill Entertainment2008 actionrpg adv-perks aspectratio-4-3 autosaves-periodic basebuilding bows caninoids construction-instant corpselooting difficulty directx8 disproportionalworld dragons dragons-western dwarves elves enemyhealthdisplay expenses-instant fame forest genderchoice gianthumanoids giantinsects goblins group group-leader healingitems illequipped leaderparticipation magic map mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mystics obsoletedassets ogres openal orcs potions quitsave radar recruiting resourcegeneration ruins shadermodel1 shadermodel3 skeletons structureupgrades supervisorprotagonist swords teleport teleporters torque3d town trolls undead upkeep vorbis walking weefolk wilderness winvista winxp xaudio xml xp-literal labelimagesubject
Ittle Dew Ludosity2013 actionadventure bombs bossbattles explosives fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest healthwarning humanoidprotagonist humblestore humblewidget illequipped inventory inventory-indisposable itemget meleeweapons monsters rewardingvandalism roombased secrets shopping steampowered subterranean tilebased trees uvl-realtitle labelimageminimize
Lands of Lore III  Electronic Arts (Westwood Studios)1999 1life acid adv-static alcohol amazons animateweapons automap axes backstabbing bigcats bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots castle cave cdrom chemistry chickens city companion compass containers crossbows crystals damageinfo damagetypes dark-limited datacaching deities difficulty dimensionalbreach dimensionaltravel direct3d directx6 doors dragons elementals elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyregen familiars flammables forest giantinsects giantspiders giantworms glide3d gog gore guild hiddenattributes highbornprotagonist humanoidprotagonist humanoids hunger hybridprotagonist illequipped illusionarywalls inertscenery interactivetriggers inventory itemidentification jewelry jumping knives knockback landsoflore lava limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicartefacts magicrings mansion mapannotation mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound monsters movingplatforms murinoids mutants neutralmonsters nightvision nontolkienian noports notebook npcspawning obsoletedassets orcs outlaws outsiders polearms polycephalids polymathprotagonist portals premadeprotagonist prerenderedcinematics pressureplates quake rating-esrb-t rats recurrence-location rewardingvandalism sciencefantasy screenshake search secondaryantagonist secrets selfupdate serious sewers shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery spectres sprites statuseffects stealing subtitledeficient summoning supplyanddemand swords swrender teenprotagonist thrownweapons tigers title-static toxins trash turrets tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead unfinished unfixedbugs unlimitedammo unseeninformers unusualprotagonist voiceovers volcanic walking wildcardeqslots win95 win98 wintery wyrms xp-kills xp-multi xp-other labelimagesubject
Loren the Amazon Princess Winterwolves2012 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr amazons aristocrats axes bodyarmor bossbattles bows branchingstory castle city classbased classicwizards combatmode comboactions companion crossbows currency damagetypes defensebreaking demo demons desura difficulty dualwielding dwarves elvenprotagonist elves encounters-random fanservice femaleprotagonist fetish-breasts formations genderchoice goblins group healingitems highbornprotagonist hitchance homosexuals humans illequipped inventory itemcomparison knives knockback lesbians limitedcapacity magic meleeweapons monsters mountain mystics opponentpowerdisplay playerexposition priceinfo pythonlanguage racism-speciesism ragtaggang randomdamage renpy rescue romance sauroids saveanywhere search shopping sidetracked slavery sorcery steampowered swords threatsystem timeunits titlementioned unconvincingarmor undead vampires visualnovel walking wasteland weefolk wetland wintery labelimageminimize
Return to Castle Wolfenstein  Activision (Gray Matter Interactive Studios;Nerve Software;id Software)2001 1life bpjmindexed cablecars censored dieselpunk firearms firstpersonshooter fortress idtech3 illequipped inertscenery nazis npatches opengl piecemealcreatures punkbuster reboot sciencefantasy undead weirdscience wolfenstein zip zombies 'The Bakery' (sound design)
Aaron Smith (art)
Aaron Smith (design)
Activision Credits:
Activision France Credits:
Activision Germany Credits:
Activision UK Credits:
Adam Tourkow (tester)
Adam Tourkow (tester)
Al Shier (film coordinator producer)
Alex Roha (installer programmer)
Antoine Seux (sales manager)
Antoine Seux (localisation)
Arbel Rom (tester)
Arbel Rom (tester)
Asier Lavina (animator)
Atlantis Group (voices recording)
B. J. Ward (voice actress)
B. J. Ward (helga)
B. J. Ward (female #1)
Belinda Van Sickle (writer)
Bernard Sizey (marketing director)
Bernard Sizey (localisation)
Bernd Reinartz (pr-manager)
Bernd Reinartz (localisation)
Bill Brown (music composer)
Bill Brown (composer)
Blur Studios Credits:
Bob McPherson (quality assurance manager)
Bob McPherson (customer support)
Bob McPherson (quality assurance manager)
Bob McPherson (customer support)
Brad Carraway (accosiate brand manager)
Brad Saavedra (code release group)
Brad Saavedra (code release group)
Brandon Davis (animator)
Brandon Jame (president)
Brandon Jame (game director)
Brelan Duff (production tester)
Brendan Johnson (tester)
Brendan Johnson (tester)
Brian Patenaude (art)
Brian Patenaude (design)
Brian Simpson (mocap actor)
Cam Clarke (voice actor)
Cam Clarke (german #4)
Caryn Law (online evangelist)
Chad Bordwell (scripting)
Charles Napier (voice actor)
Charles Napier (murphy)
Chris Keim (quality assurance network)
Chris Keim (network)
Chris Wagener (tester)
Chris Wagener (quality assurance floor lead)
Chris Wagener (tester)
Christian Cummings (vice president)
Christian Cummings (content director)
Claire Praderie (texture artist)
Clay Mottern (special operations consultants)
Corky Lehmkuhl (character artist)
Craig Mullins (installer illustrator)
Da'love Thomas (tester)
Da'love Thomas (tester)
Dan Koppel (technical design lead)
Danelle Folta (mocap actress)
Darin McNeil (senior engineer)
David Kelvin (level designer)
David Stinnett (animator)
Derron Ross (animator)
Diane De Domecy (pr manager)
Diane De Domecy (localisation)
DL Multimedia (spanish localisation)
Dominique Drozdz (animator)
Drew Markham (director)
Drew Markham (voice actor)
Drew Markham (german #1)
Drew Patterson (installer scripting)
Dusty Welch (senior director)
Ed Lee (concept art)
Effective Media GmbH (localisation)
Eric Zimmerman (night crew lead)
Eric Zimmerman (night crew lead)
Evan Button (tester)
Evan Button (tester)
ExeQuo (localisation france)
FOCUS2 (package design)
Gaille Heideman (voice actress)
Gaille Heideman (female #2)
Garrett Oshiro (tester)
Garrett Oshiro (tester)
Gautier Ormancey (marketing assistant)
Gautier Ormancey (localisation)
Glenn Gregory (tester)
Glenn Gregory (tester)
Glenn Vistante (quality assurance project lead)
Global Brand Management Credits:
Gray Matter Interactive Studios Credits:
Greg Goodrich (executive producer)
Guillaume Lairan (brand manager)
Guillaume Lairan (localisation)
Heather Clarke (european operations manager)
Heather Clarke (localisation)
IGNITED MINDS (manual layout)
Jackie Whale (creative services manager)
Jackie Whale (localisation)
James Alcroft (voice actor)
James Alcroft (jack)
James M. Ward (voice actor)
James M. Ward (german #3)
Jane Lee (tester)
Jane Lee (tester)
Jason Hoover (models)
Jason Hoover (animation)
Jay Anthony Franke (quality assurance project lead)
Jay Brushwood (art)
Jay Brushwood (design)
Jay Sosnicki (tester)
Jay Sosnicki (tester)
Jeff Weisend (animator)
Jeffry Moxley (tester)
Jeffry Moxley (tester)
Jeremy Cook (cg supervisor)
Jeremy G. Evangelista (tester)
Jeremy G. Evangelista (tester)
Jeremy Luyties (scripting)
Jesse Shannon (tester)
Jesse Shannon (tester)
Jim Hudson (localizations associate producer)
Joe Waters (technical director)
John Bunt (motion capture)
John Sweeney (tester)
John Sweeney (tester)
John Turner (content director)
Jonathan Cook (voice actor)
Jonathan Cook (heinrich)
Jonathan Moses (producer)
Joram Manka (tester)
Joram Manka (tester)
Joseph Aurill (additional programming)
Josh Jay (art)
Josh Jay (design)
Juan Valdes (quality assurance senior project lead)
Kenney Hartman (tester)
Kenney Hartman (tester)
Kevin Kraff (brand manager)
Kevin Vance (special operations consultants)
Kirby Miller (animator)
Kirk Kosinski (tester)
Kirk Kosinski (tester)
Kris Zimmerman (casting director)
Kurt Guitierrez (tester)
Kurt Gutierrez (tester)
Laird M. Malamed (senior executive producer)
Lynne Moss (production planner)
Lynne Moss (localisation)
Mal Blackwell (additional level design)
Mark Lamia (vice-president north american studios)
Mark Yao (tester)
Mark Yao (tester)
Marlon Nowe (animator)
Matt McClure (quality assurance senior project lead)
Matthew Beal (production tester)
Max Yoshikawa (controller)
Michael Beck (tester)
Michael Beck (tester)
Michael Denny (scripting)
Michael Hand (legal)
Michael Maxx Kaufman (art direction)
Michael Sparks (tester)
Michael Sparks (tester)
Michelle Nino (director)
Michelle Nino (corporate communications)
Mihai Pohontu (tester)
Mihai Pohontu (tester)
Mike Larson (senior publicist)
Mike Wale (tester)
Mike Wale (tester)
Miscellaneous credits:
Nathalia Dove (head of publishing services)
Nathalia Dove (localization)
Nathaniel McClure (tester)
Neil Barizo (quality assurance compatibility)
Neil Barizo (compatibility)
Neil Ross (voice actor)
Neil Ross (higgs)
Neil Ross (german #2)
Nerve Software Credits:
Paul Taylor (lead animator)
Paul Williams (tester)
Paul Williams (tester)
Peter Beal (tester)
Peter Beal (tester)
Peter Renaday (voice actor)
Peter Renaday (monk)
Project Synthesis (italian localisation)
Rafael Paiz (additional programming)
Rama Griffith (tester)
Rama Griffith (tester)
Rami Burpee (tester)
Rami Burpee (tester)
Randolph L.S. D'Amore (tester)
Randolph L.S. D'Amore (tester)
Reid Hurley (tester)
Richard Farrelly (lead level designer)
Robert Ladd (tester)
Robert Ladd (tester)
Roger Walkden (director strategic marketing europe)
Roger Walkden (localization)
Ron Gould (creative director)
Ryan Feltrin (technology)
Ryan Feltrin (a.i. programmer)
Sam Nouriani (quality assurance manager)
Sam Nouriani (pc testing)
Sam Nouriani (quality assurance manager)
Sam Nouriani (pc testing)
Sami Tanamly (tester)
Sami Tanamly (tester)
Scott Dodkins (senior vice-president european publishing)
Scott Dodkins (localization)
Scott Keifer (tester)
Scott Kiefer (tester)
Sean Mitchell (programmer)
Sherman Archibald (programmer)
Sherry Wallace (visual effects producer)
Simon Dawes (localisation project manager)
Soundelux Design Music Group (additional effects)
Stefan Luludes (marketing manager)
Stefan Luludes (localisation)
Stefan Seidel (brand manager)
Stefan Seidel (localisation)
Steve Goldberg (writer)
Steve Goldberg (sound design)
Steve Holmes (production tester)
Steve Penate (tester)
Steve Penate (tester)
Sylvia Orzel (layout)
Tamsin Lucas (senior localisation project manager)
Thaddeus Sasser (production tester)
Thaine Lyman (multiplayer producer)
Thom Denick (tester)
Thom Denick (tester)
Thomas Lindberg (special operations consultants)
Thorsten Hubschmann (it)
Thorsten Hubschmann (web manager)
Thorsten Hubschmann (localisation)
Tim Wallace (animator)
Timothy R. Miller (creative director)
Todd Cochran (period music)
Tom Dillon (animator)
Tony Jay (voice actor)
Tony Jay (the director)
Trey Watkins (intro movie director)
Victoria Fisher (production administrator)
Victoria Fisher (localisation)
Victoria Sylvester Stevens (production coordinator)
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Kerberos Productions2013 adv-objects adv-ptdistr aliens alone animals assaultrifles bodyarmor botching capacity-slots cave classbased crafting crowdfunded damageinfo difficulty disease doors dungeon empgrenades eventlog extraterrestrial fieldofvision firearms future genrechange gog grenades grid grid-square handguns healingitems hitchance hunger illequipped indie insectoids inventory itemdurability itemglow knives leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics minefield monsters motiondetector mutagen netframework nostrayfire openclassing permadeath playerstats psychics randomchance randomizedeffects reload-manual robots roguelike save-suspend scavenging shotguns sots-series spacefaringage spinoff splittingcreatures stash-shared steampowered story-padding targetlock targetlock-multi toxins trapdisarming traps tutorial tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting xp-kills xp-literal labelimagesubject
Wizards & Warriors  Activision (Heuristic Park)2000 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-static animalpeople aspectratio-4-3 automap bludgeons bows capacity-weight carnivorousplants cdrom charactercreation chatter circadiancycle classbased crossbows difficulty difficulty-aspects difficulty-ingame direct3d directx7 display-640x480 dissolvingcorpses doors dragons dragons-western dwarves elephantoids elves encounters-popup endlessopposition felinoids femaleprotagonist genderchoice ghosts gog group groupcreation guild humanoidanimals illequipped initiative interlinkedlevels inventory itempickup-instant knives limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist mapannotation mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound mixedresolution monsters multiprotagonists murinoids noports npcspawning outlaws plantcreatures pointertoggle polearms projectilerecovery protagonistnaming pyrokinesis rating-esrb-m sauroids scents semiturnbased serious shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice suidoids swords swrender tbrtchoice throwingstars thrownweapons titlementioned titularobject turnbasedcombat uipointer unarmedfighting undead unrootedplants uvl-imagequality voiceovers walking weaponplot weefolk win95 win98 xp-kills xp-shared zombies D.W. Bradley