showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typetagsdescription
Lands of Lore III  Electronic Arts (Westwood Studios)1999role-play Fantasy Science Fiction 1life acid adv-static alcohol amazons animateweapons automap axes backstabbing bigcats bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots castle cave cdrom chemistry chickens city companion compass containers crossbows crystals damageinfo damagetypes dark-limited datacaching deities difficulty dimensionalbreach dimensionaltravel direct3d directx6 doors dragons elementals elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyregen familiars flammables forest giantinsects giantspiders giantworms glide3d gog gore guild hiddenattributes highbornprotagonist humanoidprotagonist humanoids hunger hybridprotagonist illequipped illusionarywalls inertscenery interactivetriggers inventory itemidentification jewelry jumping knives knockback landsoflore lava limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicartefacts magicrings mansion mapannotation mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound monsters movingplatforms murinoids mutants neutralmonsters nightvision nontolkienian noports notebook npcspawning obsoletedassets orcs outlaws outsiders polearms polycephalids polymathprotagonist portals premadeprotagonist prerenderedcinematics pressureplates quake rating-esrb-t rats recurrence-location rewardingvandalism sciencefantasy screenshake search secondaryantagonist secrets selfupdate serious sewers shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery spectres sprites statuseffects stealing subtitledeficient summoning supplyanddemand swords swrender teenprotagonist thrownweapons tigers title-static toxins trash turrets tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead unfinished unfixedbugs unlimitedammo unseeninformers unusualprotagonist voiceovers volcanic walking wildcardeqslots win95 win98 wintery wyrms xp-kills xp-multi xp-other Practically unplayable on Windows XP and newer, crashes with segfault on lol3.dat whenever a video is about to play. This can be avoided by hitting esc key to skip it, but this requires reflexes and obviously depraves you of whatever bits of the story is revealed in them. Some have managed to run the game by removing certain background applications, but there seems to be no agreement what those are.***Latest version: 1.07a (as of 1999-05?)***Comes on 4 CDs.***[b][size=130]Easy To Play.
Hard To Resist.[/size][/b]

Armed with only your sword and spellbook, you must break free of your past to forever close dimensional rifts born from ancient magic. Fear not. Four guilds, the mystic Dawn, and a magical familiar companion will aid you in this perilous task. Be brave or all shall be lost for eternity... even your very soul.

[b]Knowledge At Your Fingertips[/b]
Your in-game journal is a manual that builds itself, giving you all the information you need as soon a you need it. Never be lost. Never be confused.

[b]Easy-to-Use Interface[/b]
An intuitive inventory system puts a vast array of weapons, items and spells at your fingertips.

[b]Breathtaking 3D Enhancements[/b]
Enter the grandeur of the most richly detailed Lands of Lore world ever as incredible lighting effects, realistic shadows and detailed texture maps intensify your every encounter.

[b]Fascinating And Diverse Worlds[/b]
Interact with intriguing characters as you trek through six distinct worlds, ranging from vast, frozen wastelands to underworld labyrinths.

[b]Spectacular Spells and Magic[/b]
Conjure dozens of spells including the Detonation Sphere, Banish, Hologram, Blade Turret, Cataclysm and many more.

[b]Interactive Character Development[/b]
Join up to four guilds—Warriors, Mages, Clerics, or Thieves—to customise your character and strengthen your skills.

[b]Weapons And Magic Items Galore[/b]
Choose from over 60 weapons to defend yourself and over 100 magic items to gain special abilities and ensure your survival.
[Box blurb]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95 or 98
* Pentium 166 MHz
* 32 MB RAM
* 450 MB free HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* Pentium II 233 MHz
* 64 MB RAM
* 12 MB VRAM (Voodoo II or other AGP 2x 3D GPU)
* 1 GB free HD space
* 32X CD-ROM drive
Wizards & Warriors  Activision (Heuristic Park)2000role-play turn-based Fantasy Science Fiction 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-static animalpeople aspectratio-4-3 automap bludgeons bows capacity-weight carnivorousplants cdrom charactercreation chatter circadiancycle classbased crossbows difficulty difficulty-aspects difficulty-ingame direct3d directx7 display-640x480 dissolvingcorpses doors dragons dragons-western dwarves elephantoids elves encounters-popup endlessopposition felinoids femaleprotagonist genderchoice ghosts gog group groupcreation guild humanoidanimals illequipped initiative interlinkedlevels inventory itempickup-instant knives limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist mapannotation mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound mixedresolution monsters multiprotagonists murinoids noports npcspawning outlaws plantcreatures pointertoggle polearms projectilerecovery protagonistnaming pyrokinesis rating-esrb-m sauroids scents semiturnbased serious shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice suidoids swords swrender tbrtchoice throwingstars thrownweapons titlementioned titularobject turnbasedcombat uipointer unarmedfighting undead unrootedplants uvl-imagequality voiceovers walking weaponplot weefolk win95 win98 xp-kills xp-shared zombies Latest version: 1.0b (as of 2000-??)***EAN-13: [code]5017783556421[/code] (Xplosiv budget re-release)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95 or 08
* 233 MHz Pentium II CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 800 MB free HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 3D accelerator
* 16 MB VRAM
* 1.5 GB HD space***The turn-based combat can be disabled, IIRC, and it helps a bit. Somewhat frustrating until you get used to how the game works through.***From official site:

"In an enchanted medieval realm known as the Gael Serran, an evil Pharaoh has overcome a curse and returned to a world unable to defend itself against him. Only the legendary Mavin Sword--a blade forged of twin metals, one cursed by evil, the other blessed by the divine--has the strength to bring his defeat. With the assistance of Kerah, an angel, and Erathsmedor, a dragon, you must engage on a dangerous quest to uncover the legend of the Sword and bring an end to all evil in the land."
Return to Castle Wolfenstein  Activision (Gray Matter Interactive Studios;Nerve Software;id Software)2001shooter Fantasy Horror Science Fiction 1life bpjmindexed cablecars censored dieselpunk firearms firstpersonshooter fortress idtech3 illequipped inertscenery nazis npatches opengl piecemealcreatures punkbuster reboot sciencefantasy undead weirdscience wolfenstein zip zombies One of those game that you play with the feeling of "I remember it as awesome cuz' nostalgia and such"
BUT NO, this game is still epic.

-A brutal and unforgiving AI, who knows to delude you and how to flank you, kick back grenades, use covers and retreats in a clever way, and even how to use the environment to kill you.

-Variety: from run and gun missions, to incredible monsters and bosses, stealth missions and defend point situations.

-Superb level design: maps with many routes to take and even some secrets.

-A very unique blend of classical and modern FPS (weaponry from old with aiming from contemporary times)

-Zombies nazis and nazi zombies (the first ones have less meat)

-And last, an objective-based multiplayer mode (not great, but kind of unique).


9 of 10***[media=youtube]sHdBHeDjAY0[/media]***World War II rages and nations fall. SS head Himmler has Hitler's full backing to twist science and the occult into an army capable of annihilating the Allies once and for all. Battling alone, you're on an intense mission to pierce the black heart of the Third Reich and stop Himmler -- or die trying. Fighting in advanced team-based multiplayer mode, you'll wage your own WWII in an all-out Axis vs. Allies contest for frontline domination.
Powered by the Quake III Arena engine, the Wolfenstein universe explodes with the kind of epic environments, A.I., firepower and cinematic effects that only a game created by true masters can deliver. The dark reich's closing in. The time to act is now. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
*Epic Environments
*Intense Story-Driven Action
*Ferocious A.I.
*Big Screen Cinematic Effects
*Team-Based Multiplayer Action
[Steam Store]***Was re-released in 2004 as Platinum Edition that included the stand-alone multiplayer part [i]Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory[/i].***Seventh game in the Wolfenstein series.

Released in Canada and the USA. A Collector's Edition was published at the same time and came in a shiny numbered tin and included a patch and poster.

A Game of the Year package was published June 12, 2002. It included v1.33, 7 new multiplayer maps, The original [game=Wolfenstein 3D]Wolfenstein 3D[/game], a 'making of' movie, and some other behind the scenes extras such as concept art.

version 1.41 patch made available on December 4, 2002.

Uses the [game=Quake 3]Quake 3[/game] engine.

A heavily censored version was submitted for released in Germany. So much of the story was changed it was practically incoherent, even music was removed. Music! Despite the cuts, it was BPjS indexed. Technically, one can still acquire it by legal means, but practically speaking, such a classification in Germany is an effective ban.
Gothic 2  JoWood Productions (Piranha Bytes)2002action/reflex role-play Fantasy 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series healing-instant healingitems herbs holstering hostilewildlife illequipped ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers lighthouse lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist milessound monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scrolls serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls willowisps witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies You have torn down the magical barrier and released the prisoners of the Mine Valley. Now the former criminals of the forests and mountains are causing trouble around the capital of Khorinis. The town militia is powerless due to their low amount of force–outside of the town, everyone is helpless against the attacks of the bandits.***Re-released together with the Night of the Raven expansion on 2005-11-29 as [i]Gothic 2 Gold Edition[/i]. labelimagesubject
Half-Life 2  Vivendi Universal Games;Valve Corporation (Valve)2004shooter Science Fiction 1life 21stcentury absolutearmor achievements achievements-public airboat airlocks aliens alternateattack ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles apartmentbuilding armoredcars aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints awardgdcwriting bioships bludgeons breakpad bridge buggy burrowers cagetransport cave cc censored chainreactions chapterreplay chargers chosenone city cliff cliffhanger compatiblewine controllablehelplessness corpseactions crates crossbows dam damageindicator dawnofanewage demo difficulty difficulty-ingame dilapidated directx7 directx8 directx9 disintegrators displaydevices distortedhearing dollyzoom doors download driving drm drm-activation dystopian earth ectsaward elevatedglitch encounters-popup energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects extensible facialexpressions falldamage famousprotagonist fascism fastzombies firearms firstpersonshooter forcefields genderdiscrepancy grenades guidedweapons guidedweapons-pointer halflife handguns havokphysics hazmatsuit headtracking healthbuffer healthpickups healthwarning helicopters idlenoise illequipped ingamecinematics inpersoncinematics insectoids jumping ladders langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langthai leveleditor license-crossplatform lightbridges lighthouse lipsync livinglegend lostresources mandatoryloss meleeweapons middleprojection modifiable motionblur mutablescenery-fixtures mutablescenery-small nochildren nofriendlyfire noodleincident npchiding oculusrift pain parasites planetlooters postapocalypse powerarmor powerthrow prison projectileimmunity prologue radiotap railway railyard rebellion rebelprotagonist recurrence recurrence-character recurrence-creature recurrence-object reload-auto reload-manual retcon rewardingvandalism robots rockets saveonline savior scientistprotagonist scientists secrets sequence-defend sequence-survival sessilecreatures shallowwater shore silentprotagonist singlegenderopposition soldiers sourcecodestolen sourceengine squatters steampowered steamworks storagearea superweapon suppression swimming teleporters telescope temporarycompanions timespan-days title-animated title-multi title-scene trains trampling tripeds turrets underwaterdiving voiceovers walking walkingarmory warehouse widescreen win2k windy winxp zombies Uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, la mejor comunidad modder del mundo y predecesor de juegos como el Portal 2 y el TF2.

9 de 10.***[code]하프라이프[/code] literally reads [code]hapeu raipeu[/code] which is presumably transliteration of English "half-life".***It's commonly pointed out by various people (also by the [url=]Concerned HL2 comic[/url]) that you can't sprint when your flashlight runs out of power and this doesn't make sense (to them). However, they fail to realize a simple fact: default movement mode is already [i]running[/i] (this is fairly obvious, which makes me wonder how people manage to miss it). The thing they think is running is literally [i]sprinting[/i] largely accomplished by the aid of the HEV suit (a type of utility power armor) Gordon is wearing. So the sprint expends the same suit energy your flashlight uses. However there is obvious discrepancy in the amount of energy used.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 1.2 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM

* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM***Half-Life2: Game of the Year Edition was also published in Israel. While the packaging is in English, the manual and game itself are in Hebrew

Valve Software/Vivendi Universal Gameswon the 5th annual (2005) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing. Marc Laidlaw was designated in the nomination.

From the official site:
By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player's presence affects everything around him, from the physical environment to the behaviors -- even the emotions -- of both friends and enemies.

The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people -- people he cares about -- are counting on him.
Hinterland  Tilted Mill Entertainment2008strategy role-play Fantasy actionrpg adv-perks aspectratio-4-3 autosaves-periodic basebuilding bows caninoids construction-instant corpselooting difficulty directx8 disproportionalworld dragons dragons-western dwarves elves enemyhealthdisplay expenses-instant fame forest genderchoice gianthumanoids giantinsects goblins group group-leader healingitems illequipped leaderparticipation magic map mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mystics obsoletedassets ogres openal orcs potions quitsave radar recruiting resourcegeneration ruins shadermodel1 shadermodel3 skeletons structureupgrades supervisorprotagonist swords teleport teleporters torque3d town trolls undead upkeep vorbis walking weefolk wilderness winvista winxp xaudio xml xp-literal [b]Recommended:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.8 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Vista)
* 64 MB VRAM
* 350 MB HD space***Loot, level and build with fast paced RPG combat and strategic base building!

Your goal is to lead a handful of peasants to establish a small haven in the wild backcountry of a fantasy kingdom. Bring a diverse cast of followers to your settlement on the edge of the world and then carefully select members of your village to put down their ploughs, leave their comfortable homes, and take whatever weapon they may have at hand to join you on expeditions of exploration and conquest in the surrounding lands. There you'll encounter the characters and creatures of myth and folklore, and find much needed resources to expand your village whether it be iron to make weapons or a mystic tome to entice a great mage to join you. Should your forays meet with success, fame, fortune and prosperity await. But you must take care, for even the loss of a lowly farmer can spell disaster when harvest time comes.

Can you build a vibrant settlement, lead your people to prosperity, and tame the wild Hinterland?


* Party-based RPG Action - A variety of characters, weapons, and strategies are at your disposal -- will you lead the charge with a devastating two-handed strike, or stand behind the herder in plate mail with your trusty bow?
* Town Building - Choose which of a huge cast of characters will settle in your town and arm them for defense, or give them tools for production.
* Character Development - Develop lowly farmers in to great warriors and customize your character with a variety of specializations to help adventure or improve life in your village.
* Random fantasy world - Each game of Hinterland takes place in a new location for maximum replay with different resources, items and sets of enemies and challenges from orc war camps, dark elf raiding parties, goblin infested mines, ruined cities filled with undead, and more.
* Customizable Gameplay - From a hardcore game to a world without raiders you make the choice about the type of game you want to play.
[Tilted Mill Entertainment]
Loren the Amazon Princess Winterwolves2012role-play turn-based Fantasy Humorous 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr amazons aristocrats axes bodyarmor bossbattles bows branchingstory castle city classbased classicwizards combatmode comboactions companion crossbows currency damagetypes defensebreaking demo demons desura difficulty dualwielding dwarves elvenprotagonist elves encounters-random fanservice femaleprotagonist fetish-breasts formations genderchoice goblins group healingitems highbornprotagonist hitchance homosexuals humans illequipped inventory itemcomparison knives knockback lesbians limitedcapacity magic meleeweapons monsters mountain mystics opponentpowerdisplay playerexposition priceinfo pythonlanguage racism-speciesism ragtaggang randomdamage renpy rescue romance sauroids saveanywhere search shopping sidetracked slavery sorcery steampowered swords threatsystem timeunits titlementioned unconvincingarmor undead vampires visualnovel walking wasteland weefolk wetland wintery labelimageminimize
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Kerberos Productions2013role-play turn-based Cartoon Science Fiction adv-objects adv-ptdistr aliens alone animals assaultrifles bodyarmor botching capacity-slots cave classbased crafting crowdfunded damageinfo difficulty disease doors dungeon empgrenades eventlog extraterrestrial fieldofvision firearms future genrechange gog grenades grid grid-square handguns healingitems hitchance hunger illequipped indie insectoids inventory itemdurability itemglow knives leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics minefield monsters motiondetector mutagen netframework nostrayfire openclassing permadeath playerstats psychics randomchance randomizedeffects reload-manual robots roguelike save-suspend scavenging shotguns sots-series spacefaringage spinoff splittingcreatures stash-shared steampowered story-padding targetlock targetlock-multi toxins trapdisarming traps tutorial tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting xp-kills xp-literal Un juego a medio camino entre el rol por turnos complejo, con habilidades y atributos, y los juegos tipo rogue. Su único fallo es que algunos pisos son bastante monótonos de explorar, y su mayor acierto la diferente forma de juego que ofrecen las 3 clases iniciales.

Además su gran aleatoriedad en el crafteo, implantes, consumibles y trampas de puerta otorgan variedad y riesgo de manera muy adecuada. Y el rango de visión, que no permite ver detrás de tu espalda, convierte la exploración en algo más táctico que abrir puertas al azar.

7 de 10***A deadly plague ravages your world. Your last hope: a legendary alien facility dug deep into the Feldspar Mountains...a massive Pit, built by the ancient Suul'ka.

If 'The Pit' really exists, there might be something left. Something that will give your doctors a fighting chance at the cure.

All you know for sure is that every expedition into those mountains has failed to return...

And nothing sows death like the Suul'ka.

[b]Sword of the Stars: The Pit[/b] is a fun, fast, light-hearted action RPG, in the tradition of Rogue and other old school dungeon-diving games.

The game will include the following features on release:

* 3 Characters to choose from...Marine, Pilot and Engineer!
* Go up levels and improve your skills as you try and find a way to survive the depths.
* 30 Levels of ancient evil science between you and the cure!
* Dozens of enemies drawn from the SotSverse!
* Over 30 weapons and armors with a variety of special effects including flamethrowers, rocket launchers, plasma cannons and powered Brawler armor!
* Randomized augmentation effects to make each game unique
* Crafting lets you make special items from bits and pieces of your enemies.
* Over 60 items to discover, ranging from the familiar to the ancient exotic tech.
* Dozens of room types containing a host of exotic devices to help and hinder the player
* Many fiendish ways to die including poisoning, disease, traps, radiation, starvation and of course...MONSTERS.
Ittle Dew Ludosity2013adventure Cartoon actionadventure bombs bossbattles explosives fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest healthwarning humanoidprotagonist humblestore humblewidget illequipped inventory inventory-indisposable itemget meleeweapons monsters rewardingvandalism roombased secrets shopping steampowered subterranean tilebased trees uvl-realtitle The title is wordplay on "it'll do". labelimageminimize
Guild of Dungeoneering Versus Evil (Gambrinous)2015role-play turn-based Fantasy adv-static alteredgenre alternatingprotagonist cardbased cardbattle combatmode dungeoncrawler equipmentabilities equipmentbased gog grid grid-square guide handdrawn illequipped limitedpalette monsters music-ballad namegenerator permadeath postcombatrestoration selectivecolor steampowered titlementioned titulargroup tutorial unseenprotagonist xp-other labelimageminimize