showing 18 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Trespasser  Electronic Arts (DreamWorks Interactive)1998adventure Science Fiction shooter labelimageminimize
Drakan: Order of the Flame  Psygnosis (Surreal Software)1999action/reflex beat 'em up adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Project Eden  Eidos (Core Design)2001action/reflex adventure Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Heavy Duty Akella (Primal Software)2006action/reflex shooter simulation strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Sumotori Dreams -2007fighting simulation labelimageminimize
Universe at War: Earth Assault  Sega (Petroglyph Games)2007strategy 3D Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Spore EA Games (Maxis)2008action/reflex simulation manag./econ. strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010action/reflex adventure Historical labelimageminimize
2025: Battle for Fatherland  Akella (Quant Games)2010action/reflex shooter simulation strategy Science Fiction labelimageminimize
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty  Blizzard Entertainment2010strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
LIMBO Playdead2011platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Space Marine  THQ (Relic Entertainment)2011action/reflex shooter Science Fiction labelimagesubject
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim  Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2011action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Cortex Command Data Realms2012action/reflex shooter strategy Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm  Blizzard Entertainment2013strategy Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Apotheon Alientrap Games2015action/reflex platformer role-play Fantasy Historical labelimageminimize
Rain World Adult Swim Games (Videocult)2017platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Little Nightmares Bandai Namco Entertainment (Tarsier Studios )2017adventure Horror labelimageminimize