showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Starsiege  Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1999 labelimageminimize
Ultima IX: Ascension  Origin;Electronic Arts (Origin)1999Ultima IX is best enjoyed following a [url=]neurolyser flash[/url] to forget the existance of every other game in the Ultima series (except maybe the Runes sub-series). And a second neurolyser flash afterwards to forget the bugs.***The tag note now claims this is conclusion to the UW series, but isn't this rather a conclusion to the Age of Armageddon sub-series? In all regards this seems unrelated to UW.***The Dragon Edition was a collectors pack containing the 2 Game CDs plus The [game=Ultima Collection]Ultima Collection[/game] CD (the 1st 8 Ultimas), 8 virtue cards, an Ankh pendant, an Ascension poster, a cloth map, a leather Game Journal, a leather Book of Magic (animals were sacrificed for this entertainment), a certification from Lord British, and an Ultima Collection reference card. Believe it or not, this is intended to be the finale of the Ultima series. Officially, the 3rd game of the Age of Armageddon trilogy which is the 3rd age, and the 3rd game of Ultima Underworld series. Fans who have been paying close attention would have noted some requirements in prophecy doled out in the previous games. Players will not find the vast majority of these prophecies fulfilled in this game. It is not a spoiler to say ascendancy occurs, the game makes it obvious in title, box art, and in-game, from the very beginning. The Ultima universe is a different one from ours where the protagonist is from Earth. The protagonist, sort of, fulfills his roles in this game that were set when Lord British chose him in Ultima IV to become the Avatar. It is blatently shown that [spoiler=including;including]the Guarding[/spoiler] is indestructible which had been alluded to in the earlier games. Pirates play an important role in the main plot and several side-quests and plots. But, officially, it is set in the Ultima universe and ends the Age of Armageddon. The setting is consistent with a late medieval-theme. Cannons, machines, weapons, ship technology and the artwork in the game place it on the cusp of a Renaissance-theme; but does not quite qualify. Archery of a sort occurs. This game was originally designed for Voodoo Graphics/3Dfx cards, which utilized the Glide3D API. The released game also contained various options to use DirectX technologies. The Direct3D option was barely passable. Official patches brought the requirement of DirectX 6. An unofficial patch from members of the development team require DirectX 7. There are people being held prisoner,[spoiler=including;including]the Avatar[/spoiler]at one point. The ever present Rule Britannia music accompanies Lord British's castle. Widescreen is not officially supported but the config file allows the horizontal and vertical resolution to be manually specified. So if the provided numbers match a resolution supported by your card and monitor, it works. Although to wide an aspect will cause controls for inventory and books to be off-screen. It supports vertical screen in this way also. It does not support alternate projections (anamorphic), so if your monitor projects the given mode anamorphicly, the image will be distorted the same.
[Zerothis]***The last of the legendary Ultima series in 3D! Unfortunately, it was plagued with bugs, rendering it almost unplayable.
Half-Life 2  Vivendi Universal Games;Valve Corporation (Valve)2004Uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, la mejor comunidad modder del mundo y predecesor de juegos como el Portal 2 y el TF2.

9 de 10.***[code]하프라이프[/code] literally reads [code]hapeu raipeu[/code] which is presumably transliteration of English "half-life".***It's commonly pointed out by various people (also by the [url=]Concerned HL2 comic[/url]) that you can't sprint when your flashlight runs out of power and this doesn't make sense (to them). However, they fail to realize a simple fact: default movement mode is already [i]running[/i] (this is fairly obvious, which makes me wonder how people manage to miss it). The thing they think is running is literally [i]sprinting[/i] largely accomplished by the aid of the HEV suit (a type of utility power armor) Gordon is wearing. So the sprint expends the same suit energy your flashlight uses. However there is obvious discrepancy in the amount of energy used.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 1.2 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM

* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM***Half-Life2: Game of the Year Edition was also published in Israel. While the packaging is in English, the manual and game itself are in Hebrew

Valve Software/Vivendi Universal Gameswon the 5th annual (2005) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing. Marc Laidlaw was designated in the nomination.

From the official site:
By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player's presence affects everything around him, from the physical environment to the behaviors -- even the emotions -- of both friends and enemies.

The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people -- people he cares about -- are counting on him.
Fallout 3: Broken Steel Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2009You may have dealt the Enclave a serious blow at Project Purity, but their forces are still out there, and still pose a grave threat to the people and security of the Capital Wasteland. In Broken Steel, you’ll continue your current Fallout 3 character past the events of Project Purity, and work with the Brotherhood of Steel to eradicate the Enclave threat once and for all. You’ll travel to new locations like the Olney Powerworks, wield destructive new weapons like the Tesla Cannon, fight powerful new creatures like the Super Mutant Overlord, marvel at the destructive power of Liberty Prime, earn new Perks like the devastating Nuclear Anomaly... and play Fallout 3 all the way to level 30!***Continues where FO3 ends starting with the Brotherhood of Steel fighting off the remnants of the Enclave force in Capital Wasteland, retconning the end if you personally activate the purifier, and also allowing Fawkes or robot companion to do the activation.

Increases level cap to 30 while adding several new perks as well as allowing player to continue playing after finishing.
Risen 2: Dark Waters Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2012Más enfocado en el combate que la primera entrega, pierde las virtudes de RPG que hacían lucir al primer juego y se vuelve mucho más lineal.

6 de 10***Set in Age of Sail style period with slavery of black tribals, pirates, muskets, voodoo magic, and so forth.***Set several years after the end of Risen, raging titans have devastated the world and pushed humanity to the brink of existence. Subsequently, monstrous creatures have risen from the watery depths of the sea and their attacks have brought all seafaring to a grinding halt. The hero, now a member of the Inquisition, is sent out to find out how to stop the chaos caused by these creatures from the deep. His quest begins with rumors that the pirates who frequent the southern islands are the only ones who know a way to get rid of the creatures once and for all and end their reign of terror.

With an all-new pirate-based theme, Risen 2: Dark Waters aims to combine the most loved classic RPG gameplay mechanics of the original Risen with a fresh theme and setting on a huge variety of themed island locales. A third-person role-playing game set in a dark and gritty universe, Risen 2: Dark Waters maintains the most immersive features of the original Risen, with multiple approaches to every challenge allowing players to shape the game world based on their own decisions. These choices will serve to unlock new paths, features and additional skills for the character. Together with a highly interactive environment and a full day/night-cycle affecting countless aspects of the game world, Risen 2 will be set in the most immersive RPG game world so far.
Diablo III  Blizzard Entertainment2012[b]Classes:[/b]
* Barbarian
* Witchdoctor
* Wizard
* Monk
* Demon hunter***Two decades have passed since the demonic denizens, Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal, wandered the world of Sanctuary in a vicious rampage to shackle humanity into unholy slavery. Yet for those who battled the Prime Evils directly, the memory fades slowly and the wounds of the soul still burn.

When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world. The comet carries a dark omen in its fiery being and it calls the heroes of Sanctuary to defend the mortal world against the rising powers of the Burning Hells – and even the failing luminaries of the High Heavens itself.


Explore a fully-realized Sanctuary – the living, breathing gothic fantasy world of Diablo III rendered in gorgeous 3D.

Battle the unholy forces of the Burning Hells with all-new character classes like the otherworldly Witch Doctor, or with re-imagined warriors from Diablo's past: such as the fierce Barbarian.

Rain Hell on your enemies wielding the interactive environment as a weapon: lay cunning traps, turn destructible objects against your foes, and use environmental obstacles to your advantage - all powered by the Havoc physics system.

Experience the intensity of multiplayer Diablo III over an all-new, wickedly-enhanced platform with numerous enhancements to make connecting with your friends easier – and cooperative gameplay more fun.
Nosgoth Square Enix (Psyonix)2015Open beta ran from 2015-01 to 2016-05.***[media=youtube]ukW0DaWSWgg[/media]***An interesting action multiplayer who pits two factions against each other: vampires (focused in meelee attacks) and humans (specialized in ranged attacks)

6 of 10***Hundreds of years of conflict and hatred, each race pitted against the other. This is the war for Nosgoth, a war for supremacy and for survival.

Join the war between Vampires and Humans using each race’s unique fighting style to conquer and crush the opposition.
[Steam Store]
XCOM 2 2K Games (Firaxis Games)2016AI cheating
* Knowledge of all player troops once concealment is gone, which lets them target AoEs and such without ever having vision on them.
* Concealment patrol routes sometimes follow player position.
* Accuracy stat is not affected by as many things as it is for players.***The game starts roughly 20 years after the beginning of the first game from scenario where the war was lost before the players even began on the first game, effectively taking immediate loss right at game start as the canon ending for the previous game, thus making anything that happened in the first game not canon.
XCOM 2: Long War 2 Pavonis Interactive2017A massive free mod for XCOM 2 that's endorsed by the game's developer, Firaxis Games. Information around the internet suggests that Pavonis was hired to make the expanded Long War 2 mod after their success with the original. labelminimizeminimize