showing 11 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)year
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011labelimageminimize
Dead Effect Bulkypix2014labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal;GRIP Entertainment)2011labelimagesubject
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2016labelimageminimize
Prey  Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2017labelimageminimize
Saints Row: The Third -Remastered-  Deep Silver (Sperasoft)2020labelminimizeminimize
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011labelimagesubject
Solarix KISS Ltd (Pulsetense Games)2015labelminimizeminimize
Space Station 13  author2003labelimageminimize
XCOM: Enemy Unknown 2K Games (Firaxis Games)2012labelimageminimize