Missing gameplay

Video game concept

Any tags that describe an expected but missing gameplay element.

This is a container group; its children are:

No auto attackAuto attack, which normally is present in games of this type (MMO, RTS, and possibly others), is absent.1997 / 201511 games
No auto-fireHolding down the attack button does not endlessly repeat the attack as one might expect. (too short)1995 / 20083 games
No BlockingLacks a feature to block an attack. Notable in fighting games or if character(s) carry a shield that does not actually serve a function.1986 / 19883 games
No combatDespite the genre, there is no actual proper combat involved. Player may get attacked though. (too short)1982 / 201628 games
No jumpingDespite the genre/type being something that normally has jumping included, these [i]notably[/i] don't have it.1983 / 2021112 games
No minion controlPlayer has no control over their minions or any other underlings. (too short)1975 / 201615 games