Génération 4 (083-138) issue 85

reviewed gameplatformreview dateoriginal scorescoreoriginal review 
Allied GeneralWindows1996-024/666%
Assault RigsMS-DOS1996-024/666%
Brain Dead 13: Starring FritzWindows1996-022/633%
Brain Dead 13: Starring FritzMS-DOS1996-022/633%
Civilization for NetworksWindows 3.11996-023/650%
CyberMage: Darklight AwakeningMS-DOS1996-024/666%
Day of the TentacleMacintosh OS Classic1996-025/683%
Druid: Daemons of the MindMS-DOS1996-023/650%
Earthworm JimWindows1996-023/650%
Firestorm: Thunderhawk 2MS-DOS1996-023/650%
Football Pro 96MS-DOS1996-024/666%
Grand Prix ManagerMS-DOS1996-020/60%
Great Naval Battles 4: Burning SteelMS-DOS1996-023/650%
Krypton EggMS-DOS1996-021/616%
Les Guignols de l'Info ...LE JEU !Macintosh OS Classic1996-025/683%
Lode Runner On-Line: The Mad Monks' RevengeWindows1996-020/60%
Police Quest: SWATMS-DOS1996-024/666%
Pool ChampionWindows 3.11996-023/650%
Red GhostMS-DOS1996-023/650%
Sam & Max Hit the RoadMacintosh OS Classic1996-024/666%
Shockwave AssaultWindows1996-022/633%
Shockwave AssaultMacintosh OS Classic1996-022/633%
System ShockMacintosh OS Classic1996-024/666%
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight MysteryWindows1996-025/683%
The Terminator: Future ShockMS-DOS1996-023/650%
Thexder for Windows 95Windows1996-020/60%
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned RatWindows1996-025/683%
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade GameWindows1996-023/650%