Improving the search function

The search function is quite tricky. For example if you would like to find the game Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, searching for "Castlevania Ecclesia" or even "Castlevania Order of Ecclesia" won't do it. You have to insert the colon in order to find it. The search should probably not require such precise input.

Another possible problem are diacritical signs. Usually, the search function handles these very well, e.g. searching for "Okami" will find you Ōkami and so on. However, I have found that this does not work for the letter "Ł". Searching for "Soltys" does not bring up Sołtys. Interestingly, with all other Polish letters the search appears to work as it should.
The German language also has four additional letters that are not in the latin alphabet: ä,ö,ü,ß. Again, if you search for "Entfuhrer" you will find the game Entführer, however "ü" is typically transcribed as "ue" (not as "u") if umlauts are not available. It would be nice to if the seach function would also allow for that. Similarly "ß" is transcribed as "ss". This could actually be a source of problems since the usage of "ß" and "ss" in the German language has changed since the nineties. So should you look for "Russland", which is the current correct spelling, you wouldn't find Battleground 6: Napoleons Weg nach Rußland, which uses the old spelling.

the Global Search will find "Castlevania Ecclesia" and "Castlevania Order of Ecclesia"
The global search also works from the searchbox at the upper left corner (just right of the UVL logo) of any page if the "any" item from the dropdown is used.
In cases like these I usually search for something like Ecclesia.

Oh, i typically select "games" when I look for games. And I have to say that it is quite counterintuitive that in some cases you will find the game only, when you don't select "games".
Also, of course in the above case searching for "ecclesia" works just fine, but there are probably other examples, where this approach doesn't work.

The percent (%) symbol is still the default wildcard for searches. so Castlevania%Ecclesia would find things in advanced search fine.

There's more problems finding games that are very simple, like how the hell do you find D? (the actual game you'd be looking from that list is this: D)

The wildcard is useful, thank you. And yes, games like D or Z are tricky, too. While it is possible to use the Tech limitation tag this is not an optimal solution. One has to consider that people who are not familiar with this site will most likely not know about this and in this case will just be unable to find such games. If there was the option to search for an exact title, finding those games would not be an issue.

Moreover, in my opinion it would be more intuitive if entering two or more strings would find all games that contain those strings in any order. If you want to search for strings that contain a blank then you have to use quotation marks. Since search engines typically work that way (more or less) most people should be familiar with this.

Any improvement in finding games is welcome, but using quotation marks would mean that searches would give quite different results than before, and this can be an issue.

But I have just added a small improvement, borrowing a feature from the "global search" that searches on a cleaned up version of the game title too.
Searching names without punctuation now works: "Castlevania Order of Ecclesia"