The Witness

a.k.a. The Lost Treasures of Infocom

created and published by Infocom in 1984, running on Macintosh OS Classic
type: adventure
genre: Historical, Interactive fiction
perspective: other
player options: single player
languages: eng


Difficulty Level: | Junior | Introductory |>>STANDARD<<| Advanced | Expert |
This is a text only interactive fiction.

Classic Mystery Library published 1987
The Lost Treasures of Infocom published 1992-01 by Activision UPC:0-47875-33014-6

A desperate in fear for his life needs you help. Its unlikely you can. The good news is, your a police officer and can arrest anyone at any time for any crime they commit against him. The bad news is, you'll need to first gather enough evidence to ensure a jury will be convinced of the guilt of your suspect. You must look for a motive, a method, and the opportunity your suspect had to commit the crime. A bit of caution for your own conscience, It may be possible you could convince the jury of the guilt of an innocent person. Why would you? Because within 12 hours you've got to arrest someone. You might let the pressure effect your judgment.

Common English sentences will work just fine but here are a few things you can do:

SAVE or SUSPEND saves your game
RESTORE or CONTINUE loads a game
QUIT exits the game after YES/NO confirmation
REVISION or VERSION tells you the software version of the game.
N to go North
E to go East
S to go South
W to go West
INVENTORY shows your items.
OPEN or UNLOCK for doors, cabinets, etc...
TAKE or GET) to obtain items
WAIT or WAIT [# time unit] or WAIT FOR [# time unit] or [someone], this will wait 10 minutes if you don't give a specific time.
ASK [someone] ABOUT [someone] or [something], this is a formal question.
[someone], TELL ME ABOUT [someone] or [something], is a friendly way to ask. Some people respond better to politeness.
ANALYZE [something], will give things to your assistant who will do an analysis in the police lab (includes fingerprints)
FINGERPRINT [something], speedier for fingerprints only? But sloppier.
ANALYZE [something] FOR [something specific], the police lab does not test for INLAND TAIPAN SNAKE VENOM, for example. You'll need to get specific for nonstandard tests.
EXAMINE [something], a standard examination.
EXAMINE [something] CAREFULLY, to take a lot of time in the hopes of finding the maximum amount of information about it. But remember that you only have 12 hours.
SEARCH [something] or [someone]
SEARCH [something] or [someone] FOR [something], for non-obvious things. You won't find a scratch on the floor, for example, without specifically searching for it.
SHOW [something] TO [someone], to get their reaction.
ACCUSE [someone] OF [something], ie: ACCUSE BOB OF MURDER
ARREST [someone], this is it, game over, one shot, you can only do this once, use with extreme caution. After the arrest, you'll be told the outcome of the case.

zerothis # 2014-10-17 21:28:57

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display: text

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