showing 13 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearlanguageplatform
8 Eyes  Seta;Taxan (Thinking Rabbit)1988en, jpNESlabelimagesubject
Anno 1404  Ubisoft (Sunflowers;Related Designs)2009en, fr, de, it, spWindowslabelimageminimize
ANNO ONLINE Ubisoft (Ubisoft Bluebyte)2013enLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2007enPS3labelimagesubject
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2007enX360labelimageminimize
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008en, fr, de, it, ru, spWindowslabelimagesubject
Combat Mission: ShockForce  Paradox Interactive (
Fatale  Tale of Tales2009enWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Nagagutsu o Haita Neko: Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Daibouken  Toei (Shouei System)1986jpNESlabelimageminimize
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games (Yager)2012en, fr, de, it, jp, ru, spWindowslabelimagesubject
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games (Virtual Programming)2015en, fr, de, it, jp, ru, spLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
The Bible Online  FIAA2010enInternet Onlylabelminimizeminimize
Warfare Game Factory Interactive (GFI Russia)2008enWindowslabelminimizeminimize