showing 13 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplatform
8 Eyes (エイト・アイズ;Eight Eyes) Seta;Taxan (Thinking Rabbit)1988NESlabelimagesubject
Anno 1404 (Dawn of Discovery) Ubisoft (Sunflowers;Related Designs)2009Windowslabelimageminimize
ANNO ONLINE Ubisoft (Ubisoft Bluebyte)2013Linuxlabelminimizesubject
Assassin's Creed (AC1) Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2007PS3labelimagesubject
Assassin's Creed (AC1) Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2007X360labelimageminimize
Assassin's Creed (Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut;AC) Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008Windowslabelimagesubject
Combat Mission: ShockForce (CMSF) Paradox Interactive (
Fatale (Fatale: Exploring Salome) Tale of Tales2009Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Nagagutsu o Haita Neko: Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Daibouken (長靴をはいた猫 世界一周80日大冒険;Nagagutsu wo Haita Neko - Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Daibouken) Toei (Shouei System)1986NESlabelimageminimize
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games (Yager)2012Windowslabelimagesubject
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games (Virtual Programming)2015Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
The Bible Online (The Bible Online: Heroes) FIAA2010Internet Onlylabelminimizeminimize
Warfare Game Factory Interactive (GFI Russia)2008Windowslabelminimizeminimize