showing 37 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010 1480s 15thcentury 2010s aaa achillesheelfoes actionadventure aesop aimassist alternatetimeline antivillain anvilengine armcannons aspectratio-16-9 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap backstabbing balancebeams beggars bloodlines bludgeons bodydragging brothel chasing city city-florence-it city-venice-it clandestine cleargame corpselooting counterattacks cpplanguage criminalactivity crowds depthoffield difficulty-single disarming dodging doubleentendres download drm drm-login drm-online drm-removed earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay erraticlanguage estate europe fallimpact falsehistory fasttravel firearms freewill future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling graybrown healingitems healingstations hiding highbornprotagonist hirelings horizontalbars indicator-poi indicator-threat interfacespoilers inversekinematics italy itemglow jumping knives ladders launcher ledges letterbox license-crossplatform mansion map megacorps meleeweapons mercenaries minimap multilingual multitools neutralnpcs nohealthregen npcdisarming npcfriendlyfire npcstrife openworld optionaltasks outlaws parkour past pickpocketing precursors prologue prophecy prostitutes quicktimeevent radar rating-cero-z recurrence-character redeemingbeatdown revenge riding rooftops safeledges secondaryantagonist secretconflict secretsociety selfupdate sequence-defend sequence-stealth sequence-timed sequence-vehicle serialkey sexindustry shallowwater shopping singlegenderopposition smokegrenades speech-italian splatter stealing stealth stealth-sight steampowered steppingstones stockfootage stumbling swimming swords targetlock taunting templar threatdisplay throwingknives timeskip trespassing ubisoft-osp unarmedfighting undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence uplay virtualreality walking wallclimbing walljumping widescreen youngadultprotagonist Con una gran variedad de misiones secundarias y mucha más exploración, parece mejor que el primer juego. Sin embargo, un Ezio con demasiados cachivaches (o demasiada munición según se mire) y con habilidades de combate demasiado poderosas (como poder bloquear con la hoja oculta) hacen que las misiones se tornen muy asequibles. Además el sigilo no prima tanto como en el primer juego.

7 de 10***Deluxe Edition adds 3 maps: Palazzo Medici, Santa Maria Dei Frari, and the Arsenal Shipyard. Ad speech mentions secret treasures and nothing else. Unknown if this means simply florins or actual equipment.***Undefined game-play elements: blending in with the crowd, hiring prostitutes (or others?) to serve as cover (controllable crowd) or to distract those who'd wish you harm.***Continues Desmond Miles' story right where it ended in the first game, even if Altair is no longer his alter ego inside the Animus.
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2009 15thcentury 2010s aaa actionadventure aesop alternatetimeline antivillain anvilengine armcannons assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap backstabbing balancebeams beggars bloodlines bludgeons bodydragging brothel chasing city city-florence-it city-venice-it clandestine corpselooting counterattacks cpplanguage criminalactivity crowds difficulty-single disarming dodging doubleentendres earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay erraticlanguage estate europe fallimpact falsehistory fasttravel future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling healingitems healingstations hiding highbornprotagonist horizontalbars indicator-poi indicator-threat interfacespoilers inversekinematics italy itemglow jumping knives ladders launcher ledges letterbox mansion map megacorps meleeweapons mercenaries minimap multilingual multitools neutralnpcs nohealthregen openworld optionaltasks outlaws parkour past pickpocketing prologue prostitutes quicktimeevent radar rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m recurrence-character redeemingbeatdown revenge riding rooftops safeledges secretconflict secretsociety sequence-defend sequence-timed sequence-vehicle sexindustry shallowwater shopping singlegenderopposition smokegrenades speech-italian splatter stealing stealth stealth-sight steppingstones stockfootage stumbling swimming swords targetlock taunting templar threatdisplay throwingknives timeskip trespassing unarmedfighting undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence virtualreality walking wallclimbing walljumping youngadultprotagonist Players 'relive' the life of an assassin during the Italian Renaissance in this open-world action adventure game. The goal is to exact revenge upon conspirators who have framed and executed loved ones; the goal is to be accomplished through assassination. As players roam the crowded streets of Florence, Italy, they can creep through catacombs and corridors, undertake diverse side-missions, and tail-and-assassinate all manner of human targets—politicians, Templar soldiers, conspirators. Players can also brawl with family rivals or engage in sword fights with Templar soldiers, but in most cases, they use stealth techniques to complete the mission; for example, players can sneak up on enemies from behind and kill them with hidden daggers, poisoned daggers, spring-activated blades, and swords. When blades connect, blood shoots out in a fountain-like manner as targets groan or scream. These stealth-kills are sometimes depicted close-up and are somewhat graphic: the camera follows the 'herky-jerky' thrusts of the blade; the player hears a distinctly 'wet' flesh-impact sound. The most graphic depictions of violence occur during cinematic cutscenes (the following two scenes do not involve players' character): A businessman, crawling away from a Templar leader, gets pinned to the ground by a sword through his neck; a young nobleman is ambushed by rivals, begs for mercy, then gets stabbed multiple times in the chest amid screams of 'Muori! Mouri! Mouri!' [Die! Die! Die!]. The spurts and sprays of blood that accompany some of the stabbing attacks can be intense.

The game contains strong sexual overtones. During one 'seduction mini-game,' players are able to press buttons to kiss a woman and remove her dress; with the woman's back facing the camera, the two characters lower to bed and blow out a candle. Some scenes take place inside brothels, though no nudity or sexual acts are depicted. The dialogue contains the following sexual references: 'So the whip or the paddle today?' and 'Does your wife know about your page-boy fantasies, Captain?' Character backstories, narrated through still-frame vignettes, explain how villains and historical figures achieved their notoriety; some biographies include references to adultery, sodomy, prostitution, and rape (e.g., 'Caterina was captured and sent to Rodrigo Borgia . . . who kept her imprisoned for a year and is rumored to have raped her alongside his son.'). One cutscene depicts a man and a woman wearing translucent, flesh-toned bodysuits as they flee from danger. The digitized lighting effects, the glow from their futuristic suits, obscure most of the details, though outlines of breasts and buttocks are partially discernable (i.e., not definitively nudity). Consumers may also wish to know that the game contains strong profanity, both in English and Italian (e.g., 'f**k,' 'sh*t,' c*zzo,' and 'm*rda'); the most explicit instance occurs when a man frantically describes a 'vision'—'I'm at the opera . . . the soprano is so beautiful . . . I'm in bed with her, she cries as I f**k her.'
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2009 15thcentury 2010s aaa actionadventure aesop alternatetimeline antivillain anvilengine armcannons assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap backstabbing balancebeams beggars bloodlines bludgeons bodydragging brothel chasing city city-florence-it city-venice-it clandestine corpselooting counterattacks cpplanguage criminalactivity crowds dataimport dataimport-unlocks difficulty-single disarming dodging doubleentendres earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay erraticlanguage estate europe fallimpact falsehistory fasttravel future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling healingitems healingstations hiding highbornprotagonist horizontalbars indicator-poi indicator-threat interfacespoilers inversekinematics italy itemglow jumping knives ladders langmorsecode launcher ledges letterbox mansion map megacorps meleeweapons mercenaries minimap multilingual multitools neutralnpcs nohealthregen openworld optionaltasks outlaws parkour past pickpocketing prologue prostitutes quicktimeevent radar rating-cero-z recurrence-character redeemingbeatdown revenge riding rooftops safeledges secretconflict secretsociety sequence-defend sequence-timed sequence-vehicle sexindustry shallowwater shopping singlegenderopposition smokegrenades speech-italian splatter stealing stealth stealth-sight steppingstones stockfootage stumbling swimming swords targetlock taunting templar threatdisplay throwingknives timeskip trespassing unarmedfighting undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence virtualreality walking wallclimbing walljumping youngadultprotagonist Assassin's Creed II is the product of over two years of intensive development by the original creative team behind the Assassin's Creed brand. In a vast open world environment, the game invites players to incarnate Ezio, a privileged young noble in Renaissance Italy who's been betrayed by the rival ruling families of Italy. Ezio's subsequent quest for vengeance plunges players into an epic story that offers more variety in missions, surprising and engaging new gameplay elements, diverse weapons and a profound character progression that appeal to fans of the original Assassin's Creed as well as entice players new to the brand.***[b]data import[/b] - from [game=#171749]Bloodlines[/game] via the "Remote Play" function. Unlocks 6 weapons. PS3labelimagesubject
Baldur's Gate  Interplay;Black Isle Studios (BioWare)1998 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridge brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion compatiblewine containers crossbows darts datacaching death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals directplay directx5 directx6 dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dvd dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies ipx itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist This game can be played on HaikuOS using the GemRB replacement engine.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95
* 166 MHz Pentium CPU
* 16 MB RAM
* 320 MB HD space

* 200 MHz Pentium MMX CPU
* 32 MB RAM
* 570 MB HD space***Latest version: 1.1.4315 (as of ?)***EAN-13: [code]3546430126868[/code] (Complete Compilation; 4 in 1 Boxset) - lang: eng, fre, ita, spa
... includes all games from the Bhaalspawn arc
... pre-patched to 1.1.4315***[b]companion[/b] - the familiar, if the player chooses a mage class (no other mages are allowed to have familiars for some reason).
[b]prophecy[/b] - in Candlekeep the chanters speak the prophecies of Alaundo.

--- averted (not worth tagging)
autoregen - characters with abnormally high constitution regenerate health automatically (and even then so slowly it hardly matters), most characters don't have it this high.***An attempt to perfectly reproduce the AD&D ruleset in a significant area of the AD&D world.
Up to 6 players can cooperate using TCP/IP, IPX, 1 player, 2 player, 3 player, 4 player, 5 player, or 6 player cooperative.
serial or modem connections.
The standard edition comes on no less than 5 CDs, The DVD edition contains the entire game on 1 DVD.

Uses the AD&D ruleset. is set in Forgotten realms where Baldur's Gate is a location. This game begins the Baldur's Gate series. Players can create and name Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Halfling, and Gnome characters of either gender of the Fighter, Mage, Thief, Cleric, Ranger, Druid, or Paladin classes. Some classes can engage in sorcery according to the AD&D ruleset. Players can also dual-class or multi-class according the AD&D ruleset. In a 1-player game, the player controls an entire party, in multiplayer games, each player can control one or more characters (or none at all). Players must cooperate, there is no competitive options in the game. There are multiple ways for a character to summon underlings for temporary help. Characters must sleep or suffer the effects of fatigued. Characters can also become poisoned, confused,charmed, enfeebled, paralyzed, turned to stone, encumbered, impaired, or drunk if the character does avoid situations that lead to such effects. The detail of the fantasy world this game takes place in seems to qualify it as belonging to the high fantasy genre. Characters can use bows, crossbows, slings, knives, swords, axes, bludgeons, pole arms, whips, or fight unarmed (non-lethal). A vast number of items can be aquired from stashes in the world, on defeated foes, or purchased from shops or individuals. The AI of the player's characters can be programmed in a scriptable language. But this is highly optional as adequate AIs are provided or the player can pause constantly to direct everybody with point-n-click commands; then unpause for as long as those commands are helpfully being executed. (Documentation for Scripting can be found on the 1st CD. Users have created AIs that can be found online and loaded into an existing game). Many NPC can be joined to the party and left to retrieve later. Some will leave if they are unhappy with the main characters actions. Evil people prefer the main character to do evil, good characters prefer good. Some NPC have their on purposes for joining and will stay of leave depending on the changing conditions matching their goals or not. The experience system follows the AD&D ruleset. This includes XP awarded for defeating enemies and for completing quests (which are documented on-the-fly in an automated journal that also records some plot information). The XP required to level up are preset according the the AD&D ruleset. When leveling up (at the players initiation, once the require XP are collected), skill points are awarded that can be distributed to a subset of skills available to the character's class (not all AD&D skills are included in this game). Several small village/towns can be visited and Baldur's Gate is a massive 10+ levels (not counting interiors that include multistory buildings) of civilization that approaches the definition of a city. Several large keeps make up whole levels (again not counting interiors that include multistory buildings). Several tall towers can be explored. Many multilevel mines and dungeons can or must be explored. Developers comments can be read on some tombstones a cemetery. [spoiler=View spoiler;Close]Bauldur's Gate has a sewer system as a location.[/spoiler]. Books, scrolls, and documents in the game offer extraneous details about the Forgotten Realms and Bauldur's Gate area, plot background, plot information, and character advancement training (rare). This game is available in a 5 CD set (original), 3 CD set, or on a single DVD to save on disc swapping. The game can be configured to run from the various CD or have them installed to hard drive per CD. But, upon running the game will require CD 1 to be in the drive for copy egest.
[spoiler=plot similarities;Close]The plot shares some similarities to events in the Book of The Watchers (from the Book of Enoch, an apocryphal Jewish writing). In Baldur's Gate, an unearthly being came to the earthly realm and copulated with mortal females. The children of these unions have unusual and advanced traits and eventual fight with and kill each other. In the book of the watchers, unearthly beings came to the earth and copulated with mortal females. The children of these unions are giants and eventually fight with and kill each other.[/spoiler]
(needs descrition, hazardouspowers, inventory, limitedcapacity, randomencounters, titlementioned, containers, infinityengine, karma, ,magic , voiceovers, cdrom, basilisks, ,caninoids ,giantspiders ,goblins ,godlingprotagonist ,golems ,undead , wyverns, forest, sewers, camping, lockpicking, romance, sorcery)
[Zerothis]***A great RPG where the AD&D world is perfectly reproduced.
A huge world to explore and wonderful graphics are the main reasons to try it out.
Baldur's Gate: Edition spéciale  Interplay Productions1998 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridge brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts datacaching death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Black Isle Studios;Beamdog)2013 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives langchinesesimpl langturkish limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning opengl orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist Includes both base game and Tales of the Sword Coast expansion along with extra content such as the Black Pits arena mode, various fixes and updates to make the game more modern. The engine is closer to BG2's along with various changes that were made in BG2 and weren't in the original BG1, including class choices that weren't available in the original BG1. BG1EE also includes new possible party members. Windowslabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (BioWare;Beamdog)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives langchinesesimpl langturkish limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning opengl orphanprotagonist osx playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-osversion uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange PS3labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange X360labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange Si te gustó el Human Revolution, merece la pena esta misión extra, que consiste en enfrentarte a un entorno de finales del juego pero sin apenas habilidades (aunque si que puedes conseguir unas cuantas, pero el reto de esta DLC está en no usar casi o ninguna praxis)

7 de 10
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal;GRIP Entertainment)2011 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alarmers alcohol anticipatorystockpiles aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons bilingualdialogue blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn classless clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns depthoffield deusex dfengine diaries diegeticui directx11 directx9 distortedvision dolbydigital doors drm drm-activation earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky facefx falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future fxaa gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hud-explained hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-noise indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames mlaa multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons playerexposition postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prologue prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese ssao stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stockfootage stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme thirdoption transhumanism trapdisarming turrets tutorial tutorial-noninteractive uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange GRIP Entertainment handled development of the boss battles which explains how they are so distinctively dissimilar with the rest of the game.

Director's Cut primarily brings in New Game+, some gameplay reworks (bosses primarily), developer commentary, and integrates the Missing Link DLC into the main game.***[b]Juego base[/b]

Una muy digna precuela del primer Deus Ex, con una fuerte carga moral en las elecciones que hacen que la palabra ROL signifique algo más que subir de nivel.

10 de 10

[b]Missing Link DLC[/b]

Aunque la mision per se esta bastante lograda, no aporta gran cosa al juego mas alla del reto de usar pocos aumentos.

7 de 10***You play Adam Jensen, a security specialist, handpicked to oversee the defense of one of America’s most experimental biotechnology firms. But when a black ops team uses a plan you designed to break in and kill the scientists you were hired to protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes.

Key features:
* The long-awaited return of the award winning franchise that blends the best of Action and RPG: the perfect mix of combat, stealth, hacking, and social gameplay.
* Play as Adam Jensen, a mechanically augmented agent: customize and upgrade your character with more than 50 unique augmentations that support your style of play.
* Deadly weapons: Over 20 available weapons, each with their own customizable elements.
* Fight enemies including dangerous thugs, augmented special operations soldiers, advanced robots; and engage in epic boss battles.
* Live the reactive and dangerous world: your choices will have consequences in the game’s world.
* Play in an open-ended world: there are always multiple solutions to every challenge.
* Engage the unique Cyber Renaissance setting: discover a unique world that blends near future and Renaissance elements.
* Travel the world: visit multiple unique locations across the globe each with their own design, story and gameplay elements.
* Become involved in vast global conspiracy: unravel the story — discover who you can really trust.
* Decide humanity’s future: the decision you make and the actions you take will lead to an ultimate decision on mankind’s future.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2011 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons bilingualdialogue blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries diegeticui distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stockfootage stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme thirdoption transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange X360labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2011 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alcohol anticipatorystockpiles assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons bilingualdialogue blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns deusex dfengine diaries diegeticui distortedvision doors earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stockfootage stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme thirdoption transhumanism turrets tutorial uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange PS3labelimageminimize
Dishonored Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2012 achievements aimassist airducts alarmers alcohol ambientcreatures antiheroprotagonist asphyxiation assassinprotagonist backstabbing bink bodydragging books brothel city combatanimals consequences containers controllablehelplessness cpplanguage crepuscularrays crossbows detector diaries dieselpunk difficulty dishonored-series distracting dock dogs doorpeep doors dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dystopian earlymodern-theme eliteprotagonist energyitems energyregen energyregen-stunted euthanasia explosiveobjects explosives-sticky falldamage fallimpact falselyaccused fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter flood flyingislands fxaa grenadecooking grenades handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted humanism immersivesim indicator-threat industrial-setting industrialage intermissions jumping keycodes keys knives knockback ladders lawenforcers leaning ledges lighthouse lostequipment lutris magic mines missionbased mlaa multipleendings mystics nonlinear npcstrife objectiveindicator observer outbreak pacifism pagans palace parrying pawn pickpocketing playerstats politicalcorruption possession potions prison prologue prostitutes radialmenu rage rats restaurant revisitedlocales ruins scaleform scientists screenshake secrets sewers shopping slums smokes smudgefilter splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthmode steampowered steamworks stunning suicide summoning swarmers swimming teleport teleporting tower trapdisarming treachery tripwires underwaterdiving unnecessarykilling unrealengine unrealengine3 unvoicedprotagonist upgradesystem urbanfantasy vaulting walking weaponupgrades weirdvision This game is incorrectly categorized as Steampunk in various places, please do not spread that error here. Dieselpunk is much more appropriate as everything is powered with whale oil.***Dishonored is an immersive first-person action game that casts you as a supernatural assassin driven by revenge. With Dishonored’s flexible combat system, creatively eliminate your targets as you combine the supernatural abilities, weapons and unusual gadgets at your disposal. Pursue your enemies under the cover of darkness or ruthlessly attack them head on with weapons drawn. The outcome of each mission plays out based on the choices you make.

Dishonored is set in Dunwall, an industrial whaling city where strange steampunk- inspired technology and otherworldly forces coexist in the shadows. You are the once-trusted bodyguard of the beloved Empress. Framed for her murder, you become an infamous assassin, known only by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card. In a time of uncertainty, when the city is besieged by plague and ruled by a corrupt government armed with industrial technologies, dark forces conspire to bestow upon you abilities beyond those of any common man – but at what cost? The truth behind your betrayal is as murky as the waters surrounding the city, and the life you once had is gone forever.

[b]Key features:[/b]
[b]Improvise and Innovate[/b]
Approach each assassination with your own style of play. Use shadow and sound to your advantage to make your way silently through levels unseen by foes, or attack enemies head-on as they respond to your aggression. The flexible combat system allows you to creatively combine your abilities, supernatural powers and gadgets as you make your way through the levels and dispatch your targets. Improvise and innovate to define your play style.
[b]Action with Meaning[/b]
The world of Dishonored reacts to how you play. Move like a ghost and resist corruption, or show no mercy and leave a path of destruction in your wake. Decide your approach for each mission, and the outcomes will change as a result.
[b]Supernatural Abilities[/b]
Teleport for stealth approaches, possess any living creature, or stop time itself to orchestrate unearthly executions! Combining your suite of supernatural abilities and weapons opens up even more ways to overcome obstacles and eliminate targets. The game’s upgrade system allows for the mastery of deadly new abilities and devious gadgets.
[b]A City Unlike Any Other[/b]
Enter an original world envisioned by Half-Life 2 art director Viktor Antonov. Arkane and Bethesda bring you a steampunk city where industry and the supernatural collide, creating an atmosphere thick with intrigue. The world is yours to discover.
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles beggars bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty directx11 distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics karma knives ladders lamp lasersight limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns multipleendings mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers Aunque sus controles y acción son similares a los de cualquier FPS moderno, la atmósfera opresiva y el enfoque postapocalíptico lo hacen diferenciarse, ya que aunque no llega al grado de un survival horror o juegos como el STALKER o los primeros Fallout, si que tiene elementos como la máscara de gas o la escasa munición que lo hacen ser un juego más enfocado en la supervivencia de lo habitual en los FPS.

Su interfaz minimalista es muy inmersivo, menos el panel de munición (que peca además de no ser muy adecuado para ordenador)

La historia sigue directamente los pasos del primer juego, y da mayor enfoque a los enfrentamientos humanos sin olvidar el terror sobrenatural que caracterizara a Metro 2033.

7 de 10***[media=youtube]EdlA__Sv1VU[/media]***It is the year 2034.

Beneath the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro, the remnants of mankind are besieged by deadly threats from outside – and within. Mutants stalk the catacombs beneath the desolate surface, and hunt amidst the poisoned skies above.

But rather than stand united, the station-cities of the Metro are locked in a struggle for the ultimate power, a doomsday device from the military vaults of D6. A civil war is stirring that could wipe humanity from the face of the earth forever.

As Artyom, burdened by guilt but driven by hope, you hold the key to our survival – the last light in our darkest hour...

Key Features:
* A gripping, story-driven first person shooter, Metro: Last Light is the hugely anticipated sequel to 2010’s critically acclaimed cult classic Metro 2033
* Experience thrilling combat with an exotic arsenal of hand-made weaponry against deadly foes – both human and mutant – and use stealth to launch attacks under the cover of darkness
* Explore the post-apocalyptic world of the Moscow Metro, one of the most immersive, atmospheric game worlds ever created
* Fight for every bullet and every last breath in a claustrophobic blend of survival horror and FPS gameplay
* Next generation technology boasting stunning lighting and physics sets a new graphical benchmark on both console and PC
* Wage post-apocalyptic warfare online, as Last Light delivers an intense multiplayer experience amongst the dark Russian ruins
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics knives ladders lamp lasersight limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru commercial communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics knives ladders lamp lasersight license-proprietary limitedcapacity lostequipment lutris machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles ubuntu undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Metro: Last Light Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2014 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles beggars bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty directx11 distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics karma knives ladders lamp lasersight limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns multipleendings mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights  Atari;Infogrames (BioWare)2002 actionrpg activepause addons adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static antivillain aureal3d auroraengine autoattack autosavepoints autosaves-periodic bards beetles brothel cdrom charactercreation city classbased cockatrices compatiblewine crazedsentients demonpact derivedstatistics dicemechanics direanimals directx8 dissolvingcorpses DnD DnD3 dolbyprologic2 doomsayers doors doubleweapons drm drm-removed dryads elves emotes familiars femaleauthor femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms freeactions genderchoice giantinsects hitchance interactivedialogs inventory karma launcher liveeditor lockbreaking magic magicfail maleprotagonist mediaindrive medieval monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-pause multihead nwn nymphs opengl radialmenu randomchance randomdamage romance saveanywhere securom securom1 selfupdate serialkey serious sexindustry sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice tasktracker tilebased titularlocale traps ugc undead uvl-imagequality uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein walking win2k win98 winxp zombies Latest version: 1.69 (as of ?)

Comes on 3 CDs***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, 2000 SP2 or XP
* 450 MHz Pentium II or K6 CPU
* 96 MB RAM (128 MB for 2000/XP)
* 16 MB VRAM
* 1.2 GB HD space
* 8X CD-ROM drive
* LAN or internet connection for multiplayer

* 800 MHz Pentium III or Athlon CPU
* 128 MB RAM (256 MB for 2000/XP)
* 2 GB HD space
* GeForce 2 or Radeon GPU***A Forgotten Realms Northern Sword Coast game. Designed to simulate the best of the pen-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition experience.
[anonomouse]***Released in USA 2002-06-18, Germany 2002-06-28, Europe/Australia/New Zealand 2002-07-03, Japan 2003-03-20, and Poland 2003-11-20
Neverwinter Nights  Macplay;Infogrames (Bioware)2003 actionrpg activepause adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static antivillain auroraengine autoattack autosavepoints autosaves-periodic bards beetles brothel cdrom city classbased cockatrices crazedsentients demonpact derivedstatistics dicemechanics direanimals dissolvingcorpses dnd dnd3 doubleweapons dryads elves emotes familiars femaleauthor femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms freeactions genderchoice giantinsects hitchance interactivedialogs karma keyboard liveeditor lockbreaking magic magicfail maleprotagonist medieval monsters mouse mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-pause nwn opengl osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 ppc radialmenu randomchance randomdamage saveanywhere sdl serialkey sexindustry sharedsetting sorcery specieschoice tilebased traps undead uvl-tiein zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Mac OS X 10.2.6
* 450 MHz G4 CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 32 MB VRAM
* 2.1. GB HD space
* LAN or internet connection for multiplayer
Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights  Atari;Infogrames (BioWare)2003 actionrpg activepause adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static antivillain auroraengine autoattack autosavepoints autosaves-periodic bards beetles brothel city classbased cockatrices commercial crazedsentients demonpact derivedstatistics dicemechanics direanimals dissolvingcorpses dnd dnd3 doubleweapons dryads elves emotes familiars femaleauthor femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms freeactions genderchoice gentoo giantinsects gog hitchance interactivedialogs karma license-proprietary liveeditor localsystemfiles lockbreaking magic magicfail maleprotagonist medieval monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-pause nativeoption nonnative nwn opengl radialmenu randomchance randomdamage saveanywhere sdl serialkey sexindustry sharedsetting sorcery specieschoice tilebased traps ugc undead uvl-searchelp uvl-tiein zombies Linux versions of this program are supported by Bioware. You can obtain them from the Neverwinter Night's for Linux Client Page and the Neverwinter Night's for Linux Server Page.
You can obtain help for this version of the program from Bioware's Linux Forums.
[Atari]***While the most of the Linux version can be downloaded for free, you'll need to buy the windows version to legally get a CD Key that allows the Linux version to run. Also, certain files of the windows version are also required for the Linux version and only available from a full install of the windows version that has been successfully run at least once.

Bioware had stared during development that players could import Baldur's Gate characters. This feature was subsequently removed before completion. Atari says in their NWN FAQ (About the Windows version), that this was due to BG being 2nd edition D&D rules and and NWN being 3rd edition.

Hasbro, Infogrames, and Atari do not officially support the Linux port. According to Atari, Bioware does.

Confirmed to work perfectly with WINE versions 0.9.55 and 0.9.61. Formally, the end user had to install and successfully run the Windows version then port it to their Linux box. The good news here is that Linux users no longer had to own a windows system to get a native Linux version. They could instead, install the Windows version, install the NWN Linux resources, port the proper files from the windows version to Linux version, uninstall the Windows version. Native Linux version get achieved without having to buy Windows.

Although the Linux client and dedicated servers were developed an tested concurrently with, and from the same source code as, the windows client and server, The Linux client ultimately is a true port and not a source port or a conversion. This is because the end user literally has to port the final bit of code manually from a windows machine to a Linux machine to make the Linux version complete. The servers however, are all of the same source.
Neverwinter Nights  BioWare? activepause adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static antivillain auroraengine autoattack autosavepoints autosaves-periodic bards beetles beos brothel cancelled city classbased cockatrices crazedsentients demonpact derivedstatistics dicemechanics dissolvingcorpses dnd dnd3 doubleweapons dryads elves emotes familiars femaleauthor femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms genderchoice gentoo giantinsects hitchance interactivedialogs karma lockbreaking magic magicfail maleprotagonist medieval monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-pause nwn opengl radialmenu randomchance randomdamage saveanywhere sdl serialkey sexindustry sharedsetting sorcery specieschoice tilebased traps ugc undead uvl-searchelp uvl-tiein zombies BeOSlabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog;Infogrames (Beamdog)2019 actionrpg activepause adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static antivillain auroraengine autoattack autosavepoints autosaves-periodic bards beetles brothel city classbased cockatrices commercial crazedsentients debian demonpact derivedstatistics dicemechanics direanimals dissolvingcorpses dnd dnd3 doubleweapons download dryads elves emotes familiars fedora femaleauthor femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms freeactions genderchoice gentoo giantinsects hitchance interactivedialogs karma langcastellano license-proprietary liveeditor localsystemfiles lockbreaking magic magicfail medieval monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-pause nwn opengl opengl-3-0 opengl-3-3 radialmenu randomchance randomdamage saveanywhere sexindustry sharedsetting sorcery specieschoice steampowered tilebased traps ubuntu undead uvl-tiein x86-64 zombies Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009 1life 2hmeleeweapons achievements achillesheelfoes adv-intermediary adv-objects adv-ptdistr adv-static aircontrol alcohol altruism ambientcreatures ancientenemy animals antimagiczones aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 attrbasedeq autorun axes ballistics beggars blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows brothel canines capacity-unlimited cave cemetery chapters chargedattack chemistry circadiancycle compass containers controlconfig cooking corpselooting counterattacks coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criminalactivity crossbows crystals dark-limited deathtraps defensebreaking demo depthoffield destiny dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame directx9 displacementfiction dock dodging doors download drugs druids dynamicweather enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energystations falldamage fallimpact fasttravel-points finiteopposition forcefields forest fragileprotagonist freezing ghouls giantbirds giantfungi giantinsects glowingeyes gnomes graverobbing healingitems healingstations holstering hostilewildlife humanoids inbuilttraps inconclusiveending insectoids instantkillers interactivedialogs inventory island jewelry jumping keys knockback lamp lawenforcers ledges lightbloom lockpicking magic magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mine mockfights monastery monsters mountain namelessprotagonist neutralmonsters nodrm noenergyregen nohealthregen nonfunccontent nonlinear npcinventory npclooting npcschedules obscuredtime obsoletedassets openended openworld optionaltasks outlaws parrying pickpocketing polearms polymathprotagonist potions powerfoci precursors premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prospecting prostitutes quake quickkeys religion-fictional resting risen-series roadsigns ruins sauroids scavenging screenshake scrolls serious sex sexindustry shallowwater shields shopping singlegenderopposition skeletons skinning slavery sorcery spears spiritualsuccessor ssao staves stealing stealingnpcs stealth stranded subterranean summoning swords tages tasktracker telekinesis thickvegetation threatdisplay tips titlementioned town trespassing trophyhunting tropic tunnels tutorial undead unknownpast volcanic volcano walking weefolk widescreen winxp xp-deeds xp-kills xp-objects Un juego de acción/RPG que combina bastante bien la exploración y un ligero plataformeo con combates de corte sencilla.

Notable las diferentes reacciones de los diversos enemigos (agresivos, territoriales...)

7 sobre 10***The game left me feeling it was incomplete and that the main plot had a lot to be desired of. The side quests were however fairly entertaining and far better (and time consuming) than the main plot, giving this a bit of an impression on Elder Scrolls series which also thrives from side-quests rather than the main plot.

However, unlike most RPGs ever, player can actually fight and defeat end-game opponents fairly early on as combat is mainly based on player skill rather than numbers (attributes, statistics, etc.), though due to lacking numbers these will take a bit more time. Even the final boss is beatable with fairly low level character (maybe as low as 10) since it's not that dependent on player having any numerical advantages. Levels mainly making combat go faster because you deal more damage and makes mistakes more forgiving, but they don't really help you fight the enemy, since levels do not make you immune to shield breaks, enemy dodging, or cause you to dodge automatically.

Overall this is fairly enjoyable game, but loses most of its appeal once you have nothing else than the main plot to do (around chapter 2 or 3). The ending is also disappointing as it does not really solve the original issue at all. Variety of smaller bugs can make the game experience jarring and the jest spell not having any effect it is claimed to have (beyond making characters laugh) despite frequent claims that it does, does make the game feel rushed.***An epic story in an authentic world hand-crafted with an eye for detail and populated by "real", plausible characters. A Mysterious Volcanic Island The heavy tremors on the island bode ill for its inhabitants. Ancient temples have risen from the ground recently, bizarre creatures are terrorising the area. Fear and terror is spreading among the population. The End of All Hope? A group of powerful men who call themselves "The Inquisitors" have taken it upon them-selves to put an end to these events. They send an exhibition to this remote island, but a storm takes hold of the ship and destroys it at sea. A Hero Will Come - As if by a miracle, the player survives the shipwreck and is stranded on the volcanic island alone. He finds himself amidst a chaos of rebellion, tyranny and mystic rituals. He must now decide to which side the pendulum of fate will swing.***Very similar to Gothic series which was also by Piranha Bytes.
The Darkness II  2K Games (Digital Extremes)2012 3ormoreplayers adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr aimmode airducts amusementpark antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles bossbattles brothel controllablehelplessness dark-limited darkness-theme death demo difficulty dreamworld dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric firearms firstpersonshooter gibs gloomy gore grotesque handguns healingfinishers healthdrops healthregen healthregen-stunted hellscape humor-toilet insaneasylum ironsights jumping lasso lefthanded lightdousing lostpowers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative newgameplus npcdisarming powernegation powerthrow rating-bbfc-18 rating-pegi-18 recap recursivereference reload-manual sex shotguns splatter steampowered submachineguns thedarkness titlementioned titularentity uvl-tiein walking warehouse x360pad xp-kills Un FPS cuya mayor virtud es el elenco de poderes que puedes emplear para destrozar y eviscerar todo a tu paso.
Aún mejor que la historia es el multijugador cooperativo, ya que los personajes son a su vez más especialistas y más limitados en sus poderes, lo que genera unas situaciones donde la sinergia es tan necesaria como sorprendentemente poderosa.

6 de 10***EAN-13: [code]5 026555 058902[/code] (UK Limited Edition)***Inspired by the popular comic book series produced by Top Cow Productions, Inc., The Darkness II is an intense first person shooter that delivers a twisted and gripping narrative of tragedy, modern crime drama, and supernatural horror.

Players will be taken down the brutal and personal path of Jackie Estacado, head of a New York crime family and wielder of an ancient and ruthless force of chaos and destruction known as The Darkness.

It’s been two years since Jackie Estacado used The Darkness to kill the men responsible for his girlfriend’s murder. He’s been unable to shake the memory of Jenny’s death since bottling up his supernatural power and now The Darkness wants out. A sudden, unprovoked attack by a mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood heralds the start of a full-scale war and opens the door for The Darkness to reemerge, setting Jackie on a journey to hell and worse.

Key Features
* 4-Player Co-op Campaign - Play as one of four unique characters each capable of wielding weapons infused with Darkness powers.
Quad-Wielding Chaos - Slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with the Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons, adding a new dimension to the FPS category.
* Harness an Unstoppable Power - Master the Demon Arms and summon the powers of The Darkness for even more explosive gameplay.
Kill the Lights - The vicious powers of The Darkness manifest only in the shadows so use the environment to your advantage and watch out for enemies who will use light as a weapon.
* Intense and Personal Journey - Experience a dark, twisted and gripping story written exclusively for the game by acclaimed comic book author Paul Jenkins whose credits also include The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, and the original The Darkness game.
* Distinctive Graphic-Noir Style - Graphic novel shading and color combined with the dramatic lighting of film noir pays tribute to the source material and brings the pages of the comic series to life. Inspired by the popular comic book series created by Top Cow.
The Order: 1886 SCEA (Ready At Dawn)2015 1880s 19thcentury aircraft-location alternateattack alternatetimeline assaultrifles backstabbing blindfiring britain brothel capacity-toolslots chapters city city-london-uk coversystem dark-limited depthoffield dirigibles dodging earth electricweapons energyweapons explosiveobjects firearms grenadelaunchers grenades grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning hospital itemglow knights lamp letterbox limitedcapacity lockpicking lockpicking-feedback machineguns megacorps nikolatesla noports photomode prostitutes quicktimeevent radengine rage rebellion reload-manual sequence-stealth sequence-turret sex shotguns smokegrenades splatter squatters subway thermalweapons titlementioned titulargroup tumbling vampires vaulting visualizedtrajectory werewolves PS4labelimageminimize
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france gog grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity logitech-g15 lua multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape serialkey sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP3, Vista w/ SP1 or 7
* 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo
* 2 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 7800 GTX or Radeon HD 2600 Pro GPU
* 7 GB HD space

* 2.8 GHz quad core CPU
* 3 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 GT GPU***Welcome to Nazi-occupied Paris, a unique open world where you are The Saboteur. Play as Sean Devlin, a street-tough Irish racing mechanic seeking personal redemption on a Nazi officer that has taken everything away from him. Now, it’s time for payback—with the help of the French Resistance, British intelligence, an arsenal of weaponry, your own street smarts and brawn, you must exact revenge on those who aimed to destroy your life. Motivated by retribution and armed with tactics of sabotage, blow up zeppelins, derail trains, implode bridges, destroy armored tanks, and level enemy facilities in the name of vengeance.

* 1st Ever Open-World Paris – Fight, climb, and prowl through the dark alleys, rooftops, burlesque houses, and seedy streets of the City of Lights—the ultimate playground for The Saboteur.
* The Art of Sabotage – Being The Saboteur is all about attacking while staying unnoticed. Get your mission intel at underground clubs and cabarets. Eliminate your adversaries with stealth attacks, disguise, distractions, and explosives. Master a variety of weapons, automobiles, and skills to sabotage enemy operations.
* The Will to Fight – An action-packed experience and thrilling storyline are made even more engaging by an innovative visual style, characters, and the new "Will to Fight" technology. Experience how the city reacts and changes around you as you free it from Nazi oppression. Only you can restore hope and grandeur to Paris.
[Pandemic Studios]
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity lua multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework noaa nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 Inspired by a true story, The Saboteur stars Sean Devlin, a street-tough Irish race car driver trapped behind enemy lines in 1940s Nazi-occupied France. Motivated by personal revenge, Sean fights, climbs, and races through open-world Paris, sneaking into the heart of the Nazi operations and sabotaging their every move. With the help of the French Resistance, the British intelligence, an arsenal of weaponry, street smarts and brawn, players exact revenge on those who aim to destroy Sean's life. From derailing trains and blowing up zeppelins to scaling famous Parisian landmarks and more, this action hero uses a broad range of weapons, explosives and vehicles to get the job done. As Sean takes down enemies, the citizens of Paris are empowered to resist the tyrannical Third Reich and their eyes open to the colorful world around them. This innovative mechanic, called the 'Will to Fight,' change the way Paris is seen and felt - from a dark and oppressed policed state to a bright and inspired world where the citizens fight back. As the player executes acts of sabotage against the occupying force, color returns to the stylized black and white world - both figuratively and literally. The ‘Will to Fight’ spawns an underground resistance that takes players not only through Paris, but across various parts of France. X360labelimagesubject
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity lua mlaa multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 Inspired by a true story, The Saboteur stars Sean Devlin, a street-tough Irish race car driver trapped behind enemy lines in 1940s Nazi-occupied France. Motivated by personal revenge, Sean fights, climbs, and races through open-world Paris, sneaking into the heart of the Nazi operations and sabotaging their every move. With the help of the French Resistance, the British intelligence, an arsenal of weaponry, street smarts and brawn, players exact revenge on those who aim to destroy Sean's life. From derailing trains and blowing up zeppelins to scaling famous Parisian landmarks and more, this action hero uses a broad range of weapons, explosives and vehicles to get the job done. As Sean takes down enemies, the citizens of Paris are empowered to resist the tyrannical Third Reich and their eyes open to the colorful world around them. This innovative mechanic, called the 'Will to Fight,' change the way Paris is seen and felt - from a dark and oppressed policed state to a bright and inspired world where the citizens fight back. As the player executes acts of sabotage against the occupying force, color returns to the stylized black and white world - both figuratively and literally. The ‘Will to Fight’ spawns an underground resistance that takes players not only through Paris, but across various parts of France. PS3labelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers amdtrueaudio animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bookends bossbattles bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine cleargame clockpunk collectibles compass controlconfig dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects directx11 distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fovoption fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness fxaa gpuasynccompute haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids humblestore inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders launcher leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedshopstock limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen nonlethalelimination npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws physx pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping ssaa ssao stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stungrenades stunning stunprods subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-confusable uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise x86 x86-32 x86-64 zoom 2008 rumors, quickly becoming considered vaporware
2009-05-11 officially announced
2011 unofficially projected release
2013 more news appeared, suggesting either near future cancellation, on hold, or refactoring of the project
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass criware dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom X360labelminimizeminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom Garrett, the Master Thief, steps from the shadows into the City, a treacherous place ruled by a tyrannical Baron and his brutal Watch. When the citizens rise in bloody revolution, Garrett's thieving skills are all he can trust as he walks a fine line between politics and the people, revealing a darker secret that threatens to tear his world apart.***
Xbox Onelabelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass criware dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom Into The City’s shadowy world steps Garrett, The Master Thief in a first-person adventure that offers players total freedom to choose their own path to overcome the challenges and madness of a city on the brink of revolution.***
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine clockpunk collectibles compass criware dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedsupplies lockpicking lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom PS4labelimageminimize
Thief  Feral Interactive (Eidos Montreal;Feral Interactive)2015 airducts alarmers amdtrueaudio animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bookends bossbattles bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine cleargame clockpunk collectibles compass controlconfig dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage fovoption fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids humblestore inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders launcher leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedshopstock limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks osx outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping ssaa ssao stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stungrenades stunning subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise zoom Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Virtual Valerie 2 Arcus Media Group1995 68k brothel color-8bit macos7 osclassic spacecraft-location Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Wet Attack: The Empire Cums Back  cdv Software Entertainment (Interactive Strip)1999 brothel rating-sell-16 spacecraft-location Okay, I'm not even going to go over the pretense of a plot that the game has (read the Advertising Blurb for that), but, similar to Lula - The Sexy Empire, this game sort of comes in three parts.

The game starts, and occasionally puts you back, in a point-and-click adventure mode. Wander around. Use A with B. That kinda thing.

Secondly, once you get your spaceship, you do a bit of traveling about, bouncing from planet to planet, trading resources and managing your own 'business'. This is the main part of the game.

Thirdly, occasionally Pirates will try to attack your ship whilst you're en-route somewhere. To be honest, as long as you've got at least one mediocre gunner and mediocre guns you never need put yourself in the firing seat. In fact, you can quite easily go the whole game without entering the 3D view at all - a flaw perhaps...

In addition to this, there's chances of seeing lots of cut-scenes, half of which are moderately 'interesting'.

Do pay attention when you get close to the end of the game, by the way - You can quite easily finish without realizing it...