showing 37 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardisplaylanguageplatform
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spWindowslabelimageminimize
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2009textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spX360labelimagesubject
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2009textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spPS3labelimagesubject
Baldur's Gate  Interplay;Black Isle Studios (BioWare)1998rasterch, en, fr, de, pl, ruWindowslabelimagesubject
Baldur's Gate: Edition spéciale  Interplay Productions1998rasterfrMS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Black Isle Studios;Beamdog)2013rasterch, cz, en, fr, de, it, jp, kr, pl, ru, otherWindowslabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (BioWare;Beamdog)2014rasterch, cz, en, fr, de, it, jp, kr, pl, ru, otherMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013textured polygonsenPS3labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013textured polygonsenX360labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The Missing Link Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2013textured polygonsenWindowslabelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal;GRIP Entertainment)2011textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, pl, ru, spWindowslabelimagesubject
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2011textured polygonsenX360labelimageminimize
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2011textured polygonsenPS3labelimageminimize
Dishonored Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2012textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spWindowslabelimagesubject
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013textured polygonsenWindowslabelimagesubject
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013textured polygonsenMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013textured polygonsenLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Metro: Last Light Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2014textured polygonsenWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights  Atari;Infogrames (BioWare)2002textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, jp, pl, spWindowslabelimageminimize
Neverwinter Nights  Macplay;Infogrames (Bioware)2003textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights  Atari;Infogrames (BioWare)2003textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Neverwinter Nights  BioWare?textured polygonsenBeOSlabelminimizeminimize
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog;Infogrames (Beamdog)2019textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, pl, otherLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spWindowslabelimagesubject
The Darkness II  2K Games (Digital Extremes)2012textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, jp, spWindowslabelimagesubject
The Order: 1886 SCEA (Ready At Dawn)2015textured polygonsenPS4labelimageminimize
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, pl, ruWindowslabelimagesubject
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009textured polygonsenX360labelimagesubject
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009textured polygonsenPS3labelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spWindowslabelimageminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spX360labelminimizeminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spXbox Onelabelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spPS3labelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spPS4labelimageminimize
Thief  Feral Interactive (Eidos Montreal;Feral Interactive)2015textured polygonsen, fr, de, it, spMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Virtual Valerie 2 Arcus Media Group1995rasterenMac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Wet Attack: The Empire Cums Back  cdv Software Entertainment (Interactive Strip)1999rasteren, fr, deWindowslabelimageminimize