showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearauthor(s)platform
Age of Mythology  Microsoft Game Studios (Ensemble Studios)2002 Windowslabelimagesubject
Age of Mythology  MacSoft2003 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Age of Mythology: The Titans  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios)2003 Windowslabelimageminimize
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow  Konami (MercurySteam Entertainment;Kojima Productions)2013Patrick Stewart (voice actor)
CrossFire author2001Andreas Vogl 'avogl' (developer)
Bob Tanner 'tanner' (developer)
Chachkoff Yann 'gros' (developer)
David N Hurst 'darth_bob' Graphics/Designer)
Frank Tore Johansen (developer)
H. S. Teoh 'quickfur' (developer)
John Cater 'caterj' (no specific role)
Joris Bontje 'jbontje' (developer)
Klaus Elsbernd 'elsbernd' (no specific role)
Mark Wedel 'mwedel' (all-hands person)
Michael Toennies 'michtoen' (developer)
Pertti Karppinen 'rower' (developer)
Peter Mardahl 'mardahl' (all-hands person)
Philipp Currlin 'pcurrlin' (editorial)
Philipp Currlin 'pcurrlin' (content writer)
Scott Barnes 'reeve' (developer)
Scott MacFiggen 'smacfiggen' (developer)
CrossFire author2002 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Dark Souls  From Software;Namco Bandai (From Software)2011Hidetaka Miyazaki
Dark Souls  From Software;Namco Bandai (From Software)2011Hidetaka Miyazaki
Dark Souls  Namco Bandai (From Software)2012Hidetaka Miyazaki
Dark Souls Remastered From Software;Namco Bandai2018 Switchlabelimagesubject
Dark Souls: Remastered  Namco Bandai (From Software)2018 Windowslabelimagesubject
Legend of Grimrock II  Almost Human Games2014 Windowslabelimageminimize
Legend of Grimrock II  Almost Human Games2015 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Lurking I: Immortui oklabsoft2020 Linuxlabelminimizesubject
The Last Alliance Wildfire Games? Linuxlabelminimizesubject
The Lord of the Rings Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 PS3labelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 X360labelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 Windowslabelimageminimize