showing 1 - 50 of 76 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
0x10c  MojangTBA cancelled darkspace distantfuture dyingearth encounters-random future license-proprietary lowtech-future opengl prospecting retrofuture space technofantasy uvl-techlimitation 0x10c is hex notation for 268.***The proper title shows the "c" is shown in superscript, meaning 0x10 to the power of c (in hexadecimal). Officially pronounced [i]ten to the see[/i]. Or 16 to the power of 12 in decimal. Or fully calculated as 281,474,976,710,656 (the number of years added to 1998 by the computer bug).

A notable feature of this game is that all the spacecraft will have a fully emulated computer system with an accurately emulated late 80s CPU. In addition to this contributing to gameplay features, players will be able to pass the time (space travel will take a some time) by playing emulated 80s games.***In a parallel universe where the space race never ended, space travel was gaining popularity amongst corporations and rich individuals.
In 1988, a brand new deep sleep cell was released, compatible with all popular 16 bit computers. Unfortunately, it used big endian, whereas the DCPU-16 specifications called for little endian. This led to a severe bug in the included drivers, causing a requested sleep of 0×0000 0000 0000 0001 years to last for 0×0001 0000 0000 0000 years.
It’s now the year 281 474 976 712 644 AD, and the first lost people are starting to wake up to a universe on the brink of extinction, with all remote galaxies forever lost to red shift, star formation long since ended, and massive black holes dominating the galaxy.
BioShock 2K Games (2K Boston;2K Australia)2007 1960s 1life 20thcentury aaa alarmers alcohol alternatetimeline anticipatorystockpiles arcology arcwords artdeco atlantic biopunk bioshock-series biotechnology catastrophe chargers cheapdeath children childvictims city conductivewater corpselooting crafting crossbows dark demo diaries directx10 directx9 displacementfiction doors download drm drm-activation dystopian earth eax4 eax5 electrokinesis energyitems eviloverlord facelessprotagonist falldamage falseending firearms firstpersonshooter flash fmod freewill gameoftheyear gimmick glowingveins grotesque hacking handguns havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments identitycrisis immersivesim implants indoors irony isolatedlocale isolationists itemglow itempickup-instant jumping livingweapons lutris madscience mannequins mindcontrol moralchoices namelessprotagonist oldskoolsurveillance openal peopleresources photographing physx propaganda protectioncomplex purpleprose pyrokinesis ragers retrofuture robots roses ruins scavenging science-theme securom7 sequence-defend serious shopping simonsays smokes softparticles sorcery spectres spiritualsuccessor stranded syringes technofantasy technology-theme technomagic tommygun transhumanism turrets underwater underwaterfacility unethicalscience unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem walking walkingarmory watery weaponupgrades widescreen winvista winxp Una ambientación y estética únicas en una especie ciudad sumergida art decó, que presenta una acción directa con el doble uso de armas y plásmidos y una historia que baila entre la nostalgia y lo grotesco.
Además tiene una dosis de elección muy superior a un juego de acción al uso.

8 de 10***[b]flash[/b] - used for the map at least.***2007-08-21 as boxed
2007-08-24 on Steam***Both the full game and the demo use SecuROM 7.x copy protection. SecuROM is used to enforce CD-in-drive, enforce an online activation, to damage the data on the CD to try to prevent coping it, and was for a much hated "installation limit" that prevented more than 3 install [i][b]attempts[/b][/i]. The geniuses at 2k game didn't want people installing the product on multiple PCs simultaneously and figured that limiting attempts would do the trick. Ingoring the fact that the CD-in-drive restriction already prevents multiple installations from running simultaneously. In reality, it caused the game to be uninstallable if the install process was abandon 3 times (due to errors, or failed requirements such as HD space, or just someone changing their mind). It also forbid reinstallation in cases of a crashed PC or transfer to new computer or in cases of system restore. Any finally, it was possible to successfully install 3 copies on 3 PCs simultaneously, this restriction failed in its purpose! After much complaint, 2k games announced, "Good news! As promised, all activation restrictions, including install limits, have been removed from BioShock PC as of today. You don't have to patch or install anything for this to go into effect for your copy of BioShock – it's already done! " [b]This is NOT and announcement of removal of SecuROM![/b] 2kgames later said "Our other methods of copy protection remain. You will still have to activate your copy, and you will still need to keep the disc in the drive. SecuROM has not been removed" So the cpremoved tag does not yet apply.
[Zerothis]***[quote]No encounter ever plays out the same way twice. No two gamers will ever play BioShock the same way.[/quote]
This is because the game has quite rapid respawn rate (enough rapid to be irritating and making the game into forced slugfest), causing encounters to happen even if not wanted and the creatures wander around aimlessly through the levels with apparently nothing to do. They sometimes huddle over corpses as if there was something interesting there, but there really isn't (I had scavenged all valuables from those corpses long ago).

Though I have to admit that I [i]did[/i] play it on the hardest difficulty, so maybe that's (the rapid respawn) the only way they could think of how to make it more difficult. Didn't have much chance for stealth or alternative approaches when the guys were running everywhere.

Although it was advertized that munitions were supposedly scarce, I never really ran out of them, actually I was almost constantly maxed, except in the particular weapon I had taken a liking of and after fighting swarms and swarms of suddenly script-spawning enemies or after fighting a Big Daddy (they really can take a beating).

The only ways this game is better than Quake 4, Doom 3 or the like is that it's more free roaming (though there's very little use for it), has conversations and some sort of plot twists as well as the light RPG-ness in form of weapon and plasmid upgrades.

The number of choices of approach are quite limited actually, either you shoot them or you.. well.. shoot them. Sneaking past them is usually impossible, or simply just ridiculously difficult opposed to just shooting them and the game has too many scripted sequences where you have to shoot them regardless of how you wanted to do it.

The reliance on scripted sequences for variance is too old, but gives stronger story (scripted sequences are required to have a story, but the use of them outside it is not very good). Some of the things that happened were also very retro FPS-like, for example the one case where I picked up a new gun and swarms of new Mobs were spawned so I could "test it out".

Sad little game in that regard, but can be fun if you ignore all that.

On the confrontation with Ryan, I heard a rather poor explanation for it once (if I remember it correctly, they simply assumed Ryan was raving mad). My own interpretation of it, however, is different.
[spoiler=Show;Hide]Ryan first demonstrates the protagonist's dilemma, he's been "programmed" to follow orders of others, with key words activating certain behaviour and in this case, simple "please" would force the protagonist to do as was asked. Protagonist ridiculously follows Ryan's brief orders ("turn around", "run", etc.) followed by "please", until finally Ryan gives him a golf club and tells the protagonist to "kill" (please), while the protagonist is beating him to death, Ryan solemnly repeats a motto: "Man chooses, slave obeys." which he had said earlier (IIRC). This is where some might think Ryan is insane, however, to me he seems idealistic or something that the protagonist is not a slave as he was made to be (which he also demonstrated with his earlier commands), but a free man, able to choose his own actions. Unfortunately, the protagonist is unable to break through the "programming" (mind control) and finally kills Ryan.[/spoiler]***BioShock is a shooter unlike any you've ever played, loaded with weapons and tactics never seen. You'll have a complete arsenal at your disposal from simple revolvers to grenade launchers and chemical throwers, but you'll also be forced to genetically modify your DNA to create an even more deadly weapon: you. Injectable plasmids give you super human powers: blast electrical currents into water to electrocute multiple enemies, or freeze them solid and obliterate them with the swing of a wrench.

No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

* Biologically modify your body: send fire storming from your fingertips and unleash a swarm of killer hornets hatched from the veins in your arms.
* Hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants.
* Turn everything into a weapon: the environment, your body, fire and water, and even your worst enemies.
* Explore an incredible and unique art deco world hidden deep under the ocean.
[Valve]***[b]Minimum requirements:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM (GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300)
* 8 GB free HD space

[i]Note: Game requires Internet connection for activation[/i]

* Core 2 Duo CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM (GeForce 7900 GT for DX9, GeForce 8600 for DX10)***BioShock is the "genetically enhanced" first person shooter that lets you do things never before possible in the genre: turn everything into a weapon, biologically mod your body with plasmids, hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons and craft new ammo variants, and experiment with different battle techniques in an incredible and unique underwater city.

You are a cast-away in Rapture, an underwater Utopia torn apart by civil war. Caught between powerful forces, and hunted down by genetically modified "splicers" and deadly security systems, you have to come to grips with a deadly, mysterious world filled with powerful technology and fascinating characters. No encounter ever plays out the same, and no two gamers will play the game the same way.

BioShock is loaded with some of greatest, most modifiable weapons to ever blast their way into a shooter. But guns alone won't be enough to defeat the devious AIs of Rapture. There are literally hundreds of other strategies players can use to take out his enemies. Here's just a few things you can do a foe:

* Catch his Grenades in Mid Air and Toss Them Back at Him
* Freeze Him Solid and Shatter Him with Smack of your Wrench
* Lead him and his comrades to water and Zap them all with 1000 Volts
* Burn Him Up With Home-Made Molotov Cocktails
* Booby Trap Healing Machines and Watch Them Blow up IN his Face
* Brainwash Him to Become Your Personal BodyGuard
* Invent your own Ammo Types to Prey on his Vulnerabilities
* Turn his own Security System Against Him
* Light Him on Fire and Launch Heat Seeking Missiles At him
* Torment Him with Plagues of Insects
* Take Research Photos of Him to Learn his Weaknesses
* Send Him Flying into the Ceiling to Knock him Senseless

No encounter ever plays out the same way twice. No two gamers will ever play BioShock the same way.
[2K Games]***In the middle of the north Atlantic, a lighthouse juts out of the water. Inside waits a rusted bathysphere, which takes you deep under the ocean to Rapture, a city sprawling along the sea floor.

A man named Andrew Ryan, a former Soviet citizen, built the city in 1946, and the society was envisioned as the ultimate capitalistic and individualist paradise, with the elite achieving for themselves, rather than for the whole. Protected by a network of giant sea walls and consisting of a cluster of enormous skyscraper-shaped hive towers, Rapture was designed to be entirely self-supporting, with all of its electricity, food production, water purification and defense systems powered by volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean.

At one point Rapture's population numbered several thousand at its peak during the early 1960s, composed of those people Ryan viewed as the best examples of mankind. A large and tiered economy grew among the people, with different quality products catering to different levels of the society.

The grand Art Deco architecture is at once futuristic and archaic, but as you step into Rapture, you find the city a shell of itself. The walls are crumbling and the ocean is seeping in. The hallways are littered with corpses, those who were once the best and brightest of the world above are now mutated and mad, roaming the corridors and waiting to ambush you at every turn.
[2K Games]
BioShock 2K Games (2K Boston;2K Australia)2007 1960s 20thcentury aaa alcohol alternatetimeline anticipatorystockpiles arcology arcwords artdeco atlantic biopunk bioshock-series biotechnology catastrophe chargers cheapdeath children childvictims city conductivewater crossbows dark diaries displacementfiction doors dystopian earth eviloverlord facelessprotagonist falseending firearms firstpersonshooter freewill gameoftheyear gimmick glowingveins grotesque hacking handguns havokphysics humanexperiments identitycrisis immersivesim implants indoors irony isolatedlocale isolationists itempickup-instant jumping livingweapons madscience mannequins mcbestgameaward mindcontrol moralchoices namelessprotagonist oldskoolsurveillance openal peopleresources photographing physx propaganda protectioncomplex purpleprose ragers retrofuture robots roses ruins science-theme sequence-defend shopping simonsays smokes sorcery spectres spiritualsuccessor stranded syringes technofantasy technology-theme technomagic tommygun transhumanism turrets underwater underwaterfacility unethicalscience unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem walking walkingarmory watery weaponupgrades [b]technomagic[/b] - plasmids.
[b]living weapons[/b] - swarm plasmid (border case).
BioShock 2K Games (2K Boston;2K Australia;2K Marin)2008 1960s 20thcentury aaa alternatetimeline anticipatorystockpiles arcology arcwords artdeco atlantic biopunk bioshock-series biotechnology catastrophe chargers cheapdeath children childvictims city conductivewater crossbows dark diaries displacementfiction dystopian earth facelessprotagonist falseending firstpersonshooter freewill gameoftheyear gimmick glowingveins grotesque hacking havokphysics humanexperiments identitycrisis immersivesim implants indoors irony isolatedlocale isolationists itempickup-instant jumping livingweapons madscience mannequins mindcontrol moralchoices oldskoolsurveillance openal peopleresources photographing physx propaganda protectioncomplex purpleprose ragers retrofuture robots roses ruins science-theme sequence-defend shopping simonsays sorcery spectres spiritualsuccessor stranded syringes technofantasy technology-theme technomagic tommygun transhumanism turrets underwater underwaterfacility unethicalscience unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem walking walkingarmory watery weaponupgrades Supposedly this is an expanded version of the X360/Windows game.***2K Marin handled porting of the game to PS3. PS3labelimageminimize
BioShock Feral Interactive (2K Boston;2K Australia;Feral Interactive)2009 1960s 1life 20thcentury aaa alarmers alcohol alternatetimeline anticipatorystockpiles arcology arcwords artdeco atlantic biopunk bioshock-series biotechnology catastrophe chargers cheapdeath children childvictims city corpselooting crafting crossbows dark diaries displacementfiction doors download dystopian earth electrokinesis energyitems eviloverlord facelessprotagonist falldamage falseending firearms firstpersonshooter flash fmod freewill gameoftheyear gimmick glowingveins grotesque hacking handguns havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments identitycrisis immersivesim implants indoors irony isolatedlocale isolationists itemglow itempickup-instant jumping livingweapons madscience mannequins mindcontrol moralchoices namelessprotagonist oldskoolsurveillance openal osx peopleresources photographing physx propaganda protectioncomplex purpleprose pyrokinesis ragers retrofuture robots roses ruins scavenging science-theme sequence-defend serious shopping simonsays smokes softparticles sorcery spectres spiritualsuccessor stranded syringes technofantasy technology-theme technomagic tommygun transhumanism turrets underwater underwaterfacility unethicalscience unrealengine3 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-osversion walking walkingarmory watery weaponupgrades Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday Electronic Arts (SSI)1991 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers consoleclassix encounters-timed extraterrestrial future goldboxengine retrofuture titularcharacter tvseries It is the year 2456. Humanity has spread across the terraformed planets and satellites of the solar system. Colonies drift though the upper regions of the Jupiter gas clouds and cities have been carved out of asteroids. Mars, the seat of power among the inner worlds, is home to a powerful, despotic Russo-American Mercantile (RAM). Its goal: The enslavement of the solar system. But what of Earth?***
[22]***Greed, pollution and cosmic war have brought the earth to the brink of destruction. Join Buck Rogers on a combat mission to destroy the evil empire's Doomsday device. Command intergalactic warriors in heated tactical combat. Blast hostile RAM ships with your lasers, missiles or cannons.***Score shown on Mega Force #27 (Apr. 1994)
Mega Drivelabelimagesubject
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday SSI1990 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers combatmode encounters-timed extraterrestrial future goldboxengine pascal retrofuture Welcome to the 25th Century
It is the year 2456.

Humanity has spread across the terraformed planets and satellites of the solar system. Colonies drift though the upper regions of the Jupiter gas clouds and cities have been carved out of asteroids. Mars, the seat of power among the inner worlds, is home to a powerful, despotic Russo-American Mercantile (RAM). Its goal: The enslavement of the solar system.

But what of Earth?

The ancestral home of mankind now struggles to overcome the devastation of war and pollution. All hope for a return to its former glory lies in a daring band of rebels, the New Earth Organization (NEO) led by Buck Rogers.

Now you and the members of your team can join Buck and his allies to rid the solar system of RAM tyranny!

Countdown to Doomsday is a detailed computer role-playing game based on TSR's new BUCK ROGERS XXVc role-playing system, and uses a special enhanced version of SSI's award winning AD&D computer fantasy role-playing system.

Assemble a team of Rocketjocks, Warriors, Engineers, Rogues and Medics, recruited from Terrans, Martians, Venusians, Mecurians or genetically engineered Desert Runners and Tinkers.

As your team explores the solar system, characters gain valuable skills such as piloting, zero-g maneuvering or demolition. These skills can prove more valuable then a good laser pistol in the toxic atmosphere of Venus or the sun-blasted surface of Mercury.

But hang on to that laser pistol! The 25th century is a dangerous place - especially for those who join Buck Rogers and NEO in the heroic fight for interplanetary justice and freedom!***
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday SSI1990 25thcentury 3rdmillennium aliens buckrogers combatmode dataexport display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga encounters-timed energyweapons extraterrestrial feelies future genderchoice goldboxengine grid grid-square gridmove group pascal retrofuture rockets spu-adlib spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy turnbasedcombat
[37]***Using the gold box series system, inspired from ad&d, it's probably one of the best rpg i ever played.
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday SSI1990 25thcentury 3rdmillennium aliens buckrogers encounters-timed energyweapons extraterrestrial feelies future genderchoice goldboxengine grid grid-square gridmove group pascal retrofuture rockets turnbasedcombat
Buck Rogers: Matrix Cubed  SSI1992 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers dataimport display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga encounters-timed energyweapons extraterrestrial future genderchoice goldboxengine gridmove group pascal retrofuture rockets spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy uvl-tiein The sequel of "countdown to doomsday". The story is a bit boring, but had being improved to use more often non-combat abilities.
A must-play.
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega;U.S. Gold1985 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Coleco (Sega)1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small ColecoVisionlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium aliens bossbattles buckrogers comic entityventity extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small 005-02. Rarity 3 scarce. North American NTSC. 1 player only. Shoot the enemies and keep between the electrified columns. There is also a boss at the end of each stage.
Atari 5200labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega;Teldec1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture spacecraft-small Atari 2600labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1984 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom USER Corp1989 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small BK11Mlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers cartridge comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small 005-03 16k cartridge. Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small TI99labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1984 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic drm extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom Sega1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small VIC-20labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom  Sega1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small C64labelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom  Coleco (Sega)1984 25thcentury 3rdmillennium 5.25disk buckrogers cassette comic extraterrestrial future lives noconsoleclassix otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small 256k? cassette or 5¼ disk. Coleco Adamlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom  Sega;Philips1983 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future lives otherworld retrofuture score spacecraft-small MSXlabelimageminimize
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom  Sega1982 25thcentury 3rdmillennium buckrogers comic extraterrestrial future horizontalscreen lives mame railshooter retrofuture score spacecraft-small It's the 25th Century. You are Buck Rogers fighting the battle of Planet Zoom. Skillfully slip through zapping electron posts. Dodge and destroy deadly space hoppers and alien saucers. Your race against death has just begun! Prepare for battle with your most powerful enemy... the Mother Ship! It's never easy when it's do or die. You must hit the Mother Ship with two deadly shots. Anything less will only waste precious time. Aim steady, but hurry ... your time is dangerously low!***
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Atari1989 horizontalscreen lives mame retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score - Collect Gems to increase ray gun power.
- Throwing Switch turns on Electro-Stairs.
- Touch human hostages to transport them back to the mother-ship.
- Don't shoot the slaves!
- Break into food lockers for more life.***You have been selected as a member of an interplanetary SWAT team! Planet X, a synthetic industrial planetoid has been taken over by the evil Reptilons! The Reptilons have enslaved the humans stationed there. They are being forced to create an evil robot army destined to destroy earth! Your mission: Transport all hostages back to your ship. Destroy all robots. Rid Planet X of evil Reptilons. Find and rescue Prof. Sarah Bellum.
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 dualtone lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score spc-128k-enhanced walking ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking C64labelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking Amigalabelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking Atari STlabelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark (Teque)1990 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters Domark1990 lives retrofuture robotmenace robots runandgun score walking SAMlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1997 1life 2160s 22ndcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline aspectratio-4-3 automap botching california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld dingy doors download drugs earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantspiders gog gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns humanprotagonist inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma locationaldamage lockpicking losttechnology lutris meleeweapons multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting postapocalypse powerarmor protagonistnaming raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions shopping spiritualsuccessor stealing stealth thrownweapons thx-1138 timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills A great post-apocalyptic RPG, with good atmosphere and great feeling about scarceness of resources.
Sadly, is too short, but with an incredibly good story and even alternative endings.***
[53]***Set in the aftermath of a worldwide nuclear war, FALLOUT will challenge you to survive in an unknown and dangerous world. You will take the role of a Vault-dweller, a person who has grown up in a secluded, underground survival Vault. Circumstances arise that force you to go Outside to a strange world 80 years after the end of the modern civilization. A world of mutants, radiation, gangs and violence. Your immediate task is to find a replacement for the broken water purification controller chip. Without that chip, your fellow Vault dwellers are doomed to dehydration or are forced to leave the safety of the Vault for the Outside.***2009-08-19 on Steam, by Interplay (lang: eng, fre, spa, ger)***Latest version: 1.2 (as of ?)
Earlier: 1.1 on 1997-11-21
Fallout Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1997 1life 2160s 22ndcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline assemblylang automap botching california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld desura dingy doors download drugs earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantspiders gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma locationaldamage lockpicking losttechnology meleeweapons multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting postapocalypse powerarmor raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions sdl shopping sourcecodeavailable spiritualsuccessor stealing stealth thrownweapons thx-1138 timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat ubuntu unarmedfighting uvl-confusable walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Fallout Interplay2011 1life 2160s 22ndcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline automap botching california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode commercial cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld desura dingy doors download drugs earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout femaleprotagonist firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantspiders gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma license-proprietary locationaldamage lockpicking losttechnology maleprotagonist meleeweapons multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting postapocalypse powerarmor raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions sdl shopping sourcecodeavailable spiritualsuccessor stealing stealth thrownweapons thx-1138 timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat ubuntu unarmedfighting uvl-confusable walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout 2  Black Isle Studios;Interplay Entertainment (Black Isle Studios)2011 1life 23rdcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline automap autoshotguns beamweapons botching california charactercreation circadiancycle cleargame combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld desura dingy doors download drugs earth energyweapons fallout femaleprotagonist firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns homosexuals initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma klaatubaradanikto knives lesbians locationaldamage lockpicking maleprotagonist meleeweapons mutants nativeoption neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting polearms postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles ragtaggang raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions sdl shopping stealing stealth suse thrownweapons timeunits town turnbasedcombat ubuntu unarmedfighting walking wasteland weirdscience x86 xp-kills Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout 2  Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1998 1life 23rdcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline automap autoshotguns beamweapons botching california censored charactercreation circadiancycle cleargame combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld dingy doors download drugs earth energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gog gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns homosexuals initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma klaatubaradanikto knives lesbians locationaldamage lockpicking maleprotagonist meleeweapons mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting polearms postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles ragtaggang rating-esrb-m raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions shopping stealing stealth thrownweapons timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills Improves everything in the first game, especially exploration.
The only thing to blame is a kind of fixed ending in comparition with the first game, and an antagonist not so interesting as The Master.

9 de 10***In this postnuclear role-playing game, you are the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller. The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred Vault-suit of your grandsire and, in time, to ascend to the leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to your people. Your tribe needs help. If you are truly the Chosen One, then you alone are capable of claiming the heritage of the Vault Dweller to take back your birthright. Your tribe has survived over 10 years of drought, but now their reserves are at an end. You must find Vault 13 and claim the technology that your tribe needs to survive. If you fail in this quest, your tribe will surely die. You must travel the perilous Wastes on a holy quest to find Vault 13--the same Vault that cruelly cast your grandsire out into the Wastes 80 years ago. The Vault owes you. The Vault owes your tribe. Now it is time to collect.***2009-08-19 on Steam, by Interplay (lang: eng, fre, ger)***[b]censored[/b] - at least UK and German releases had the children removed.***It's a CRPG set in a Post Apocalyptic world. You play the Chosen One, the direct descendant of the Vault Dweller from the original Fallout.
The village elders have selected you to wear the sacred Vault-suit and, in time, to ascend to the leadership of your people. First you must prove your devotion to your people and journey out into the wastelands. Your tribe needs help...
Fallout 2  MacPlay (Black Isle Studios)2002 23rdcentury adv-perks alternatetimeline automap autoshotguns beamweapons botching california censored charactercreation circadiancycle cleargame combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld dingy doors earth energyweapons fallout fallout-engine fistloads future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex homosexuals initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma klaatubaradanikto knives lesbians locationaldamage lockpicking meleeweapons mutants neutralmonsters northamerica osclassic osx overworld parttargeting polearms postapocalypse powerarmor ragtaggang raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns scorpions shopping stealing stealth thrownweapons timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting wasteland weirdscience Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 23rdcentury abnormalammo actioncamera addiction adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apartmentbuilding assaultrifles automap autopause-inventory autosavepoints backstabbing beamweapons blacksheep bludgeons cannibalism captives censored charactercreation chekhovsgun children circadiancycle city city-washington-dc consequences crafting criticalchance cruelty-potential crustacoids currency-unusual cyborgs deadondisplay death deathworld difficulty difficulty-ingame dingy disarming discrimination disproportionateretribution doors druggies drugs dualism earth energyweapons fakenames fallout fasttravel firearms fistloads friendlyfire future gadgetweapons gamebryoengine genderchoice ghouls giantants giantinsects giantrobots giantshoulderpads giantspiders gore graphicdeaths graybrown graychoices grenades grotesque growingprotagonist hacking healthregen hiddenvillage home humanexperiments humanoidanimals indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries interactivedialogs isolationists itemdurability jumping karma knives langmorsecode laserweapons library locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback malfunctioning maneaters meleeweapons mines moralchoices multipleendings museum music-licensed music-vocal mutagen mutants nailguns neutralmonsters neutralnpcs news noheadbob northamerica npcinjuries npcschedules organizedcrime outlaws overkill parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prejudice pressureplates propaganda prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face radiation radioactiveglow raiders rating-cero-z raygungothic reload-auto reload-manual retrofuture robots rogueai rotaryguns ruinedworld ruins sauroids scientists scorpions search sentientmachines serious shantytown shopping shovels sidetracked slavery slowmotion splatter stealing stealth stealthmode stupidevil subway supermode swimming swords teenprotagonist teslacoils thermalweapons thx-1138 timeskip town trapdisarming traps tripwires tutorial unarmedfighting unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland xboxclassics X360labelimageminimize
Fallout 3 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 23rdcentury abnormalammo actioncamera addiction adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apartmentbuilding assaultrifles automap autopause-inventory autosavepoints backstabbing beamweapons blacksheep bludgeons cannibalism captives censored charactercreation chekhovsgun children circadiancycle city city-washington-dc consequences crafting criticalchance cruelty-potential crustacoids currency-unusual cyborgs deadondisplay death deathworld difficulty difficulty-ingame dingy disarming discrimination disproportionateretribution doors druggies drugs dualism earth energyweapons fakenames fallout fasttravel firearms fistloads friendlyfire future gadgetweapons gamebryoengine genderchoice ghouls giantants giantinsects giantrobots giantshoulderpads giantspiders gore graphicdeaths graychoices grenades grotesque growingprotagonist hacking healthregen hiddenvillage home humanexperiments humanoidanimals indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries interactivedialogs isolationists itemdurability jumping karma knives laserweapons library locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback malfunctioning maneaters meleeweapons mines moralchoices multipleendings museum music-licensed music-vocal mutagen mutants nailguns neutralmonsters neutralnpcs news noheadbob northamerica npcinjuries npcschedules organizedcrime outlaws overkill parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prejudice pressureplates propaganda prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face radiation radioactiveglow raiders rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m raygungothic reload-auto reload-manual retrofuture robots rogueai rotaryguns ruinedworld ruins sauroids scientists scorpions search sentientmachines serious shantytown shopping shovels sidetracked slavery slowmotion splatter stealing stealth stealthmode stupidevil subway supermode swimming swords teenprotagonist teslacoils thermalweapons thx-1138 timeskip town trapdisarming traps tripwires tutorial unarmedfighting unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland PS3labelimageminimize
Fallout 3  Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 1life 23rdcentury abnormalammo achievements achievements-public actioncamera addiction adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apartmentbuilding aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 assaultrifles automap autopause-inventory autosavepoints backstabbing beamweapons blacksheep bludgeons burning cannibalism capacity-stacks capacity-weight captives cave censored charactercreation chekhovsgun children circadiancycle city city-washington-dc classless consequences cpplanguage crafting criticalchance cruelty-potential crustacoids currency-unusual cyborgs deadondisplay death deathworld depthoffield devconsole diaries difficulty difficulty-ingame dingy directx9 disarming discrimination disproportionateretribution doors download drm druggies drugs dualism dvd earth energyweapons fakenames fallout fasttravel firearms fistloads flamethrowers flammablegas friendlyfire future gadgetweapons gamebryoengine gameoftheyear genderchoice ghouls giantants gianthumanoids giantinsects giantrobots giantshoulderpads giantspiders gore graphicdeaths graybrown graychoices grenades grotesque growingprotagonist hacking handguns healthregen hiddenvillage home humanexperiments humanoidanimals ignoredcompanions improvisedweapons indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries interactivedialogs inventory isolationists itemdurability jumping karma knives laserweapons letterbox levelcap leveleditor library limitedcapacity locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lutris machineguns malfunctioning maneaters mcbestgameaward meleeweapons mines modsupport moralchoices multipleendings museum music-licensed music-vocal mutagen mutants nailguns netframework neutralmonsters neutralnpcs news noheadbob northamerica npcinjuries npcschedules organizedcrime outlaws overkill parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prejudice pressureplates propaganda prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face protagonistredesigning radiation radioactiveglow raiders rating-cero-z raygungothic reload-auto reload-manual repairing retrofuture robots rockets rogueai rotaryguns ruinedworld ruins sauroids saveanywhere scientists scorpions search securom7 sentientmachines shantytown shopping sidetracked slavery slowmotion splatter starforce stealing stealth stealthmode stupidevil submachineguns subway supermode swimming swords tasktracker teenprotagonist teslacoils thermalweapons thx-1138 timeskip town trapdisarming traps tripwires tutorial unarmedfighting unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland widescreen winvista winxp A spin and rebirth of the saga, brings back a desolate atmosphere but in FPS-packed-action; neverless, the VATS compensates incredibly for the turn-system action.
Sadly, the story empowers epicness over good story, with immortal characters an black/white characters in general (there are exceptions)
But is important for being the predecessor of Fallout: New Vegas, who is better in every way possible and retakes the old developers of Fallout 1 and 2.

8 de 10***[b]Non-free add-ons:[/b] (DLC)
* [url=]Operation: Anchorage[/url] (2009-01-27)
* [url=]The Pitt[/url] (2009-03-24)
* Broken Steel (2009-05-05)
* Point Lookout (2009-06-23)
* Mothership Zeta (2009-07-29?)

Available only through the Microsoft LIVE service (for both Windows and X360). GOTY edition of the game comes with all five DLCs included.***Bethesda decided, without anyone asking them to (or being required to do so by anything), to censor the Japanese release. This includes changes such as removing NPC Burke from the Power of the Atom side-quest and the option to detonate the a-bomb in the city of Megaton.

Kotaku: [url][/url]
Bethesda: [url][/url]***Latest version: (as of 2009-01-13)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 2.4 Ghz Pentium IV CPU
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X850 GPU
* 6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM***[b]active pause[/b] — VATS functions like active pause even if it isn't [i]exactly[/i] that; using the PipBoy also effectively pauses the game.
[b]cannibalism[/b] — you meet current and "former" cannibals and can become one yourself by picking the "cannibal" perk.
[b]auto-regen[/b] — there are at least two perks that give this under certain conditions, normally not present.
[b]growing protagonist[/b] — goes through from birth to ages of 1, 10, 16 and 19. This effectively covers character creation completely and offers some backstory.
[b]slavery[/b] — besides being somewhat common topic, player can also partake in this activity by stunning and collaring people (the collar will cause the slave's head to explode if they try to escape).

[b]variable ending[/b] — the ending is constructed of 3 things: karma and two choices near the end that form total of around 10 "unique" endings (if minor details are ignored) constructed out of 28 video segments (see breakdown at [url=]Fallout wiki[/url]). Only around 4 endings if you play them out in very archetypical manner.

[b]thx-1138[/b] — the number is encountered at least in [i]The Republic of Dave[/i], unconfirmed reference.***Project started in 2004***Description:

Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world – radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.


Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you've ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

Key Features:

* Limitless Freedom! – Take in the sights and sounds of the vast Capital Wasteland! See the great monuments of the United States lying in post-apocalyptic ruin! You make the choices that define you and change the world. Just keep an eye on your Rad Meter!
* Experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! – Vault-Tec engineers bring you the latest in human ability simulation – the SPECIAL Character System! Utilizing new breakthroughs in points-based ability representation, SPECIAL affords unlimited customization of your character. Also included are dozens of unique skills and perks to choose from, each with a dazzling variety of effects!
* Fantastic New Views! – The wizards at Vault-Tec have done it again! No longer constrained to just one view, experience the world from 1st or 3rd person perspective. Customize your view with the touch of a button!
* The Power of Choice! – Feeling like a dastardly villain today, or a Good Samaritan? Pick a side or walk the line, as every situation can be dealt with in many different ways. Talk out your problems in a civilized fashion, or just flash your Plasma Rifle.
* Blast ‘Em Away With V.A.T.S.! – Even the odds in combat with the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System for your Pip-Boy Model 3000! V.A.T.S. allows you to pause time in combat, target specific body parts on your target, queue up attacks, and let Vault-Tec take out your aggression for you. Rain death and destruction in an all-new cinematic presentation.
* Mind-Blowing Artificial Intelligence! – At Vault-Tec, we realize that the key to reviving civilization after a global nuclear war is people. Our best minds pooled their efforts to produce an advanced version of Radiant AI, America's First Choice in Human Interaction Simulation. Facial expressions, gestures, unique dialog, and lifelike behavior are brought together with stunning results by the latest in Vault-Tec technology.
* Eye-Popping Prettiness! – Witness the harsh realities of nuclear fallout rendered like never before in modern super-deluxe HD graphics. From the barren Wasteland, to the danger-filled offices and metro tunnels of DC, to the hideous rotten flesh of a mutant's face.
Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2015 ♫faustoverture 21stcentury 2280s 23rdcentury achievements addiction adv-perks adv-static assaultrifles atomicage-theme autopause-inventory autopause-menu beamweapons bludgeons bodyarmor city-boston-ma companionapp compass corpselooting crafting creation-engine crepuscularrays crustacoids damageovertime damagetypes decomposing depthoffield devconsole dialogwheel diaries displacementfiction doppelgangers earth emweapons energyweapons falldamage fallout firearms flamethrowers flash framesynced future fxaa genderchoice giantinsects grenades handguns hbao home ichthyoids incendiarygrenades industrial-setting interactivedialogs inventory langbrazil-port langchinesetrad laserweapons launcher leveluprestoration lockpicking machineguns meleeweapons mercenaries militarybase minefield mines minigames modsupport monsters motionblur mutants nailguns northamerica nuclearsolution nuclearweapons objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws paidmods parentprotagonist plasmaweapons plotimmortality postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prologue protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face quake radiation rating-pegi-18 reload-manual retrofuture robots rotaryguns ruins scavenging screenshake settlementminigame shopping shotguns slowmotion splatter spouseprotagonist ssao stealth stealthmode steampowered submachineguns suicideattackers town trapdisarming trash tutorial txaa undefinedelements Windowslabelimageminimize
Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2015 ♫faustoverture 2070s 21stcentury achievements atomicage-theme companionapp compass creation-engine dialogwheel displacementfiction display-30fps earth fallout firearms flash framesynced future genderchoice interactivedialogs langbrazil-port langchinesetrad lockpicking northamerica nuclearsolution parentprotagonist postapocalypse prologue protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face rating-pegi-18 retrofuture settlementminigame spouseprotagonist trash tutorial Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, welcomes you to the world of Fallout 4 . Winner of more than 50 Game of the Year awards, including top honors at the 2016 D.I.C.E. Awards. Fallout 4 is the studio’s most ambitious game ever and the next generation of open-world gaming. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.***
Xbox Onelabelimagesubject
Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2015 ♫faustoverture 2070s 21stcentury achievements atomicage-theme companionapp compass creation-engine dialogwheel displacementfiction display-30fps earth fallout flash framesynced future genderchoice interactivedialogs langbrazil-port langchinesetrad northamerica nuclearsolution parentprotagonist postapocalypse prologue protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face rating-pegi-18 retrofuture settlementminigame spouseprotagonist trash tutorial Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 – their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming.***
Fallout Tactics  Interplay (Micro Forté;14 Degrees East)2001 autoshotguns blacksheep chakrams discontinuity download earth fallout flatdamagereduction future genrechange giantinsects giantspiders gog gore mutants postapocalypse powerarmor rating-esrb-m retrofuture ruinedworld scorpions thrownweapons uvl-releases wasteland Tactical Squad-Based Combat comes to the Fallout® Universe!
You are the wretched refuse. You may be born from dirt, but we will forge you into steel. You will learn to bend; if not you, will you break. In these dark times, the Brotherhood - your Brotherhood - is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the howling, radiated wasteland.
Your weapons will become more than your tools, they will become your friends. You will use your skills to inspire the lowly and protect the weak... whether they like it or not. Your squadmates will be more dear to you than your kin and for those that survive there will be honor, respect and the spoils of war.***2009-08-19 on Steam, by Interplay (lang: eng, fre, ger)***Despite the awfully similar name, this is not the same game as the PS2 and Xbox Brotherhood of Steel game.
Fallout Tactics  Interplay2011 autoshotguns blacksheep chakrams commercial desura discontinuity download earth fallout flatdamagereduction future genrechange giantinsects giantspiders gore license-proprietary mutants postapocalypse powerarmor retrofuture ruinedworld scorpions thrownweapons wasteland Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Fallout: A Post Nuclear Adventure  ?1997 2160s 22ndcentury alternatetimeline automap california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode currency-unusual deathworld earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantinsects giantspiders grenades grid grid-hex inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma lockpicking losttechnology mutants neutralmonsters northamerica osclassic overworld postapocalypse powerarmor retrofuture scorpions shopping stealing stealth thrownweapons timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting wasteland Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel  Interplay2004 earth fallout future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders militantprotagonist mutants postapocalypse powerarmor retrofuture scorpions snowblind-engine WELCOME TO THE WASTELAND ...where humanity struggles to pick up the pieces after a devastating nuclear war. As a courageous member of the Brotherhood of Steel, your mission is to bring peace to this post-apocalyptic world filled with relentless chaos and radioactive nightmares.
* Over-the-top 3rd person action set in a grim post-apocalyptic universe
* Outrageous arsenal of weapons including home-made plasma rifles, cleavers, and fragmentation grenades
* Choose from three unique and customizable playable characters
* Auto-targeting ability to cycle quickly through enemies like rats, roaches and radscorpions
* Single or multi-player cooperative playing***In this gritty and darkly humorous 3rd person action adventure, players join the courageous Brotherhood of Steel, whose mission is to maintain peace in the grim post-nuclear world of Fallout. Challenged by hordes of ghouls, mutants and other radioactive nightmares, players utilize a combination of intense combat strategies including melee, ranged weapons and explosives to fulfill their daunting task of defeating the mutant army in hopes of restoring humanity in a nearly unlivable universe. Welcome to the wasteland. Based on the world of Fallout, a successful series of PC games set in a grim post-apocalyptic universe inspired by classic '50's sci-fi films. Unleash over 50 ranged, melee and explosive weapons on hoards of radioactive and mutant creatures and bosses.
Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel  Interplay2004 earth fallout future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders militantprotagonist mutants postapocalypse powerarmor retrofuture scorpions snowblind-engine In this gritty and darkly humorous 3rd person action adventure, players join the courageous Brotherhood of Steel, whose mission is to maintain peace in the grim post-nuclear world of Fallout. Challenged by hordes of ghouls, mutants and other radioactive nightmares, players utilize a combination of intense combat strategies including melee, ranged weapons and explosives to fulfill their daunting task of defeating the mutant army in hopes of restoring humanity in a nearly unlivable universe. Welcome to the wasteland. Based on the world of Fallout, a successful series of PC games set in a grim post-apocalyptic universe inspired by classic '50's sci-fi films. Unleash over 50 ranged, melee and explosive weapons on hoards of radioactive and mutant creatures and bosses. Xboxlabelimagesubject
Fallout: New Vegas  Bethesda Softworks (Obsidian Entertainment)2010 achievements achievements-public actioncamera adv-perks adv-ptdistr adv-static ammotypes amrifles arid aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 asphyxiation assaultrifles automove backstabbing beamweapons bink bioluminescence bodyarmor bombs bunker burning canines cave charactercreation children circadiancycle cloakednpcs collectibles concession-player cooking corpselooting crafting criticalchance cultists dam dark-limited deadondisplay decomposing depthoffield devconsole dialog-sentences disguising doors druggies earth energyweapons factions fakenames fallout firearms fistloads flatdamagereduction future gamebryoengine genderchoice giantants giantinsects giantscorpions gibs graverobbing grenades grenadewarning handguns havokphysics healingitems holstering homosexuals humanitarianism ichthyoids implants indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries insectoids interactivedialogs invisiblewalls itemdurability jumping karma keys lamp langmorsecode laserweapons lesbians letterbox loading-partial locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lutris machineguns mindamage minefield mines minigames mixedcreatures mode-hardcore modsupport modularequipment multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters nevada nightvision northamerica npcinjuries nuclearweapons nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks orbitalweapons parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons politicalcorruption postapocalypse precisionrifles pressureplates prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face radialblur radiation radioactiveglow rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-18 rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 recurrence-character repairing retrofuture robots rotaryguns sauroids seers selfcensorship sex sexism shopping shotguns shovels slowmotion soldiers speedtree stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthmode steampowered steamworks submachineguns supportnpcs swimming tasktracker telescope thermalweapons threatdisplay titlementioned titularlocale town toxins trapdisarming tripwires unarmedfighting underwaterdiving unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland Has 2 minor content DLC:
-Courier's Pack: Includes all the items from the differente store preorders of FNV.
-Gun Runners Arsenal: Introduces challenges and achievements related to them, and a store with some new weapons and mods.***Nyaeh there's the high roller.

El mejor RPG de exploración de la generación actual, con personajes humanos creíbles (nadie es inmortal) y hasta cierto realismo económico (granjas, lucha por el agua...)

El argumento del Skyrim en comparativa es de segunda.

10 de 10***Welcome to Vegas. New Vegas.

It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head and left for dead...and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis. It’s a place where the right kind of person with the right kind of weaponry can really make a name for themselves, and make more than an enemy or two along the way.

As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wasteland, the colossal Hoover Dam, and the neon drenched Vegas Strip, you’ll be introduced to a colorful cast of characters, power-hungry factions, special weapons, mutated creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or declare "winner takes all" and crown yourself the King of New Vegas in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Fallout 3.

Enjoy your stay.

Key Features
* Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Not even nuclear fallout could slow the hustle of Sin City. Explore the vast expanses of the desert wastelands – from the small towns dotting the Mojave Wasteland to the bright lights of the New Vegas strip. See the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout.
* Feuding Factions, Colorful Characters and a Host of Hostiles! A war is brewing between rival factions with consequences that will change the lives of all the inhabitants of New Vegas. The choices you make will bring you into contact with countless characters, creatures, allies, and foes, and determine the final explosive outcome of this epic power struggle.
* New Systems! Enjoy new additions to Fallout: New Vegas such as a Companion Wheel that streamlines directing your companions, a Reputation System that tracks the consequences of your actions, and the aptly titled Hardcore Mode to separate the meek from the mighty. Special melee combat moves have been added to bring new meaning to the phrase "up close and personal". Use V.A.T.S. to pause time in combat, target specific enemy body parts and queue up attacks, or get right to the action using the finely-tuned real-time combat mechanics.
* An Arsenal of Shiny New Guns! With double the amount of weapons found in Fallout 3, you’ll have more than enough new and exciting ways to deal with the threats of the wasteland and the locals. In addition, Vault-Tec engineers have devised a new weapons configuration system that lets you tinker with your toys and see the modifications you make in real time.
* Let it Ride! In a huge, open world with unlimited options you can see the sights, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it’s all in how you play the game.***EAN-13: [code]0093155125049[/code]***[b]Welcome to Vegas. New Vegas.[/b]

As you battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wastelands to the neon drenched Vegas Strip, you'll be introduced to a colourful cast of characters, factions, special weapons, mutated creatures and much more. Choose sides in the upcoming war or declare "winner takes all" in this follow-up to the 2008 videogame of the year, Fallout® 3.

[b]Enjoy Your Stay.[/b]

* Feel the Heat in New Vegas! Experience the Great Southwest as could only be imagined in Fallout.
* Up the Ante! New features, weapons, factions and foes await you in Sin City.
* Let it Ride! In a huge, open world you can explore, choose sides, or go it alone. Peacemaker or Hard Case, House Rules, or the Wild Card - it's all how you play the game.
[Box blurb [sic]]
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