showing 1 - 50 of 73 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

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13 Ghosts Tandy (Software Affair)1984 5.25disk attractmode cemetery cinematics ghosts hogansalley keyboard music score skeletons spiders spu-harmonicinterference tombstones town trs80model4 single playerTRS-80labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate Graphic Simulations (BioWare)2000 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate basilisks bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors druids dungeon dwarves elves encounters-random epigraph familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids inventory inventory-supplies jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking macos8 macos9 magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mythmagnet neutralnpcs npcstunning orphanprotagonist osclassic polearms ppc prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staves stealth stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist single playerMac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate Runecraft (Bioware;Interplay)? activepause adnd adv-static baldursgate bhaalspawn bloodlines bows cancelled caninoids capacity-slots charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq containers crossbows darts dicemechanics dnd doors dwarves elves encounters-random familiars fatigue forest forgottenrealms genderchoice gnolls goblins godlingprotagonist golems group hazardouspowers highfantasy hitchance homingboulders identitycrisis infinityengine inventory karma limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed medieval mythmagnet orphanprotagonist prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming prototype pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance resting romance rooting sewers sharedsetting sorcery spellbooks spellmemory tombstones traps undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared single playerPSlabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate  Interplay;Black Isle Studios (BioWare)1998 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridge brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion compatiblewine containers crossbows darts datacaching death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals directplay directx5 directx6 dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dvd dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies ipx itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist single player, cable/nullmodem, LAN, InternetWindowslabelimagesubject
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Overhaul Games)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows damagetypes darts derivedstatistics dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors dragons dragons-western dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator native neutralnpcs nonnative npcstunning opengl opengl-2-0 orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds prophecy protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sentientartefact sewers shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staves stealth stunning subclassing subterranean summoning swords thesoulless titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps treetoptown unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared single player, LAN, InternetLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate III  Beamdog2023 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq commercial companion containers crossbows damagetypes darts derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors download dragons dragons-western dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans ichthyoids identitycrisis imps insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives license-proprietary liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning orphanprotagonist polearms prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river rooting ruins sentientartefact sewers shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staves stealth steampowered stunning subclassing subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps unarmedfighting undead uvl-tiein vampires voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared single player, LAN, InternetLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Edition spéciale  Interplay Productions1998 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridge brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cdrom cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts datacaching death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist single playerMS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Overhaul Games;Beamdog)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group group-subset halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning opengl-2-0 orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared single player, LAN, InternetLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Black Isle Studios;Beamdog)2013 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives langchinesesimpl langturkish limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning opengl orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist single player, LAN, InternetWindowslabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (BioWare;Beamdog)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame brothel caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts death dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty difficulty-ingame direanimals dnd doors doppelgangers druids drunkenness dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders glitchprotection gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives langchinesesimpl langturkish limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist mechanicexplained medieval meleeweapons monsters morale mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcammo npcstunning opengl orphanprotagonist osx playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds programming prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins rumors sewers shapeshifters sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stippletransparency stunning stupidevil subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-osversion uvl-tiein uvl-workingtitle vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wilderness wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared youngadultprotagonist single player, LAN, InternetMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear  Beamdog2017 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drm drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs nodrm npcstunning opengl-2-0 playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared single player, LAN, InternetLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear  Beamdog2016 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning opengl-2-0 playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared single player, LAN, InternetWindowslabelimageminimize
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Konami1988 3dsvirtualconsole castlevania cemetery chapel circadiancycle consoleclassix deathpits fakesurfaces falsehints ichthyoids inaccurateinfo metroidvania mummies nesclassic nofalldamage notnintendocontentguid savepassword skeletons tombstones werewolves wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse  Konami;Palcom (Konami)1989 3dsvirtualconsole bossbattles castlevania cemetery censored consoleclassix friendshipbeatdown notnintendocontentguid ruins savepassword score simulacrums timelimit tombstones vampires whips wiiuvirtualconsole wiivirtualconsole single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga  Focus Home Interactive (Larian Studios)2010 1life achievements adv-ptdistr adv-static aircontrol ancientenemy animals antagonistawareness attrbasedeq axes bioluminescence bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows canyon capacity-slots castle cemetery chemistry chickens classicwizards classless comicrelief compass containers crystals damagetypes dark-limited demons depthoffield dialog-sentences directx9 divinity-series dodging doors download dragons dragons-western drm drm-activation elevators elevators-multifloor enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen estate eviloverlord extremists fantasyworld fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse flying forest gamebryoengine genderbender genderchoice ghosts glowingeyes hdrlighting healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hillland interactivedialogs inventory island jumping keys ladders levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lockpicking loot-random magic map mapannotation medieval meleeweapons mindreading mine minions monsterhunters monsters moralchoices mountain mysticprotagonist neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nochildren nofalldamage nomads objectiveindicator observer obsoletedassets optionaltasks outlaws physx polymathprotagonist portals potions pressureplates protagonistredesigning puzzles quickkeys randomdamage rating-pegi-12 ruins saveanywhere screenshake secrets securom securom7 selfluminance sellundo shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slowbackpedal sorcery speedtree steampowered subterranean summoning swords targetlock taskdelegation tasktracker teleporters temple tombstones tower town trash unarmedfighting undead unlimitedammo walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist wellcave winvista winxp wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Dracula II: Noroi no Fūin  Konami1987 castlevania cemetery chapel circadiancycle consoleclassix deathpits falsehints ichthyoids inaccurateinfo mummies nofalldamage notnintendocontentguid skeletons tombstones werewolves single playerFamicom Disk Systemlabelimageminimize
Dragon Fantasy  Muteki Corporation2011 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode customengine dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped inventory knives magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks pirates retro ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves subterranean swords tombstones town toxins undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies single playerPS3labelimageminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice Muteki Corporation (Choice Provisions)2016 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks openal opengl pirates retro robots ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins ubuntu undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice Muteki Corporation;Limited Run Games (Muteki Corporation)2013 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks openal opengl pirates retro robots ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies single playerPS Vitalabelminimizeminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice Muteki Corporation;Limited Run Games (Muteki Corporation)2016 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks openal opengl pirates retro robots ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies single playerPS4labelminimizeminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria Muteki Corporation (Choice Provisions)2013 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks pirates retro ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins ubuntu undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies single playerLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Fable III  Microsoft Game Studios (Lionhead Studios)2010 aaa addons adoption animals antivillain arcanepunk blocking bloodlines bludgeons bodymorphing books capacity-toolslots cave chargedattack chickens circadiancycle city collectibles companion crates crepuscularrays crossworldcharacters dataimport difficulty dodging earlymodern-theme emotes eviloverlord fable-series fascism fictionaluniverse firearms forest friendlyfire genderchoice glowingeyes glowingveins groupsex gunpowderfantasy handguns healingitems healthregen hero-theme highbornprotagonist highfantasy historicalfantasy homosexuals humanoids industrialage langchinesetrad langhungarian latestart library lightbloom limitlessenergy magic marriage meleeweapons mine minigames monsters moralchoices mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin namelessprotagonist naming-companions naming-objects naturalleader necessaryevil objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws playablemenu plotimmortality portals potions precisionrifles procreation pyrokinesis rating-esrb-m rebellion reflecteddeeds renting risetopower sciencefantasy secondaryantagonist secrets selfcensorship sewers sex shadows shopping skeletons soldiers sorcery splatter stealing summery swimming swords tangibleabstracts tasktracker temporarycompanions tombstones town trophies undead unlimitedammo unrestrictedviolence walking werewolves wetland wintery wolves xbydifferentname xrayelectrocution zombies single playerX360labelimageminimize
Fable III  Microsoft Game Studios (Lionhead Studios)2011 aaa addons adoption animals antivillain arcanepunk blocking bloodlines bludgeons bodymorphing books capacity-toolslots cave chargedattack chickens circadiancycle city classless collectibles companion crates crepuscularrays crossworldcharacters difficulty dodging drm drm-activation earlymodern-theme emotes eviloverlord fable-series fascism fictionaluniverse firearms forest friendlyfire genderchoice glowingeyes glowingveins groupsex gunpowderfantasy handguns healingitems healthregen hero-theme highbornprotagonist highfantasy historicalfantasy homosexuals humanoids industrialage langchinesetrad langhungarian latestart library lightbloom limitlessenergy magic marriage meleeweapons mine minigames monsters moralchoices mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin namelessprotagonist naming-companions naming-objects naturalleader necessaryevil objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws playablemenu plotimmortality portals potions precisionrifles procreation pyrokinesis rebellion reflecteddeeds renting risetopower sciencefantasy secondaryantagonist secrets securom securompa selfcensorship sewers sex shadows shopping skeletons slimdx soldiers sorcery splatter stealing steampowered summery swimming swords tangibleabstracts tasktracker temporarycompanions tombstones town trophies undead unlimitedammo unrestrictedviolence walking werewolves wetland windowslive wintery wolves xbydifferentname xrayelectrocution zombies single player, InternetWindowslabelimagesubject
Final Fantasy  Square1987 ♫dvorakcavatina adv-static bodyarmor bossbattles chekhovsgun classbased combatmode consoleclassix dwarves elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse finalfantasy floatingeyes giantinsects group illequipped inventory knives magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters nesclassic neutralnpcs notnintendocontentguid nunchucks pirates rakshasa saveram sharks shields shopping sorcery staves subterranean swords timetravel tombstones town undead unicorns walking watercraft weefolk wolves xp-kills zombies single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Final Fantasy Origins Square2003 adv-static aerodyne airship amoeboids axes bigcats birds bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows carnivorousplants castle classbased classbasedeq combatmode demons dialog-keywords dinosaurs dragons dragons-eastern dragons-western dwarves eagles elves encounters-random exoticweapons fantasyworld fictionaluniverse finalfantasy fish floatingeyes forest friendlyfire frog ghosts ghouls giantinsects giants giantworms goblins golems group hapticfeedback harpies illequipped insectoids inventory jewelry knights knives magic mandatoryloss meleeweapons menus merfolk mixedcreatures monsters mystics neutralnpcs noalternatives nunchucks ogres pirates polearms premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming rakshasa rapidmovementplants rating-sell-tp riding roses-other rotorcraft sharks shields shopping skyships sorcery staves subterranean suicideattackers swords testudines timetravel tombstones town unarmedfighting undead unicorns unrootedplants vampires walking watercraft watercraft-large weefolk wolves xp-kills xp-literal zombies single playerPSlabelimagesubject
Frost and Flame  PhysHex Games2011 actionrpg bodyarmor books bows bridge cemetery cpplanguage currency devsyscodeblocks devsyslinux devsyswindows download forest inventory jewelry knives license-cc license-gpl magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters necklaces opengl outdoors plains potions sdl shopping slings sorcery subterranean swords tombstones tower walking wands single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Geepa's First Quest author2003 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids ancientenemy bombs bossbattles bows cartoon cemetery chosenone currency dataonly did doors fangame fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped indoors inventory inventory-indisposable keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain noncanon outdoors rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets serious shopping stonemen stunning subterranean swords tombstones traproom trees unexpectedsituation unofficial upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-other upgrades-permanent walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine single playerLinuxlabelimagesubject
Ghosts 'n Goblins  Capcom (Micronics)1986 bossbattles cemetery chiroptera consoleclassix did falseending gargoyles ghosts gng harmfultouch knights ladders movingplatforms nesclassic noaircontrol nofalldamage notnintendocontentguid platformer rescue score skeletons timelimit tombstones undead walking wiivirtualconsole zombies single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Ghouls and Ghosts Remix author? aimdirlimit allegro alone cemetery chiroptera cpplanguage deathpits did ghosts ghouls knights license-gpl lives nofalldamage rescue skeletons thrownweapons timelimit tombstones undead walking zombies single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Gothic 2  JoWood Productions (Piranha Bytes)2002 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series healing-instant healingitems herbs holstering hostilewildlife illequipped ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal jewelry jumping lamp lawenforcers lighthouse lockpicking losemap lostresources magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons middleagedprotagonist milessound monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging scrolls serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls willowisps witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Gothic 2: The Night of the Raven  JoWooD Productions (Piranha Bytes)2003 1life 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-intermediary adv-ptdistr alcohol autorun axes ballistics beach blackpearls blocking bloodless bludgeons books bows burning canyon capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chapters chargedabilities cheese chemistry chosenone circadiancycle clambering clergy containers cooking corpselooting coupdegrace crafting crepuscularrays criticalchance crossbows currency damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences divinechampion download dragons dragons-western dynamicweather eastereggs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems falldamage finiteopposition foraging forest fortunetelling freezing genderdiscrepancy giantrats glare goblinoids gog golems gothic-series harpies healing-instant healingitems healthdraining herbs holstering hostilewildlife ineptveteran insectoids interactionhighlight interactivedialogs interrupting inventory island isopods itempickup-normal itemsets jewelry jumping karmiccreatures ladders lamp lawenforcers lighthouse livingfire lockpicking losemap lostcity magic magic-ingredients magic-sigils magicrings maleprotagonist map meleeweapons midastouch middleagedprotagonist monastery mystics namelessprotagonist necromancers nochildren noenergyregen nohealthregen noinvpause noports npcdirections npcinventory npclooting npcschedules npcstrife openworld optionaltasks orcs outlaws persistentworld pickaxe pickpocketing plotimmortality portals potions powerups premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery prostitutes recurrence-character resting rural safepowers sauroids saveanywhere scavenging screenshake scrolls secretsociety serious sex shapeshifting sheep shopping skeletons skinning slowbackpedal smokes spectres staves stealing stealth stealthmode summoning superalloy swimming swords targetident targetlock tasktracker teleport teleporters temporarycompanions threatdisplay tombstones town trespassing trolls unarmedfighting undead undeadanimals uvl-releases vendortrash walking walkingarmory waterfalls wetland wildboars willowisps willowtrees witnesses wolves woundless xp-deeds xp-kills zombies single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Gun.Smoke  Capcom1988 1840s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium bossbattles cemetery firearms gunslingers lives mercenaryprotagonist ninja past riding runandgun score tombstones western single playerFamicom Disk Systemlabelimageminimize
Gun.Smoke  Capcom1988 1840s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium bossbattles bpjmindexed cemetery consoleclassix firearms gunslingers lives mercenaryprotagonist ninja notnintendocontentguid past riding runandgun score stereo tombstones uvl-sku western single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993 2hmeleeweapons 3.5disk adnd adv-progress adv-static alienplanet autumnal axes basilisks beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows breathweapons caninoids cdrom cemetery charactercreation city clanguage classbased classbasedeq combatmode companion compass containers cpplanguage crossbows dataexport dataimport did difficulty dnd doors dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western driders dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-random encounters-set encounters-timed fantasyworld fatigue feelies femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice genderpenalty ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantmonsters giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist goldboxengine golems gridmove group halflings hazardouspowers healingitems heroprotagonist highfantasy horses humanoids humans ichthyoids illusionarywalls inorganics insectoids inventory jewelry jinn joystick karma keys knives leveleditor liches lockpicking lowfantasy magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mindflayers missionbased monsters mouse multiclassing multipleendings multiverse mycoids mystics mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons orcs pascal polearms premadecharacters premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ragtaggang randomdamage recruiting rescue resourcegeneration resting riding river romance ruins sentientartefact sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping skeletons slings softscifi sorcery specieschoice spellmemory subterranean summery swords tentaclecreatures thrownweapons titlementioned tombstones town traps treants tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vernal walking wasteland weefolk wintery wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills single playerMS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)1993 2hmeleeweapons 3.5disk 68k adnd adv-progress adv-static alienplanet autumnal axes basilisks beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows breathweapons caninoids cdrom cemetery charactercreation city clanguage classbased classbasedeq combatmode companion compass containers cpplanguage crossbows dataexport dataimport did difficulty dnd doors dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western driders dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-random encounters-set encounters-timed fantasyworld fatigue feelies femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantmonsters giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist goldboxengine golems gridmove group halflings hazardouspowers healingitems heroprotagonist highfantasy horses humanoids humans ichthyoids illusionarywalls inorganics insectoids inventory jewelry jinn joystick karma keys knives leveleditor liches lockpicking lowfantasy macos6 macos7 magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mindflayers missionbased monsters mouse multiclassing multipleendings multiverse mycoids mystics mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons orcs osclassic pascal polearms premadecharacters premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ragtaggang randomdamage recruiting rescue resourcegeneration resting riding river romance ruins sentientartefact sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping skeletons slings softscifi sorcery specieschoice spellmemory subterranean summery swords tentaclecreatures thrownweapons titlementioned tombstones town traps treants tutorial unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vernal walking wasteland weefolk wintery wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills single playerMac OS Classiclabelimagesubject
Heirs to Skull Crag  SSI (MicroMagic;SSI)2015 2hmeleeweapons adnd adv-progress adv-static alienplanet autumnal axes basilisks beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows breathweapons caninoids charactercreation city classbased classbasedeq combatmode commercial companion compass containers crossbows dataexport dataimport did difficulty dnd doors download dragonprotagonist dragons dragons-western driders dungeoncrawler dwarves elves encounters-random encounters-set encounters-timed fantasyworld fatigue feelies femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderchoice genderpenalty ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantmonsters giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog goldboxengine golems gridmove group halflings hazardouspowers healingitems heroprotagonist highfantasy horses humanoids humans ichthyoids illusionarywalls inorganics insectoids inventory jewelry jinn joystick karma keys knives leveleditor license-proprietary liches lockpicking lowfantasy magic magicweapons maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mindflayers mintlinux missionbased monsters mouse multiclassing multipleendings multiverse mycoids mystics mythicalprotagonist naturalweapons orcs pascal polearms premadecharacters premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming ragtaggang randomdamage recruiting rescue resourcegeneration resting riding river romance ruins sentientartefact sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping skeletons slings softscifi sorcery specieschoice spellmemory subterranean summery swords tentaclecreatures thrownweapons titlementioned tombstones town traps treants tutorial ubuntu unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vernal walking wasteland weefolk wintery wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel id Software (Raven Software)1996 1life aimassist alone axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles cdrom cemetery centauroids classbased classbasedeq crushers cryokinesis doomwad electrokinesis explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter forcedpolymorph freezing ghosts gunblades healingitems healthpickups heretichexen humanoidanimals idtech1 illusionarywalls inbuilttraps inventory jumping magic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-dm noingameintro nontolkienian npcspawning npcstrife personalquest potions premadecharacters progressiveattacks pyrokinesis sauroids secrets serious singlegender sorcery swords teleport titularlocale tombstones unarmedfighting walking single player, LANMS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Hydlide  Toshiba EMI;FCI (T&E Soft)1986 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera consoleclassix europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic notnintendocontentguid savepassword skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Hydlide  T&E Soft1984 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerNEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1986 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerMSX2labelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerNEC PC6001labelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerSharp X1labelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerMSXlabelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerMICRO 7 - FM7labelimageminimize
Hydlide  T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking single playerNEC PC9801labelimageminimize
Journey to Silius  Sunsoft (Sunsoft;Tokai Engineering)1990 bossbattles consoleclassix deathpits directionalforce-movingsurface future helicopters notnintendocontentguid otherworld parallaxscrolling revenge robots runandgun stereo terrorism tombstones single playerNESlabelimagesubject
Mappy-Land  Taxan;Namco (Tose)1986 anthroprotagonist birds cemetery claiming consoleclassix deadlywater domesticcats fish ghosts instantdeath ladders lives mouseprotagonist movingplatforms notnintendocontentguid platformer score tombstones uvl-sku single playerNESlabelimageminimize
Nightmare Gallery Synergistic Software1982 5.25disk apple2 appledos3.3 cemetery centipedelike chiroptera commercial display-280x192 fixedshooter ghosts ghouls joystick keyboard license-proprietary lives mummies paddles score tombstones vampires werewolves single playerApple II Elabelimageminimize
Pinball Quest  Jaleco (Tose)1989 cemetery consoleclassix ghosts notnintendocontentguid pinball score skeletons tombstones single playerNESlabelimagesubject
ReignMaker  Frogdice2014 citybuilding combatnets commercial crowdfunded download explosives hybridgame license-proprietary magic match3 meleeweapons nets steampowered swords tombstones towerdefense ubuntu undead single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
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