showing 1 - 50 of 167 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagspop.
Vault Of Souls author? currency dataonly healthregen multipleendings nojumping outdoors sequelhook subterranean teleporters tragicending walking zeldaclassicengine
Dunnet Free Software Foundation1996 multipleendings surreal virtualreality
Deus Ex  Loki Games2000 2050s 21stcentury airducts airport ammomagazines area51 asia asia-east bathroom biorobotprotagonist biorobots bludgeons blue cancelled city city-newyork-ny city-paris-fr clonetechnology compressedgas conspiracy crates cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dark-limited deusex dystopian earth empgrenades empweapons energyitems energystations epigraph europe france future glide3d grenades greys hacking hangar hazmatsuit healingitems healingstations hongkong hud-explained humanoidprotagonist implants inertscenery infravision interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives lamp license-proprietary linux-2-2 lockpicking mafia megacorps meleeweapons meninblack mines multipleendings mutablescenery-large nanotechnology neutralnpcs nightvision nonlethalelimination northamerica opengl optionaltasks oss outbreak plasmaweapons pointdefenses postmodern premadeprotagonist proximitymines researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots rp-levelless saveanywhere science-theme secretfacility sentientmachines shopping stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subway swords technology-theme terminal thermalweapons thrownweapons transhumanism triad truemyths unrealengine unrealengine1 upgradesystem vagrants walking weaponcustomization x11 xrayvision
Galatea Emily Short2000 branchingstory download interactivefiction multipleendings xyzzyaward zilengine
Shogo - Mobile Armor Division Hyperion Entertainment2001 1life asphyxiation assaultrifles beamweapons city club criticalchance domesticcats doors dualwielding energyweapons firearms friendlyfire ghosttown giantrobots handguns hotel inertscenery jumping knives license-proprietary lithtechengine maleprotagonist mecha meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction multipleendings museum otherworld precisionrifles recurringopponent researchfacility rewardingvandalism rockets SDL shotguns spacecraft-location spiderbots submachineguns swords tanks titulargroup transformation underwaterdiving vehicularcombat walker walkers walking youngadultprotagonist
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts cdrom chapel cheese chosenone city cooking cpplanguage crafting crates crteffects dancepad demons domesticcats download drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets group group-subset hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons mandriva meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism opengl otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean svgalib swords thrownweapons town trash ubuntu ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns virtualglitching whips willowisps x11 x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills
Voices author2001 1410s 1420s 1430s 15thcentury 1life 2ndmillennium angelofdeath angels battleofpatay battleofverneuil chapel civilianprotagonist death demons earth femaleprotagonist france freewill godlingprotagonist historicfigure hundredyearswar incarnateddivines loirecampaign mandatoryloss militantprotagonist multipleendings normandy pawn recurringopponent reincarnation selfsacrifice spoilertags temple town ubuntu zilengine
Red Faction II  Nordic Games (Volition;Outrage Games)2002 1life airducts ammomagazines aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints cyborgprotagonist cyborgs destructibleenvironment doors download dualwielding earth eviloverlord firearms firstpersonshooter future geomod-engine grenades healthregen invisiblewalls mecha mediaindrive milessound missionbased mp-dm multipleendings nanotechnology officebuilding playerprofiles politicalcorruption powerarmor prologue rating-esrb-m rebellion redfaction robots rockets secrets serious sewers suicideattackers timeskip titulargroup tripeds uvl-releases voiceovers walking
RGB Neutral2007 clickadventure escape escapetheroom multipleendings uvl-confusable
Overlord Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2007 actionadventure ambx antiheroprotagonist autosavepoints axes beetles beholders bludgeons bossbattles castle chosenone counselor demo demons dissolvingcorpses dissolvingitems dualism dwarves elves eontech eruptions evilisgood evilvsevil facelessprotagonist fatties forest geysers ghosts giantinsects giantmonsters giantworms gremlins healthpickups home invisiblewalls itemglow magic meleeweapons milessound minionequipping minions monsters multipleendings nochildren nonnative npcgenerators npcspawning npcstrife oneoftheenemy overlord-series playerprofiles portals pumpkin rating-esrb-t rebornprotagonist rewardingvandalism sevendeadlysins shadermodel2 silentprotagonist singlesave slavery sorcery spoilertags stupidevil subterranean swords teleport teleporters temple titlementioned titularcharacter town trolls tutorial undead unicorns unusualprotagonist uvl-missingimages variableending walking warriorprotagonist weefolk wetland widescreen zombies
Cave Story  Studio Pixel2007 amnesia androidprotagonist controllablehelplessness deadlydecor difficultyspike dragons evilgenius flyingislands flyingjellyfish friendshipbeatdown jokeitems leporoids magic metroidvania multipleendings mystics retro robotprotagonist robots sdl silentprotagonist slavery subterranean town ubuntu
Eschalon: Book I My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2007 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bows capacity-weight castle cdrom cemetery chemistry circadiancycle commercial dark-limited demo desura disease doors doors-breakable download encounters-random endlessopposition energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries fasttravel fasttravel-points floatingeyes forest fortress free2play giantinsects goblins gog graverobbing grid grid-square healthregen healthregen-slow illusionarywalls indie interactivedialogs inventory itemdurability lamp license-proprietary licensechange limitedcapacity lockpicking magic maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters multipleendings nodrm npcstrife openal opengl outlaws passive resting ruins saveanywhere sequelhook shopping skeletons sorcery stealing stealth subterranean suicideattackers swords thrownweapons tileblending town ubuntu undead variableabilitypower waiting wasteland wetland x86 zombies
Edna Breaks Out  Daedalic Entertainment2008 amnesia clickadventure commercial companion darkpast demo escape femaleprotagonist insaneasylum java license-proprietary lunatics multipleendings opengl tragicending
Heileen  Tycoon Games;Winter Wolves (Tycoon Games)2009 17thcentury ageofsail atlantic bechdelwallace commercial demo desura download earlymodernperiod earth femaleprotagonist license-proprietary multipleendings narrativedriven otomegame pythonlanguage score steampowered teenprotagonist titlementioned ubuntu visualnovel watercraft-location
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Lights Neutral2009 clickadventure escape escapetheroom multipleendings
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Iron Sky: Operation Highjump SilverQuill (Game Studios IGIOS;LudoCraft)2011 1940s 20thcentury actionadventure alternatetimeline antarctica dystopian earth humanexperiments humor-dark ironsky ironsky-series latemodernperiod movie multipleendings nazis onhold past stealth subterranean suppression torture ubuntu unity-engine uvl-confusable worldwar2
Spirited Heart: Girl’s Love Winter Wolves2011 desura drm drm-activation femaledominant femaleprotagonist homosexuals indie license-proprietary lifesimulation multipleendings otomegame raisersim timemanagement
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 actionadventure adv-limited aeroplane aimmode aircraft-location anticipatorysightings antiheroprotagonist armcannons assaultrifles bathos beamweapons bludgeons circadiancycle city cleargame clothdyeing combobonuses crimefiction criminalactivity crowds damagemodeling drifting driving dualwielding dynamicaccuracy dynamicweather earth ejecting elitemobs endlessopposition energyweapons eontech epilogue evilvsevil falldamage fauxserious fictionallocation firearms flamethrowers gagweapons gangwar genderchoice grenadelaunchers grenades gtalike hackers handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast helicopter helicopters helming hijacking hoverflight humor-blue indicator-poi indicator-route jetbike jetbikes jigglephysics jokeitems jumping lawenforcers locationaldamage lostresources luchadores machineguns map martiallaw meatshield minimap missionbased motorboat motorcycle mp-campaign mp-cooperative multipleendings neutralnpcs nochildren nonnative northamerica notextchat openworld optionaltasks organizedcrime outlawprotagonist overthetop parachuting pda piloting playerexposition precisionrifles propellerplane prostitutes protagonistdesigning quicktimeevent radar ragdollphysics rampantcrime reload-manual remotecontrol rockets rotaryguns saintsrow-series secondaryantagonist selfcensorship sequence-defend shopping shotguns soldiers sonicweapons spectacularcrash staggering stamina stunguns submachineguns swords tank tanks targetdesignator telescope traffic trampling truck unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence unwieldyweapons upgradesystem vaulting vehiclepainting vehicleselectinplay voicechat vtol walking walkingarmory watercraft watercraft-location waterscooter waterwaves wwise zombies
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Waking Mars Tiger Style2012 2090s 21stcentury acid aliens asianprotagonist autozoom biorobots cave columnarjointing commercial cpplanguage customengine desura disappearingplatforms download extraterrestrial facebookconnect falldamage fasttravel future grapplers healingstations indie jetpack lava license-proprietary lutris mars martians multipleendings noantagonist nocombat nohealthregen npcharvesting quake scientistprotagonist screenshake sdl steampowered systemsdriven ubuntu undefinedelements vorbis
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Anna  Kalypso Media (Dreampainters)2013 commercial download drm drm-login humblestore inventory kalypsolauncher langturkish launcher license-proprietary lightbloom multipleendings serialkey steampowered titlementioned ubuntu
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Heileen 3: New Horizons Tycoon Games2013 17thcentury ageofsail commercial demo download earlymodernperiod earth femaleprotagonist license-proprietary monologues multipleendings narrativedriven optionaltasks renpy score steampowered ubuntu visualnovel
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What Happens When Curiosity Strikes Dark Defender2013 download multipleendings renpy ubuntu visualnovel
K-Pop Dating Game author2013 datingsim demo download multipleendings renpy visualnovel
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