showing 1 - 50 of 73 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagslanguage
LambdaRogue: The Book of the Stars  -2006 1life adv-intermediary adv-static archers axes bodyarmor bows charactercreation classbased classbasedeq crossbows currency difficulty digging earth femaleprotagonist genderchoice genderdifference healingitems hunger insects inventory knives levelbasedeq library license-bsd3c lives lockpicking magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist militantprotagonist mine monsters mysticprotagonist mystics optionaltasks pascal permadeath polearms postalservice postapocalypse potions quitsave randomdamage resourceharvesting roguelike sdl search sewers shiftinglocale sorcery subterranean swords tasktracker temple ubuntu walking xp-kills enlabelimagesubject
Arx Libertatis  ? (Arkane Studios;Zenimax;Arx Libertatis)2011 1life adv-ptdistr amnesia automap ballistics bludgeons bows capacity-slots castle cemetery charactercreation cheese chemistry chemistry-medicine chemistry-toxins cooking cpplanguage cultists dark demons disguisedtriggers displacementfiction divinechampion divinemenace doors drawing dungeon dungeoncrawler elevators fromanotherworld fullbodyawareness giantinsects goblins healingitems hillland humanoidprotagonist humans immersivesim inventory jumping license-gpl limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-precast magic-sigils mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons minimap mummies murinoids naga neutralnpcs openal opengl pointertoggle potions refillableliquidcontainers rescue saveanywhere sdl search serious shopping sorcery sourcecodeavailable stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subterranean subterraneanrealm summoning swords systemsdriven trolls ubuntu uipointer undead uvl-missingmedia visionenhancer voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies ch, en, de, rulabelimagesubject
Freeablo  ?? actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq automap bestsellerseries bleak bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chargers classbased cliffhanger cloakednpcs constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy darkknights demonicinvasion demons diablo elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins gargoyles goblinoids gothic graverobbing hackandslash healingitems healingstations hell hellscape heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inorganics interrupting inventory itemdurability itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant jewelry knockback levelhub leveluprestoration license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic magic-instant mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative naga neutralmonsters nontolkienian npcspawning obstacletranslucification openclassing optionaltasks playerprofiles potions premadecharacters pve pyrokinesis quitsave recallportal restorativegluttony safezone saveanywhere selfluminance sequelhook serious shopping skeletons socketables sorcery spawncopy subterranean summoning swords taskgenerator teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town tragicending twitch undead unknownpast voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies enlabelminimizeminimize
Explorer 0judge02013 2hmeleeweapons axes bodyarmor bows circadiancycle crafting crossbows customengine download gridmove indoors inventory java license-proprietary magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters outdoors potions retro roguelike serious shields shopping subterranean swords taskgenerator tilebased town ubuntu walking wands enlabelminimizeminimize
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-weight chargers chemistry classbased classbasedeq commercial constrainedlocale containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited difficulty dinosaurs disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses draganddrop dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler endlessopposition falldamage femaleprotagonist formations freelook genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders gloomy gog golems grenades gridmove grimrock-series group healingstations hitchance humanoids humblebundle hunger idlenoise inbuilttraps indie insectoids inventory jewelry juggernauts katar keys knives lamp lamp-powered limitedcapacity lua luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils mapannotation meleeweapons minotaurs mycoids mystics namegenerator noantagonist nodrm npcspawning ogres outlawprotagonist overburdening overloading polearms potions powerthrow pressureplates prison projectilerecovery randomchance randomdamage resting resuscitation robots sauroids screenshake secrets singularlocale skillbasedeq sorcery spears specieschoice splatter steampowered swordandsorcery swords teleport teleportmaze tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons titularlocale toxins ugc uipointer unarmedfighting undead walking xp-kills enlabelimageminimize
Legend of Grimrock II  Almost Human Games2013 achillesheelfoes amoeboids antagonistawareness axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows castle commercial containers cpplanguage crossbows dinosaurs dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders golems grimrock-series humanoids indie insectoids inventory jewelry knives magic meleeweapons minotaurs mycoids mystics ogres polearms potions resting sauroids sorcery spears swords teleport tentaclecreatures throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons unarmedfighting unconfirmed undead uvl-deleterequest walking enlabelminimizeminimize
Elliot Quest Ansimuz Games2013 bows commercial currency customengine desura download encounters-random explosives flatterrain forest healingitems humanoidprotagonist jumping keys license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters mountain potions shopping skeletons snakes steampowered swords teenprotagonist ubuntu walking enlabelminimizesubject
Hocus Pocus Apogee (Moonlite Software)2014 bossbattles classicwizards commercial difficulty download gog indoors keys license-proprietary lighthearted magic mysticprotagonist nonnative potions score sorcery ubuntu enlabelminimizeminimize
Stendhal Arianne2005 achievements amazons amoeboids angels anuroids apples archaicweapons arianne-engine axes barbarians bartering beavers beholders bludgeons bodyarmor books bows cannibalism captives cards carrots cattle centaurs cervids cheese cherries chickens chiroptera clergy crabs crocodiles crossbows currency cyclopes death demons dice download dragons dragons-western dwarves elementals elephants elites elves europeanfae exoticweapons femaleprotagonist fish fishing flowers forest foxes free2play fungus-mushrooms gargoyles garlic gems genderchoice ghosts giants gnomes goblins gold goldbars goldnuggets golems horses humans hydrae imps inventory java jewelry jinn keys knights knives kobolds leprechauns license-gpl lions magic magicrings maleprotagonist map marriage meleeweapons mice minotaurs mmog monsters mummies murinoids mutants mystics naga naturalweapons ninja nymphs ogres orcs outlaws pandas pegasus penguin pickaxe pigs polearms potions primates prospecting rangedweapons rats roses samurai scientists scrolls scythes sdl shopping skeletons snakes soldiers spears spectres spiders staves stealing subterranean swords thieves throwingstars thrownweapons tigers trading treants trolls ubuntu undead unicorns ursines vampires walking weefolk werewolves witches wolves zombies en, splabelimagesubject
Secret of the Magic Crystals Artery Studios2013 aethons commercial crafting crystals difficulty disease download dynamicweather earth fantasticearth femaleprotagonist genderchoice horsegame horses humblebundle hybrids jumping license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist nodrm pegasus potions seasons selectivebreeding shopping steampowered ubuntu unicorns unity-engine upgradesystem virtualpets enlabelminimizeminimize
Ancient Domains Of Mystery  author1994 1life abominations adv-static agriculture attackdefenseadjust cannibalism charactercreation classbased commercial curseditems desecration destructibleitems doors doors-breakable download dragons dungeon dwarves elves encounters-random energyregen femaleprotagonist floatingeyes genderchoice gremlins heroprotagonist hiddenattributes hunger hyperalimentation inventory inventory-unprotected itemidentification itempickup-instant jokeitems karma karmiccreatures magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator medieval metamorphosis mitoticcreatures monsters mutation naming naming-companions naming-npcs neutralnpcs nonlinear nonstandardcolors optionaltasks orcs ordervschaos outlaws overworld owlbears permadeath placeswap potions presetmaps psychicpowers psychics quitsave randomdamage randomizedeffects roguelike rotting sacrificing safeguards save-suspend serious shiftinglocale shopping singlesave sorcery spawners specieschoice subterraneanforest tangibleabstracts teleport teleporters teleporting timeslicing transformativecorruption trolls ubuntu undead unicorns weefolk worms xp-kills xp-literal enlabelimagesubject
Blasphemer author2012 actionadventure bossbattles city crazedsentients crossbows directionalforce-current doors download elvenprotagonist elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter flying forcedpolymorph hazardouspowers healthpickups heroprotagonist humanoidanimals insectoids jumping keys license-bsd3c license-gpl magic magicweapons meleeweapons nohumans opengl outbreak polearms potions sauroids saveanywhere sentientartefact sorcery spears staves unusualprotagonist vavoomengine walking enlabelminimizesubject
Dawn author2009 axes bodyarmor classbased currency forest inventory jewelry magic meleeweapons potions skeletons standingstones swords xp-deeds xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
Deliantra author2001 angels ants automap bees beholders birds bludgeons bows builders castle charactercreation chickens chiroptera circadiancycle classbased cpplanguage crafting crossbows demons disease dwarves elves energycreatures fantasyworld femaleprotagonist flyingislands fogofwar genderchoice ghosts giantspiders goblinoids goblins grid grid-square healthregen-moderate hunger interactivepurgatory inventory keys lineofsight magic maleprotagonist mmog monsters opengl pirates potions rats religion safepowers sheep shopping similliteracy sorcery spiders sprites stealing subterranean summoning swords swrender thieves tileblending toxins traps tutorial ubuntu undead upgradesystem vampires walking weaponcustomization weaponupgrades weefolk x86 x86-32 x86-64 xp-literal enlabelimageminimize
Dragon Hunt  author? 1life ants gentoo giantinsects insects inventory meleeweapons monsters otherworld potions pygame pythonlanguage saveanywhere shopping snakes spiders subterranean swords town ubuntu walking enlabelimageminimize
Dungeon Fray author2013 commercial currency customengine demo desura download healingitems indie license-proprietary magic mapgenerator potions roguelike shopping enlabelminimizeminimize
DUNGEONS OF CHAOS author2017 commercial currency download dungeon indie license-proprietary magic monsters outdoors potions skeletons steampowered subterranean ubuntu enlabelminimizeminimize
Fall of Imiryn  author2007 adv-progress adv-static annchientaengine beach birds bizarrecreatures bleak bossbattles combatmode containers cpplanguage dragons dragons-western drugs encounters-popup encounters-random energyitems fishing friendlyfire giantinsects giantspiders goblins grenades group healingitems humanoids inventory inventory-indisposable island landcephalopods license-gpl loot-random magic meleeweapons militantprotagonist mollusk monsters mutants obsoletedassets octopus opengl otherworld pirates polearms potions rapidmovementplants realtimecombat savepoints scorpions sdl seamonsters serious staves subterranean swords tanks techdisparity technomagic titlementioned tragicending treachery treants ubuntu undefinedlocomotion unrootedplants walking wintery enlabelimageminimize
Galaxy Mage Redux  author? bodyarmor bows castle chargedattack classbased explosives firearms fogofwar future gentoo grenades group humans inventory jumping knights magic monsters mystics opengl potions pygame pythonlanguage shields sorcery superpowers tactical techdisparity technomagic therianthropes walking war wasteland werewolves enlabelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms zombies enlabelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics ncurses nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms x86 x86-64 zombies enlabelimagesubject
Haxima  author2003 archaicweapons books bows cave circadiancycle containers currency demons diaries fedora forest gentoo grid grid-square group hunger inventory itempickup-normal itempickup-scoop keys lamp license-cc license-gpl lineofsight lockpicking magic meleeweapons monsters nazghulengine optionaltasks potions ppc ppc-64 retro riding river schemelanguage shields shopping slings sorcery sparc sparc-64 staves swords tileblending town ubuntu walking x86 x86-64 enlabelimagesubject
Haxima II authorTBA archaicweapons books bows cave circadiancycle containers currency demons diaries fedora forest grid grid-square group hunger indevelopment inventory itempickup-normal itempickup-scoop keys lamp license-gpl lineofsight lockpicking magic meleeweapons monsters nazghulengine optionaltasks potions retro riding river shields shopping slings sorcery staves swords tileblending town walking enlabelminimizeminimize
Hexen  author1999 aimassist alone automap axes backtracking bleak bludgeons bossbattles centauroids classbased classbasedeq demonicmenace difficulty eviloverlord fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter fistloads fortress ghosts heretichexen humanoidanimals jumping magic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons monsters nontolkienian npcstrife personalquest potions premadecharacters progressiveattacks sauroids serious slipperysurfaces sorcery swords unarmedfighting wetland x11 enlabelminimizeminimize
Hexen  author? aimassist alone automap axes backtracking bleak bludgeons bossbattles centauroids classbased classbasedeq demonicmenace difficulty eviloverlord fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter fortress ghosts heretichexen humanoidanimals jumping magic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons monsters npcstrife personalquest potions premadecharacters sauroids serious slipperysurfaces sorcery swords unarmedfighting vavoomengine wetland x11 enlabelminimizeminimize
Hexen II  author2000 1life adv-static alone attractmode bludgeons bombs bossbattles classbased classbasedeq demo demonicmenace demons doomwad doors egyptian-theme energypickups eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen frameanimation giantspiders gibs golems grecoroman healingitems healthpickups heretichexen heroprotagonist humanoids inventory itemglow jumping katar license-gpl license-proprietary magic magicweapons medieval meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nocrosshair noenergyregen noingameintro nontolkienian opengl overkill personalquest potions premadecharacters pressureplates pyramid quakeengine serious sickles slowexplosions sorcery splatter splittingcreatures swimming swrender touchactivation undead underwaterdiving walking xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
Lost Isle author2007 actionadventure allegro beach bombs bossbattles bows canyon cemetery chiroptera currency doors download escape fangame femaleauthor forest free ghosts humanoidprotagonist inventory island ladders license-proprietary magic meleeweapons monsters noncanon potions rewardingvandalism secrets shopping skeletons subterranean swords teleporters town ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation volcano walking wasteland wetland zeldaclassicengine enlabelimagesubject
Mole Invasion author2005 clanguage crates hopandbop license-gpl linux-mascots naturalistic overworld potions score secrets softscifi timelimit walking wallclinging walljumping en, frlabelminimizeminimize
SDLPoP  author2014 alone alternativesolutions antiquity arabianfantasy arabiannights aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-anamorphic aspectratio-anamorphic-any cinematicplatformer cpplanguage deadlydecor desolate did difficulty-aspects disappearingplatforms display-640x200 display-640x480 drm drm-removed feelies flipscreens gamepad hapticfeedback healing-instant instantkillers interactivetriggers itemget joystick jumping keyboard ledges lethalobjects license-gpl3 license-proprietary license-vague licensechange mapdeficient meleeweapons music noaircontrol nodrm oldarabian-theme past pillarbox pop-original potions princeofpersia realisticdamage realtimelimit rescue rotoscoping saveanywhere secrets simulacrums skeletons sourcecodeavailable stranded swords vorbis walking x86 x86-64 labelimagesubject
Tallowmere author2015 aircontrol axes blood bossbattles commercial deadlydecor desura domesticcats doors download elevators flamethrowers gibs healingitems healingstations hydrae indie itempickup-auto jumping keys knives license-proprietary magic mapgenerator meleeweapons midairjumping mystics nodrm papery permadeath potions roguelike score steampowered traps ubuntu unity-engine walking enlabelminimizeminimize
Terraria author (Re-Logic)2015 abominations aircontrol ammotypes amoeboids animals animateweapons asphyxiation axes blankprotagonist blockbased bloodmoon bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles bows buildingdesigning burrowers capacity-slots circadiancycle clothdyeing clothing collapsibleenvironment commercial compositefoes containers crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites criticalchance crossbows crossworldcharacters customtriggers damageinfo dark-limited deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery demons destructibleenvironment destructibleworld digging directionalforce directionalforce-current dissolvingcorpses dissolvingitems doors download draganddrop dragons-eastern drills drm dropplatforms ecosystems enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen energyweapons equipmentbased falldamage featherfall femaleprotagonist firearms firearms-early flamethrowers flatterrain flyingislands freeexpansions fungiculture furnishing genderchoice giantinsects giantmonsters giants giantworms gibs goblins gog grapplinghook handguns harmfultouch harpies healingitems healthregen hitmoderation homebrew host-dedicated instantmotion interactivetriggers invasivespecies inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itempickup-attract itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itemsets juggernauts jumping keys knockback lamp lava license-proprietary lightsabers limitedcapacity liquidphysics loadless logging logicgates lootemup machineguns magic magic-instant magicartefacts maintainedjump maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons meteoroids midairjumping minibosses mode-hardcore moonphases mp-cooperative mp-customport mp-dropin mummies netframework noagenda nobossarenas nocampaign nodrm nofailstate noinvpause nonscalinggraphics nopointercapture nostory obsoletedassets openworld overpenetration parallaxscrolling periodicdangers persistentworld pickaxe polearms potions pressureplates projectilerecovery quickkeys randomdamage randomevents resourceharvesting retrypoints rewardingvandalism roughterrain sandbox seamlessworld sellundo shadermodel1 shopping silviculture skeletons sorcery spectres splatter splittingcreatures spreadingvegetation stash staticpixelscale steampowered subterranean subterraneanforest superalloy swords tangibleabstracts targetident terraria thrownweapons tilebased timepiece titlementioned trash ubuntu undead undefinedelements underwaterdiving underwaterwalking undirected unhinderedfoes unicorns vanityitems variablegravity walking waterwalk werewolves worldborder xnaframework zombies enlabelminimizeminimize
UnEpic author2014 ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthpickups healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines ch, en, it, pl, pt, ru, splabelminimizeminimize
Worldstone  author2016 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr amazons arid armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger containers corpseactions cpplanguage crossbows crossworldcharacters cryokinesis damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy daylighthorror demonicinvasion demons diablo druids dualwielding dungeon electrokinesis elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems energyregen engineremake ether evilwins fasttravel-points felinoids forest gambling ghosts goblinoids graverobbing hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist hive humanoidanimals humid insectoids interrupting inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant itemsets javelins jewelry jokelevel jungle leveluprestoration license-gpl3 license-proprietary limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lootemup magic magicrings manaburn mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mummies necromancers nontolkienian npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification oddappliances optionaltasks paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions premadecharacters presetmaps pve pygmies pyrokinesis quitsave reanimators recallportal recurrence recurrence-character respec restorativegluttony rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks safezone scrolls scythes selfluminance sequelhook serious shieldbash shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery souljar spears stamina stash staves summoning supportnpcs swords tasktracker taxonomy teleporters theurgy thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips toxins tropic twitch undead unknownpast voiceovers walking wands wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills zombies enlabelminimizeminimize
Zacman  author1998 clanguage difficulty kde keyboard license-mit monsters potions score enlabelminimizeminimize
Dweller adv-ptdistr amoeboids bodyarmor classbased energyitems giantrodents grid grid-square healingitems java magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mitoticcreatures monsters potions roguelike shopping sorcery undead uvl-confusable xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Souls Black Shell Media (Mike Studios)2016 adv-ptdistr bossbattles bossmeter classbased commercial download dungeon encounters-popup endlessopposition gamemaker gog hackandslash harmfultouch license-proprietary lutris magic mapgenerator monsters nodrm passivebonanza permadeath potions roguelite shopping singlefile sorcery steampowered timelimit-soft timeouthunter ubuntu xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
RanaRemake CEZ Games Studio? aimdirlimit angelofdeath axes bows demons ghosts hackandslash java keys license-proprietary magic meleeweapons monsters npcgenerators opengl potions enlabelminimizeminimize
ChaosEsque Anthology  ChaosEsque Team2013 alcohol clanguage crossbows darkplacesengine download firearms firstpersonshooter license-cc license-gpl magic meleeweapons mp-teams mp-versus opengl potions precisionrifles unarmedfighting en, rulabelminimizeminimize
Tibia CipSoft1997 automap axes beach bludgeons bodyarmor capacity-stacks capacity-weight cervids circadiancycle containers corpselooting digging domesticcats femaleprotagonist fungi genderchoice giantbirds healingitems healthregen-slow insects inventory knives ladders lagomorphs lamp limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minotaurs mmog monsters orcs pigs potions prospecting protagonistdesigning protagonistnaming pve pvp rats scavenging sheep shields shopping snakes spears spiders subterranean swords town trading trees trolls tutorial ubuntu ursines walking wolves xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi enlabelimageminimize
Aztaka Citeremis2013 14thcentury adv-ptdistr apemen autosavepoints bossbattles cave centauroids city commercial companion damageflicker damageinfo download earth forest giantbeetles giantinsects godlingprotagonist harmfultouch harpies heads healthregen hive indie insectoids jewelry knockback license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected magic magicrings meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme mexico minibosses mountain mystics npcspawning obsoletedassets playerprofiles potions ruins savepoints search slowmotion sorcery spears spectres steampowered tropic tumbling ubuntu wetland widescreen xp-kills youngadultprotagonist en, frlabelminimizeminimize
Heroes of Hammerwatch Crackshell2018 3ormoreplayers actionrpg adv-objects adv-perks adv-static commercial download dungeon gog goggalaxy hackandslash hammerwatch-series healingitems indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mp-cooperative potions roguelite shopping sorcery steampowered swords xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
WordTrap Dungeon Crunching Koalas2013 beholders bossbattles chiroptera commercial debian download edu-spelling floatingeyes gianteyeball healingitems license-proprietary magic monsters potions rodents sorcery subterranean ubuntu walking wordinput en, fr, de, it, pl, splabelminimizeminimize
Heavy Bullets Devolver Digital (author)2014 abstract-location alphafunding camouflagers commercial download firearms firstpersonshooter gamesrepublic handguns healthwarning license-proprietary magreloading mapgenerator potions projectilerecovery reload-manual revolvers stash-shared steampowered ubuntu en, ptlabelminimizeminimize
Deity Quest Fancy Fish Games2014 abilitydependencies angels apples bees beholders centaurs chiroptera citybuilding commercial customengine deities demons desura download dragons elves fae femaleprotagonist fungi genderchoice ghosts godlingprotagonist group-subset indoors insects license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist outdoors potions recruiting sauroids shopping spiders steampowered subterranean ubuntu undead upgrades-abilities upgradesystem enlabelminimizeminimize
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011 1life adv-ptdistr alcohol amoeboids ancientenemy axes bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bows brittleabilities capacity-slots chemistry colorblind commercial constrainedlocale cpplanguage crafting crafting-tools crossbows customclass damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes derivedstatistics desura difficulty doors download dualwielding dungeon earth effectcancellation enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen extensible femaleprotagonist gaslampfiction genderchoice grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies launcher leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lutris magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mikmod monsters openal optionaltasks permadeath physfs pixelartscaler polearms potions quickkeys quitsave randomchance robots roguelike save-suspend sdl sdl-mixer shopping sorcery statuseffects staves steampowered subterranean summoning swords thrownweapons trapdisarming traps ubuntu unarmedfighting vorbis walking wands xml xp-kills enlabelimageminimize
Realm of the Diggle Gods Gaslamp Games2012 1life adv-ptdistr alcohol amoeboids ancientenemy axes bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bows capacity-slots chemistry colorblind crafting crafting-tools crossbows damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes derivedstatistics desura difficulty doors download dualwielding earth effectcancellation enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen femaleprotagonist gaslampfiction genderchoice grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies launcher leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mikmod monsters optionaltasks permadeath polearms potions quickkeys quitsave randomchance robots roguelike sdl sdl-mixer shopping sorcery statuseffects staves subterranean summoning swords thrownweapons trapdisarming traps unarmedfighting vorbis walking wands x86 x86-64 xml xp-kills enlabelminimizeminimize
Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse GoGii Games2010 aspectratio-2-1 aspectratio-4-3 castle chemistry crossbows earlymodern-theme europeanfae fairytalelike fasttravel flowers gothic hiddenobject insects inventory library minigames monsters potions prerenderedbackgrounds rewardingvandalism thermalweapons uvl-missingimages walking widescreen dut, en, fr, de, it, jp, pt, ru, sp, swelabelimagesubject
Land of the Labyrinth Huracan StudioTBA bossbattles commercial download encounters-allies encounters-literal encounters-neutral labyrinth license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist medieval monsters potions ubuntu unity-engine enlabelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Interplay Entertainment (Square One Games)2021 1life 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr adv-static amoeboids automap axes baldursgate beholders bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-weight cave cemetery classbased classbasedeq cliffhanger cloakednpcs commercial containers deathpits dialog-sentences difficulty disappearingplatforms dnd dnd3 doors download dragons dragons-western dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elementals elves encounters-popup energyregen energyregen-slow equipmentbased eviloverlord explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist forest forgottenrealms gamepad gargoyles gelatinouscubes ghosts giantanimals gianthumanoids giantinsects giantspiders gog golems greatesthits healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow heroprotagonist humanoidanimals illusionarywalls interactivedialogs inventory itemgenerator itempickup-instant jumping karmiccreatures keyboard keys knives license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mine minotaurs monsters mountain mouse mp-cooperative multiverse mystics neutralmonsters npcfriendlyfire obsoletedassets openal openended opengl opengl-2-0 optionaltasks outlaws pain pentium4 polearms portals potions premadecharacters randomdamage rats rewardingvandalism rodents ruins safezone sasquatch sauroids savepoints sewers shallowwater sharedsetting shopping skeletons snowblind-engine sorcery speciespenalty steampowered subterranean suicideattackers swords teleport tutorial ubuntu undead universallanguage unknownpast uvl-tiein voiceovers vorbis walking weefolk wetland willowisps wintery wolves x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared zombies en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
RuneScape  Jagex2012 autocast axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows claws cockatrices crafting crossbows deathpenalty femaleprotagonist free free2play genderchoice healingitems hellhounds ingameadvertising inventory itemsets java languagefilter magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons mmog monsters opengl optionaltasks pet polearms potions rpsmechanics shopping sorcery summoning swords thrownweapons ubuntu willowtrees enlabelminimizeminimize
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