showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsplayer opts
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns Activision;Sega (Sega)1984 aerostat earth electriceels ending frog giantscorpions jumping latemodernperiod mame naturalistic pitfallseries primates retrypoints score segasystem1-hw southamerica subterranean swimming underwaterdiving walking single playerlabelimagesubject
I, Robot  Atari1984 4thwallbroken alu-am2900 bossbattles claiming commercial cpu-6809 custom-hw destructibleenvironment dodging dystopian endless energyweapons explainedthirdperson future harmfultouch heads horizontalscreen instantdeath jumping jumpingpuzzles karmiccreatures license-proprietary lives mame metagaming multidirshooter nohumans noports overpowered pokey railshooter robotprotagonist robots score scrollingshooter secretsociety sentientmachines sharks steampowered suicideattackers suppression targetedjump teleporters timelimit tutorial-incomplete uvl-workingtitle walking single playerlabelimagesubject
Knight-Rescue  Author2015 bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykonglike earth endless harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders lethalobjects lives nomame powerups python rescue score scoreoriented verticalscreen walking single playerlabelimagesubject
Black Tiger  Capcom1987 barbarianprotagonist bossbattles custom-hw dragons dragons-western horizontalscreen jumping keys ladders mame monsters poles potions powerups rewardingvandalism runandgun score secrets shopping timelimit wiivirtualconsole single player, hotseatlabelimagesubject
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom Capcom1993 beltscroller bossbattles cps2-hw DnD dwarves elves hackandslash horizontalscreen jumping magic mame medieval meleeweapons mp-cooperative premadecharacters qsound shopping sorcery uvl-tiein walking weefolk single playerlabelimageminimize
Hunchback Century Electronics1981 cvs-hw horizontalscreen jumping linearplatformer lives lutris mame score walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Bump 'N' Jump  Data East;Bally Midway (Data East)1982 deathrace decocassette-hw jumping mame score verticalscreen single playerlabelimageminimize
Super Off Road  Leland1989 afterburner earth horizontalscreen jumping landvehicle latemodernperiod lelandsystem-hw mame motorracing motorsport mp-versus offroadracing present professionalathlete shopping wheeledvehicle single player, shared-screenlabelimageminimize
Metro-Cross  Namco1985 animateobjects horizontalscreen jumping mame score skateboard timelimit walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Cosmo Police Galivan  Nichibutsu1985 bossbattles elevators energyweapons jumping lives mame meleeweapons nichibutsuz80-hw runandgun score verticalscreen walking single playerlabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong  Nintendo;Falcon (Nintendo)1981 bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike endless harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders lethalobjects lives mame mario mario-universe powerups rescue score scoreoriented verticalscreen walking single playerlabelimagesubject
Golden Axe Sega1989 axes beltscroller combatanimals dragons friendlyfire gianthumanoids goldenaxe hackandslash horizontalscreen jumping magic mame meleeweapons pinatacreatures riding skeletons swords system16b-hw timeouthunter unusualmounts walking single player, shared-screenlabelimagesubject
Golden Axe II: The Revenge of Death Adder  Sega1992 3ormoreplayers axes gianthumanoids goldenaxe hackandslash horizontalscreen jumping magic mame meleeweapons riding segasystem32-hw swords single playerlabelimageminimize
Teddy Boy Blues - Yohko Ishino  Sega1985 claiming horizontalscreen instantdeath jumping levelselection lives mame nofalldamage platformer segasystem1-hw timelimit wrappingworld single player, hotseatlabelimageminimize
The Legend of Kage  Taito1985 bossbattles custom-hw forest jumping mame meleeweapons ninjaprotagonist runandgun score verticalscreen single player, hotseatlabelimagesubject
Xain'D Sleena  Taito (Technos)1986 bossbattles energyweapons giantmonsters horizontalscreen jumping levelselection lives mame midairjumping nofalldamage robots runandgun score walking single playerlabelimageminimize