showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Moria  author1983 arda creatureidentification itemidentification magic mapgenerator perchararelations roguelike taxonomy titularlocale labelimageminimize
Caesars Palace Virgin Games1990 5.25disk baccarat blackjack21 commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga dos2 joystick keyboard license-proprietary mouse poker titularlocale labelimageminimize
The Secret of Monkey Island LucasArts1990 3.5disk 5.25disk cdrom clickadventure commercial controllablehelplessness cpu-286 cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga dos3 earlymodern-theme hoarding inventory island joystick keyboard license-proprietary lutris maleprotagonist monkeyisland mouse pirate-theme pirates scumm scummvm spu-adlib spu-gameblaster spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy titularlocale unknownpast labelimagesubject
Another World  Interplay (Delphine Software)1992 1life aimdirlimit alienplanet aliens anotherworld cave chargingweapons cinematicplatformer controllablehelplessness deathtraps descriptivedeaths displacementfiction display-ega display-tga display-vga dodgechance elevators elevators-multifloor energyweapons escape flatshading fromanotherworld gore instantdeath jumping lifelikemotion lutris multitools noaircontrol nohud prison rotoscoping savepassword scientistprotagonist screenshake serious sessilecreatures stranded tentaclecreatures titularlocale walking labelimageminimize
Dune II: The Battle for Arrakis  Virgin Games (Westwood Studios)1992 3plusfactions basebuilding burrowers colorofallegiance control-individuals dune encyclopedia extraterrestrial fogofwar foundations future gameplayinn giantworms grid grid-square harvesters lutris missionbased nostructurefacing otherworld realtimestrategy reimagining resourceharvesting serious sonicweapons spacefaringage spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy tileblending titularevent titularlocale transports unseenprotagonist war wargame wasteland labelimagesubject
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  Origin (Blue Sky Productions)1992 1life 3.5disk adv-undefined authoravatar automap axes bludgeons cdrom charactercreation containers cpu-386 demo doors doors-breakable dungeoncrawler falselyaccused floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice giantinsects goblins gog heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters mouse neutralmonsters neutralnpcs noinvpause serious shopping sorcery subterranean swords systemsdriven thrownweapons titularlocale trash uipointer ultima ultimauw unarmedfighting walking worms xp-undefined labelimagesubject
Dune Virgin Games (Cryo Interactive)1992 3.5disk aristocratprotagonist book cdrom companion cpu-386 deathbarriers display-vga dune extraterrestrial feelies future highbornprotagonist movie ornithopters otherworld reimagining resourceharvesting savepoints serious spacefaringage terraforming titularlocale wasteland labelimageminimize
Betrayal at Krondor Sierra (Dynamix)1993 ♫greensleeves 3.5disk attackmethods automap book cdrom circadiancycle combatmode cpu-386 crossbows cultists difficulty-single display-vga doors dwarves gog golems group hunger injuries inventory itemdurability keys lockpicking magic medieval meleeweapons midkemia mine mouse multiprotagonists nonlinear nooneleftbehind outlaws rotting rp-levelless saveanywhere serious shopping sorcery stamina steampowered subterranean swords titularevent titularlocale tragicending turnbasedcombat walking weefolk xp-literal labelimageminimize
Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor  SSI1993 3.5disk adnd aesopsound axes bludgeons bows charactercreation city classbased commercial cpu-286 dataimport disguisedtriggers dnd dungeon dungeoncrawler eob eob-engine femaleprotagonist forest forgottenrealms genderchoice ghosts gridmove hags hunger inventory keyboard knives license-proprietary lockpicking magic maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse multiclassing oneeyedcreatures pressureplates resting ruins serious sorcery spellmemory swords throwanything titularlocale undead undeadmonsters uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds  Origin (Looking Glass Technologies)1993 1life authoravatar automap brains castle dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel doors dungeoncrawler felinoids floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice gog headless heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters neutralmonsters noinvpause serious shopping sorcery swords systemsdriven titularlocale uipointer ultima ultimauw unlikelysentients walking labelimageminimize
Ultima VIII: Pagan  Origin1994 1life 3.5disk adv-undefined capacity-unlimited cdrom cheatcodes cpu-386 deadlywater demons dialog-sentences disappearingplatforms doors draganddrop elementals floatingeyes free fromanotherworld ghosts giantfungi gog ineptveteran inorganics interactivedialogs inventory juggernauts jumping keys luggage magic magic-ingredients magic-instant magiccircles mediums mediumship meleeweapons mouse museum necromancers necromancy noinvpause noports platforming premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming saveanywhere scummvm-wip serious skeletons sorcery stranded summoning telekinesis titularlocale ultima ultima8-engine ultimaageofarmageddon undead walking xp-undefined zombies labelimageminimize
Albion Blue Byte1995 1life 23rdcentury adv-undefined alienplanet aliens city civilianprotagonist clanguage combatmode cpu-486 displacementfiction doors dos5 dosextender extraterrestrial felinoids firearms forest fromanotherworld future gog group hotutopdog hunger interfacespoilers inventory lockpicking magic meleeweapons multisequence mystics neutralnpcs nontolkienian noports nudity planetaryromance premadeprotagonist sciencefantasy serious shopping spacefaringage speciesequipment spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-essaudiodrive spu-gm spu-gus spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandy spu-wavejammer stranded titlementioned titularlocale trash tropic unknownpast walking labelimagesubject
Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1995 1life 3ormoreplayers anaglyphic antiquity arabianfantasy cdrom cpu-486 cpu-586 display-vesa dos5 electrokinesis firstpersonshooter gamepad gog harvesters joystick magic magiccarpet-engine magiccarpet-series magiccarpets mathcoprocessor mediaindrive missionbased mouse mysticprotagonist noinstall noports oldarabian-theme pyrokinesis resourceharvesting semiteprotagonist serious sorcery spu-adlib spu-awe32 spu-gm spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-sb stereoscopic terraindeformation titularlocale labelimageminimize
World of Aden: Thunderscape Mindscape (SSI)1995 animalpeople automap cdrom cpu-486 difficulty difficulty-single dos5 dungeoncrawler genderchoice giantinsects gog group heroprotagonist inventory magic mediaindrive meleeweapons monsters mouse noports serious titularlocale turnbasedcombat unknownpast voiceovers walking worldofaden labelimagesubject
Stonekeep Interplay (Interplay Productions)1995 bludgeons bombs book bows capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chatter chosenone clanguage classless devsyslost difficulty-single digitizedvideo disguisedtriggers divinemenace doors dosextender dragons dragons-western dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dwarves elves energystations eviloverlord faerierealm fantasyworld fictionaluniverse giantants giantinsects gifting goblins gridmove healingitems healingstations humanoids illusionarywalls inbuilttraps indoors inventory keys knives liveactors magic magic-sigils mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons metaabilities mystics noenergyregen noports notebook npcfleeing npchealing npcinventory paperdoll polearms powerfoci predefinedcontrols premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery puzzles rewardingvandalism rp-levelless secrets serious sorcery spelldesigning sprites stonekeep-series subterranean subterraneanrealm subtitledeficient swords temporarycompanions thrownweapons title-static titularlocale trash voiceovers voiceovers-full walking wands weefolk xp-literal labelimagesubject
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel id Software (Raven Software)1996 1life aimassist alone axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles cdrom cemetery centauroids classbased classbasedeq crushers cryokinesis doomwad electrokinesis explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter forcedpolymorph freezing ghosts gunblades healingitems healthpickups heretichexen humanoidanimals idtech1 illusionarywalls inbuilttraps inventory jumping magic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-dm noingameintro nontolkienian npcspawning npcstrife personalquest potions premadecharacters progressiveattacks pyrokinesis sauroids secrets serious singlegender sorcery swords teleport titularlocale tombstones unarmedfighting walking labelimageminimize
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal  Blizzard1996 4thwallbroken aerostat airship ambientcreatures ballistae basebuilding builders catapults control-individuals disproportionalworld elves fatties finiteresources fogofwar grouping gryphons harvesters highfantasy infantry interspecificconflict ipx leveleditor magic micromanagement missionbased mp-lms mystics nostructurefacing ogres orcs paladins polycephalids rating-esrb-t resourceharvesting skeletons symmetricfactions titularlocale undead upgrades-transient upgradesystem war warcraft wargame watercraft weaponsplatforms labelimagesubject
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 1life achillesheelfoes adv-static allergies automap ballistics bleak books calendrictime caninoids carts causeway cdrom centaurs charactercreation characterflaws chosenone circadiancycle city clothing commercial compass concealeddoors controlconfig corpselooting cpu-486 cpu-586 customclass datedevents demons dialog-keywords difficulty disease display-vga doors dos6 download dragons dragons-western dungeoncrawler elderscrolls electrokinesis elevators enchanting energyregen falldamage fantasyworld fasttravel featherfall felinoids fictionaluniverse fines genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantspiders gold guild harpies hitchance holstering humanoidanimals illequipped interactivedialogs inventory investigation itempickup-instant jewelry joystick jumping keyboard lawenforcers license-proprietary licensechange liches lockbreaking lockpicking lutris magic magicartefacts manaburn map-3d mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren nocrosshair nonlinear noports nudity nudity-featureless nymphs obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlanderprotagonist paperdoll persistentworld pointertoggle pyrokinesis racechoice randomchance rats rodents sauroids scavenging search secrets serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping skeletonkey skeletons smuggling sorcery souljar specieschoice spelldesigning spriggans spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-iomagictempo spu-max spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-toptekgolden16 spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem stealing superalloy swimming temple therianthropes titlementioned titularlocale tutorial twitch uipointer undead undeadmenace unknownpast unnecessarykilling vampires waiting walking wallclimbing werewolves xngine xp-literal labelimagesubject
Aleshar: The World of Ice Hypothermia1997 1life axes bludgeons bows circadiancycle civilianprotagonist containers dialog-keywords difficulty doors enemyhealthdisplay facing grid grid-square healingstations hunger interactivedialogs inventory javelins knives lineofsight lockpicking magic meaningfultitle medieval meleeweapons mystics nontolkienian polearms protagonistnaming randomizedattributes semiturnbased serious shopping sorcery stealth swords thrownweapons titularlocale unarmedfighting unusualprotagonist walking wilderness wildernesssurvival wintery labelimageminimize
The Elder Scrolls Legends: Battlespire Bethesda Softworks1997 1life automap ballistics bows cdrom charactercreation color-15bit dark-limited demons doors elderscrolls elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse genderchoice gog indoors interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inventory ipx itemdurability jumping keys magic meleeweapons milessound noports npcstrife nudity paperdoll saveanywhere serious sorcery stealth summoning swimming targetedjump teleport titlementioned titularlocale unarmedfighting unknownpast uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking xngine xp-literal labelimagesubject