showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Deus Ex  Eidos Interactive (Ion Storm)2000Carolyn McCormick (voice of anna navarre)
Cliff Stephens (voice of bob page)
Harvey Smith
Jeff Groteboer (voice of gunther hermann)
Tom Hall (voice of walton simons)
Tom Hall (morpheus)
Warren Spector
Deus Ex: Invisible War  Eidos (Ion Storm)2003 labelimagesubject
Killing Floor Tripwire Interactive (Tripwire Interactive;Shatterline Productions)2009Alex Quick (original author)
Fallen Earth  Fallen Earth;Gamersfirst (Fallen Earth;Icarus Studios)2009 labelimagesubject
Monday Night Combat  Uber Entertainment2011 labelimagesubject
Cloning Clyde NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2011 labelimagesubject
Frozen Synapse Mode 7 Games2011 labelimagesubject
STASIS The Brotherhood2015Christopher Bischoff
John C.
Nicholas Bischoff
Ryan Cooper (voice actor: John)
Killing Floor 2 Tripwire Interactive2016 labelimageminimize