showing 1 - 50 of 105 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
World of Warcraft  Blizzard2004 4thwallbroken abilitycriticals arcanepunk bittorrent brachiosaurus centauroids circlingbirdies clansystem classbased cmaa colorblind controlmalfunction criticalchance dimetrodon direanimals directx11 directx9 displaychoice druids elevatedglitch elves emotes enchanting fxaa giantshoulderpads golddust group-super groupbuffs hbao headbob highfantasy homingboulders hudcustomization ingamebrowser intelextrememasters interrupting ipv4 ipv6 jigglephysics jumpingpuzzles killaward-firsthit klaatubaradanikto languagefilter logitech-g19 lua magic maingauche majorleaguegaming manaburn mmog moderationbenefit mpinstances msaa multilevelsecurity mystics orcs owlbears paladins parentalcontrols piecemealcreatures powernegation ragers sciencefantasy screenshake shapeshifters socketables sorcery ssaa ssao stylized subscription threatsystem tutorial unconvincingarmor updateretcon uvl-tiein warcraft wow x86 x86-32 x86-64 xml xp-exploration Set in the Warcraft fantasy universe, World of Warcraft takes place within the world of Azeroth, approximately four years after the events of the previous game in the series, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.***
Lord of the Rings Online  Turbine;Midway Games;Codemasters (Turbine)2007 abilitycooldown achievements actionchaining adv-static animals archaicearth arda aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 auctions auras autorun axes barghests bartering bink bloodless bludgeons bodyarmor boreal bows circadiancycle city clansystem classbased classbasedeq clothing colorcodednpcs cooking corpselooting cpplanguage crafting crafting-jewelry criticalchance crossbows currency-split deathpenalty directx10 directx11 directx9 distortedvision dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dwarves dynamicweather earth elves enemyhealthdisplay energyregen eventlog facing falldamage fasttravel forest free free2play gems genderchoice giantspiders goblinoids goblins grouping halflings health-unusual healthregen highfantasy hitflash home humans incarnateddivines insectoids intangibleallies intangiblefoes interrupting itemdurability jewelry jumping knives knockback kynapse languagefilter levelbasedeq licensechange lightbloom logitech-g19 lotr lua magic magic-verbal magicrings mail map meleeweapons metaabilities microtransactions mmog musicalinstruments namegenerator objectiveindicator obsoletedassets openal opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks orcs pando percussioninstruments pet plantcreatures polearms powernegation protagonistdesigning rating-esrb-t recallportal resourceharvesting resourceprocessing riding ruins rural shallowwater shieldbash shields shopping skillsharing slowbackpedal socialnetwork sorcery spears specieschoice stash stash-shared statuseffects stringinstruments stunning subscription summery summoning swimming swords taskfailure tasks-repeatable temperate town tracking trapping treants tutorial uchronia uvl-fantitle uvl-tiein vocalpowers voicechat vorbis walking weefolk wetland windinstruments wintery xml xp-deeds xp-kills Un mal plagio del WoW, y encima plagado de errores.
De nada sirve usar un mundo interesante si el juego no está a la altura.

3 de 10***Made free-to-play on 2010-09-06.

Subscription is possible. For differences between free and subscription, see here: [url][/url]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.8 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 GPU
* 7 GB HD space
* 56 kbps internet connection

* 2.8 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X850 GPU
* 10 GB HD space
* Broadband internet connection***A persistent world RPG with thousands of players. Based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and set in 'The 4th Age'. The developers have endeavored to portray Tolkien world as accurately as possible even to the point of implementing permanent death. However NPC and monster will almost never kill a player and player killers will suffer great consequences. Choice of race determines where a player starts in the game. Though not to full scale, the game world is huge and has countless dangers in between settlements. Races will be likely remain separated except for certain communities between them and rare fellowships that travel great distances, like the books.

Vivendi Universal Games and Turbin were developing Middle Earth Online for Sierra On-Line. Vivendi left the project. Sierra On-Line formed their Yosemite Entertainment division and transfered all their experienced artists to it. Sierra then had Yosemite Entertainment fire all its employees. Codemasters hired nearly all of Yosemite Entertainment's former employees. Turbin made a deal with Midway and Codemasters to publish this game. And finally, the name was changed.
BattleForge Electronic Arts (EA Phenomic)2009 cardbased cardbattle collectiblecardgame collectibles directx11 directx9 download dvd matchmakingrating microtransactions monsters qtframework rating-esrb-t ssao 2009-04-23 on Steam labelimageminimize
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat  GSC World Publishing;Deep Silver (GSC Game World)2009 2010s 21stcentury alarmers alcohol alternatetimeline ammomagazines anomalies assaultrifles autumnal ballistics bleak bleeding bodyarmor capacity-toolslots capacity-weight cave chernobyl city cloakednpcs compass corpselooting creatorcentrism damagetypes dark-limited dedicatedclient depthoffield detector directx10 directx11 directx8 directx9 distortedhearing distortedvision disturbednature doors download draganddrop dvd dynamicweather earth emweapons endlessopposition europe explosiveobjects fakenames falldamage fanatics firearms firstaid firstpersonshooter fofindicator friendlyfire future gambling gamespy gog graybrown grenades grotesque handguns healing-gradual healingitems holstering hunger indicator-noise indicator-visibility interactivedialogs interlinkedlevels inventory inventory-supplies investigatorprotagonist itemdurability jumping ladders lamp limitedcapacity machineguns map militantprotagonist mindcontrol minefield minimap modularequipment monsters music-ambient mutants mystery neutralnpcs nightvision npclooting npcstrife objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws overburdening paranormal periodiccalamities plotimmortality poltergeists postures powerarmor precisionrifles psychicanimals psychics quickkeys radar radar-imperfect radiation rating-esrb-m recurrence-character reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility resting rockets ruins safezone scavengers scientists secretfacility secretmission secrets selectivefire shallowwater shopping shotguns singlegender slavicprotagonist soldiers splatter ssao stalker-series stamina stash stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered submachineguns subtitledeficient supernaturaldisaster suppressors taskgenerator taskgenerator-midmission tasktracker teleporters telescope thickvegetation titularlocale town tradewithanyone trading-orders tunnels ukraine unloading upgradesystem walking wasteland weirdscience wetland whispers xrengine zombies zombies-armed There's been few notable changes from previous Stalker games, notably that secret stashes can be looted without gaining knowledge of their location beforehand which was a requirement in both SoC and CS. You no longer can join the factions, though you can still help each. Upgrading equipment is far from the chore it was in CS, though still requires some work. And buyers no longer accept badly damaged equipment.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 2 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 5700 or Radeon 9600 GPU

* Core 2 Duo E7400 or Athlon X2 64 5600+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 9800 or Radeon HD4850 GPU***The events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat unfold shortly after the end of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Having discovered about the open path to the Zone center, the government decides to hold a large-scale military "Fairway" operation aimed to take the CNPP under control.

According to the operation's plan, the first military group is to conduct an air scouting of the territory to map out the detailed layouts of anomalous fields location. Thereafter, making use of the maps, the main military forces are to be dispatched. Despite thorough preparations, the operation fails. Most of the avant-garde helicopters crash. In order to collect information on reasons behind the operation failure, Ukraine's Security Service send their agent into the Zone center. From now on everything depends on the player.

Key game features
* Photorealistic exclusion Zone – Pripyat town, Yanov railway station, Jupiter factory, Kopachi village and more, recreated by their true-to-life prototypes.
* New story, a number of unique characters.
* Extended system of side quests.
* New monsters: Chimera and Burer. New behaviour and abilities for all monsters.
* New A-Life system, created using the players' best-liked elements of the first two games in series.
* Emissions considerably influence the world of the Zone.
* Sleep function added into the game.
* New player's interface.
* Possibility to continue the game after completion in a freeplay mode.
* The game is developed on X-Ray engine v.1.6
Star Trek Online  Atari;Perfect World Entertainment (Cryptic Studios;Perpetual Entertainment)2010 25thcentury abilitycooldown adv-xpdistr aimmode alienmenace aliens animals autoaim autofollow autopilot autoturrets beamweapons bloodless cave crafting crypticengine cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes decoupledresolution deployables desperatepower difficulty difficulty-charscaling directx11 directx9 energyshields energyweapons eventlog extraterrestrial facing femaleprotagonist firingarcs flanking free2play future genderchoice giantworms grenades group healing hitchance homingboulders hudcustomization humanoids inexplicabletrajectories interstellartravel itemsets jumping karmiccreatures knockback launcher levelbasedeq licensechange loginqueue logitech-g19 loot-random loot-unexpected lutris maleprotagonist microtransactions mine mines mixedresolution mmog mobilebombs mp-dm mp-teams mpinstances multipleworlds nocrashing otherworld overkill pando plasmaweapons pointertoggle protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-body protagonistdesigning-face psychics puzzles pve pvp quickkeys randomchance rating-esrb-e recallportal recurringopponent refugees repairing resourceallocation resuscitation rockets sharedcooldowns shopping spacecraft spacecraft-large spacecraft-location spacestation specieschoice startrek steampowered subscription targetlock teleporters timetravel tractorbeams trophies tumbling tutorial ugc uipointer undefinedelements unlimitedammo voicechat walking warptravel xp-kills In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe appears for the first time on a truly massive scale. Players take the captain's chair as they command their own starship and crew. Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before in this ever-expanding online universe.

Key Features:
* Free-to-Play - Play a triple-A MMO experience without cost. Play from level 1 to 50 free of charge! There is no box price and no mandatory subscription. Enjoy Star Trek Online as you like, when you like.
* Become part of Star Trek - In Star Trek Online, the Star Trek universe appears for the first time on a truly massive scale. Visit iconic locations from the popular Star Trek fiction, reach out to unexplored star systems and make contact with new alien species. With Episode Missions, every moment spent playing Star Trek Online will feel like a new Star Trek episode.
* Adventure in the Final Frontier - Explore strange new worlds and seek out new life and new civilizations in a vast, expanding universe. Establish contact with new races, discover resources and uncover mysteries that will influence Star Trek's future.
* You Are the Captain - Travel into the depths of space, across exotic planets and even inside starships! Partake in epic space battles and lead away teams across unknown worlds, interacting with allies and battling enemies.
* Duty Officers - Actively manage the unsung heroes of a starship and delegate assignments. Collect and trade officers with fellow captains to help a crew of legend. Earn special rewards, accolades and even advance in rank!
* Total Customization - Using Cryptic’s Total Customization technology, every ship can be customized, from color to construction. What’s more, anyone can create a unique alien species in Star Trek Online. Leave your mark on the Star Trek universe!
* Forge Your Own Strange New Worlds - With The Foundry, players can create and build brand new missions and stories to share with friends and the entire Star Trek Online community. Use the specialized toolset to create missions in space or on the ground. Craft custom missions, or really take your creativity to the next level by designing an entire series of episodes from the ground up!

Join us in Star Trek Online, and boldly go where no one has gone before!***Star Trek Online open beta coming on 2010-01-12 and lasts till 2009-01-26.***The was game developed by Perpetual Entertainment until their bankruptcy in January 2008. Cryptic Studios acquired the license and art assets of the game, but not the codebase. Continued development was officially announced on July 28, 2008.

The setting is the pre-reboot (2009) universe where Vulcan homeworld was not destroyed.
Aliens vs Predator  Sega (Rebellion Developments)2010 achievements achievements-public airducts alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator alternateattack ammomagazines androids anticipatorysightings assaultrifles asura-engine autosavepoints backstabbing biogrowth bossbattles canyon capacity-toolslots cave chargedactions claws cloakednpcs cloaking cpplanguage dark deathfakers deathpits detector diaries directx11 directx9 dismemberment distortedvision download dvd elevators energydraining energyweapons exoticweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon falldamage fearofnothing firearms flamethrowers flares fullbodyawareness future gore grenadelaunchers grotesque gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted hud-dynamic humanprotagonist industrial-setting interspecificconflict itempickup-auto jumping killingblow lamp lightdousing limitedcapacity lipsync locationaldamage lostequipment lv426 machineguns megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mines monsterprotagonist monsters motiondetector movie mp-3way mp-control mp-dm mp-infection mp-survival mp-tag mp-teams multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives namelessprotagonist netranking noenergyregen npcstrife objectiveindicator openended otherworld pain parasites perspectiveflip plasmaweapons precisionrifles predator researchfacility restorepower robots rookieprotagonist ruins saveonline scientists secrets segmentedhealth sequelhook sequence-escape serialkey serious shotguns silentprotagonist soldiers spacefaringage stealth steampowered steamworks targetedjump telescope temple thermalweapons thrownweapons tropic turrets tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting visiblelasers visionmodes voicechat walking wetland winvista winxp EAN-13: [code]5055277002238[/code] (UK; 2 DVDs; SEGA-PC111)***For 1-18 players, multiplayer maps include player caps at 8, 12, and 18.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 4.6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo E6400 CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD2900 Pro GPU***[b]healthregen-stunted[/b] - the marine has 3 health bars, regeneration is limited to filling the currently partially depleted bar. Predator regenerates arbitrary chunks of damage that "fall off" the health bar, completely gone chunks do not regenerate. Xenomorph regenerates any and all damage and therefore is not covered by this tag.
[b]cloaking[/b] - unlike in the previous games, the predator can remain cloaked indefinitely as long as they avoid certain actions. this causes no energy drain of any kind. And the cloak can be immediately resumed when the cloak breaking action is ceased.***Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.

Bringing the most intense war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.

Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.

- As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry.
- As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face.
- As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades.
- Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments.
[Sega]***Not to be mistaken with an earlier [game=#16824]AVP game[/game] from the same developer.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2  Electronic Arts (Digital Illusions CE)2010 amrifles arid assaultrifles battlefield-series destructibleenvironment directinput directx10 directx11 directx9 driving drm drm-online firearms firstpersonshooter frostbiteengine future grouping helicopter helicopters humid logitech-g19 machineguns militantprotagonist mlaa mp-teams multivehicular nvidia3dvision piloting precisionrifles rating-esrb-m rockets stealth tanks tommygun tropic walking war wasteland winvista winxp worldwar labelimageminimize
METRO 2033  THQ;Akella (4A Games)2010 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine accuracy-motion accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public aimmode alcohol alternateattack alternatesolutions ammomagazines ammowarning amoeboids anomalies anticipatorysightings asphyxiation assaultrifles autosavepoints beggars biogrowth bioluminescence bleak book capacity-toolslots captives children city city-moscow-ru coldopen communists constrainedlocale corpselooting cpplanguage currency-unusual dark deathpits demonoids difficulty directx10 directx11 directx9 distortedvision doors download dreamworld dustmotes dvd dynamicaccuracy earth eavesdropping elitemobs explosives-sticky facelessprotagonist fearofnothing firearms flamethrowers fofindicator future gashazards gasmask gore grenadecooking grenades gunclubbing hallucinations handcar handguns healingitems healthregen healthwarning hud-dynamic idleactivity indicator-visibility ironsights itemglow itempickup-instant jumping karmiccreatures knives ladders lamp lasersight library lightdousing limitedcapacity mandatoryloss meleeweapons metro2033 militarybase monsters motionblur multilingual multipleendings multipurposeresource mutants neutralnpcs nightvision nohealthdisplay npcgenerators nvidia3dvision objectiveindicator orphanprotagonist outlaws passageondemand pathengine physx postapocalypse projectilerecovery railway rating-esrb-m recoil recursivereference reimagining reload-auto reload-manual ruinedworld ruins russia scavenging secondaryconflict selfupdate sequence-defend sequence-escape sequence-survival sequence-turret serialkey shantytown shopping shotguns singlesave skipnoninteractive slavicprotagonist soldiers spearguns spectres speech-russian speech-slavic springguns ssao stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered steamworks submachineguns subterranean subway tanks tasktracker telescope temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures theora thermalweapons thrownweapons title-animated titularlocale tower trapdisarming traps tripwires trivialobstacles unusualtools urbanfantasy uvl-workingtitle vorbis walking winvista winxp youngadultprotagonist A medio camino entre un FPS y un survival horror, un soplo de aire fresco en los juegos de acción al añadir elementos de terror y supervivencia a un FPS moderno.

7 de 10***EAN-13: [code]4005209130707[/code]***[b]multiple endings[/b] - you get the "ranger" ending without trying. Enlightenment ending is unknown though there has been some theories, but easiest of them to test is shooting the device you just set up at the end instead of your attacker.
[b]unusual tools[/b] - [i]pneumatic rifle[/i]: player pumps the weapon for increased air pressure to increase the weapon's damage. the air pressure diminishes to lower level over time with with each shot. [i]lamp charger[/i]: charges the lamp, higher charge produces brighter light which drains out with time, though does not completely drain the lamp even if the player doesn't charge it.***Set in the shattered subway of a post apocalyptic Moscow, Metro 2033 is a story of intensive underground survival where the fate of mankind rests in your hands.

In 2013 the world was devastated by an apocalyptic event, annihilating almost all mankind and turning the earth’s surface into a poisonous wasteland. A handful of survivors took refuge in the depths of the Moscow underground, and human civilization entered a new Dark Age.

The year is 2033. An entire generation has been born and raised underground, and their besieged Metro Station-Cities struggle for survival, with each other, and the mutant horrors that await outside.

You are Artyom, born in the last days before the fire, but raised Underground. Having never ventured beyond your Metro Station-City limits, one fateful event sparks a desperate mission to the heart of the Metro system, to warn the remnants of mankind of a terrible impending threat. Your journey takes you from the forgotten catacombs beneath the subway to the desolate wastelands above, where your actions will determine the fate of mankind.

* Metro 2033 is a gripping, atmospheric first person shooter experience powered by cutting edge technology to deliver incredible visuals.
* Witness the everyday horrors of a broken society living in constant fear.
* Brave the darkness of the tunnels, where mutants hunt their prey and ghostly spirits lurk.
* Explore the desolate city-surface, trusting your gas mask and rifle to protect you from a poisoned world and the creatures that roam there.
* Steel your nerve and prepare to face the terrors that await.
[THQ / 4A Games]
Lost Planet 2 Capcom2010 aimassist aliens ammomagazines arid bossbattles capacity-toolslots compass crates difficulty directx11 directx9 explosiveobjects firearms flamethrowers forest friendlyfire friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-optional friendlyfire-reduced giants glowsuits grapplinghook healingdevice jumping jumppack knockback lasso limitedcapacity lostplanet mecha mode-practice monsters motionblur mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mpfocus mtframework npcgenerators nplayers nvidia3dvision otherworld quicktimeevent rating-esrb-t repairing rewardingvandalism rockets rotaryguns serialkey shieldbash shields shotguns tangiblecorpses tropic unwieldyweapons walker walkers walking wasteland windowslive windowsmedia winvista winxp The larger than life action of Lost Planet 2, comes to PC! Lost Planet 2 is the sequel to Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition, the landmark third-person shooter which debuted on Xbox 360 and went on to sell over 2.3 million units worldwide after its release. Lost Planet 2 offers deeper insight into the world of E.D.N III and the uncertain fate of future mankind.

Already acclaimed for its visual accomplishments from the console versions, Lost Planet 2 will define the 3D experience on the PC. Stunning environments will immerse the player in NVIDIA Vision Surround technology, and the rebalanced gameplay and streamlined control mechanics make Lost Planet 2 PC the ultimate Lost Planet experience.

A decade has passed since the events of the first game, and the face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terraforming efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving deserts. Mankind has engaged in a civil war to take control of the precious Thermal Energy that powers weapons and vehicles on E.D.N. III and resulted in a separation into various factions.

Players will control heroes from each faction across 6 interconnected episodes, viewing the war from the perspective of each, creating a truly unique interactive experience. With this concept, players will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a much more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from different players’ perspectives.

The intense and action-packed campaign mode comes with the ability to form teams of up to 4 players online. Beyond the deep single-player and co-op modes, Lost Planet 2 is loaded with extensive multiplayer modes allowing up to 16 players to compete online, each with their own customizable avatar.

No action game would be complete without an arsenal of weaponry, and Lost Planet 2 has a huge variety of hardware for players to unleash on unsuspecting enemies. Machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, lasers, sniper rifles, grenades and a host of other weapons are scattered across the game. The grappling hooks that made the gameplay in Lost Planet a true 3-D experience are back, allowing gamers to gain tactical advantage by moving to elevated locations quickly.

Lost Planet 2’s biggest weapons come on two legs: the heavily armed and armored robotic Vital Suits return in greater numbers and variety than the first game. There are VS that transform into other vehicles, hold up to three players and some that even take multiple players to operate.

[b]Key Features:[/b]
* [b]Co-op action[/b]: Team up to battle the giant Akrid in explosive 4 player online co-operative play. Teamwork is the player’s key to victory as the team is dependent on each other to succeed and survive.
* [b]Massive scale of enemies[/b]: Players skill on the battlefield and ability to work as a team will be tested like never before against the giant Akrid. Players will utilize teamwork tactics, new weapons and a variety of vital suits (VS) to fight these larger-than-life bosses.
* [b]Beautiful massive environments[/b]: Capcom’s advanced graphics engine, MT Framework 2.0, and DirectX 11 support will bring the game to life with the next step in 3D fidelity and performance. See Lost Planet 2’s world through new eyes, with support for hardware tessellation and compute shader.
* [b]Deep level of character customization[/b]: Players will have hundreds of different ways to customize their look, nom de guerre, emotes, and weapons to truly help them define their character on the battlefield. A wide array of customizable abilities range from taking less damage, to running faster to operating data posts quicker
* [b]Rewards System[/b]: Players will receive rewards for assisting teammates and contributing to the team’s success
* [b]Multiplayer[/b]: Compete in 16-player multiplayer matches with nine different maps and 5 different game modes including Data Post Battle, Akrid Egg Battle, Fugitive, Elimination and Team Elimination. Additional maps will be available as downloadable content after the game’s release.
* [b]Exciting new VS features[/b]: Based on fan feedback, the team has implemented an unbelievable variety of Vital Suits and new ways to combat VS’s. The new VS system will have a powerful impact on the way the player takes to the war zone in Lost Planet 2.***Supposedly has greatly expanded content and gameplay options compared to original X360/PS3 version.
Crysis 2 EA Partners (Crytek)2011 2020s 21stcentury aaa aliens anticipatorysightings assaultrifles backstabbing bodyarmor bookends bossbattles capacity-toolslots chargedjump city city-newyork-ny cloakednpcs cloaking collectibles controllablehelplessness cpplanguage cryengine3 crysis dark-limited difficulty directx11 distortedvision driving drm drm-activation earth electricweapons elitemobs energyweapons entangled explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist falldamage fallimpact firearms firstpersonshooter fmod future fxaa gamespy glowsuits grenadecooking grenadelaunchers grenades gunships handguns healthregen healthregen-fast helicopters humblebundle jumping killingblow knockback lasersight latestart ledges limitedcapacity locationaldamage machineguns mecha militantprotagonist militaryfiction mp-control mp-dm mp-teams nanotechnology news northamerica npcstrife objectiveindicator openended outbreak playerprofiles playerprogression powerarmor powerthrow precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies quarantine quicktimeevent rating-esrb-m reload-manual remotedetonators robots rooftops ruins scenic screenshake screenspacereflections secondaryantagonist selectivefire sequelhook sequence-turret sewers shotguns silentprotagonist sliding slidingtackle solidshield steampowered stereoscopic subway tripeds tutorial ultraterrestrials upgradesystem visionaryplan walkers walking weirdvision winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 2 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 GT, Radeon 2900 GT, or RadeonHD 3850 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* 512 Kpbs internet connection***It’s 2023, terrifying alien invaders stalk the New York City streets. Only you can prevail, wielding the supersoldier enhancements of the Nanosuit 2.

* BE STRONG – Take on multiple enemies with Armor mode, mince them with heavy weapons or squash them by kicking cars.
* BE FAST – Get to the action quickly, then powerjump, ledgegrab and slide round the environment with amazing agility.
* BE INVISIBLE – Use Stealth mode to set traps or hit and run your enemies, or snipe from a concealed position.
* BE THE WEAPON – With the Nanosuit, you choose how you want to play.
Hamilton's Great Adventure Fatshark2011 achievements achievements-public adventurerprotagonist amazon bitsquid companion cooperation directionalforce directx11 disappearingplatforms doors facebookconnect gems grid grid-square interactivetriggers keys netranking physx rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-7 ruins score shadermodel4 southamerica steampowered steamworks tropic twitter winvista Juego de puzzle basado en tus movimientos, estéticamente bonito y con una curva de dificultad algo leve, no destaca demasiado en los juegos de su género.

4 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows Vista or 7
* 2.4 GHz dual-core CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8 series or Radeon 2xxx GPU
* 1 GB HD space***Take part in an amazing adventure, guiding the explorer Ernest Hamilton and his friendly bird Sasha as they co-operate to solve crafty puzzles and challenges!

Progress through 60+ levels set in four unique and visually stunning environments. Enjoy co-op or single player gameplay featuring both action puzzling and traditional problem solving. Immerse yourself into the fantastic storyline filled with extravagant escapades and memorable characters. Join in on the fun as Hamilton’s Great Adventure delivers an exhilarating experience of family entertainment!

Key Features:
* Highly addictive puzzle adventure!
* Embark on a fantastic journey & unravel an ancient mystery!
* Puzzle solo or take a friend along on the adventure with simultaneous hotseat coop!
Red Faction: Armageddon  THQ;Syfy Games (Volition)2011 2170s 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public aimmode aliens arid aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles autosavepoints beamweapons bink biogrowth bludgeons bossbattles capacity-slots cloakednpcs clothingchanges compass counselor crystals cultists dark-limited diaries difficulty directx10 directx11 directx9 disintegrators distortedvision dodging electricweapons elevators eviloverlord explosiveobjects explosives-sticky extraterrestrial falseending future gameprogress geomod-engine glowingeyes grenadelaunchers guidedweapons handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast insectoids jumping ladders lamp lava limitedcapacity marketfailure mars martians mercenaryprotagonist minibosses mode-survival mode-undefined movie mp-cooperative mp-survival nanotechnology newgameplus npcgenerators objectiveindicator pandorasbox plasmaweapons precisionrifles prison prologue quake radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 redfaction reload-manual remotedetonators repulsion rockets screenshake sequence-defend sequence-vehicle serieschange shadermodel3 shadermodel4 shotguns singularitydevices spacefaringage ssao steampowered steamworks subterranean temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures timeskip titulargroup upgradesystem volcanic walker walkers walking wastedeffort wasteland winvista winxp wwise Un juego de acción con un especial énfasis en la destrucción del entorno.

Aunque peca de ser mucho más lineal que el anterior juego (Red Faction Guerrilla), presenta una historia principal mucho más pulida.

Bastante bueno, aunque se hecha de menos el estilo sandox del Guerrilla.
Por otra parte tanto los escenarios como las formas diversas de destruirlos y reconstruirlos (esto último es nuevo en esta entrega) hacen repetir escenarios más divertido que nunca.

6 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, [Vista,] or 7
* 2 GHz dual-core CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 320 MB VRAM
* GeForce 88xx or Radeon HD30xx GPU
* 7.5 GB HD space

* Any quad-core or 3 GHz dual-core CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* GeForce GTX 400 series or Radeon HD5000 series GPU***Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.

When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.

Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.

When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.

Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:
* Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
* Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
* Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
* Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
* Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal;GRIP Entertainment)2011 2020s 21stcentury achillesheelfoes adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts airlocks alarmers alcohol anticipatorystockpiles aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 assaultrifles augmentedreality beamweapons bilingualdialogue blindfiring bodydragging bodyslamming books bossbattles brothel capacity-slots captives childvictims china city city-detroit-mi city-montreal-ca city-shanghai-cn classless clothingchanges conspiracy corpselooting cover-swap coversystem cpplanguage crossbows crystalengine cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dartguns depthoffield deusex dfengine diaries diegeticui directx11 directx9 distortedvision dolbydigital doors drm drm-activation earth elevators empweapons energyweapons explosives-sticky facefx falldamage fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fmod fofindicator future fxaa gasgrenades grenades guardprotagonist hackers hacking handguns healingitems healthregen hud-explained hudmalfunctioning immersivesim indicator-noise indicator-threat interactivedialogs interactivetriggers jumping katar keycodes killingblow ladders limitedcapacity locationaldamage luddites megacorps meleeweapons mines minigames mlaa multipleendings nanotechnology news nonlethalelimination nonlinear npclkpbehavior officebuilding oldskoolsurveillance optionaltasks overpenetration plasmaweapons playerexposition postmodern precisionrifles privatemilitarycompanies prologue prostitutes quickkeys radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets scientists secrets sewers sexindustry shotguns singapore soldiers solomission speech-chinese ssao stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stockfootage stungrenades stunguns stylebonus submachineguns technology-theme thirdoption transhumanism trapdisarming turrets tutorial tutorial-noninteractive uniqueprotagonist vagrants visiblelasers walking weaponimplants weaponupgrades xp-deeds xp-exploration xp-kills xp-method xp-other xrayvision yelloworange GRIP Entertainment handled development of the boss battles which explains how they are so distinctively dissimilar with the rest of the game.

Director's Cut primarily brings in New Game+, some gameplay reworks (bosses primarily), developer commentary, and integrates the Missing Link DLC into the main game.***[b]Juego base[/b]

Una muy digna precuela del primer Deus Ex, con una fuerte carga moral en las elecciones que hacen que la palabra ROL signifique algo más que subir de nivel.

10 de 10

[b]Missing Link DLC[/b]

Aunque la mision per se esta bastante lograda, no aporta gran cosa al juego mas alla del reto de usar pocos aumentos.

7 de 10***You play Adam Jensen, a security specialist, handpicked to oversee the defense of one of America’s most experimental biotechnology firms. But when a black ops team uses a plan you designed to break in and kill the scientists you were hired to protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes.

Key features:
* The long-awaited return of the award winning franchise that blends the best of Action and RPG: the perfect mix of combat, stealth, hacking, and social gameplay.
* Play as Adam Jensen, a mechanically augmented agent: customize and upgrade your character with more than 50 unique augmentations that support your style of play.
* Deadly weapons: Over 20 available weapons, each with their own customizable elements.
* Fight enemies including dangerous thugs, augmented special operations soldiers, advanced robots; and engage in epic boss battles.
* Live the reactive and dangerous world: your choices will have consequences in the game’s world.
* Play in an open-ended world: there are always multiple solutions to every challenge.
* Engage the unique Cyber Renaissance setting: discover a unique world that blends near future and Renaissance elements.
* Travel the world: visit multiple unique locations across the globe each with their own design, story and gameplay elements.
* Become involved in vast global conspiracy: unravel the story — discover who you can really trust.
* Decide humanity’s future: the decision you make and the actions you take will lead to an ultimate decision on mankind’s future.
L.A. Noire  Rockstar Games (Team Bondi;Rockstar Leeds)2011 1940s 20thcentury aimassist aimmode alcohol ambientocclusion autosavepoints chapterskip chasing city-losangeles-ca corruption coversystem cpplanguage crimefiction customengine dark-limited detectivemystery dialog-keywords dialog-stance directx11 directx9 drifting driving drm drm-activation drm-login earth firearms fmod formervaporware fxaa gameshield gore grotesque handguns historicalfiction ingamecinematics investigatorprotagonist ironwrap ladders lamp launcher lawenforcerprotagonist naturalistic netframework northamerica nudity objectmanipulation playerexposition rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rockstarsocial shotguns smokes splatter steampowered tommygun trash unarmedfighting vaulting walking Originally announced in 2004 with release date in 2007, earning its long time status as vaporware.***Una interesante aventura gráfica-juego de acción.

Es una historia noir muy fílmica, y la tecnología de caras realistas es digna de ver en acción.

En pocas palabras, es como jugar una película. Recuerda al Alan Wake (el cual es como jugar un libro de suspense) Y además puedes ser un LTA (Legal Theft Auto)

7 de 10***Although the game has some action segments (shooting, chasing, etc.), these are optional. The game will offer to skip them if you fail them a few times. Most of the game focuses on performing police investigator-like duties, finding evidence, examining evidence, interrogating witnesses and suspects, etc.

This is also probably one of the few games that fit both action and adventure genres but isn't action-adventure.
Batman: Arkham City Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment;Square Enix (Rocksteady Studios)2011 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimmode airducts alternatingprotagonist ambientocclusion arkhamcombat autosavepoints backstabbing batman batman-arkham caltrops captives challenges city cleargame collectibles combobonuses compass conspiracy constrainedlocale counselor coupdegrace cryogenicweapons csaa dccomics difficulty directx11 directx9 disarming distortedvision dodging doors doubleentendres drm drm-activation drm-changed earth eliteprotagonist epicgamesstore factory famousprotagonist fanservice femaleprotagonist fictionallocation fxaa gadgets gianthumanoids grapplinghook guidedweapons hacking hypermuscles interactivetriggers ladders langbrazil-port lasso ledges lostresources lunatics maleprotagonist map mercenaries metroidvania motionblur msaa museum mutants neutralnpcs newgameplus news nofalldamage nonlethal nonlinear northamerica npcanxiety npcarming objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks outlaws personalquest physx policestation postcombatrestoration pressureplates prison privatemilitarycompanies radiotap rage rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 roguesgallery securom securompa serialkey shapeshifters sharks slums smokegrenades snipers speedtree spoilertags stealth steampowered steamworks stunguns stunning suicide temple thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter titularlocale tower tumbling tyrant unarmedfighting unlockable-modes upgradesystem uvl-tiein vigilanteprotagonist walking weirdvision whips windowslive wwise x360pad xrayvision ziplines zoom
[12]***>Coger teclado
>Clicar Bloq Mayús"
Envolvente, rejugable, misiones secundarias de tan buena calidad como la principal, dosis notables de exploración...
Un GOTY ganado a pulso.

10 de 10***Appearances:
* Batman
* Catwoman
* Alfred
* Barbara Gordon (as Oracle)
* Tim Drake (as Robin)
* Penguin
* Joker
* Harley Quinn
* Two Face
* Solomon Grundy
* Victor Zsasz
* Mr. Freeze
* Bane
* Poison Ivy
* Hugo Strange
* Talia al Ghul
* Ra's al Ghul
* Calendar Man
* Killer Croc
* Black Mask
* Dead Shot
* Mad Hatter

and possibly some others
War Thunder Gaijin Entertainment2012 aerodyne aeroplane autocannons bomberaircraft bombs cannons dagor-engine deathrecap decoupledresolution directx11 directx9 dismemberment fighteraircraft flapcontrol fmod fxaa gliding gloc h264 headtracking internaldamage internalvision landing landinggearcontrol launcher machineguns minimap mixedresolution motionblur mouseflight mp-control mp-teams mp-versus naturalistic nocampaign nohpsystem nvgameworks oculusrift openal opengl pcdismemberment ssao steampowered story-none strikeaircraft tank tanks towing voicechat War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play, cross-platform, MMO military game for Windows, Linux, Mac and PlayStation®4 dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War.***
Deep Black: Reloaded  505 Games;Strategy First (Biart Studio)2012 aimassist assaultrifles biengine capacity-toolslots coversystem demo desura directx10 directx11 directx9 earth fallbackweapon firearms future handguns itemglow lasso megacorps nvidia3dvision objectiveindicator physx robots shotguns sixense steampowered swimming tumbling underwater underwaterdiving walkers walking winvista winxp labelimageminimize
Max Payne 3 Rockstar Games (Rockstar Studios)2012 achievements achievements-public actioncamera assaultrifles atlastmoment clansystem coversystem delayed directx11 directx9 dodging drm drm-activation drm-login earth firearms handguns ironwrap locationaldamage maxpayne-series nohealthregen nudity peopleresources rageengine rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 realisticshotguns reload-manual shotguns slowmotion splatter steampowered telescope titularcharacter tropic walking winvista winxp For Max Payne, the tragedies that took his loved ones years ago are wounds that refuse to heal. No longer a cop, close to washed up and addicted to pain killers, Max takes a job in São Paulo, Brazil, protecting the family of wealthy real estate mogul Rodrigo Branco, in an effort to finally escape his troubled past. But as events spiral out of his control, Max Payne finds himself alone on the streets of an unfamiliar city, desperately searching for the truth and fighting for a way out.

Featuring cutting edge shooting mechanics for precision gunplay, advanced new Bullet Time® and Shootdodge™ effects, full integration of Natural Motion’s Euphoria Character Behavior system for lifelike movement and a dark and twisted story, Max Payne 3 is a seamless, highly detailed, cinematic experience from Rockstar Games.

In addition to an expansive single-player campaign, Max Payne 3 will also be the first entry in the series to introduce a thorough and engrossing multiplayer experience. Max Payne 3 multiplayer brings the same cinematic feel, fluid gunplay and sense of movement of the single-player game into the realm of online multiplayer. Using the fiction and signature gameplay elements of the Max Payne universe, Max Payne 3 features a wide range of new and traditional multiplayer modes that play on the themes of paranoia, betrayal and heroism, all delivered with the same epic visual style of the single player game.

A feature debuting in Max Payne 3 and carrying over to Grand Theft Auto V and future appropriate titles is Crews, which go beyond traditional online clans by allowing players to join large public Crews or simply create a private Crew that members can customize. In this way, Crews help players keep the fight alive from match to match - and even across titles - through the Rockstar Games Social Club, which will keep track of Crew stats, including Feuds.

* Developed by Rockstar Games for a seamless, highly detailed, cinematic experience
* Advanced Bullet Time® and Shootdodge™ and Final Kill-cam mechanics for stylish shooting action
* Cutting edge aiming, targeting and animation processes for precise, fluid gunplay
* A dark, twisted story chronicling the return of Max Payne, one of the most iconic characters in videogames
* Tight integration between Natural Motion’s Euphoria Character Behavior System and a brand new iteration of the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE) for lifelike movement and a new level of environmental awareness
* A wide range of weapons rendered in incredible detail: hammers cock back, shells eject from the chamber and each bullet is individually modeled from the split second it’s fired to the moment of impact
* Advanced particle physics and destructible environments set the stage for dramatic and chaotic gun fights
* New to the series, a compelling and addictive multiplayer experience to match the dark and relentless atmosphere of the single-player game
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Paris;Red Storm Entertainment)2012 directx11 drm-activation earth firearms future futuristic ghostrecon militantprotagonist militaryfiction mp-campaign mp-cooperative nationalism tactical tomclancy ubisoft-osp uplay winvista There is nothing fair, honorable, or just about combat. There is only winning and losing—the dead and the living. The Ghosts don’t worry about even odds. They do everything in their power to overwhelm and obliterate the enemy. Future technology is the key to winning an asymmetric battle.

In Ghost Recon Future Soldier join an elite team of highly trained, cut-throat special-ops soldiers. Armed to the teeth with unrivalled combat technology and cutting-edge military hardware, Ghost Recon takes you to the globe’s most deadly warzones to hunt down the highest value targets.

When you’re outnumbered...Only the dead fight fair.

[b]Key Features:[/b]
In Ghost Recon Future Soldier you will be equipped with the most advanced combat technology designed to overwhelm and obliterate the enemy.
* [b]Cross Com:[/b] Stay one step ahead of the enemy: Cross Com gives you real time intel projected directly on your goggles. The HUD allows you to control drones on the fly, as well as locate key enemy targets.
* [b]Optical Camouflage:[/b] Be invisible: Use optical camouflage to move undetected through hot spots and gain the upper hand on your enemies.
* [b]Sync Shot:[/b] Tag ‘em and bag ‘em: Use the tagging feature on the ground or by drone to coordinate synchronized attacks on enemy targets.
* [b]Cover Swap:[/b] Stay out of enemy sight: Exploit unique cover system and swap through dynamic covers to surprise, flank and eliminate the enemies.
* [b]Hand-to-Hand Combat:[/b] Become the ultimate "quiet professional": hand-to-hand combat will give you brutal close-combat moves.
* [b]Over the Shoulder[/b] Relish in over 2500 animations: Your Ghost Recon character will roll, cover, slide, climb and disappear to stalk and take down your prey.
[b]Single-Player Campaign:[/b]
* An all-new, epic Ghost Recon experience
* 12 missions
8 spectacular locales - Fight across diverse terrains from the dust of Africa, the suburbs of Moscow, to the icy territory of the Arctic
Co-op Campaign:
* Team up with friends to take down the enemy
* Play through the 12 campaign missions cooperatively online with up to 3 friends.
* Perform highly coordinated takedowns and devastating large-scale strikes utilizing multiple viewpoints. Your "5th man" UAV drone can draw fire and target enemies.
* Lock onto enemy positions from the air or from the ground. Deploy sonic blasts to incapacitate your targets.
* Unleash the firepower of mounted weapons systems from jeeps to helicopters, and eliminate enemies with your shooting skill.
Guerrilla Mode:
* Dominate hundreds in this brand-new combat mode
* You and your fellow Ghosts will face waves of enemies and utilize real-life techniques inspired by U.S. Army counter-insurgency experts.
* Enter, capture and secure a designated area, then prepare for up to 50 waves of enemies with increasing difficulty.
* Compete against friends in online leaderboards.
* Play with up to 3 friends online, or play on the same console and TV with two-players split screen mode.
Multiplayer Mode:
* Up to 12 players in 6Vs6 matches for a fast-paced, intense online experience
* Select from 3 classes (Rifleman, Engineer and Scout) and unlock new gear to battle online across 10 maps.
* Gain experience and levels, make decisive choices to customize and develop your character.
* Gather Intel on your enemies’ positions and share it with your teammates.
* Use the new suppression system to pin your enemies down while your teammates flank them.
* 4 game modes focused on objectives and cooperation, including new exclusives and GR’s classic Siege.
* Created by Red Storm, the studio behind the critically acclaimed Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter multiplayer modes.
Gunsmith Mode:
* With over 20MM weapons at your disposal you’ll have the perfect weapon for any combat situation
* Customize your weapon in the Gunsmith mode to gain the unfair advantage on your enemies.
* Choose from dozens of attachments and components.
* Replace triggers, barrels, stocks and much more to trick out your weapon and make it your own.
* Test your weapon in the firing range before taking it into battle for ultimate accuracy and performance.
* Compatible with Single-Player, Multi-Player and Co-Op.***Developed by the award-winning team behind Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, the game will feature cutting-edge technology, prototype high-tech weaponry, and state-of-the-art single-player and multiplayer modes. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will go beyond the core Ghost Recon franchise and deliver a fresh gameplay experience, with an unparalleled level of quality that will excite long-time fans and newcomers alike.***[b]Future War trailer[/b] (2010-03-24)
The Secret World Funcom;EA Partners (Funcom)2012 activeabilityset adv-ptdistr arcwords assaultrifles bloodmagic classless contemporaryfantasy directx11 directx9 dreamworld-engine earth firearms fistloads ingamebrowser itemcomparison itemglow jumping knockback magic microtransactions minimap mmog monsters mutagen optionaltasks payoncemmo precursors rating-pegi-16 rp-levelless shopping shotguns sorcery steampowered swords titlementioned transformativecorruption truemyths txaa unarmedfighting urbanfantasy uvl-workingtitle walking 2002 Preproduction started
2003 Most of the team moved to work on [game=Dreamfall]Dreamfall[/game]
2006 Work resumed
2007-03 Was mentioned to be under development
2007-05 Announced under official title

Working title: Cabal
Working title: The World Online***[[link: Dark days are coming]]
[[link: Forums]]
[[link: Revelation of The Secret World]]
War of the Roses  Paradox Interactive (Fatshark)2012 15thcentury activereload bitsquid bleeding blocking blocking-sectors bludgeons bodyarmor bows britain crossbows directx11 earth easyanticheat finishingmoves free2play host-nonauthoritative knives licensechange magneticshoulders medieval meleeimpact meleesim middleages militantprotagonist minimumrange mp-assault mp-asymmetric mp-forcedbalance naturalistic noaircontrol polearms ragdollphysics reload-manual reload-passive resuscitation riding shadermodel4 spears splatter steampowered swords walking warriorprotagonist warsoftheroses winvista Un juego de multijugador melee medieval, o MMM, en la Inglaterra prerenacentista.

Puedes manejar a 4 clases por defecto, e infinitas personalizadas si pagas por la version premium.

Como recomendación jugaría en F2P y sólo pagaría por la versión de pago si el juego me gustase mucho y decidiera que quiero tener a un ballestero/caballero/trabuquero o mejor equipamiento, ya que el tiempo que conlleva desbloquear las perks y armamento para crear tus propias clases es, a mi parecer, excesivo.

Si he de reseñar que es un juego que premia enormemente la habilidad y el planear tus acciones (ir 1 contra 3 no es muy sensato, hacerlo en un pasadizo estrecho teniendo el arma de mayor alcance puede serlo)

De lo mejorcito de las guerra en tiempos más nobles (como demuestra el acuchillar a un enemigo abatido)

8 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows Vista or 7
* 2.4 GHz dual-core CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 9800 or Radeon 4830 GPU
* 5 GB HD space

* Quad-core CPU
* GeForce 460 or Radeon 5870 GPU
* 1 GB VRAM***War of the Roses is a team based third person action game set in 15th century England. Two rival branches of the Royal House of Plantagenet - the house of Lancaster (the reds) and the house of York (the whites) – fight over the throne, and the player is thrown into the fray.

The years of 1455-1485 in England are an extraordinary setting filled with conflict, treachery and bloodshed. In the wake of the "death of chivalry" at Agincourt in 1415 and the introduction of gunpowder, warfare changed - the gloves came off, so to speak. The old and the new clashed on the battlefield while personal vendettas motivated the desire for war.

War of The Roses sees players go toe-to-toe with their opponents using authentic and visceral weapons of the time period including broad swords, long bows and battle-axes.

Key Features:
* Customize Your Warrior - Choose your fighting style and select from over 30 play-style changing perks that let you create truly unique characters with special abilities like eagle eye or shield bash.
* Choose Your Gear – Make your selection from over 30 authentic weapons across 10 weapon categories with your choice of blade type and metal type. More than a dozen customizable helmets and various armor types to choose from. Even create your own coat of arms with near limitless combinations as you choose your division, ordinary, charge, and crest.
* Groundbreaking Mounted Gameplay - Melee combat will never be the same, mount up and experience new tactical and visceral thrills
* Train to be the Ultimate Warrior - Experience a deep leveling system as you rise through the ranks, gaining new titles, weapons, gear, and much
* Mass Devastation - Up to 64 player competition in both Team Death Match and Conquest modes. Battle online through 7 historically inspired war zones as you experience the conflict between Lancaster & York first hand.
Far Cry 3 Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2012 aaa adv-limited adv-perks africa aimmode alcohol ambientcreatures amrifles animals assaultrifles autosavepoints backstabbing bodydragging bombs bows buggy bunker burning camouflagers capacity-slots capacity-toolslots captives cave challenges chapters chickens circadiancycle civilianprotagonist cleargame clienthost communicator compass controllablehelplessness corpselooting crafting crocodilians dark-limited deathpits dementia difficulty directx11 directx9 distracting dreamworld drifting driving drm drm-login drm-online drugs duniaengine dynamicweather earth endlessopposition eternalfires falldamage fallimpact falseending farcry fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers flaregun fofindicator forest freelancing gambling grapplers grenadecooking grenadelaunchers grenades handguns hangglider healthregen host-migrating hunting inbuilttraps incendiarygrenades indicator-poi indicator-threat ingamecinematics inpersoncinematics instantdeathprotection ironsights island jeep jetski jumping knockdown ladders lamp ledges letterbox limitedcapacity loadingnonsense locationaldamage lostequipment machineguns map militarybase mine mines minigames minimap motorboat mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-teams msaa multipleendings npcgenerators npcstrife nudity objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks parachuting pirates playerprogression precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics projectilerecovery prologue prostitutes quadbike quicktimeevent randomevents reload-manual remotedetonators rescue rescuees revenge rhib rockets rpgelements ruins scenic seamlessworld sequence-escape sequence-turret sex sharks shopping shotguns slavery sliding splatter ssao stealth stealth-range stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered submachineguns swimming syringes tagging tattoos telescope temple torture tower town trampling tropic truck tutorial underwaterdiving unlockable-items uplay vaulting walking watercraft watercraft-location wildfire wildlife wingsuit xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist ziplines labelimageminimize
Panzar Troxit2013 classbased cryengine3 directx11 directx9 fanservice free2play magic mp-teams paytowin rating-pegi-12 statuseffects steampowered unconvincingarmor PANZAR is a fantasy multiplayer third-person shooter. You get to choose from eight unique character classes, team-based PvP battles, exciting PvE adventures and regular tournaments with real prizes. Advanced RPG elements, the non-target combat system and the most modern graphics by CryEngine 3 will make your combat experience unforgettable!

Key Features

Dynamic Team-Based PvP and PvE
PANZAR is built on high intensity team-based battles. Players fight in 10 vs 10 PvP fights and extensive breathtaking PvE raids where no one can secure victory alone. The secret to success in battle is how well you coordinate with your other teammates. It’s ideal entertainment for groups and clans. PANZAR’s developed clan system gives you the chance to participate in spectacular mass tournaments for glory and prizes.
One Spectacular Fantasy World

Incredibly Detailed Fantasy World
PANZAR comes to life through the raw power of CryENGINE®3, the ultimate game development platform deliveri
ng incredibly detailed graphics and fluid gameplay. Players face off in rich and detailed environments such as mountain waterfalls, jungle villages, ancient castles and temple ruins. PANZAR is flexible, serving a wide range of graphics capability modes, so computers of many generations can get into battle.

Tactical Gameplay Modes
PANZAR has a wide range of locations, equipment and skills creating an almost never-ending variety of tactical options and battle strategies. There are eight different character classes, each with their own unique skill set, game dynamics and overall role within the team. With several different gameplay modes – Domination, Siege, Rugby and King of the Hill - it’s a game you’ll want to play again and again.

Unique Heroes
Players can create their own formidable characters and develop and equip them as they like. You can buy, sell, craft and upgrade weapons, armor and magical potions at any time between battles. Not to mention the nearly limitless freedom of self-expression arising from all the hairstyles, battle cries and armor paint choices. Unleash your imagination!

Advanced Social System
Players can communicate with other players right in-game using voice, team and general battle chat options. Finding new friends, grouping or reconnecting with old ones is simple! There are even gold bonuses on offer for each new friend recruited. Join teams, claim victory and crystals in tournaments, even create your own clan and choose the comrades you will fight shoulder to shoulder with. In PANZAR, there is only one goal...Victory!
ArcheAge Trion Worlds;Tencent Games;Mail.Ru (XLGAMES)2013 awesomium classbased crafting directx11 directx9 fmod genderchoice hackshield jumping mmog multiclassing optionaltasks origlang-korean pve pvp qtframework rating-pegi-16 riding specieschoice stealing steampowered swimming tasktracker underwaterdiving walking Adventure in the ultimate free-to-play fantasy-sandbox MMORPG freed from predefined paths and progression. Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake. labelimagesubject
Warframe Digital Extremes2013 3ormoreplayers absolutearmor achillesheelfoes adaptivemusic adv-undefined afterearth aimassist aimmode anticheat armorexperience assaultrifles autoshotguns axes beamweapons biogrowth biorobots blankprotagonist bludgeons boomerangs bows chargedattack clansystem classbased classlinkedgender clienthost clingers closedbeta crafting cyborgs damagetypes deployables diegeticui directx11 directx9 disclaunchers dissolvingcorpses distantfuture dynamicobjectives eliteprotagonist enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons equipment-preselect equipmentbased equipmentexperience evolution-engine extraterrestrial fallimpact fanservice firearms fistloads forcedteleport free2play future ghostedmotion gibs glowsuits gore groundslamming handguns healthpickups hiddenattributes hiddenitemstats hitflash host-migrating hudmalfunctioning indie ineptveteran intermissions irc japanese-theme jethammers jumping jumppads keys knockback knockdown langukrainian laserbolts laserweapons launcher ledges levelselection lightbloom loot-random loot-unexpected losttechnology lua machineguns machinepistols magneticshoulders microtransactions minimap missionbased monsters motionblur mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-voting nocampaign nofalldamage nofriendlyfire nohealthregen npcreloading npcteleporting nvapex objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator openbeta otherworld penetratingexplosions perplayerloot pet physx polearms powerarmor precisionrifles pve pvefocus pvp radialblur rating-esrb-t recipes-mandatory resuscitation rewardingvandalism robots rotaryguns safepits screenshake selfupdate shieldregen shotguns sliding socketables solsystem spacestation splatter statuseffects steampowered story-none streamerscarf stunlock supportnpcs swords targetident technomagic teleporting teleswap tenno-series threatsystem throwingknives thrownweapons tinyfoes titlementioned titularobject tooltips tutorial unarmedfighting undefinedelements unexplainedelements unknownpast upnp variableobjectives voicechat walking wallpenetrators wallrunning warriorprotagonist wastedeffort weaponexperience wintery winxp x86 x86-32 x86-64 xp-kills xp-objects xp-shared Un juego multijugador cooperativo muy interesante.
Con una enorme capacidad de personalización (especialmente pagando) y misiones de todo tipo, permite al jugador de gasto 0 (It's FreeToPlay) los elementos básicos para entretenerse mucho con las mecánicas del juego.

8 de 10***Borrows heavily from darkSector's original concepts and darkSector itself is included (at least in part) in the background lore of Warframe.

Some greater detail on this can be read from the unofficial wiki: [url][/url]***[media=youtube]Gx5RDaGVkZE[/media]***Closed beta started on 2012-10-24.
Open beta started on 2013-03-21.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP 3
* Core 2 Duo E6400 or Athlon 64 4000+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8600 GT or Radeon HD 3600 GPU
* 1 GB HD space
Metro: Last Light  Deep Silver (4A Games)2013 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles beggars bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty directx11 distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics karma knives ladders lamp lasersight limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns multipleendings mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers Aunque sus controles y acción son similares a los de cualquier FPS moderno, la atmósfera opresiva y el enfoque postapocalíptico lo hacen diferenciarse, ya que aunque no llega al grado de un survival horror o juegos como el STALKER o los primeros Fallout, si que tiene elementos como la máscara de gas o la escasa munición que lo hacen ser un juego más enfocado en la supervivencia de lo habitual en los FPS.

Su interfaz minimalista es muy inmersivo, menos el panel de munición (que peca además de no ser muy adecuado para ordenador)

La historia sigue directamente los pasos del primer juego, y da mayor enfoque a los enfrentamientos humanos sin olvidar el terror sobrenatural que caracterizara a Metro 2033.

7 de 10***[media=youtube]EdlA__Sv1VU[/media]***It is the year 2034.

Beneath the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro, the remnants of mankind are besieged by deadly threats from outside – and within. Mutants stalk the catacombs beneath the desolate surface, and hunt amidst the poisoned skies above.

But rather than stand united, the station-cities of the Metro are locked in a struggle for the ultimate power, a doomsday device from the military vaults of D6. A civil war is stirring that could wipe humanity from the face of the earth forever.

As Artyom, burdened by guilt but driven by hope, you hold the key to our survival – the last light in our darkest hour...

Key Features:
* A gripping, story-driven first person shooter, Metro: Last Light is the hugely anticipated sequel to 2010’s critically acclaimed cult classic Metro 2033
* Experience thrilling combat with an exotic arsenal of hand-made weaponry against deadly foes – both human and mutant – and use stealth to launch attacks under the cover of darkness
* Explore the post-apocalyptic world of the Moscow Metro, one of the most immersive, atmospheric game worlds ever created
* Fight for every bullet and every last breath in a claustrophobic blend of survival horror and FPS gameplay
* Next generation technology boasting stunning lighting and physics sets a new graphical benchmark on both console and PC
* Wage post-apocalyptic warfare online, as Last Light delivers an intense multiplayer experience amongst the dark Russian ruins
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Ubisoft (Ubisoft Toronto)2013 aaa ambientocclusion bodydragging cover-swap coversystem dark-limited decoys difficulty difficulty-ingame directx11 drm firearms fxaa glowsuits hitconfirmation interactionhighlight intermissions minefield mp-cooperative nightvision npclkpbehavior objectiveindicator precisionrifles radar recoil splatter splintercell stealthgame tagging terrorists uplay vaulting voicechat labelminimizeminimize
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified  2K Games (2K Marin)2013 1960s 20thcentury abilitycooldown achillesheelfoes adv-perks aimassist aimmode alcohol alieninvasion alienmenace alientechnology alternatetimeline alternatingprotagonist ambientocclusion amoeboids beamweapons beepingcomputers berserkers bink bossbattles capacity-toolslots captives chargingweapons cinematicinconsistencies classbased coversystem dam damageindicator decoys dialog-sentences difficulty directx11 doors doppelgangers earth elevators elimination eliteprotagonist enemyhealthdisplay enemyscan energycreatures energyweapons experimentaltechnology explainedthirdperson falseprotagonist fictionalelement filmgrain finiteopposition firearms flanking flyingsaucers fofindicator forcefields formervaporware fovoption grenades grenadewarning greys group group-leader handguns healingdevice healthregen healthregen-stunted humanoids humanresources interactivedialogs intermissions jargon laserbolts laserweapons levelselection lightbridges limitedcapacity locationaldamage metaprotagonist militarybase militaryfiction mindcontrol minibosses minimap minionequipping multipleendings noncanon northamerica objectiveindicator oopitems physx plasmaweapons postcombatrestoration precisionrifles psychics radar reload-manual resuscitation robots rural scientists secretconflict secretsociety shallowwater shotguns skipnoninteractive slowmotion smokes splatter steampowered submachineguns summoning supportnpcs tagging tasteofpower technofantasy technomagic teleport teleporters town tumbling turrets tutorial unconvincingarmor unrealengine3 uselessallies uvl-workingtitle vaulting visualizedtrajectory walking winvista wwise xcom-series xp-kills zoom Aunque de primeras parece un shooter del montón, lo que le convierte en un buen juego es el control y manejo de tu escuadra, donde es importante saber cómo moverlos y de que habilidades disponen, convirtiéndolo en un juego de acción a tiempo real pero con momentos de planificación, a medio camino entre los X-COM clásicos y un Rainbow Six.

7 de 10***The year is 1962 and the Cold War has the nation gripped by fear. A top-secret government unit called The Bureau begins investigating a series of mysterious attacks by an enemy more powerful than communism. As agent Carter, call the shots, pull the trigger and lead your squad in a gripping third-person tactical shooter set within a covert war to protect humanity from an otherworldly enemy.***The plot has a tragic logical fallacy about the Bureau performing a complete erasing of the truth of what happened, except the invasion was global and they had no control over what happened in other countries and the amount of secrecy they held over the event (likely poor/none in several), yet it's said no evidence of the invasion was left to the public.
Guardians of Middle-earth Warner Bros. Interactive (Monolith Productions;Zombie Studios)2013 arda directx10 directx11 moba rating-pegi-12 steampowered uvl-tiein win8 winvista Un MOBA anodino, con un control muy mal logrado y cuyo único elemento interesante es el funcionamiento de los ataques básicos.

2 de 10***Zombie Studios handled porting to PC, not the actual development.
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Sega (Sega Studios Australia)2013 alone anthroprotagonist did directx11 disney illusion-series lighthearted lives magic mickeymouse nofalldamage rescue rodentprotagonist score steampowered titularlocale uvl-tiein winvista
ArmA III  Bohemia Interactive2013 ambientcreatures arma-series cmaa cmfade directx10 directx11 drm drm-gamealtering ironsights militaryfiction multisights naturalistic nokillconfirm rating-pegi-16 steampowered voicechat-proximity winvista Cumple perfectamente su premisa de juego de acción complejo y táctico, algo que es especialmente notorio en el hecho de que eres tan vulnerable como tus enemigos o que conducir no consiste en calcar 4 teclas direccionales.
Es una pena que peque de un interfaz no del todo intuitiva y un sistema de pistas escueto en exceso (los CoF iniciales deberían estar aprovechados como tutoriales), y además le vendría bien algo más de destucción del entorno para hacerlo más creíble (especialmente cuando manejas tanques o artillería)

7 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows Vista or 7
* Core i5 or Phenom X4 CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 896 MB VRAM
* GeForce GTX 260 or Radeon HD 5770 GPU
* 15 GB HD space***Windows and Linux [i]dedicated servers[/i] have been announced, but no playable versions besides Windows have been [url=]officially mentioned[/url].

Considering Bohemia has officially said OpenGL is a [url=]big nono for them[/url] (they're going for DX10/11 anyway), it's extremely unlikely there will be Linux version on that regard either.
MechWarrior Online  Piranha Games;Infinite Game Publishing (Piranha Games)2013 3040s 31stcentury 4thmillennium activepassivedetectors adminrights ambienttemperature autocannons battletech beamweapons criticalchance cryengine3 damagedropoff directx10 directx11 directx9 dismemberment enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons engineshutdown equipment-preselect explainedthirdperson extraterrestrial future genderneutral guidedweapons hudmalfunctioning impactshock incompat-virtualization independentaim infravision internaldamage laserweapons locationaldamage locationalhealth lockoncountermeasures lookaround machineguns malfunctioning map matchlockedcharacters mecha mechsim mechwarrior midastouch minimap motionblur mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-norejoin nightvision noports optimalrange overheating paidkilling platformexclusive pvp radarjammers rangefinder recoil rockets screenshake speedcontrol staggering steampowered targetlock teamawareness timelimit tutorial undefinedelements unseenprotagonist uvl-tiein vehiclecustomization vehicularcombat visionmodes walker walkers x86 x86-32 x86-64 2012-10-29 open beta started
2013-09-26 end of open beta, final release
Batman: Arkham Origins Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WB Games Montréal;Splash Damage)2013 ambientocclusion arkhamcombat batman batman-arkham cover dccomics depthoffield directx10 directx11 firearms host-migrating motionblur mp-3way mp-asymmetric mp-matchmaking originstory physx steampowered tumbling unarmedfighting uvl-tiein weirdvision win8 winvista
[12]***Batman™: Arkham Origins is the next installment in the blockbuster Batman: Arkham videogame franchise. Developed by WB Games Montréal, the game features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline set several years before the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, the first two critically acclaimed games of the franchise. Taking place before the rise of Gotham City’s most dangerous criminals, the game showcases a young and unrefined Batman as he faces a defining moment in his early career as a crime fighter that sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight.***Sigue la estela del Arkham City, y el villano no podría ser mejor, sin embargo le falta un toque de libertad de acción frente al anterior que lo convierte en un juego ligeramente inferior.
Si que es destacable el multijugador, que parece una mezcla entre el Gears of War y un Metal Gear Solid.

9 de 10***Splash Damage created the multiplayer mode.
TUG Nerd Kingdom2014 alphafunding cancelled crafting crowdfunded directx11 humanoidprotagonist hunger inventory jumping mapgenerator nohumans openworldsurvivalcrafting sandbox steampowered walking x86 x86-32 x86-64 Development ceased in 2017. Alpha version still available for purchase and play on Steam. labelimageminimize
Broken Age  Double Fine Productions2014 alphafunding clickadventure crowdfunded dialog-sentences directx10 directx11 episodic fanfunding femaleprotagonist giantmonsters interactivedialogs maleprotagonist moaiframework multiplecampaigns puppetanimation steampowered uvl-workingtitle winvista winxp Original projected release was May 2013. Steam Early Access for Act 1 was made available on 2014-01-28. Act 2 was added on 2015-04-27. labelimageminimize
Star Swarm Stardock Entertainment (Oxide Games)2014 directx11 mantleapi nitrous-engine space spacecraft steampowered techdemo labelminimizeminimize
Banished Shining Rock Software2014 4ormoreresources activepause ambienttemperature bartering builders childlabor children citybuilding collective colonysim cpplanguage difficulty directx11 directx9 disease dynamicweather eventlog firesuppression foraging gog humblestore humblewidget hunger hunting impersonal loadingnonsense lutris mapgenerator medieval modsupport msaa naturaldisasters naturalistic needs nonworkingage randomseed resourceharvesting seasons soloproject steampowered stockpiles structurefacing survivalsimulation thoroughfareconstruction timecompression title-multi tooltips uvl-confusable wildfire workers zoom labelimageminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers amdtrueaudio animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bookends bossbattles bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine cleargame clockpunk collectibles compass controlconfig dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects directx11 distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fovoption fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness fxaa gpuasynccompute haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids humblestore inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders launcher leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedshopstock limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen nonlethalelimination npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws physx pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping ssaa ssao stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stungrenades stunning stunprods subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-confusable uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise x86 x86-32 x86-64 zoom 2008 rumors, quickly becoming considered vaporware
2009-05-11 officially announced
2011 unofficially projected release
2013 more news appeared, suggesting either near future cancellation, on hold, or refactoring of the project
Daylight Zombie Studios2014 autosavepoints dark diaries directx11 doors glowsticks lamp minimap nvgameworks rating-pegi-16 steampowered survivalhorror unrealengine4 win8 winvista labelminimizeminimize
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition Deep Silver (Grasshopper Manufacture;Kadokawa Games)2014 directx10 directx11 hackandslash rating-pegi-18 spectaclebrawler steampowered unrealengine3 labelimageminimize
Murdered: Soul Suspect Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Airtight Games)2014 amdtrueaudio apartmentbuilding backstabbing cemetery city city-salem-ma contemporaryfantasy crimefiction defenseless detectivemystery diaries directx11 earth eqaa femaleantagonist fxaa ghosts hdao hiding humblestore insaneasylum investigatorprotagonist lostsouls mansion massachusetts mediums mindreading monsters motionblur msaa museum northamerica paranormal possession predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 ruins smokes soundcues spectralprotagonist spectres ssao stealth stealth-sight steampowered teleporting temple unknownpast usa x86-64 HE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all... their own murder.

When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer.

Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using his detective instinct and new-found supernatural abilities.

As Ronan, you have the freedom to explore the modern-day town of Salem: its New England-style wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.
[Steam Store]***Una aventura gráfica de carácter noir/policiaco, donde debes encontrar todas las pistas para resolver diversos casos e inferir muchas veces soluciones en ausencia de ellas, con un énfasis en la exploración que resulta muy gratificante.

Tiene además algunas fases de sigilo sencillas que le dan un poco de variedad, y pequeños elementos como el leer pensamientos o el poseer felinos confieren al juego un encanto único.

8 de 10
Sniper Elite III  Rebellion2014 1940s actioncamera africa ambientocclusion auditorymasking ballistics bodydragging directx11 earth explosiveobjects firearms gore grenades grotesque handguns healingitems indicator-threat internalvision ladders loading-partial mantleapi militantprotagonist motionblur multihead nohealthregen npclkpbehavior precisionrifles radar radialmenu rockets secrets slowmotion sniperelite-series specialistprotagonist splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered stereoscopic stylebonus submachineguns telescope vaulting visualizedtrajectory wasteland winvista worldwar worldwar2 zoom labelimageminimize
Metro: Last Light Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2014 2030s 21stcentury 4aengine achillesheelfoes addons aimmode airducts ambientocclusion asphyxiation assaultrifles beggars bioluminescence bossbattles bridge brothel capacity-toolslots cave chapters chargers city city-moscow-ru communists compass constrainedlocale controllablehelplessness damagedropoff dark day1dlc deadlywater demonoids difficulty directx11 distortedvision doors earth elevators fanservice firearms future gashazards gasmask giantspiders grenades handguns healingitems heavyweather hive humanoids incendiarygrenades indicator-visibility insectoids ironsights jigglephysics karma knives ladders lamp lasersight limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns metro2033 militarybase mines monsters motionblur multibarrelguns multipleendings mutants nazis neutralmonsters nightvision nohealthdisplay nudity objectplot outlaws paranormal pathengine physx postapocalypse precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics prostitutes psychics quarantine ragdollphysics rating-pegi-18 recursivereference refugees reload-manual rescuees rotaryguns ruins russia screenstaining secrets sequence-defend sequence-turret shallowwater shopping shotguns spectres splatter spoilertags ssaa staining stealth steampowered submachineguns subterranean tasktracker temple temporarycompanions thrownweapons town trapdisarming trivialobstacles undefinedelements urbanfantasy ursines uvl-workingtitle visiblelasers weaponcustomization wetland whispers labelminimizeminimize
Lichdom: Battlemage  Xaviant2014 abilitycriticals actionadventure actionrpg amdtrueaudio astoundsound autoaim blocking bossbattles bossmeter chargedabilities chargedattack chosenone city combatautoloot comboactions crafting cryengine3 cryokinesis cultists damageinfo dashing deadlywater deathpenalty depthoffield derelictgraveyard directx10 directx11 display-1080p distortedvision electrokinesis encounters-popup energyshields equipmentbased eviloverlord explodingcriticals forcefields fovoption freezing genderchoice gibs healthregen healthregen-stunted indie itempickup-auto itempickup-global limitlessenergy loot-random magic monsters motionblur mountain mysticprotagonist newgameplus nocooldowns noinvpause nomodalpause overkill pyrokinesis quake revenge ruins safepowers screenshake secrets segmentedhealth simplygon skeletons slowmotion sorcery spelldesigning splatter statuseffects steampowered stunning timedblockattacks town tressfx tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead uvl-workingtitle wasteland waterfalls wilderness wintery wwise labelimageminimize
StarForge CodeHatch (CodeHatch)2014 alphafunding directx11 directx9 indie mapgenerator physics proceduraltexturing steampowered substanceair unity-engine win8 winvista labelimageminimize
Starpoint Gemini 2  Iceberg Interactive (Little Green Man Games)2014 alphafunding directx10 directx11 gog physx rating-pegi-12 starpointgemini-series steampowered warptravel win8 winvista labelimageminimize
Civilization: Beyond Earth  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2014 27thcentury 28thcentury afterearth alienanimals alienplanet aliens autosaves-periodic civilization-series cpplanguage crossgameplay csaa depthoffield directx11 encyclopedia espionage extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex insectoids kraken lua mantleapi milessound mp-versus msaa multipleendings saveanywhere savedrngseed seamonsters spaceage steampowered techtree transhumanism winvista xml xp-attack xp-defense Un spin-off de la saga Civilization, similar a la últimas entregas (tablero hexagonal y ataques a distancia) pero con un especial énfasis en la exploración, algo que se nota en un entorno mucho más elaborado (misiones, reliquias, alienígenas...) y en la unidad del explorador.

Sufre mucho de tener un ritmo de juego muy lento, incluso para un juego de estrategia global, con progresos y construcciones que tardan decenas de turnos.

7 de 10***Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.

As part of an expedition sent to find a home beyond Earth, you will write the next chapter for humanity as you lead your people into a new frontier and create a new civilization in space. Explore and colonize an alien planet, research new technologies, amass mighty armies, build incredible Wonders and shape the face of your new world. As you embark on your journey you must make critical decisions. From your choice of sponsor and the make-up of your colony, to the ultimate path you choose for your civilization, every decision opens up new possibilities.
[Steam Store]
Lords of the Fallen CI Games;Square Enix (Deck 13)2014 actionrpg axes blindcreatures blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter castle cemetery chromaticaberration darkfantasy deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery denuvo diaries directx11 drm enemyhealthdisplay fledge-engine fmod giantshoulderpads handandahalfweapons healingitems interactivedialogs keys knives magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons monastery monsters nvapex nvgameworks outlawprotagonist physx polearms rating-pegi-16 restingreset shields socketables sorcery souljar soulslike stamina staves steampowered swords variableending walking wintery x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms bitComposer Entertainment;Kalypso Media Digital (Games Farm)2014 actionadventure actionrpg bossarenas bossbattles controlswitch crafting demonicprotagonist diablolike difficulty directx11 directx9 femaleprotagonist heretickingdoms-series humanprotagonist loot-random magic maleprotagonist monsters multiprotagonists objectiveclairvoyance ogre-engine optionaltasks parallelreality premadeprotagonist rating-pegi-16 shopping sorcery steampowered tasktracker transdimensional win8 winvista winxp The game's development suffered when bitComposer went down and the funding for the game was harmed as a result. There was supposed to be ports to other platforms and other improvements to the game engine (which as it stands is stuck to being single-threaded and runs very poorly on all systems except those with very good single-threaded performance).***
WARMACHINE: Tactics Privateer Press Interactive (WhiteMoon Dreams)2014 directx10 directx11 grid grid-square miniaturegame robots steampowered win7 win8 winvista x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
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