showing 251 - 300 of 301 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescriptionrank
PixelJunk Shooter Double Eleven (Q-Games;Double Eleven)2013 aliens ambienttemperature autosavepoints bossbattles bossmeter cave chargingweapons damageflicker distantfuture enemyhealthdisplay extraterrestrial flammables friendlyfire future giantmonsters gog guidedweapons health-unusual lava levelselection liquidphysics monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative overheating phasetransitions physics pixeljunk-series rescuees resourcecrisis rockets score screenshake steampowered subterranean temperature unlimitedammo volcanic x360pad labelimageminimize
X Rebirth Deep Silver (Egosoft)2013 extraterrestrial freelancing future nonlinear openworld optionaltasks origlang-german rating-pegi-12 space spacecraft spacecraft-small spacefaringage spaceflight spacestation spacesuit spacewalking stacsim steampowered trading walking x-universe At least they changed the mission panel! And the messages have tags! :D

Now its a very playable game, easier to control, with an average difficult curve (not as stepped as previous games), and even prettier than before (specially planets, that feel enormous and look mesmerizing) Also, space highways and station/ship interiors are some of the new neat additions that makes it feel alive.

I miss the complexity of weapons and station systems, but its a little trade-off in comparation with the major improvements.

7 of 10***[media=youtube]eNs1rdSkUi8[/media]***In the distant future, the X universe faces a period of profound and irrevocable change. While the universe stumbles towards an uncertain future, countless adventures await as new enemies rise in search of power. Enter a young adventurer and his unlikely female ally traveling in an old, battered ship with a glorious past - two people alone against the galaxy, playing a key part in the events to come. The fate of the universe rests in the hands of the player...

X Rebirth represents a spectacular new beginning for the X series, offering loyal fans and newcomers alike a vast, vivid and extremely detailed universe to explore throughout the game. Varied gameplay elements such as action-packed space combat, detailed trading mechanics and high-speed space exploration with fast travel allow players to experience a truly unique space saga that will keep them hooked for dozens of hours. X Rebirth features a whole new user experience - it is easier than ever to start with, and remains as deep as fans expect it.

* It gets personal: Character-driven UI and a living and breathing universe
* It gets fast: Fun and fast travel with new transportation systems
* It gets big: The most detailed X universe ever
* Endless room for exploration
* Easy to learn - hard to master
* Gameplay, controls and UI are redesigned from scratch
Meridian: New World Merge Games;Headup Games (Elder Games)2014 31stcentury 4thmillennium basebuilding extraterrestrial fictionalelement future interactivedialogs intermissions mode-skirmish otherworld playerprogression prerenderedcinematics resourceharvesting robots steampowered sunburn-engine titlementioned titularlocale labelimageminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team SEGA (Nomad Games)2014 aliens extraterrestrial militantprotagonist militaryfiction miniaturegame mode-survival mp-cooperative orcs powerups radar rating-esrb-t spacefaringage steampowered twinstickshooter unlimitedammo uvl-tiein wh40k labelminimizeminimize
Lifeless Planet KISS Ltd (Stage 2 Studios )2014 actionadventure alphafunding ambientcreatures asphyxiation autorun cave columnarjointing crowdfunded dark-limited depthfog extraterrestrial fallimpact humblewidget jumppack lamp midairjumping nohud otherworld researchfacility shallowwater steampowered walkingsimulator wasteland labelminimizeminimize
Asteria Legend Studio2014 2150s 22ndcentury achievements asphyxiation destructibleworld digging enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons eternalfires extraterrestrial fallbackweapon flyingislands future gasphysics healthdrops liquidphysics loot-random loot-unexpected maleprotagonist nohealthregen openworld phasetransitions resourceharvesting steampowered There's a minor inconsistency but not entirely unexplainable in the game's intro, that the 26LY distance at 29% of speed of light takes in fact 89 years (26/0.29), not 102 (2037 to 2139). But the extra 3 years could've been spent on other thing that just traveling that were not mentioned. labelimageminimize
Halfway Chucklefish (Robotality)2014 2450s 25thcentury 3rdmillennium actionsystem adv-objects alieninvasion aliens assaultrifles autosavepoints bodyarmor capacity-slots colorcodednpcs commercial coversystem criticalchance cyborgs display-720p download energyshields energyweapons equipmentbased experimentaltechnology extraterrestrial firearms future futuristic grenades group healingitems hitchance humanexperiments humblestore inventory laboratory laserbolts laserweapons license-proprietary limitedcapacity maleprotagonist militantprotagonist multiprotagonists mutants npcreloading pixelated plasmaweapons postmissionrestoration precisionrifles prison radialmenu randomdamage reload-lossy reload-manual resuscitation scavenging scientists screenshake shopping shotguns singularlocale socialclassconflict space spacecraft spacecraft-location spacefaringage stash steampowered titlementioned tooltips turrets xp-none labelimageminimize
Gods Will Be Watching Devolver Digital (Deconstructeam)2014 2250s 23rdcentury alienplanet barrelbodies difficulty extraterrestrial future gamemaker gog humblestore humblewidget license-crossplatform murder nopointercapture pixelated splatter steampowered torture labelimageminimize
Alien: Isolation SEGA (Creative Assembly)2014 1life 2130s 22ndcentury airducts airlocks alienfranchise alienmenace aliens androids biogrowth breathcontrol chromaticaberration clambering contextualmovement corpselooting crafting cutsceneincompetence dark deathfakers decoys depthoffield diaries dustmotes elevators empgrenades empweapons engineerprotagonist eventdirector extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist firearms flamethrowers flares fovoption fullbodyawareness future fxaa glowingeyes grenades hacking handguns havokphysics hiding hospital hunted incendiarygrenades industrial-setting ingamecinematics instantkillers interactionhighlight interfacespoilers isolatedlocale juggernauts keycodes keys ladders lamp lamp-powered leaning lostequipment metroidvania mines minigames monsters motionblur motiondetector nohealthregen noinvpause nojumping npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator oldskoolsurveillance openended overpowered parasites quake radialmenu recipes recipes-mandatory reload-chambering reload-manual revolvers robots savepoints scaleform screenshake screenstaining shotguns smaa smokegrenades spacecraft-location spacestation spacesuit spoilertags ssao stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered steamworks stranded stungrenades stunprods survivalhorror temporarycompanions walking wwise x360pad labelimageminimize
Civilization: Beyond Earth  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2014 27thcentury 28thcentury afterearth alienanimals alienplanet aliens autosaves-periodic civilization-series cpplanguage crossgameplay csaa depthoffield directx11 encyclopedia espionage extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex insectoids kraken lua mantleapi milessound mp-versus msaa multipleendings saveanywhere savedrngseed seamonsters spaceage steampowered techtree transhumanism winvista xml xp-attack xp-defense Un spin-off de la saga Civilization, similar a la últimas entregas (tablero hexagonal y ataques a distancia) pero con un especial énfasis en la exploración, algo que se nota en un entorno mucho más elaborado (misiones, reliquias, alienígenas...) y en la unidad del explorador.

Sufre mucho de tener un ritmo de juego muy lento, incluso para un juego de estrategia global, con progresos y construcciones que tardan decenas de turnos.

7 de 10***Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.

As part of an expedition sent to find a home beyond Earth, you will write the next chapter for humanity as you lead your people into a new frontier and create a new civilization in space. Explore and colonize an alien planet, research new technologies, amass mighty armies, build incredible Wonders and shape the face of your new world. As you embark on your journey you must make critical decisions. From your choice of sponsor and the make-up of your colony, to the ultimate path you choose for your civilization, every decision opens up new possibilities.
[Steam Store]
Cargo 3 Vinci Games2014 23rdcentury bludgeons extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter future meleeweapons spacecolony labelminimizeminimize
Elegy for a Dead World Dejobaan Games2014 alone arthouse extraterrestrial indie [media=youtube]bfps2HKE4B4[/media]***In Elegy for a Dead World, you travel to distant planets and create stories about the people who once lived there.

Three portals have opened to uncharted worlds. Earth has sent a team of explorers to investigate them, but after an accident, you are the sole survivor. Your mission remains the same: survey these worlds and write the only accounts of them that outsiders will ever know.

We created Elegy so that everyone can write. As you explore, the game helps you create the narrative. You begin on Shelley’s World, now devoid of life. A bloated, red sun scorches a landscape of towers, sculptures, and cryptic machinery.

As you encounter these elements, Elegy will cue you with a series of writing prompts. Here, the game asks you to describe the landscape:

There are many stories to write and many places to visit, from the crumbling museum, stone faces and sweltering plains of Shelley’s World to the central planning station on Keats’ World to the desiccated shores and frigid tundra of Byron’s World.

Each world offers multiple sets of prompts, each intended to inspire you to write a different story about it. Elegy might ask you to write a short story about an individual’s final days, a song about resignation, or a poem about war. In the more advanced levels, you’ll sometimes get new information halfway through your story which casts a new light on things and forces you to take your story in a different direction. We like to think of those as puzzles — writing yourself out of a corner, so to speak.

When you’ve completed your narrative, you have the option to share it with other players through Steam Workshop or reproduce it in digital and print media.

You can read other players’ works, browsing through the most-recent, the best-loved, and recently-trending stories.

You can also take screenshots of your story and upload them to a print-on-demand site like Blurb or Lulu, which will then send you a gorgeous, full-color, physical book (additional costs apply).
Dead Effect Bulkypix2014 2040s 21stcentury alphafunding assaultrifles bows crossbows dashing diaries distortedvision extraterrestrial fallbackweapon femaleprotagonist firstpersonshooter fovoption future genderchoice grenades handguns healingstations itemglow lamp machineguns objectiveindicator secrets shopping shotguns space spacecraft-location stamina steampowered stunguns titlementioned upgradesystem zombies labelimageminimize
Endless Sky author2015 aliens commercial debian download energyweapons extraterrestrial freelancing future license-cc license-gpl3 license-proprietary license-publicdomain lutris naturalistic neutralnpcs nonlinear opengl openworld outlaws space spacecraft spacecraft-small spacefaringage spaceflight stacsim steampowered trading warptravel Endless Sky is a 2D space trading and combat game inspired by the classic Escape Velocity series. Work your way up from a relatively wimpy shuttle, cargo ship, or fighter, to a highly upgraded and customized flagship or to a massive fleet of warships or freighters. Earn money by carrying passengers or cargo, escorting convoys, bounty hunting, or plundering and capturing enemy ships. Take sides in a civil war, or ignore the story line and just enjoy exploring the galaxy and blasting pirates.

The main story line takes about 8-16 hours to play through. The galaxy contains hundreds of star systems and planets, and several alien species with their own unique technologies. You can choose between more than fifty ships and several hundred ship upgrades. A plugin system allows anyone with a text editor and a paint program to create new ships, weapons, or missions, and the galaxy editor can be used to add new star systems and planets.

Endless Sky is free, open source, and cross platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Over time, the game universe will expand as contributors add new missions, story lines, alien species, places to explore, sound effects, and artwork.
Grey Goo Grey Box (Petroglyph)2015 amoeboids apocalyptic asymmetricfactions basebuilding depthoffield directx11 elevation extraterrestrial fogofwar future heathaze humanoids languagefilter leveleditor lightbloom modularstructures ramparts rating-pegi-12 resourceharvesting statuseffects steampowered titularentity undefinedelements unitlimit warfare-air warfare-land winvista labelimageminimize
Eden Star Flix Interactive2015 27thcentury alphafunding extraterrestrial future humblewidget indevelopment lasso nvgameworks robots spacefaringage steampowered telekinesis titularlocale unrealengine4 labelimageminimize
Morningstar: Descent to Deadrock Phoenix Online Publishing (Red Herring Labs)2015 clickadventure extraterrestrial inventory maleprotagonist stranded labelminimizeminimize
The Red Solstice Nkidu Games (Ironward)2015 abilitycooldown afterearth alphafunding assaultrifles classbased cooperation energyweapons equipment-preselect extraterrestrial firearms grenadelaunchers grenades handguns healing launcher machineguns mars monsters mp-cooperative openal opengl optionaltasks precisionrifles raknet redsolstice-series reload-auto scavenging sdl selfupdate shotguns splatter statuseffects steampowered taskgenerator-midmission titlementioned vorbis zombies [media=youtube]SU9TVA1AVso[/media]***2013-06-27 – 07-01 open alpha test
2014-07-09 – closed alpha test
Interstellaria Chucklefish (Coldrice Games)2015 activepause aliens crowdfunded diplomacy enemyhealthdisplay exploration extraterrestrial future gog group internalrepair limitedcapacity minionpermadeath multipleworlds opengl otherworld persistentminions resourceallocation retro retromode robots sandbox screenshake space spacecraft spacecraft-location spacecraftcombat steampowered timecompression titlementioned titularobject uniqueminions vehicularcombat walking Interstellaria is a real time space-exploration sim and crew management game. Command a fleet of vessels wandering the galaxy for adventure and profit! You'll be forced to make tough decisions as you face hostile starships, crippling space anomalies, and intriguing aliens. When your fleet faces certain doom, should you direct your crew to make critical repairs, or report to their stations and boost your fleet? Land your flagship on an alien world, allowing your crew to gather valuable resources for you— but be sure to equip them with powerful armor and weapons! It's a dangerous universe out there, and although many helpful creatures will trade or share valuable information with you, many more will attack on sight! Features Tactical crew management. Direct crewmen to put out fires, or repair damaged equipment. Posting them to their station boosts your fleet's speed and combat abilities. Customize your ship with helpful stations. Allocate power to important systems or simply outfit your ship with lasers and put all power into weapons! Your crew eats, sleeps, and needs entertainment. Each one develops unique traits throughout the game that help or hurt the mission. Various outfits and weapons can be found to customize them further. Fleet-based combat. Instead of controlling a single ship, you control multiple ships each with their own crew. Fully explorable galaxy, no areas are off limits. Each region has unique ships, aliens, and mysteries to find. Land your ships on planets! Each world is a new experience and has special rewards for you and your crew. Featuring an all-original soundtrack from the incredibly popular chiptune musician Chipzel. labelimagesubject
Orion Trail Schell Games2015 aliens alphafunding anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist crowdfunded download energyweapons exploration extraterrestrial future graychoices humanprotagonist indie mapgenerator ragtaggang randomchance randomevents space spacecraft spacefaringage spaceflight spacelanes steampowered supplies ursines labelimageminimize
Ceres  Iceberg Interactive (Jötunn Games)2015 afterearth colorful combatmode download extraterrestrial future indie space spacecombatsim spacecraftcombat spaceflight tactical unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Factorio Wube Software2016 absoluterulership aliens alphafunding autosaves-periodic brownout capacity-stacks circadiancycle clienthost colonization containers cpplanguage crafting crowdfunded customengine demo directconnect displaychoice dnslookup download energydistribution extraterrestrial firearms future gog humans indevelopment invasion ipv4 ipv6 json leveleditor logistics lua mapgenerator mapgenerator-live minimap modsupport naturalistic otherworld pollution resourceharvesting resourceprocessing saveanywhere selfupdate serious standbypower steampowered templates terrain textsearch trafficsignalsystem walking win7 win8 winvista winxp x86 x86-32 x86-64 zoom labelimageminimize
Tharsis Choice Provisions 2016 cannibalism dicemechanics dicephysics dicepool dicepool-variable dicereroll extraterrestrial mars multipleendings randomchance rating-pegi-12 spacecraft-location splatter steampowered titlementioned titularlocale tutorial labelminimizeminimize
Subterrain Pixellore2016 3dprinting achievements achievements-public airducts alcohol ambienttemperature asphyxiation automap autosavepoints biogrowth bleeding blocking bludgeons bunker capacity-slots capacity-weight crafting criticalchance damageovertime dark dashing decomposing diaries difficulty difficulty-time dodging doors drugs energyweapons excretion extraterrestrial fatigue fieldofvision gore grenades handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger improvisedweapons injuries insectoids itemdurability keys lamp lamp-powered langchinesetrad limitedcapacity loot-random maleprotagonist mapgenerator mars mode-hardcore monsters mutablescenery-large mutants nanotechnology noinvpause nopointercapture outlawprotagonist overheating pooritemgrip rechargeablebatteries resting savepoints scavenging scientistprotagonist shotguns splatter stamina steampowered submachineguns survival thirst timepiece tutorial undefinedelements zombies 2016-02-01 – French language added labelimageminimize
Starcraft II: Nova Covert Ops Blizzard2016 aliens bossbattles bossmeter extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist future missionbased starcraft Requires at minimum Starcraft II Starter Edition to play which is the free demo version of Starcraft II, so practically this is standalone. labelminimizeminimize
Battlezone 98 Redux Rebellion (Big Boat Interactive)2016 1life basebuilding battlezone blankprotagonist control-individuals directcontrol directx10 directx11 driving europa extraterrestrial facelessprotagonist fpsrts future grouping harvesters hillland hovertank hovervehicle infantry io landvehicle leaderparticipation mecha militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased moon mp-lms multiplecampaigns otherworld outdoors proportionalworld redscare resourcegeneration resourceharvesting serious spacefaringage steampowered supervisorprotagonist tank tanks tutorial walkers walking weaponsplatforms win10 win7 win8 winvista winxp x86-sse3 labelminimizeminimize
Offworld Trading Company Stardock (Mohawk Games)2016 activepause alphafunding extraterrestrial fogofwar grid grid-hex humblestore loans marketfluctuation mars steampowered timecompression trading tutorial labelimageminimize
DOOM  Bethesda Softworks (id Software;Certain Affinity)2016 22ndcentury alternateattack antiheroprotagonist autosavepoints bossbattles bossmeter carnographic chainsaw challenges chapterreplay chapterreplay-prochronic chromaticaberration daylighthorror demo demonicmenace demons denuvo difficulty doom-series download drm drm-removed emweapons energyweapons evilisgood extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact future gamemodedevdiscrepancy gameplayandstorysegregation giantmonsters gibs gore gpuasynccompute graphicdeaths handguns healingfinishers healthdrops hell idtech6 immortalprotagonist itemglow jumping keys leveleditor lightguides machineguns map map-3d mars midairjumping monsters noreloading npctargetleading openended opengl plasmaweapons powertools rating-pegi-18 reboot recycledtitle robots rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets sentientmachines sequelhook shotguns slowmotion spawners splatter steampowered steamworks titlementioned uniqueprotagonist uvl-searchelp vulkanapi walking weaponupgrades wwise x86 x86-64 Certain Affinity handled development of multiplayer modes.***[media=youtube]mBuxUmT9fx4[/media] labelminimizeminimize
The Technomancer Focus Home Interactive (Spiders)2016 adv-ptdistr alienanimals aliens bludgeons bodyarmor crafting dodging dystopian extraterrestrial magic mars monsters mutantprotagonist mutants nailguns rating-pegi-16 rookieprotagonist shields silkengine sorcery staves steampowered techdisparity unusualprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
The Hive  Skydome Entertainment2016 alienprotagonist basebuilding builders corpseharvesting download extraterrestrial indie insectoids minimap monsters resourceharvesting sauroids steampowered subterranean undead unity-engine uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Unclaimed World Refactored Games2016 2230s 23rdcentury alphafunding circadiancycle colonysim cooking crafting desura extraterrestrial future hunger netframework nordicgameprogram priorities resourceharvesting steampowered tauceti wildlife windowsmedia xnaframework [media=youtube]08qEpiE5i9c[/media] labelimageminimize
Vector 36 Red River Studio2017 download extraterrestrial future hovervehicle htcvive mars microtransactions oculusrift osvr steampowered vr-seated labelminimizeminimize
Mass Effect: Andromeda Electronic Arts (BioWare)2017 29thcentury actionrpg adv-ptdistr airdash aliens alternatetimeline ambientocclusion ancientmachines assaultrifles bossbattles chasms chromaticaberration cleargame color-16f color-32bit columnarjointing coversystem coversystem-auto crafting customclass dashing day1dlc decoupledresolution depthoffield distantfuture driving epilogue extraterrestrial filmgrain fovoption fromanothertime frostbiteengine future fxaa genderchoice handguns hbao hdrdisplay humanoids inconclusiveending interactivedialogs interplanetarytravel interstellartravel inventory masseffect-series minigames motionblur multipleworlds newgameplus npcstrife openended openworld optionaltasks postcreditsscene precisionrifles protagonistdesigning quantumphysics resourceharvesting respec robots romance ruins sentientmachines shopping shotguns singledout ssao tasktracker technomagic timespan-vague transhumanism txaa undefinedelements usagereporting walking xp-deeds xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Dawn of War III  Sega (Relic Entertainment)2017 aliens alternatingprotagonist basebuilding coversystem dawnofwar distantfuture droppods elves extraterrestrial future fxaa mecha mp-versus orcs playerprogression steampowered uvl-tiein walkers wh40k labelimageminimize
Prey  Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2017 2030s abilitycooldown aliens alternatetimeline amnesia aristocratprotagonist backstabbing beamweapons chromaticaberration cloakednpcs corpselooting criticalchance crossbows cryengine damagedropoff damagetypes developmenthell diaries difficulty distortedvision earlyending enemyhealthdisplay enemyscan energyweapons engineerprotagonist experimentaltechnology extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter formerhumans fullbodyawareness genderchoice hacking handguns healthregen healthregen-stunted humanexperiments immersivesim inconclusiveending keycodes keys leaning limitedcapacity maleprotagonist megacorps metaprotagonist mimics mindupload monsters multipleendings objectiveindicator oneoftheenemy openended optionaltasks postcreditsscene powerthrow prey-series psychicpowers psychics radialmenu rating-pegi-18 reboot recycledtitle reload-manual scientistprotagonist secrets shotguns silentprotagonist slowmotion solsystem spacestation spoilertags stamina stealth steampowered stunguns stunning suicideattackers systemsdriven telescope tutorial undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem uvl-confusable variableending virtualreality zero-g Prey 2 was cancelled in 2014-10. Originally developed by Human Head Studios and was to be a cyberpunk space wstern where you control a human mercenary living among aliens.

Revived in 2016-06 E3 when it was announced again but named simply Prey. How much of the old project remains is unknown.
EVERSPACE ROCKFISH Games2017 6dof afterburner aliens alphafunding autoaim bartering crowdfunded energyweapons extraterrestrial gog htcvive maleprotagonist oculusrift osvr permadeath rating-pegi-12 resourceharvesting rockets roguelite space spacecraft spaceflight steampowered targetlock timeouthunter upgradesystem vr-seated warptravel 2016-09-14 Steam Early Access and GOG Indev started
2017-05-26 Feature complete release
The Long Journey Home  Daedalic Entertainment (Daedalic Studio West)2017 aliens astrophysics directx11 dynamiccontrolprompts energyshields extraterrestrial fuel future gog hybridgame interstellartravel landersim mapgenerator physics roguelite spacecraft starfishaliens steampowered stranded tutorial unrealengine4 uvl-workingtitle warptravel labelminimizeminimize
Solstice Chronicles: MIA Nkidu (Ironward )2017 2280s 23rdcentury abilitycooldown arenashooter assaultrifles burrowers crowdfunded difficulty endlessopposition energyweapons extraterrestrial fmod formerhumans future handguns machineguns mars megacorps militantprotagonist mode-survival mp-cooperative mutagen nplayers nuclearsolution outbreak patientzero powerarmor precisionrifles redsolstice-series robots rotaryguns shotguns steampowered submachineguns tobiieyetracker twinstickshooter universalammo unrealengine4 weaponexperience labelimageminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Herocraft2017 alphafunding cardbased cardbattle collectiblecardgame distantfuture enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects extraterrestrial facing grid grid-square hitchance initiative langchinesesimpl steampowered timeunits tucarryover uvl-tiein wh40k labelminimizeminimize
BattleTech Harebrained Schemes2018 31stcentury 4thmillennium battletech cannons crowdfunded distantfuture energyweapons extraterrestrial flamethrowers group highbornprotagonist hitchance initiative jumppack locationaldamage mecha mercenaryprotagonist objectiveclairvoyance rockets secrets-tasks tactical taskgenerator tasktracker turnbasedtactics uvl-tiein vehiclecrew Assume command of your own mercenary outfit of 'Mechs and the MechWarriors that pilot them, struggling to stay afloat as you find yourself drawn into a brutal interstellar civil war. labelimagesubject
Starship Corporation Iceberg Interactive (Coronado Games)2018 4thmillennium alphafunding blue directx9 extraterrestrial impersonal shadermodel3 space steampowered vehicledesigning [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows Vista SP2 or newer, 64-bit
* Intel Core i5-2500 3Ghz / AMD FX-8310 or similar CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* 256 MB DX 9 Compliant videocard w/ pixel shader 3,0
The Outpost Nine  Sedoc (author)2018 crteffects extraterrestrial menus steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Deliver Us The Moon  KeokeN Interactive2018 2050s apocalyptic directx11 extraterrestrial luna moon solomission steampowered Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction.***
Starlink: Battle for Atlas Ubisoft (Ubisoft Toronto)2018 actionadventure aerospacecraft aliens extraterrestrial radar snowdrop-engine titlementioned toystolife universallanguage labelminimizeminimize
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus Kasedo Games (Bulwark Studios)2018 alienmenace aliens axes combatmode cyborgprotagonist cyborgs distantfuture doomclock enemyscan energyweapons exoticweapons extraterrestrial flamethrowers future grid grid-square guaranteedhits randomdamage robotmenace robots steampowered tactical tutorial unity-engine uvl-tiein wh40k x86-64 Take control of one of the most technologically advanced armies in the Imperium - The Adeptus Mechanicus. As Magos Dominus Faustinius, you'll lead the expedition on the newly rediscovered planet of Silva Tenebris. Manage resources, discover long-forgotten tech, plan tactical operations using the Noosphere technology and control your Tech-Priests every move.

Your every decision will shape the missions ahead and ultimately decide the fate of the troops under your command. However, choose your path carefully - the Imperium depends on it.

* Augment
Flesh is weak! Upgrade your Tech-Priests limbs with mechanical augments made from the blessed metals of the Omnissiah. Customize your team with hundreds of possibilities, creating a squad to suit your playstyle.

* Difficult Decisions
Make tough decisions that will forge the future from your Ark Mechanicus, The Caestus Metalican, and send you towards alternate endings for a truly unique playthrough.

* Experience the Noosphere
Use the Adeptus Mechanicus' evolved human cognition to scan unexplored tombs for valuable data in order to gain a tactical advantage over your enemy.

* The Library
A compelling story written by Black Library author, Ben Counter, specifically crafted to fit the unique personality of the Adeptus Mechanicus faction.
Crying Suns Humble Bundle (Alt Shift)2019 abilitycooldown activepause crowdfunded directx10 directx11 distantfuture extraterrestrial grid grid-hex militantprotagonist mutants robots steampowered win10 win7 Crying Suns is a tactical rogue-lite that puts you in the role of a space fleet commander as you explore a mysteriously fallen empire. In this story rich experience inspired by Dune and Foundation, each successful run will uncover the truth about the Empire... and yourself as well.***Uses unusual graphic style that is 3D models but with unfiltered textures and with limited rotation so they often look like regular pixel graphics. There's probably some actual pixel art mixed in. labelimagesubject
XenoRaptor author2019 alphafunding beamweapons bossbattles demo download energyweapons extraterrestrial guidedweapons indie machineguns mp-cooperative multidirshooter overheating powerups radar rockets score shotguns space steampowered twinstickshooter unity-engine unlimitedammo unlockable-items 2014-06-17 Steam Early Access started***[media=youtube]ZIW_hZIMUeU[/media] labelminimizeminimize
Doom Eternal Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2020 22ndcentury alternateattack antiheroprotagonist autosavepoints bossbattles bossmeter carnographic chainsaw challenges chapterreplay chapterreplay-prochronic chromaticaberration daylighthorror demonicmenace demons denuvo difficulty doom-series download drm drm-removed earth emweapons energyweapons evilisgood extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact firstpersonshooter future gamemodedevdiscrepancy gameplayandstorysegregation giantmonsters gibs gore gpuasynccompute graphicdeaths handguns healingfinishers healthdrops hell idtech7 immortalprotagonist itemglow jumping keys leveleditor lightguides machineguns map map-3d midairjumping monsters noreloading npctargetleading openended opengl plasmaweapons postapocalypse powertools rating-pegi-18 reboot robots rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets sentientmachines sequelhook shotguns slowmotion spawners splatter stadia steampowered steamworks titlementioned uniqueprotagonist uvl-searchelp vulkanapi walking weaponupgrades wwise x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
In Other Waters Fellow Traveller (Jump Over The Age)2020 2210s 23rdcentury abstract aiprotagonist asphyxiation cockpitsim companion exploration explorationgame extraterrestrial future interfacepuzzle inventory lesbians limitedcapacity mystery planetaryromance ruins search steampowered underwater wilderness Player character is an A.I. in control of a diving suit, responsible for controlling it for its occupant who keeps discussing things with you. labelimageminimize
Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters  Pistol Shrimp2024 2150s 22ndcentury aliens amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities deadends dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter linux luna machinecivilization mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage speciesuplift starcontrol starfishaliens steampowered suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon unattendedevents universallanguage uranus uvl-searchelp venus warptravel xenophobia Experience the award-winning space saga. Travel to hyperspace, discover alien worlds, and meet an eclectic cast of characters. Find out what happened after the Ur-Quan invasion. And if the war still rages, fight for Earth and the Alliance of Free Stars! labelminimizesubject