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namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartags
Advanced Strategic Command  ?2001 aspectratio-4-3 cpplanguage grid grid-hex leveleditor sdl vorbis labelimageminimize
The Battle for Wesnoth ?2005 cpplanguage druids grid grid-hex langafrikaans langamerican langbritish langcatalan langhungarian langlatin langnorse langslovak langturkish retreating sdl wesnoth labelminimizesubject
King's Bounty: Armored Princess  1C Company (Katauri Interactive)2009 anaglyphic bossbattles companion directx9 download dragons dragons-western dvd endoria femaleprotagonist fmod grid grid-hex highbornprotagonist kingsbounty lua magic medieval monsters noports rating-esrb-t sauroids sorcery stereoscopic strategic theengine title-static turnbasedcombat unitstacks vorbis win2k winvista winxp labelimageminimize
King's Bounty: The Legend  1C Company;Atari;Paradox Interactive (Katauri Interactive)2008 adv-objects adv-perks adv-ptdistr anuroids aristocratprotagonist beholders carnivorousplants cemetery combatmode cyclopes dialog-sentences directx9 dragons dragons-western drm dwarves endoria fmod forest ghosts giantinsects giantspiders goblins gog grid grid-hex gryphons highbornprotagonist impulsegoo interlinkedlevels karmiccreatures kingsbounty lua magic map medieval mystics noports optionaltasks outlaws pirates plantcreatures portals protagonistnaming rating-esrb-t recruiting securom7 sentientplants shapeshifters shopping skeletons skyships sprites subterranean tactical tacticalrpg theengine title-static turnbasedcombat undead unhealthyundead unitstacks unrootedplants vampires vorbis weefolk werewolves wetland widescreen winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Fantasy Wars  1C Company;Nobilis France (Ino-Co)2007 drm grid grid-hex leveleditor magic rating-pegi-12 starforce theengine labelimagesubject
Civilization V  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2010 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor demo diplomacy dominion encyclopedia fogofwar gamespy grandscale grid grid-hex hunger mapgenerator modifiable modsupport msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay predefinedcontrols steampowered steamworks steamworkshop story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ugc unexplainedelements upkeep win8 workers labelimagesubject
Civilization: Beyond Earth  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2014 27thcentury 28thcentury afterearth alienanimals alienplanet aliens autosaves-periodic civilization-series cpplanguage crossgameplay csaa depthoffield directx11 encyclopedia espionage extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex insectoids kraken lua mantleapi milessound mp-versus msaa multipleendings saveanywhere savedrngseed seamonsters spaceage steampowered techtree transhumanism winvista xml xp-attack xp-defense labelimagesubject
Shattered Union 2K Games (PopTop Software)2005 cdrom download earth grid grid-hex northamerica labelimagesubject
Unity of Command - Red Turn 2x2 Games (2x2 Games;Dvaput)2012 download grid grid-hex steampowered war labelimagesubject
Unity of Command  2x2 Games (2x2 Games;Dvaput)2012 1940s 20thcentury desura download earth grid grid-hex past russia steampowered war worldwar worldwar2 labelimagesubject
8 Kingdoms 8K Team2006 archers automap autosaves-periodic bodyarmor bows catapults cavalry currency depthfog dwarves elves fogofwar forest grid grid-hex group horses humans magic map meleeweapons militantprotagonist opengl plains playerprofiles rain river saveanywhere sdl serious siegeweapons swords taxes town wagons walking weathereffects weefolk wintery xml labelimageminimize
Faeria Abrakam2017 cardbattle cards collectiblecardgame commercial download free2play grid grid-hex langportuguese license-proprietary steampowered labelimagesubject
Disciples III: Renaissance  Akella;Strategy First;Kalypso Media Digital (.dat)2009 achievements achievements-public adv-ptdistr adv-static angels bink bleak combatmode criticalchance darkfantasy demons disciples download elves enemyhealthdisplay gianthumanoids goblinoids goblins grid grid-hex healing-instant initiative inventory magic monsters mystics optionaltasks origlang-russian screenshake steampowered steamworks title-multi title-scene tutorial veterancy witchhunters xp-undefined labelimagesubject
World of Chaos  Akella;XIDER Games (Brainfactor Entertainment)2007 book dragons dualism dvd goblinoidprotagonist grid grid-hex magic monsters orcs labelimagesubject
Endless Legend AMPLITUDE Studios2014 3plusfactions 4xstrategy alphafunding combatmode dedicatedclient elevation endless-series grid grid-hex impersonal rating-pegi-12 speciesuplift steampowered tutorial undefinedelements unity-engine labelimagesubject
Legends of Eisenwald Aterdux Entertainment2015 alphafunding desura eisenwald grid grid-hex lowfantasy medieval steampowered labelminimizeminimize
HyperRogue II  author2012 grid grid-hex license-gpl mapgenerator mapgenerator-live noneuclidean roguelike sdl labelimageminimize
MegaMek author2004 4thmillennium battletech control-individuals extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex java license-gpl mecha otherworld traditional walker walkers windowed labelimageminimize
Online Frontlines author2010 grid grid-hex labelminimizeminimize
Open General author? grid-hex tanks labelminimizeminimize
Over the Reich Avalon Hill1997 1940s grid grid-hex war warfare-air worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Expeditions: Conquistador bitComposer Entertainment (Logic Artists)2013 1500s 16thcentury 2ndmillennium ageofdiscovery ambientocclusion bartering charactercreation city combatmode compass crowdfunded currency desura dialog-tree difficulty difficulty-aspects disease download earlymodernperiod earth flanking genderchoice gog gold grid grid-hex highbornprotagonist hispanicprotagonist hitchance interactivedialogs lightbloom lineofsight mesoamerican-theme mexico morale namegenerator naturalistic northamerica outofturnactions past randomchance randomevents realworld renegades shopping slavery steampowered tactical tacticalrpg tasktracker tooltips trading trapping traps tribals labelimageminimize
NEO Scavenger Blue Bottle Games2014 alphafunding ambienttemperature capacity-slots capacity-weight crafting demo desura firearms flash foraging grid grid-hex haxeflixel haxelanguage hiddenitemstats hunger hypothermia inventory limitedcapacity luggage openworldsurvivalcrafting steampowered survivalsimulation temperaturechanges thirst labelimagesubject
Hive Blueline Games2014 ants bees beetles boardgametiein commercial csharplanguage femaleprotagonist fnaxna grid grid-hex indie insects license-proprietary spiders steampowered uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Age of Booty Capcom (Certain Affinity)2009 grid grid-hex labelminimizeminimize
Fractal  Cipher Prime2011 abstract chainreactions combobonuses desura grid grid-hex score steampowered visualmatching labelimagesubject
Computer EastFront Columbia Games1999 1940s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium cdrom commercial directx5 grid grid-hex license-proprietary mouse win95 windowed worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Armageddon Empires Cryptic Comet2007 2320s 24thcentury 3rdmillennium 4xstrategy earth future grid grid-hex indie postapocalypse labelminimizeminimize
For The King Curve Digital (Ironoak Games)2018 commercial download epicgamesstore grid-hex license-proprietary steamcontroller steampowered x86-64 labelimageminimize
Dogs of War Online Cyanide Studio2014 aarklash free2play grid grid-hex steampowered uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Blackguards  Daedalic Entertainment2014 adv-xpdistr alphafunding attackdefenseadjust axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased coversystem damageinfo dodgechance dwarves enemyhealthdisplay eventlog falselyaccused genderchoice grid grid-hex group hitchance initiative insectoids inventory inventory-shared limitedcapacity limitedshopstock loot-random magic meleeweapons monsters netframework nopointercapture outlaws outofturnactions overburdening polearms predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu randomdamage rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 shields shopping skeletons sorcery spears spellchance steampowered swords tacticalrpg thedarkeye thrownweapons ttrpgtiein turndelay undead undefinedelements unity-engine variableabilitypower xp-encounters xp-kills labelimageminimize
Valhalla Hills Daedalic Entertainment (Funatics Software)2015 download drm gog grid grid-hex nodrm norsemythology steampowered vikings labelminimizeminimize
The Operational Art Of War Empire (Talonsoft)1998 1930s 1940s 1950s 20thcentury grid grid-hex koreanwar warfare-land worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Western Front Empire (Talonsoft)1998 1940s africa-north france grid grid-hex worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
1813  Empire Interactive1999 1810s 19thcentury germany grid grid-hex napoleonicwars labelminimizeminimize
Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne  Gathering of Developers;Take 2 Interactive (Triumph Studios)2002 3plusfactions adv-perks adv-static ageofwonders anthropomorphism asymmetricfactions ballistae cdrom combatmode control-groups download dragons dragons-western drm dwarves elves goblins gog grid grid-hex halflings interspecificconflict layers leveleditor magic multiplecampaigns orcs rating-esrb-t rating-sell-12 safedisc sauroids sorcery summoning teleport thoroughfares transformingpresence tutorial undead weefolk win2k win95 win98 winxp labelimagesubject
Terroir General Interactive2017 commercial download grid grid-hex indie langchinesesimpl license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Crying Suns Humble Bundle (Alt Shift)2019 abilitycooldown activepause crowdfunded directx10 directx11 distantfuture extraterrestrial grid grid-hex militantprotagonist mutants robots steampowered win10 win7 labelimagesubject
Convoy Indietopia Games (Convoy Games)2014 abilitycooldown activepause beamweapons bossbattles charging colorblind combatmode damagetypes display-720p dronebays empweapons enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons friendlyfire grid grid-hex grid-square humblestore humblewidget indicator-range instantkillers lethalvelocity machineguns npcfriendlyfire objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws pixelated rockets roguelite screenshake shopping slavery steampowered stranded titularentity tutorial upgradesystem wasteland labelimagesubject
Great Battles of Alexander  Interactive Magic (Erudite Software)1997 ancientgreece antiquity greece grid grid-hex labelminimizeminimize
North vs. South Interactive Magic1999 1860s 19thcentury americancivilwar grid grid-hex leveleditor northamerica labelminimizeminimize
Fallout Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1997 1life 2160s 22ndcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline aspectratio-4-3 automap botching california charactercreation circadiancycle combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld dingy doors download drugs earth encounters-random energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantanimals giantspiders gog gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns humanprotagonist inaccurateinfo initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma locationaldamage lockpicking losttechnology lutris meleeweapons multipleendings mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting postapocalypse powerarmor protagonistnaming raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions shopping spiritualsuccessor stealing stealth thrownweapons thx-1138 timelimit timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills labelimagesubject
Fallout 2  Interplay (Black Isle Studios)1998 1life 23rdcentury adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline automap autoshotguns beamweapons botching california censored charactercreation circadiancycle cleargame combatmode cruelty-potential currency-unusual deathworld dingy doors download drugs earth energyweapons fallout fallout-engine firearms fistloads future genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gog gore graybrown grenades grid grid-hex handguns homosexuals initiative injuries interactivedialogs isolationists karma klaatubaradanikto knives lesbians locationaldamage lockpicking maleprotagonist meleeweapons mutants neutralmonsters northamerica overworld parttargeting polearms postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles ragtaggang rating-esrb-m raygungothic retrofuture rotaryguns ruinedworld scorpions shopping stealing stealth thrownweapons timeunits town turnbasedcombat unarmedfighting walking wasteland weirdscience xp-kills labelimagesubject
Wasteland 2  inXile entertainment (inXile entertainment;Obsidian Entertainment)2014 adv-objects adv-ptdistr alphafunding animals arizona assaultrifles bludgeons bodyarmor botching capacity-weight colorblind combatmode coversystem criticalchance crowdfunded cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime dialog-keywords digitizedvideo disease disposableweapons doors doors-breakable download earth enemyscan energyweapons eventlog firearms fogofwar friendlyfire future giantinsects gog graverobbing grid grid-hex group groupcreation healingitems hitchance initiative injuries interactivedialogs itemglow keycodes killerrabbits knives leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lineofsight liveactors lockpicking machineguns malfunctioning meleeweapons militantprotagonist minefield minimap modsupport mutants npcdisarming openworld optionaltasks outlaws overkill overworld parttargeting postapocalypse precisionrifles quickkeys randomchance reload-manual resuscitation robots rookieprotagonist ruins shotguns stealingnpcs stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered strayfire submachineguns swords tactical tasktracker timeunits toxins tucarryover turnbasedcombat turrets undefinedelements unity-engine usa wasteland-series xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared labelimageminimize
Highborn Jet Set Games2013 grid grid-hex steampowered labelimageminimize
STORM – Frontline Nation Just A Game (Colossai Studios)2011 britain earth europe france germany grid grid-hex grid-irregular northamerica rating-pegi-16 russia steampowered usa labelminimizesubject
Ground Pounders  Kerberos Productions2014 alphafunding grid grid-hex mp-crossplatform sots-series steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms  Koei1998 2ndcentury 3plusfactions 3rdcentury asia asia-east cdrom china chineseimperialera color-8bit combatmode commercial grid grid-hex grid-irregular license-proprietary mouse sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein win95 win98 windowed winnt4 winxp x86 labelminimizeminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII  Koei2000 2ndcentury 3plusfactions 3rdcentury asia asia-east cdrom china chineseimperialera color-16bit combatmode commercial cpu-586 display-800x600 fullscreen grid grid-hex grid-irregular license-proprietary mouse sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein win95 windowed x86 labelminimizeminimize
Power Dolls 3 Kogado Studio1999 grid grid-hex mecha labelminimizeminimize
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