showing 24 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
The Lion King Virgin Interactive (East Point Software)1996platformer Cartoon labelminimizeminimize
Red Faction II  THQ (Volition;Outrage Games)2002Science Fiction shooter labelimageminimize
Fable: The Lost Chapter Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2005action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy Humorous labelimagesubject
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2008strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Fallout 3  Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008action/reflex role-play Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Overlord II  Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2009action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimageminimize
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Ubisoft (Techland)2009shooter Historical labelimageminimize
Dragon Age: Origins EA International (BioWare)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010action/reflex adventure Historical labelimageminimize
Darksiders THQ (Vigil Games)2010action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimagesubject
Mafia II  2K Games (2K Czech)2010action/reflex shooter Historical labelimagesubject
Gigantic Army Nyu Media (Astro Port)2010shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Red Faction: Armageddon  THQ;Syfy Games (Volition)2011action/reflex Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Space Pirates and Zombies  MinMax Games2011action/reflex Science Fiction labelimagesubject
The Walking Dead Telltale Games2012action/reflex adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Lucius Lace Mamba (Shiver Games)2012adventure puzzle Fantasy Horror labelimagesubject
Dead Space 3 Electronic Arts (Visceral Games)2013action/reflex Horror Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Brütal Legend Double Fine Productions2013action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimageminimize
Anomaly 2 11 bit studios2013action/reflex strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014action/reflex Fantasy labelimageminimize
Wolfenstein: The New Order Bethesda Softworks (MachineGames)2014shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Fable Anniversary Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2014action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy Humorous labelminimizeminimize
Firewatch Campo Santo2016adventure labelimageminimize
Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age BeautiFun Games2016action/reflex role-play Fantasy Cartoon labelminimizeminimize