Groups comparison

8086 CPU(iAPX 86) - 1972 to 2016
Requires at least a 8086 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 5 to 10 MHz.

8088 CPU - 1977 to 2021
Requires at least an 8088 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 5 to 10 MHz.

x86 CPU architecture - 1979 to 2021
Requires or runs on x86-based CPUs.

286 CPU(80286) - 1982 to 2015
Requires at least 286 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 6 to 25 MHz.

386DX CPU (80386;i386) - 1985 to 2001
Requires at least 386 type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 12 to 40 MHz.

486DX CPU(486DX2;80486;i486) - 1989 to 2020
Requires at least 486DX type of CPU with clock speeds ranging from 16 to 100 MHz.

x86-64 CPU (AMD64 CPU;x64) - 1990 to 2022
Requires or runs natively on a 64 bit x86 CPU.

586 CPU (Pentium;K5;i586) - 1991 to 2020
Requires Pentium/586 CPU with clock speeds ranging from 60 MHz upwards.

x86-16 CPU - 1993 to 1996
Requires 16 bit x86 CPU and an OS that can run 16 bit executables.

x86-32 CPU - 2001 to 2016
Requires or runs natively on a 32 bit x86 CPU.

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