Judeo-Christian mythology characters list

These are the characters related to "Judeo-Christian mythology". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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'Adataneseshumanoid femaleWife of Japheth. Unnamed in the Holy Bible but named in the pseudepigraphal Book of Jubilees which is only canon for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.0
Ablehumanoid maleAdam's 2nd child and possibly Cain's twin. He made an offering pleasing to God shortly before his brother Cain murdered him over it.0
Adamhumanoid maleThe 1st man & human. Ate forbidden fruit with his wife Eve & provided an inheritance of sin to all of his descendants. Sons: Cain, Abel, Seth, & unnamed others0
Arpachshadhumanoid maleSon of Shem. Father of Shelah/Cainan.0
Cainhumanoid male1st child, 3rd human, & 1st murder. Remembered for killing his younger bro Abel after God disregarded his offering & favored Able and Able's offering.0
Cainanhumanoid maleSon of Enos. Father of Mahalalel.0
Davidhumanoid male2nd king of the united Kingdom of Israel. A righteous king but not without fault. A warrior, musician, prophet, poet, & author of many Psalms.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Judaism Faith
Deborahhumanoid femaleProphetess a fourth Judge of Israel. The only female Judge. She was describe as "fiery" for her spiritual, mental, and physical strength.0
Delilahhumanoid femaleKnown for betraying Samson for money.0
Deuteronomisthumanoid The Deuteronomist source is a hypothesized anonymous author from Jerusalem 600 BC who was one of the authors of the Torah according to the documentary hypothesis.0
Elohisthumanoid The Elohist source is a hypothesized anonymous author from Israel 850 BC who was one of the authors of the Torah according to the documentary hypothesis.0
Emzarahumanoid femaleWife of Noah. Unnamed in the Holy Bible but named in the pseudepigraphal Book of Jubilees which is only canon for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.0
Enochhumanoid maleSon of Jared. Father of Methuselah. The text says he "walked with God, and was not, for God took him". Tradition is he went to the afterlife without death0
Enoshumanoid maleSon of Seth. Father of Cainan. During his life, "men began to call upon the name of the Lord".0
Evehumanoid femaleThe 1st woman and 2nd human. Tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit along with her husband who followed her example.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Painkiller
GabrielmaleHis name means "Master, of God" (read: Master, who is of God)
Angels, Judeo-Christian mythology
Goliathhumanoid maleA champion of Gath [i]at least[/i] 16% taller than average. Was felled by a single slung stone by young David who alone was not afraid to battle him
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Giant humanoids, Judaism Faith
Hamhumanoid maleSon of Noah. Father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, & Canaan.0
Hoseahumanoid maleSon of Beeri, a 'minor' prophet from the 8th century BC. Command by God to be an example by marrying a whore who would cheat; then forgive her.0
Isaachumanoid maleSon of Abraham by Sarah. Father of Jacob and Esau. Although Abraham's 2nd born, Isaac was of the promised that God made to Abraham.0
Ishmaelhumanoid maleSon of Abraham by Hagar. Although Abraham's legally 1st born, he did not receive that inheritance. But he was blessed by God and his 12 sons became the Arab race0
Jaelhumanoid femaleWife of Heber the Kenite. Sisera fled to her tent from the defeat by Deborah's army because Herber was an ally. Jael let him in & killed him.0
James the Justhumanoid male1 of the 70 Apostles of Jesus (not of the 12). Sometimes confused with James, Son of Zebedee. Considered an influential leader in Jerusalem by many.0
James, son of Zebedeehumanoid maleSon of Zebedee & Salome. Brother of John the Apostle. 1 of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Sometime confused with James, Brother of Jesus.0
Japhethhumanoid maleSon of Noah. Father of Gomer, Magog, Tiras, Javan, Meshech, Tubal, & Madai. He is the traditional progenitor of European races.0
Jaredhumanoid maleSon of Mahalalel. Father of Enoch.0
Jeremiahhumanoid maleSon of Hilkiah (a priest from Anathoth). A 'major prophet' of the old testament. The phrase 'Weeping Prophet' has it origin with him.0
Jesus of Nazarethhumanoid maleThe focus of the New Testament.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christmas
Jobhumanoid maleA man of integrity from Uz who was afflicted with great suffering that was, by all reason, undeserved. He pleaded for an arbiter between man and God.0
Jochebedhumanoid femaleMother of Moses, Aaron, & Miriam. Wife & aunt of Amram. She hide baby Moses then set him afloat in the Nile to prevent his execution by the Pharaoh.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Judaism Faith
John the Apostlehumanoid maleSon of Zebedee & Salome. Brother of James. 1 of the 12 Apostles. Traditional author of Gospel of John, Epistles of John, & the Book of Revelations.0
Josephhumanoid maleSon of Jacob. Legal son of Heli. Husband of Mary. Legal father of Jesus.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith
Joseph of Arimatheahumanoid maleAdded to many myths. The Holy Bible says he secretly followed & posthumously adopted Jesus. Arthurian myths add, he guarded & sent the Holy Grail to Britain
Arthurian myth, Judeo-Christian mythology
Joshuahumanoid maleApprentice and successor of Moses. Commander and chief of the Hebrew army during the conquest of Canaan.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Judaism Faith
Judas Iscariothumanoid male1 of the 12 apostles of Jesus. He is wildly known as the betrayer of Jesus.0
Juniahumanoid femalePaul apparently includes Junia (f) as a distinguished apostle. Some translators did not like the idea of a female apostle so called her Junias (m).0
Lamechhumanoid maleSon of Methuselah. Father of Noah. Married Ada & Tselah & thus was the 1st polygamist. Adam died in his lifetime.0
Luciferdemon Lucifer means "son of the dawn" and was Satan's name before his pride caused him to rebel against God.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Angels, Demons, Painkiller
Mahalalelhumanoid maleSon of Cainan. Father of Jared.0
Maryhumanoid femaleWife of Joseph. Mother of Jesus.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith
Methuselahhumanoid femaleSon of Enoch. Father of Lamech. His name is synonymous with longevity because he lived longer than any other person in the Holy Bible at 969 years.0
MichaelmaleHis name means "Who is like God?"
Angels, Judeo-Christian mythology
Moseshumanoid maleHe is the most important prophet in Judaism, and a very important prophet of Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í, Rastafari, Chrislam and many other faiths.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Judaism Faith
Ne'elatama'ukhumanoid femaleWife of Ham. Unnamed in the Holy Bible but named in the pseudepigraphal Book of Jubilees which is only canon for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.0
Noahhumanoid maleKnown for building an ark for himself, 7 of his family, & breedable groups of every animal kind, before a deluge that killed other life on Earth.
Judeo-Christian mythology, Christian faith, Judaism Faith
Paulhumanoid maleSelf described "Apostle to the Gentiles". Saul was a Levite & pharisee persecuting Christians until encountering the risen Christ. Hence called Paul.0
Peterhumanoid maleWildly accepted as being appointed by Jesus as first leader of the church . 1 of the 12 Apostles. Traditional author of the Epistle of Peter.0
Priestlyhumanoid maleThe Priestly source is a hypothesized Aaronid author from Babylon 500 BC who is one of the authors of the Torah according to the documentary hypothesis.0
Redactorshumanoid The Redactors are hypothesized 3 to 4 anonymous editors from 750-450 BC who were the final editors of the Torah according to the documentary hypothesis.0
Samsonhumanoid male12th and last full Judge of Israel. His strength & deeds were heroic & legendary despite his flaws.0
Sarahhumanoid femaleWife of Abraham. Mother of Isaac. Legal mother of Ishmael. The only prophetesses of God.0
Saulhumanoid male1st king of Israel, 1 time prophet, eventually disposed by God. He contended with David, the 2nd king. He eventually fell on his sword when defeated.0
Sedeqetelebabhumanoid femaleWife of Shem. Unnamed in the Holy Bible but named in the pseudepigraphal Book of Jubilees which is only canon for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.0
Sethhumanoid maleAdam's & Eve's 3rd child. Father of Enos. Born after Abel was murdered & Cain was exiled.0
Shemhumanoid maleSon of Noah. Father of Elam, Asshur, Aram, Arpachshad, Lud, and 2 daughters. The term "Semitic" derives from his name.0
Solomonhumanoid male3rd & last king of united Israel. Granted wisdom in all things. Built the 1st Temple in Jerusalem but turned to idolatry causing Israel/Judah to split0
Thomas the Apostlehumanoid male1 of the 12. Also called Doubting Thomas & The Twin, tradition credits him with bringing Christianity from the edge of the Roman Empire to India.0
Yahwisthumanoid The Yahwist source is a hypothesis anonymous author from Judah 950 BC who was 1 of the authors of the Torah according to the documentary hypothesis.0
Zipporahhumanoid femaleDaughter of Jethro, she married Moses & gave birth to sons Gershom & Eliezer, near the beginning of Moses' 40 years in Midian. She was a Kenite.0
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