Eamon S.A.R.-1

a.k.a. Deneb Raid

created and published by EAG in 1988-06, running on Apple II E
type: adventure
perspective: other
player options: single player
game engine: Eamon Engine
languages: eng

Personal review

[The following text is copyrighted by Eamon Adventurer's Guild Online and presented here word-for-word thanks to their generous terms]
#151 - Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid) - by David Crawford

Reviewed by Pat Hurst

MAIN PGM version: 6.0 Extra Commands: RESUSCITATE (not working) Deleted Commands: none Special Features: hi-res intro screen Playing Time: 30 minutes Reviewer's Rating: 3

Description: Trouble is brewing on Deneb III. You receive a message from the crown prince, a personal friend, which asks you to rescue his daughter who is being held by the Deneb Liberation Army, a terrorist group dedicated to overthrowing the ruling families of the Deneb system. The terrorists are hiding in an office-warehouse complex in the seedy section of town. The building is surrounded by royal marines who want to avenge the deaths of their comrades at the hands of the terrorists. Your strike team must first enter the complex and rescue the prince's daughter. There is a side door which is not equipped with an alarm, booby-trap, or guard. It is time to strike.

Comments: This adventure is a simple walk through - visit all of the rooms until you rescue the princess. There are no puzzles to solve, no hidden objects to find, no embedded artifacts, nothing to be found by opening containers, and no significant modifications to the POWER command. The monsters are neither tough nor numerous. There are many typos and mistakes; apparently no serious effort was made to edit this adventure (the RESUSCITATE command wasn't even available, not being in the command list). Line counting is not properly implemented. The OPEN command didn't do anything. There was nothing to drink. There was no reason to put anything into something. There was one funny bit with the HEAL command. The premise and setting were interesting, but the implementation didn't live up to the early promise. This adventure is suitable only for younger and/or inexperienced players. (See this issue's Bug Fixes to learn how to install the RESUSCITATE command - Tom)

# 2010-02-25 19:30:38 - source

Technical specs

software: Eamon Engine,
display: text

Authors / Staff


David Crawford (author)

Tags (4)

video game



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