showing 38 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
Armada 2526  Ntronium Games;Tri Synergy;Matrix Games (Ntronium Games)2009 aliens directx9 drm impulsegoo irrklang netframework rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 rating-pegi-7 realtimecombat simultaneousturns slimdx space spacefaringage steampowered winxp Gold Edition is a re-release that includes the Supernova expansion.***Expand your Empire, Conquer the Galaxy!

Armada 2526 is the heir to one of the first great space empire-building games and it is the product of veteran game designer and developer R.T. Smith, of "Total War" series fame. You guide your race from its first interstellar journeys, until it becomes a mighty galactic empire. Along the way, you'll explore the galaxy, conduct research, diplomacy and trade, found new colonies, maneuver mighty star fleets, and fight epic battles. Create bustling colonies on foreign worlds to build powerful fleets, construct advanced buildings and research facilities that will help you master space and defend your civilization! In a close race for victory, alliances forged through bartering and good will can help tip the balance of power in your favor as alien empires seek power and glory at your expense. Powerful tutorial and advisor features help any would-be galactic commander get up to speed quickly, and with endless possible strategies Armada 2526 offers many different strategies to best your alien foes.

Unlike many games in this genre, Armada 2526 focuses on providing a game that can be finished in a reasonable time and emphasizes decisive strategy over micro-management. Armada 2526 was also design from the ground up with the AI in mind and it can use all the features of the game that are available to the human player. The result is a much stronger opponent than in many other games and Armada 2526 can scale from small 2 player skirmishes to enormous galaxies with dozens of alien factions, up to the maximum your hardware can handle.

* [b]Turn-Based Strategy Map[/b] – Maneuver your fleets, manage your colonies, and grow your empire.
* [b]Epic Space Battles[/b] - Battles can be epic and are presented with glowing energy beams, shimmering shields, and spectacular explosions.
* [b]Diplomacy[/b] - Negotiate alliances and trade agreements or trade money, technology, colonies, ships and information.
* [b]Technology[/b] - There are many different technology items to research. The game system encourages you to specialize in particular areas of tech, so as you expand and meet new players, you will find that they have radically different capabilities. Many of the technologies are disruptive, and force you to radically alter your strategy and tactics to utilize them, or to cope with the lack of.
* [b]Powerful AI[/b] - The artificial intelligence routines have been created by an expert in the field, to provide AI players that are both worthy adversaries, and opponents that are fun to play against. The A.I. has been built into the game from the beginning of development and updated to take advantage of new game features as they are added.
* [b]Supports Large Universes and Many Players[/b] - Armada 2526 has been designed to cope with a large number of A.I. players, and to handle a large enough area of space to accommodate them. This means you'll continually be finding new allies or trading partners, and always wondering if there's some powerful unknown enemy lurking just beyond the next star system.
* [b]Streamlined Economic System[/b] - Armada 2526's system is designed to let you make the major decisions about the development of each colony, without having to micro-manage every little detail. This way you can manage a large empire, play the game in a reasonable amount of time, and concentrate on strategy.
* [b]Strategy and Intelligence[/b] - Fleets maneuver against each other, seeking to force or avoid a decisive confrontation, or to pick off a weakly defended planet. Technology and infrastructure can give you an edge in the information war, but only a bold and cunning admiral can exploit it.
* [b]Game-Play Driven Development[/b] - Although Armada 2526 has glorious sound and graphics that inspire and immerse the player, the main focus is providing a great game play experiences.***[media=youtube]UVYafoBvycE[/media]
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008 12thcentury 2010s 21stcentury aaa actionadventure aesop ahistoric alientechnology alternatetimeline antiheroprotagonist antivillain anvilengine arabia asia asia-west aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap autosavepoints backstabbing beggars bink bloodlines castle chasing city city-acre-il city-damascus-sy city-jerusalem-il clandestine cleargame cliffhanger coerced compass consequentialism controllablehelplessness counterattacks coupdegrace crowds cruelty difficulty-single directx10 directx9 dock dolbydigital download drm drm-activation earth eax eax2 eax3 eax4 eliteprotagonist endlessopposition equipment-predefined espionage factualinaccuracy falldamage fallimpact falsehistory future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast hiding hillland historicallyinaccurate holstering horizontalbars horses ideology impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-threat jumping katar killingblow knives knockback ladders ledges letterbox map mediaindrive megacorps meleeweapons nazcalines neutralnpcs objectplot openended openworld openworld-restricted outdoors palestine parkour past pawn pickpocketing playerprofiles precursors prostitutes ragdollphysics rating-cero-z redeemingbeatdown retrypoints riding rooftops safedisc safeledges safezone search secretsociety sequelhook serious shadermodel3 singlegenderopposition singlesave soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight steampowered steppingstones stumbling subtitledeficient suppression swords syria tackling targetlock templar throwingknives thrownweapons torture tower tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence upgrades-health uvl-imagequality vagrants virtualreality walking wallclimbing warriorprotagonist widescreen youngadultprotagonist El comienzo estelar de la saga, a pesar de ser mucho más lineal y corto que sus predecesores (y unas misiones secundarias enormemente repetitivas), se hecha de menos no ser una arsenal andante que puede con toda la guardia de la ciudad: mucho más sigilo y huida y menos acción.

Especialmente reseñable era la posibilidad de finalizar un asesinato siguiendo el diario de Altair, convirtiendo el encargo en un auténtico reto, además de la claustrofóbica situación de Desmond y la intriga que rodea todo el juego.

Como reprochable, la enorme letalidad del agua, aunque también es cierto que es de gran ayuda contra los templarios.

8 de 10***2008-04-09 as boxed
2008-04-09 on Steam (eng,fre,ita,ger,spa)***[b]save points[/b] - there's only one save per profile, so make sure you back it up occasionally. Nothing worse than playing almost through the game and the save getting corrupted for whatever reason (such as BSOD). The saves are stored in `[code]%APPDATA%/Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed/Saved Games/[/code]´.***Latest version: 1.02 (as of 2008-05-14)***The story starts with Desmond Miles being kidnapped in 2012 by Abstergo Industries and put into the Animus machine, a device capable of drawing out genetic memories and allowing the user to re-live their ancestors' lives. For Desmond, this is the life of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر), an assassin who lived during the Third Crusade in 1191. Although the story skips the kidnapping and starts with Desmond jagged into the Animus and experiencing some synchronization issues with it.

The game is difficult to categorize and abundantly lampshaded by the fact that most of the game takes place inside the Animus which has been created to produce a video game like experience, so effectively you're playing a video game inside a video game. And the experience produced by the Animus is an abstraction of sorts with various alterations that make it easier for the user to operate it, such as translating all languages to plain English and so forth. So any inconsistencies with reality are due to that, and since memories aren't exactly logical 1 to 1 copies of reality, much illogical instances can occur, some of which can be interpreted to mean some [url=]very strange things[/url].

Things you may need to replay the whole game for:[spoiler]In memory block 4, you have a chance to pickpocket Vidic to get his security pen. This opportunity does not represent itself and replaying the memory block later does not roll back time in the "real world".

After the credits you gain access to the conference room where you need Vidic's pen to access a computer, but there's nothing else after that besides your ability to replay the memory blocks and aim for 100% completion (collecting all the flags, killing the templars, scouting, and doing all the side tasks).[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.6 GHz dual-core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon X1600 or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 capable soundcard***The PC version has 4 new missions compared to the original console version.

Director's Cut Edition is apparently just alternate name for the thing and is in no way different from PC releases without that extra bit in their name.
Baseball Mogul 2008 Enlight Software;Strategy First (Sports Mogul)2007 baseball download drm impulsegoo Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Blaster Simulator Auran2010 cdrom download drm impulsegoo Building demolition simulator game. Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Bungee Jumping Simulator Auran2010 cdrom download drm impulsegoo Windowslabelimageminimize
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  Activision (Infinity Ward)2007 1life aaa aircraft-ac130-gunship alternatetimeline alternatingprotagonist ambx ammomagazines callofduty chernobyl city controllablehelplessness death depthoffield desaturated difficulty-eval directx9 drm earth europe evilwins falseprotagonist fieldpromotion firstpersonshooter gunship healthregen healthregen-fast impulsegoo latemodernperiod leaning majorleaguegaming milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction mp-dm mp-teams mp-undefined naturalistic nohealthdisplay nooneleftbehind oneofmany present punkbuster pvp pvponly rapidpromotions reload-auto reload-manual rural safedisc sequence-turret serialkey serious shadermodel2 shadermodel3 sharp spetsnaz streakbonuses suppressors ukraine voicechat walking war widescreen [b]Mininum requirements:[/b]
* Window XP or Vista
* Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or Athlon 64 2800+ or any 1.8 Ghz dual core CPU
* 512 MB RAM (768 MB for Vista)
* Geforce 6600 or Radeon 9800 Pro

* 2.4 GHz dual core or better
* 1024 MB RAM (2048 MB for Vista)
* Shader Model 3.0 support
* GeForce 7800 or Radeon X1800
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  Aspyr Media (Infinity Ward)2008 1life aaa aircraft-ac130-gunship alternatetimeline alternatingprotagonist ambx ammomagazines callofduty chernobyl city controllablehelplessness death depthoffield desaturated difficulty-eval drm earth europe evilwins falseprotagonist fieldpromotion firstpersonshooter gunship healthregen healthregen-fast impulsegoo keyboard latemodernperiod leaning majorleaguegaming milessound militantprotagonist militaryfiction mouse mp-dm mp-teams mp-undefined naturalistic nohealthdisplay nooneleftbehind oneofmany osx osx-10 osx-11 osx-5 osx-7 osx-8 osx-9 osx12 present punkbuster pvp pvponly rapidpromotions reload-auto reload-manual rural safedisc sequence-turret serialkey serious shadermodel2 shadermodel3 sharp spetsnaz streakbonuses suppressors ukraine uvl-osversion voicechat walking war widescreen x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Call of Juarez Ubisoft;Focus Home Interactive;Ascaron Entertainment (Techland)2006 alternatingprotagonist americanindians arid callofjuarez chromeengine directx10 directx9 drm firearms firstpersonshooter handguns impulsegoo naturalistic opendynamicsengine outlaws precisionrifles rating-esrb-m religiousprotagonist securom7 serialkey shadermodel2 shadermodel3 titlementioned walking western Original title: The Lawman Windowslabelimageminimize
Clover: A Curious Tale Blitz Arcade (Binary Tweed)2010 download drm impulsegoo medieval teenprotagonist Windowslabelimageminimize
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor  THQ (Relic Entertainment)2009 1940s achievements armoredcars artillery asymmetricfactions bittorrent bombs bugsplat builders cannons capturedresources coh-series construction-gradual construction-partial control-groups control-individuals controlpoints cover-destructible coversystem coversystem-auto damagemodeling destructibleenvironment difficulty directcontrol directx10 directx9 divx download drm dvd earth elevation essenceengine europe expandalone facing firearms fogofwar france garrisons halftracks havokphysics hillland impulsegoo infantry landvehicle markers meshnetwork militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased mortars mp-clientaddons mp-crossaddon mp-friends mp-horde mp-matchmaking mrls naturalistic noports overheal priorities-auto proprietarynetwork quazal ramparts replays retreating rockets roles scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate sequence-defend serious shadermodel1 shadermodel2 sightrelay socialnetwork stealth structurefacing stungrenades stunning supervisorprotagonist supportpowers suppressivefire tactical tanks terraindeformation thoroughfares unitlimit upgrades-transient upgradesystem volleyweapons war warfare-land wargame weaponsplatforms winvista winxp worldwar2 wreckage Latest version: 2.602 (as of 2011-05-24)

Version history:
* 2.601***[b]direct control[/b] - affects only firing controls, a variation on telling units where and what to attack in more personal manner. Something queued attack commands usually do in other games in less time consuming way.***2009-03-26 Gone "Gold"
?? 2009-04-08 as boxed
INT? 2009-04-09 on Steam
INT? 2009-04-10 on Impulse***Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor is a stand-alone sequel for the award winning real-time strategy game, Company of Heroes. Tales of Valor contains three campaigns based on historical events from World War II. There are a great many stories to be told from the war, and these campaigns each tell a unique and intimate tale that is translated into gripping tactical combat.

Tiger Ace is the first of the three campaigns, telling the story of The Battle of Villers Bocage over the course of three scenarios. The battle takes place in France, 1944, as Allied forces stream ashore from the beaches. A British armored column threatens to break through a gap in the German lines, but a fearsome Tiger Tank commanded by a veteran crew races forward to engage them in the town the battle was named after, Villers Bocage. Take Direct Control of your lone Tiger, invest command points in your tank crew to unlock new abilities, fight to keep your crew alive and your unit from being out flanked!

[b]Three Immersive Storylines[/b]
Take command of key soldiers and experience how they helped turn the tide of battle in some of the most historic clashes of World War II.

* Episode 1: Tiger Ace: Control Tiger Tank Ace Hauptmann Voss's highly decorated Tigergruppen against the British 7th Armored Division on D-Day in one of the most famous tank battles of WWII.

* Episode 2: Causeway:Command an American Paratrooper Company in the hours following the initial D-Day landings.

* Episode 3: Falaise Pocket: Command the Wehrmacht Army as your soldiers try and hold off the advancing Allied army.

[b]Direct Fire Control[/b]
Not only can the player's tactical and strategic decisions influence the battle, but players also directly control units on the battlefield. Players will aim, fire, and maneuver in real-time to capitalize on the changing battle conditions.

[b]Command New Units[/b]
New infantry and vehicles such as the Schwimmwagen and Staghound will be available. The Schwimmwagen is an amphibious, all-wheel drive off-road vehicle while the Staghound is a highly maneuverable 4x4 Armored Car.

[b]Conquer New Territory[/b]
New maps based on famous battles such as Villers-Bocage will be available for competitive players in the online battlefield.

[b]Three New Multiplayer Modes[/b]
New multiplayer modes to experience with your friends. Become a tank commander and square off in Panzerkrieg, choose a hero unit and join the battle to push the enemy lines in Assault, or team up and defend against waves of attackers in Stonewall.
Dark Fall: Lost Souls  Iceberg Interactive (Darkling Room)2009 britain clickadventure darkfall-series directx9 download drm dvd england hotel impulsegoo mouse mystery winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
[Darkling Room / Iceberg]***You have unfinished business with the dead. Return to the Train Station and Hotel at Dowerton for a second time; there is a new mystery to solve, and new horrors to face.

The old buildings have deteriorated since your last perilous adventure, so you must watch your step, and never turn your back on the darkness...for something hides there; Something evil, unknowable and hungry. The dead of Dowerton are the least of your problems, as you are stalked from one derelict room to the next, by the Dark Fall itself. It wants your soul; to feed upon, devour and torture. You must make the ghosts of the hotel your ally, through any means you can. For it is only through successful exorcisms that you will gain the strength to battle the darkness that lurks in that long forgotten, abandoned place.

* A brand new Dark Fall horror adventure.
* From the pen of Jonathan Boakes, author of The Lost Crown.
* Explore a derelict train station & hotel, abandoned since World War 2.
* A new game engine allows full exploration and movement.
* Physically interact with the eerie setting, to really ‘feel’ the place.
* Use light as your weapon and ally, to fight the darkness.
* A hauntingly creepy stereo score, to chill, alarm and horrify.
* Explore the memories of the dead, in their own ‘nightmares’.
* Discover the true identity, and power behind, the Dark Fall itself.
[Darkling Room / Iceberg]
Demigod Stardock Entertainment (Gas Powered Games)2009 adv-undefined aybabtu controlpoints download drm dvd endlessopposition fmod fogofwar giantmonsters godlingprotagonist impulsegoo impulsereactor insectoids inventory lighthearted magic minotaurs missionbased moba moho-engine monsters mp-npcallies mp-teams mpfocus nohumans nominioncontrol norecruiting playerprofiles premadecharacters pvp resourceharvesting sorcery summoning Although lauded as tactical strategy game, this has less of that than games like Team Fortress 2.***A GOD HAS FALLEN

The all father has vanished, creating an opening in the pantheon. To fill the void, Demigods from across from the mortal world must wage war against one another in a bid to ascend to true godhood.

Demigod is a real-time, tactical strategy game that includes extensive role-playing elements. Choose from several Demigods, each poised for battle with their own unique capabilities and awe-inspiring powers. Vanquish other would-be gods as you gain levels, increase in power, unlock the power of mystic artifacts and slowly battle your way closer to joining the Pantheon.

Standing in your path are cunning and ferocious opponents that are controlled by either a sophisticated AI system, or by other players via the Internet. Both single- and multiplayer offer a persistent universe where your Demigod uses the spoils of victory to draw closer to ascension, thwart an enemy's attempt at ascension or even acquire powerful items that can be unleashed in the next battle.

The combination of awesome gameplay, incredible graphics and pulse-pounding action means that Demigod is infinitely replayable. You'll keep coming back again and again as you valiantly try to reach the Pantheon and bask in the glory of your final ascension.
[Gas Powered Games]***2008-01-04 announced ([url][/url])
2009-04-14 released ([url][/url])
Devil May Cry 4  Capcom (Capcom Production Studio 4)2008 actionadventure aerialattacksuspension animatearmor colossi demons devilmaycry directx10 directx9 display-720p drm fistloads hackandslash impulsegoo mtframework overthetop rating-pegi-16 roses-blue shadermodel3 shapeshifters spectaclebrawler steampowered unarmedfighting unusualprotagonist windowsmedia winvista winxp x360pad [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* Pentium IV w/ HT CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* GeForce 8600 GPU
Divinity II: Ego Draconis  DTP Entertainment;Atari (Larian Studios)2009 1life achievements adv-ptdistr adv-static ancientenemy animals attrbasedeq axes bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows capacity-slots castle cemetery chemistry chickens classless comicrelief compass containers damagetypes demons depthoffield dialog-sentences directx9 divinity-series dodging doors download dragons dragons-western drm dvd elevators enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen estate eviloverlord fantasyworld fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse flying forest gamebryoengine genderbender genderchoice ghosts hdrlighting healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hillland impulsegoo interactivedialogs inventory jumping keys ladders levelbasedeq leveluprestoration limitedcapacity lockpicking magic map mapannotation medieval meleeweapons mindreading mine minions monsterhunters monsters moralchoices mountain neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage objectiveindicator obsoletedassets optionaltasks outlaws physx portals potions protagonistredesigning puzzles quickkeys ruins saveanywhere secrets securom7 shallowwater shopping shore skeletons slowbackpedal sorcery subterranean summoning swords targetlock taskdelegation tasktracker town trash unarmedfighting undead unlimitedammo walking warriormystics wellcave winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills [b]comic relief[/b] - Bellegar at the very least, some mind reading does this too.***[b]Divinity II - Ego Draconis[/b] brings you back to Rivellon, a timeless world of awe and magic, torn and scarred by successions of apocalyptic wars. Ever since the Great War ended, the Order of the Dragon Slayers has had eyes only for their number one enemy: the Dragon Knights who killed their Divine hero.
But all the while the true enemy ? the Black Ring ? still festers beneath the surface, ready for its next move, poised to strike. For their leader Damian tirelessly plots silent schemes with utterly malign intent.
Then one day, an event takes place that will reshape the history of Rivellon: a dying Dragon Knight gives her powers to a member of the order that seeks to destroy her: you.

Perhaps you, blessed as you are with the powers of the Dragon, will be able to stop the black tides that threaten to engulf Rivellon. Many adventures await you, many mysteries yearn to be unravelled and all the world awaits the outcome of your new destiny.

* [i]Sequel to the award-winning Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity Role Playing Games![/i]
Following the lineage of these two much-acclaimed RPGs, Divinity II: Ego Draconis has adapted many of the most famous elements that made these two original games classics. Divinity II: Ego Draconis makes use of the same classless system that was incorporated in Divine Divinity, which allows you to choose your own path as you become a Dragon Knight.

* [i]Fight as both a human and a dragon.[/i]
Don't settle for taming and riding a dragon when you can be the Dragon! For the first time, an RPG unleashes the very power of the Dragon on you! Climb high and vaporize all that stands in your way as you strategically use both your human and dragon forms to defeat Damian and become the ultimate Dragon Knight!

* [i]Dynamically unfolding storyline depending on your choices and skills.[/i]
Divinity II : Ego Draconis gives you a wide range of moral choices when deciding on how to act on quest objectives. When you make these choices, the consequences of your actions appear throughout game play. Consequences such as up to 20 possible quest solutions, new quest chains, NPC reactions, vendor pricing and other experience-altering consequences make Divinity II: Ego Draconis very interesting and engaging.

* [i]Use your powerful Battle Tower as base of operations.[/i]
Looming like a colossal stone claw over Sentinel Island, stands the Battle Tower, a vast citadel built many centuries ago by Maxos, the Dragon Mage. Become bound to the Battle Tower through a mystical relic known as the Dragon Stone. The Dragon Stone allows you to teleport to the Battle Tower at any moment so that you can utilize the powers within.

* [i]Build your very own ultimate fighting creature.[/i]
Conjure the spirits to bring to life a creature made from body parts you have collected during your battles. This creature?s power is literally the sum of its body parts; the composition of various limbs determines its strengths and abilities. Once you are able to assemble this abomination, you may summon it to support you in combat.
[Larian Studios]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800GT GPU
* 7 GB HD space

* 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo E8200 CPU
* 2.5 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 GPU
Droplitz Atlus USA (Blitz Games)2009 achievements achievements-public download drm impulsegoo logicpuzzle rating-esrb-e score steampowered steamworks You spin the various pipe pieces to allow the "droplitz" to reach the U-pieces. When a path is formed, the pieces are locked in and the bonus droplitz passes through it, destroying the pieces and incrementing the level number. This is repeated until you either run out of droplitzes or the pieces generated to replace the ones destroyed do not allow any paths to be formed (a.k.a. bad luck). Windowslabelimageminimize
East India Company  Paradox Interactive (Nitro Games)2009 17thcentury 18thcentury activepause addons africa ageofsail asia diplomacy directcontrol directx9 download drm earth europe impulsegoo india mp-teams naturalistic naval timecompression tradesim trading watercraft [b]Add-ons:[/b] (DLC)
* [i]Pirate Bay[/i] (2009-07-31) - player takes control of a pirate captain, controlling a single vessel plundering trading ships. Practically a minigame for those who want that.***In [i]East India Company[/i], players will enjoy building the World's most powerful trading empire and engaging in fierce battles in both single player and multiplayer modes, all within a breathtaking cinematic environment.

Players will fight, manage and rule their trading empires from Europe to the Far East with eight nationalities to choose from: British, Dutch, French, Danish, Portuguese, Swedish, Spanish or the Holy Roman Empire.

Starting modestly, you will build your fleet, establish connections to far away countries, and keep rival nations at bay. Choose from a wide array of ship classes, including a variety of transport and military vessels. Create diverse fleets and assign each of them specific trading routes. Control and upgrade well situated ports as you form your strategy for domination.

Conflicts and wars are inevitable. When hostile fleets engage each other, the spectacular naval battles are fought on a real-time tactical level. Devastating broadsides are fired with a deafening roar and cannon balls tear through enemy ships and their crew. For greater tactical depth, you can, at any point, take direct command of any of your ships and feel the battle close up!

[i]Fight against the other European powers to create a trading empire that will rule above all others in this groundbreaking strategy game![/i]
Elemental: War of Magic  Stardock;1C (Stardock Entertainment)2010 4xstrategy download dragons drm elemental-series grid grid-square highfantasy impulsegoo magic mapgenerator monsters stylized tactical [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP3, Vista w/ SP2 or Windows 7
* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X1600 GPU***Elemental: War of Magic is a turn-based strategy game set in a world of magic, warfare and intrigue. In it, players take on the role of a powerful sorcerer known as a "Sovereign".

Players found new cities, research new technologies, study spells, build a family dynasty, engage in diplomacy, fight wars, go on quests and much more as they strive to overcome all enemies and dominate the world.

Key Features
* A strategy game in an RPG world.
* Randomly Generated Maps.
* 10 Unique Factions.
* In-Depth unit and character design.
* Tactical Battles.
* Rich, story-driven campaign developed by Random House’s Del Rey.
* Incredible replayability.
* Single player or Multiplayer (up to 16 players).
* Plays on very low end hardware.
* Takes advantage of the latest hardware.
* Massive modding support.
* From the people who brought you Galactic Civilizations and Sins of a Solar Empire.***Latest version: 1.09 (as of 2010-09-30)
Elven Legacy  Paradox Interactive;1C Publishing EU;SouthPeak Games (Ino-Co)2009 aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 branchingstory control-groups cpplanguage directx9 download drm dvd elvenprotagonist elves fmod ghosts grid grid-hex impulsegoo leveleditor lua magic missionbased netframework orcs serious sorcery theengine undead veterancy vorbis widescreen winvista winxp xml zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.5 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 2000+ CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* GeForce FX 5700 or Radeon 9600 GPU
* 3 GB HD space

* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X850 XT GPU***US 2009-04-07 on Steam, by Paradox
INT 2009-04-09 on Steam, by Paradox***Elven Legacy, the sequel to Fantasy Wars, delivers a world filled with magic and thrilling nonlinear storyline, gauged to provide many hours of gameplay for strategy fans. Through an epic quest aimed to restore the former glory of the Elven race the game offers both depth and scope, all in colorful and inspirational settings.
Play for elves or humans in two primary campaigns or for orcs in a wide variety of bonus missions. Using the accompanying tools players may create their own missions and campaigns and share them in multiplayer mode.

Key features:

* New Elvian race and new opponents
* Unique characters' talents, spells and artifacts
* Improved AI
* Additional maps for multiplayer mode
* Role development of characters and units
* Various tactical opportunities
GUN Activision (Neversoft Entertainment)2005 1880s 19thcentury 1life actionadventure alcohol americanindians arid aspectratio-4-3 chargedthrow city compass depthoffield drm earth fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter freelancing gtalike handguns healingitems horses impulsegoo incendiarygrenades jumping kansas leaning locationaldamage maleprotagonist montana naturalistic newmexico nomads northamerica objectiveindicator oklahoma openworld precisionrifles prerenderedingamecinematics prologue prostitutes rebellion reload-auto reload-manual revenge riding serious shotguns splatter steampowered subtitledeficient usa uvl-missingimages walking western zoom Windowslabelimageminimize
Hero's Tale Enhanced Edition Ivent (Oldschool Games Entertainment)2009 download drm group impulsegoo monsters Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East  Ubisoft Entertainment (Nival Interactive)2007 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources absoluterulership adv-perks adv-static ashan asymmetricfactions centauroids cinematiccamera combatmode concession-enemy concession-player control-groups cyclopes demons difficulty download dragons dragons-western drm dvd elementals energyregen goblins grid grid-square homm imps impulsegoo infiniteresources initiative inorganics inventory itemsets layers livingammo lua magic mightandmagic missionbased mp-saves multiplecampaigns mystics necromancers noports nudity orcs persistentminions playerprofiles portals proprietarynetwork rage recallportal resourcetransfer resultestimation sacrificing saveanywhere serious shadermodel1 shopping silentstormengine structureexpansions structureupgrades succubi tactical thoroughfares title-cinematic tutorial unicorns unitstacks uvl-missingimages war wargame wyverns Latest version: 3.1 (as of ?)***KEY FEATURES

• New Orc Faction: First made famous in Dark Messiah of Might & Magic , the brutal Orc faction now comes to the Heroes series. Savage, fiercely proud and resolutely independent, the Orcs put the "might" in Might & Magic . This faction's troops include Orcs, Goblins, Cyclops and the famed Pao Kais.

• New Campaign: Experience the dramatic conclusion of the usurper Biara's reign. Discovering the demonic influence that corrupts the Haven knights, the savage clans of the Orc will take up arms to eradicate the Inferno threat. Characters from Dark Messiah of Might & Magic will also appear to bring an unexpected twist to this multi-layered plot. In addition, Tribes of the East will feature 10 multiplayer and five single-player maps.

• New Upgrade Level: Every creature in the Heroes V universe will get a an alternative upgrade level, increasing the total number of creatures in the Heroes of Might & Magic V line to over 170! These powerful new abilities are sure to become an integral part of your combat tactics.

• Extra Content: Expand your arsenal and gameplay with new spells, artifacts, buildings and innovative features such as the combo-based Artifact Power Link and Battle Rage, the unique racial ability of the Orcs.

• Stand-alone Product: In order to allow both fans and newcomers to enjoy this dramatic conclusion to the Heroes V experience, Tribes of the East will be a stand-alone product – no previous Heroes game installations will be required to play.
Iron Grip: Warlord Isotx2008 achillesheelfoes alternateattack ammomagazines bombs burning city commanders damageovertime demo destructiblestructures dieselpunk download drm endlessopposition firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers friendlyfire gibs handguns healingstations hexapeds hybridgame idtech3 impulsegoo incendiarygrenades inexplicabletrajectories irongrip-series itemglow jumping machineguns meleeweapons mines morale mountedweapons mp-bots mp-cooperative mpfocus npchiding opengl otherworld overkill paidkilling protect pve radar remotedetonators repairing rockets rotaryguns ruins scavenging screenshake serialkey serious shotguns singlegender spiderbots splatter steampunk suicideattackers supportnpcs tanks technofantasy thermalweapons towerdefense unwieldyweapons upgradesystem vorbis walkers walking war widescreen win2k winvista winxp zip Un juego de FPS multijugador, con algunos elementos de tower defense.
Necesitaría una mejora de la interfaz de armas y de las rutas de los niveles para ser un juego decente.

4 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000, XP, or Vista
* 2.0 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon XP 2000+ CPU
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce FX 5200 or Radeon 8500 GPU
* 450 MB HD space***Grab your weapons and head to the battlefield in the debut commercial game from Isotx, Iron Grip: Warlord!

Boasting both cooperative and single player game modes, a rich and original steam punk universe, and an innovative blend of RTS/FPS gameplay, Warlord gives you and fellow players a different experience from most titles out right now. Experience the intense combat of total war in the crumbling nation of Atelia. Whether you're fighting alone or with your friends, the odds are stacked against you as hundreds of Confederates swarm your base. Do you have what it takes to be a Warlord? Download the free demo and find out today!

* Cooperative multiplayer or singleplayer modes
* Up to 8 players supported at a time
* 7 engaging maps with more to come
* Hundreds of enemies at a time from all directions
* Various difficulty levels bring endless replayability and challenge
* An original soundtrack to enhance the mood of gameplay
* Frequent patches that include free downloadable content
King's Bounty: The Legend  1C Company;Atari;Paradox Interactive (Katauri Interactive)2008 adv-objects adv-perks adv-ptdistr anuroids aristocratprotagonist beholders carnivorousplants cemetery combatmode cyclopes dialog-sentences directx9 dragons dragons-western drm dwarves endoria fmod forest ghosts giantinsects giantspiders goblins gog grid grid-hex gryphons highbornprotagonist impulsegoo interlinkedlevels karmiccreatures kingsbounty lua magic map medieval mystics noports optionaltasks outlaws pirates plantcreatures portals protagonistnaming rating-esrb-t recruiting securom7 sentientplants shapeshifters shopping skeletons skyships sprites subterranean tactical tacticalrpg theengine title-static turnbasedcombat undead unhealthyundead unitstacks unrootedplants vampires vorbis weefolk werewolves wetland widescreen winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills zombies King's Bounty: The Legend is an adventure game with tactical turn-based battles and role-playing elements. In a fairy tale fantasy world of fearless knights, evil mages, wise kings and beautiful princesses the player controls a hero. Leading their character through the game world, exploring it, commanding armies in battle and accomplishing various quests can mean great reward or huge defeats.

Gameplay is divided into two major sections: adventure mode and battle mode. While playing in adventure mode the gamer controls their character in real-time. With several classes available at the start of a new game, the player moves through the adventure map seeking various treasures, fighting monsters and accomplishing quests tasked to him by the local stewards. Once in battle mode the gamer assumes the role of a war chief, leading his troops in tactical turn-based combat. Battles take place on land or sea, in dungeons or castles or even in some items! The hero himself doesn't participate in the combat, but can assist his troops by casting spells or summoning different creatures.***Una gran mezcla de estrategia y combate por turnos, al estilo de Might and Magic.
Las partidas pueden alargarse muuuucho...

8 de 10***2008-04-?? as boxed by 1C???
2008-09-23 as boxed by Paradox
2009-04-30 on Steam, by Paradox Interactive (lang: eng)
2009-05-01 -"- in Europe?***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.6 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X800 GPU
* 5.5 GB HD space

* 3 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3200+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 7900 or Radeon X1900 GPU
KrissX Blitz Arcade (Regolith Games)2010 crosswords drm impulsegoo wordgame Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Majesty 2  Paradox Interactive (1C:Ino-Co)2009 animals ardania aristocratprotagonist autosavepoints basebuilding bountyplacing builders cheapdeath classicwizards construction-gradual demons difficulty-single difficultyspike download drm dvd expenses-instant exponentialcosts fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fogofwar gamespy genderneutral gianthumanoids highbornprotagonist humanoidanimals impulsegoo indirectcontrol lighthearted magic majesty-series markers medieval minotaurs missionbased monsters murinoids mystics npcgenerators npcshopping optionaltasks potions priorities proprietarynetwork saveanywhere serialkey skeletons sorcery tagging taxes timecompression tutorial undead unitequipment veterancy werewolves zoom In the world of Majesty, you are the ruler of the kingdom of Ardania. At your service are your loyal and somewhat obnoxious subordinates, who have their own minds about how things should be done. Majesty is the only game where your heroes decide on their own what should be done and when, leaving you to try to control them through monetary incentives. Windowslabelimagesubject
Military Life Tank Simulator Auran2010 driving drm impulsegoo tank Windowslabelimageminimize
Monster Jam Activision (Torus Games)2007 download driving drm dvd impulsegoo monsterjam-series monstertruck rating-esrb-e Windowslabelimageminimize
NecroVisioN: Lost Company  1C Company (The Farm 51)2010 1910s 1life 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-posture aimmode alternatetimeline ammomagazines autosavepoints bayonets biplane bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles burning cave chapterreplay colossi cryokinesis damageovertime deadanimation demons diaries dismemberment drm dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dvd dynamicaccuracy earth elevators falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers flaregun forcefields gamespy gasgrenades gianthumanoids giants glowingeyes gore grenades grenadewarning grotesque gunclubbing havokphysics hdrlighting healthpickups healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted healthwarning hellscape improvisedweapons impulsegoo itempickup-auto itempickup-instant juggernauts jumping knives knockback knockdown livingfire locationaldamage machineguns magic mandatoryloss meleeweapons milessound militantprotagonist mine mode-challenge monastery monsters motionblur murinoids naga necrovision objectiveindicator obligation pain-engine paranormal past pawn possessed precisionrifles pyrokinesis rage recurrence-character recurrence-location reload-auto reload-manual repulsion robots rockets safepowers saveanywhere sciencefantasy secretconflict secrets sequence-turret serialkey shallowwater shapeshifters shotguns simulacrums skippedstory slowmotion sorcery spectres splatter ssao stamina starforce submachineguns tangiblecorpses tasktracker telescope temporarycompanions thrownweapons titlementioned tracers tunnels undead vampires walking war wastedeffort werewolves worldwar1 zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 5000+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD38xx GPU***NecroVisioN: Lost Company is the prequel to the old-school horror FPS which covers the events that happened before the NecroVisioN story began. The game contains several unique levels, characters, weapons and gameplay elements, as well as a new main hero that tells the original game story from an opposing perspective. Players now act as one of the WWI German soldiers that discovers the evil forces unleashed by the war and starts to fight against them. Eventually the player leads soldiers from all the nations gathered on the front through massive battles against the zombies and demons. Finally players become the first Necromancer that was defeated by Simon Bukner in NecroVisioN.

Key Features:
* 10 new levels in the single player campaign
* 15 new characters
* 6 new weapons
* Variety of special weapon upgrades
* New drivable vehicles to use in the fight including the FT17 tank and Halberstadt CL.II airplane
* Several additional close combat techniques, spells and fatalities in single player
* New, unique multiplayer mode: Gas Attack
* 3 new maps and several new skins for multiplayer mode
* New visual effects like enhanced depth-of-field, soft shadows and new shaders with optimized renderer and data loading system.
[1C Publishing]
Prince of Persia  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2008 acrobatics actionadventure allforone ancientenemy antiheroprotagonist anvilengine autosavepoints backtracking bookends cacophonicvoice cave city claiming combomoves comicrelief companion controlconfig controlmalfunction cpplanguage death deathless directionalforce-tilt directx10 directx9 dodging download drm dualism dvd enemyhealthdisplay entangled falseending fantasyworld fasttravel fictionaluniverse formerhumans fourhorsemen gog grappling groupactions healthregen horizontalbars impulsegoo injuries ladders ledges lighthearted lightvsdark magic meleeweapons metroidvania monkeybars monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nonlinear objectiveindicator openended outlawprotagonist parrying poles pop-ahriman princeofpersia pyrrhicvictory quicktimeevent recurringopponent restoration ruins sacrificiallamb safepits saveanywhere sequelhook shadermodel3 streamerscarf subterranean swords tangibleabstracts teleport thiefprotagonist tutorial unarmedfighting walking walljumping wallrunning wallsliding widescreen winvista winxp [b]deathless[/b] - any time you're about to die, Elika saves you in some manner or other. Helps that she can do magic and fly. In certain situations this also reverts time, but usually this only returns you to the nearest bit of stable ground or simply slightly off of your opponent while allowing them yo regenerate a large chunk of their health.***Completely unrelated to the previous Prince of Persia games.***US 2008-12-09
RU 2008-12-17***The critically acclaimed Prince of Persia franchise returns for the first time on next-generation platforms with an all-new epic journey.

Built by the same award-winning Ubisoft Montreal studio that created Assassin's Creed , Prince of Persia has been in development for over three years to deliver a whole new action-adventure gaming experience to consumers.

With a whole new Prince, storyline, open world environments, combat style, signature illustrative graphical style and the addition of Elika, a deadly new ally, Prince of Persia brings the franchise to new heights of deadly acrobatic artistry and is set to become the #1 action-adventure game of 2008 this holiday season.

* [b]A new hero emerges:[/b] Master the acrobatics, strategy and fighting tactics of the most agile warrior of all time. Grip fall down the face of a building, perform perfectly timed acrobatic combinations, and swing over canyons, buildings and anything that is reachable. This new rogue warrior must utilize all of his new skills, along with a whole new combat system, to battle Ahriman's corrupted lieutenants to heal the land from the dark Corruption and restore the light.
* [b]A new epic journey begins:[/b] Escape to experience the new fantasy world of ancient Persia. Masterful storytelling and sprawling environments will deliver to action-adventure fans an experience that rivals even the best Hollywood movies.
* [b]A new open world structure:[/b] A first for the Prince of Persia franchise — now you have the freedom to determine how the game evolves in this non-linear adventure. Players will decide how they unfold the storyline by choosing their path in the open-ended world.
* [b]Emergence of a deadly new ally:[/b] History's greatest ally is revealed in the form of Elika, a dynamic AI companion who joins the Prince in his fight to save the world. Gifted with magical powers, she interacts with the player in combat, acrobatics and puzzle-solving, enabling the Prince to reach new heights of deadly high-flying artistry through special duo acrobatic moves or devastating fighting combo attacks.
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Dual-Core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* 9 GB HD space

* 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 sound system
* X360 controller
Prototype Activision (Radical Entertainment)2009 1life a113 acrobatics adv-limited adv-progress adv-xpdistr aimassist airdash alarmers amnesia antiheroprotagonist armyofone autosavepoints autumnal biogrowth bossbattles cannibalism challenges chargedattack chargedjump city city-newyork-ny cleargame coldopen collectibles comic conspiracy cpplanguage desperatepower detectors devouring difficulty directx9 disguising disposableweapons dodging download driving drm dvd earth endlessopposition enemyupgrade evilvsevil fallimpact firearms fistloads fullscreen geneticassimilation giantmonsters gliding gore grappling groundslamming groupmind healthdrops hiding hijacking homingboulders humanoidprotagonist humanweapon impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-threat infravision intermissions island jumping lasso liveactors lua midairjumping minimap missionbased monsters mutablescenery-large mutants naturalweapons neuralthxsurround neutralnpcs newgameplus nochildren nofalldamage nonlinear noreloading northamerica npcspawning oneofakind openended openworld outbreak overheal parkour patientzero playerexposition powermimicry powerthrow protectioncomplex prototype-series quarantine quicktimeevent radar recurringopponent rockets rooftops save-opportunistic securom7 sequelhook sequence-defend serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shapeshifting-partial stealth superjump superpowers superstrength targetlock tasteofpower tentaclecreatures titanium-engine traffic trampling tutorial unarmedfighting uniqueprotagonist unlockable-difficulty unrestrictedviolence upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-techlimitation vehicle-pontiacgrandam visionmodes walking wallclimbing wallclinging wallrunning walltraversal weaponupgrades weirdvision whips widescreen winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-drops xp-objects Anyone experiencing crashes that can't be traced down to anything real should try playing the game by limiting it to 1 CPU core, on systems with 4 or more cores some may have luck with limiting it to less than half of the cores.your.
... Personally this occurred as spurious crashes (in nvd3dum.dll which supposedly indicates bad GPU driver) until it finally became rather consistent when trying to protect the bloodtox tank.

The game is also one of the few games truly incompatible with 64 bit version of XP, so you're out of luck there (compatibility mode nor anything else will help you).***[spoiler=Show spoilers;Hide][b]Autopsy on fully clothed Alex[/b] : A Web of Intrigue video mentions that everything on Alex is actually part of his biomass, this also explains how he mimics people and their clothes repeatedly and discards them for his own form, and repeats this as often as he wants to. It also conveniently removes a nude scene and the source of his clothing during his escape.
[b]People running around on the streets while the infection spreads (not escaping)[/b] : the island is in quarantine, though the seemingly oblivious behaviour of the pedestrians few blocks away is not explained by this, nor why they don't hide indoors.
[b]Infection detectors not triggering for the soldiers themselves[/b] : presumably adjusted to ignore minor cases of infection, though apparently not mentioned anywhere. In truth, it's likely an oversight from the developers.[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.86 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 4000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* 8 GB HD space

Requires at least 800x600 resolution for the menu graphics to not be damnably blurry (though they're readable on lower).***US 2009-06-10 on DVD and Steam (lang: eng, fre, spa, ita)
INT 2009-06-13 on Steam***Actual title seems to be [code][PROTOTYPE][/code], in all caps and with the square brackets. UVL can't currently handle square brackets, so this is all we have now.
Red Faction: Guerrilla  THQ (Volition)2009 2120s 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public aimmode ammomagazines arid armoredcars assaultrifles autosavepoints bludgeons bombs capacity-toolslots captives chainreactions challenges civilianprotagonist civilizedsavages cleargame coversystem cpplanguage deathpits depthoffield destructibleenvironment difficulty difficulty-ingame directx10 directx9 disclaunchers disintegrators download driving drm drm-activation dvd endlessopposition energyweapons explosiveobjects explosives-sticky extraterrestrial falldamage fallimpact fasttravel firearms fofindicator friendlyfire future geomod-engine guerrilla guidedweapons gunclubbing gunships handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast hijacking hud-dynamic impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-route invisiblewalls itemglow jumping jumppack ladders limitedcapacity machineguns map mars mecha meleeweapons mines minimap movie mp-assault mp-control mp-dm mp-teams mp-undefined nanotechnology neutralnpcs newgameplus news nonlinear npcspawning objectiveindicator openworld optionaltasks precisionrifles radar rebellion rebelprotagonist redfaction reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators rewardingvandalism rockets ruins screenshake seamlessworld sequence-defend sequence-turret serialkey serious shadermodel3 shotguns spacefaringage structuresupports tank tanks taskgenerator telescope titlementioned titulargroup unlockable-difficulty upgradesystem vehicleflip walker walkers walking wasteland windowslive winvista winxp wreckage An incredibly fun 3rd person shooter, with some melee and driving features and a big and destructable open world.
Includes some cool mission styles and a few interesting and unique weapons.
Hammer time!

8 of 10***[b]Performance issues?[/b]
If the games gets sluggish when large structures are collapsing, some have had success with lowering the game's priority from default to something lower.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2 GHz dual-core CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 7600 GT or Radeon X1300 GPU
* 15 GB HD space (stated; 7 GB actually)

* 3.2 GHz dual-core CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD3850 GPU***SMASH AUTHORITY

Lead the Red Faction revolution using guerrilla tactics and strategic destruction in an epic battle for control of the red planet.

Guerrilla tactics: Raid military compounds, rescue revolutionaries, and sabotage EDF supply lines.

Geo-Mod 2.0: Tear down enemy strongholds brick by brick with the most realistic destruction engine to date.

Multiplayer: Put your demolition skills to the test with 16 player anarchy, siege, and damage control modes.
[Box blurb]***EAN-13: [code]4005209113038[/code]***Red Faction: Guerrilla is a 3rd person, open-world action shooter set on Mars, 50 years after the events of the original Red Faction. Players assume the role of an insurgent fighter with the newly re-established Red Faction movement as they battle for liberation from the oppressive Earth Defense Force. Throughout their fight for freedom, players carve their own path, wreaking havoc across the vast, open-world environment of Mars, from the desolate mining outpost of Parker to the gleaming EDF capital city of Eos. Utilizing improvised weapons, explosives and re-purposed mining equipment and vehicles, Red Faction: Guerrilla allows players to tear through fully destructible environments in an unforgiving Martian landscape swarming with EDF forces, Red Faction resistance fighters, and the downtrodden settlers caught in the cross-fire. Red Faction: Guerrilla also features a robust multiplayer component, including several modes focused on destruction-based gameplay.***2009-09-11 on Steam, by THQ (lang: eng, cze, fre, ger, ita, jap, pol, rus, spa)
Resident Evil 5  Capcom2009 achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure africa airboat ammomagazines aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles autosavepoints biotechnology bodyarmor bodyhorror bossbattles capacity-slots capacity-stacks companion containers controlconfig cooperation crocodilians dark-limited diaries difficulty directx10 directx9 display-720p dissolvingitems distortedvision doors download drm drm-activation earth elevatorbattle elevators eviloverlord explosiveobjects firearms gianthumanoids giantmonsters grenadelaunchers grenades grenades-impact grotesque handguns hatchers havokphysics healingitems humanexperiments impulsegoo insectoids inventory investigatorprotagonist itemglow keys knives ladders lamp latemodernperiod limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage loot-random loot-unexpected map monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival mtframework multilingual newgameplus objectiveindicator obligation obsoletedassets pain precisionrifles prematuredetonation present prologue quicktimeevent ragers rating-esrb-m recurringopponent redeemingbeatdown reload-manual researchfacility residentevil residentevil-main restorepower rewardingvandalism rockets ruins saveonline secretfacility sequence-turret serious shadermodel3 shallowwater shopping shore shotguns skipnoninteractive socialnetwork speech-african stationaryattack stungrenades stunning stunprods submachineguns subterranean targetdesignator telescope tentaclecreatures thermalweapons town tutorial upgrades-permanent upgradesystem walking watercraft-location weaponupgrades wetland widescreen windowslive zombies In Resident Evil 5, returning hero Chris Redfield is sent to Africa to investigate a biological weapon that is transforming the populace into aggressive and disturbing creatures. Joined by another local BSAA agent, Sheva Alomar, the two must work together to solve the truth behind the frightening turn of events. Featuring a revolutionary new co-op mode of gameplay, Resident Evil 5 will let players experience fear together as terror moves out of the shadows and into the light of day. The PC version of Resident Evil 5 features online play for co-operative play sessions over the internet and will also take advantage of NVIDIA’s new GeForce 3D Vision technology.***RE5 sees the return of Las Plagas and some even older monsters as well as some completely new.***[b]cooperation[/b] - minimal; most commonly you just have to wait for the other player at the exit if they're far away. Seen with Chris helping Sheva reach higher ground, or one of the characters holding a door open while the other goes through and unblocks another route for the first character (happens several times). Besides those there's very little.
[b]newgame+[/b] - unlocks mercenaries mode (survival mode) and allows playing the story as Sheva, possibly some other changes as well.
[b]limited capacity[/b] - 9 item slots per character, only ammo and grenades can be stacked (and even them in very limited manner), body armor peculiarly takes item slots and stacking is limited vaguely by item usefulness, not size.
[b]distorted vision[/b] - getting caught in your own flash grenades has this effect at least***?? 2009-09-?? as boxed, by Capcom (lang: ??)
N&S America 2009-09-15 on Steam, by Capcom (lang: eng, ...?)
INT 2009-09-18 on Steam, by Capcom (lang: eng, fre, ger, ita, jap, spa)
Skyscraper Simulator Auran (UIG Entertainment)2010 cmsgame constructing drm impulsegoo steampowered weathereffects Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Street Fighter IV  Capcom2009 1on1fighting directx9 download drm impulsegoo luchadores shadermodel3 streetfighter uvl-releases uvl-searchelp winvista winxp Una gran vuelta de una enormísima saga de lucha.
Probablemente sólo opacado por su predecesor SFIII.

9 de 10***INT? 2009-07-07 on Steam, by Capcom (lang: eng, jap)
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition  Capcom2011 1on1fighting directx9 download drm impulsegoo luchadores shadermodel3 streetfighter uvl-searchelp winvista winxp Una gran vuelta de una enormísima saga de lucha.
Probablemente sólo opacado por su predecesor SFIII.

9 de 10
Sword of the Stars: Argos Naval Yard Lighthouse Interactive;Paradox Interactive (Kerberos Productions)2009 25thcentury 4xstrategy absoluterulership afterearth aliens cacophonicvoice combatmode directx9 download drm extraterrestrial future grandscale humanoidanimals impulsegoo insectoids mapgenerator mp-ffa mp-lms mpfocus noports realtimecombat sauroids serious sots-series space spacefaringage techtree win2k winxp US 2009-06-17 by Lighthouse Interactive, on Steam
EU 2009-06-17 by Paradox Interactive, on Steam
The Settlers: Heritage of Kings  Ubisoft (Blue Byte)2005 drm impulsegoo medieval realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rpgelements thesettlers Windowslabelimageminimize
TimeShift Vivendi Games;Activision (Saber Interactive)2007 1930s 1life 20thcentury airducts alternatetimeline beamweapons cyborgs destructibleenvironment disarming download drm dvd dystopian factory firearms firstpersonshooter forest futuristic gamespy gimmick gog gore grenades healthregen healthregen-fast impulsegoo industrial-setting limitedcapacity logitech-g19 minefield npcteleporting past physx plasmaweapons powerarmor rating-pegi-18 rebellion ruins saveanywhere savepoints scientistprotagonist securom7 serialkey serious sewers shadermodel2 shadermodel3 spiderbots steampowered teleport temporalincursion thermalweapons time-theme timecontrol timefreeze timeparadox timetravel walkers widescreen wintery 2009-07-23 on Steam, by Activision (lang: eng)***[b]Overview:[/b]
Dr. Aiden Krone is a former professor of Applied Physics at MIT, notorious for his unrivaled brilliance and obsession with Thermodynamics, Advanced Propulsion, and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Despite his increasing tendencies to demand control and secrecy, he became the Founder and Lead Physicist of a classified Time Travel research program.

Over a decade later, Krone's program had successfully developed the world's first time-travelling suit technology. However, as the program's equally secretive decsision-makers demanded this technology be adapted for military applications, Krone's feelings of self-entitlement and anger grew. He secretly desired a new existence, a new world where his scientific endeavors could be shaped and experienced without outside interference.

The combination of Krone's mind and his suit technology gave him the ability to create and control another existence - an existence where a man of science could finally operate without restrictions and do so within a place where science itself was properly respected regardless of the effects on humanity.

It is now up to you to trace Krone's last known appearances and stop his tyrannical rule over Alpha District. In a twisted world where scientific accomplishments reign, its up to you to don the Beta Suit and Master Time to Become the Ultimate Weapon.

* Harness time as the Ultimate Weapon: Slow, stop and reverse the flow of time to destroy your enemies
* Unleash a powerful arsenal of weapons and vehicles in 24 combat missions
* Up to 16-player multiplayer, featuring the use of time grenades in 14 different maps, allowing for unique style of stop, slow and reversal of time
* Completely customize your multiplayer experience with 40 different features to fit your style of gameplay
[Saber Interactive]***Latest version: 1.2 (as of ?)