showing 50 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagspersp.descriptionplatform
Backlash: A Turret Gunner Simulation Sanctuary Software Studio1994 28thcentury darkspace difficulty dustmotes enemyhealthdisplay energyshields energyweapons extraterrestrial future missionbased multiplecampaigns predefinedcontrols radar railshooter resourceallocation rockets savepoints serious shopping space targetlock turret tutorial unseenprotagonist cYou're in control of the aft turret of a starship and your job is to protect it on its flight through space from Dirians.

Playable either with joystick or mouse or keyboard, though keyboard combined with either joystick or mouse is optimal.
Biolab Disaster -2010 aircontrol alone amoeboids browser constrainedlocale damageflicker deathpits elevators facelessprotagonist fallbackweapon genderneutral harmfultouch html5 impactjs instantdeath knockback langinsignificant monsters namelessprotagonist predefinedcontrols researchfacility retrypoints robots screenshake short b Internet Onlylabelimageminimize
Blackguards  Daedalic Entertainment2014 adv-xpdistr alphafunding attackdefenseadjust axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased coversystem damageinfo dodgechance dwarves enemyhealthdisplay eventlog falselyaccused genderchoice grid grid-hex group hitchance initiative insectoids inventory inventory-shared limitedcapacity limitedshopstock loot-random magic meleeweapons monsters netframework nopointercapture outlaws outofturnactions overburdening polearms predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu randomdamage rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-12 shields shopping skeletons sorcery spears spellchance steampowered swords tacticalrpg thedarkeye thrownweapons ttrpgtiein turndelay undead undefinedelements unity-engine variableabilitypower xp-encounters xp-kills a Windowslabelimageminimize
Blackguards 2 Daedalic Entertainment2015 adv-xpdistr attackdefenseadjust axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased commercial coversystem damageinfo dodgechance download dwarves enemyhealthdisplay eventlog falselyaccused genderchoice grid grid-hex group hitchance indevelopment initiative insectoids inventory inventory-shared license-proprietary limitedcapacity limitedshopstock loot-random magic meleeweapons monsters netframework nopointercapture outlaws outofturnactions overburdening polearms predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu randomdamage shields shopping skeletons sorcery spears spellchance steampowered swords tacticalrpg thedarkeye thrownweapons ttrpgtiein turndelay ubuntu undead undefinedelements unity-engine variableabilitypower xp-encounters xp-kills a Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blackthorne  Interplay Productions (Blizzard Entertainment)1994 aimdirlimit bombs cinematicplatformer coversystem displacementfiction elevators fallbackweapon falldamage fallimpact firearms free fromanotherworld healingitems highbornprotagonist inventory itempickup-normal ladders ledges lowfantasy monsters neutralnpcs noaircontrol orcs potions predefinedcontrols savepassword sciencefantasy serious shotguns slavery stationaryattack subterranean tumbling tutorial unrestrictedviolence walking b13Interplay provides a version of this game to download from Comes packaged for play on Windows using DOSbox or an alternative package for Mac using DOSbox. The executable zip file is encrypted preventing it from being run on non-windows systems without using Windows emulation. Once installed, the game should theoretically work on DOS, FreeDOS, or most any system DOSbox runs on. However, Blackthorne's the setup executable is not included making sound configuration especially problematic. This game is not Freeware. Blizzard retains full copyright and the downloaded version includes and EULA restating Blizzard's ownership. No right to redistribute or otherwise treat this version as Freeware is granted by Blizzard.***[b]from another world[/b] - you're actually native, but was transported as an infant into another world where you grew up, and now you've returned to bring your royal boot to the Face of Evil.
[b]unrestricted violence[/b] - player can freely kill the slaves as much as the orcish monsters.
Bunch of Heroes NGD Studios2011 3ormoreplayers alieninvasion assaultrifles caricature chickens earth endlessopposition fallbackweapon flamethrowers grenadelaunchers healthpickups indie karmiccreatures mars mp-campaign mp-cooperative mpfocus music-rock nopointercapture objectiveindicator precisionrifles predefinedcontrols premadecharacters reload-auto rural sequence-defend sequence-timed serialkey shotguns splatter steamworks superdeformed undead winvista winxp x360pad zombies aThe Bunch is the most formidable team of elite fighters ever assembled from around the world. What brought them together? Well, obviously the Earth is under attack! An alien invasion is threatening all humankind, without regards to gender, color or nationality. And these nasty aliens have a powerful Zombie Army™ at their disposal!

Play as Agent Liu, Jared Joe, El Camarada or Captain Smith becoming humanity’s last line of defense. Survive by any means necessary wielding a huge arsenal that includes flame throwers, rail guns and gravity bombs. Or charge over-the-top super powers that will annihilate your enemies! Cooperate online with up to 4 players.

"Bunch of Heroes" features stylized cartoon like artwork, funky rock and roll music, cutting edge technology, great humor and cooperative gameplay to inspire zombie killers and E.T. haters alike all over the globe!

Become a Hero; Earth needs a bunch of them at least!

Key Features:
* Play with your friends in the 4 player cooperative online campaign
* Amazing cartoon style graphics and Funky Rock and roll Music
* 4 Playable characters with amazing Ultra attacks
* Lush and diverse environments
* Multiple objectives within each level
* Dozens of fun and wacky enemies
* A huge arsenal of weaponry to annihilate them with
* Place and use turrets to gain tactical advantage
Civilization V  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2010 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor demo diplomacy dominion encyclopedia fogofwar gamespy grandscale grid grid-hex hunger mapgenerator modifiable modsupport msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay predefinedcontrols steampowered steamworks steamworkshop story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ugc unexplainedelements upkeep win8 workers aIn Civilization® V, players strive to become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age, waging war, conducting diplomacy, discovering new technologies, going head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and building the most powerful empire the world has ever known.

[b]Belieavable world[/b]
More than just a strategy game - the expanded visuals and immersive audio invite would - be kings to take up the reigns of power and forge a mighty empire. Civilization V offers a limitless variety of vast, realistic and diverse landscapes for players to explore, battle over and claim as their own.

[b]Inviting presentation[/b]
An intuitive interface eases both new players and Civ veterans into the game. Guided by a set of trusted advisors who will explain game functionality and provide counsel for significant decisions, even first-time players will be confident in the choices they make.

[b]Huge battles[/b]
Combat is more exciting and engaging than ever before. Wars between empires feel massive with armies spreading across the landscape.The addition of ranged bombardment allows players to fire weapons from behind the front lines, challenging players to develop clever new strategies to guarantee victory on the battlefield.

[b]Live history[/b]
Write your own epic story each time you play! Choose one of eighteen historical civilizations to lead from the stone-age to the space age on your quest to build the world’s most powerful empire.

[b]Improved diplomacy[/b]
Negotiate with some of history’s most cunning rulers, each with a well-crafted plan for victory. Successful diplomacy will depend on players carefully managing relationships with other leaders, trading items, plying them with gold, and deciding if they are friend or foe. City States will present a new diplomatic battleground on which the major powers of the world will vie for supremacy.

[b]In-game community hub[/b]
Compete with Civ players from all over the globe via the Internet, offering endless ways to rule the world.

With unprecedented modding tools, players will have a nearly unlimited options for modifying Civilization V any way they like.
Civilization V  2K Games (Firaxis Games)2010 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor demo diplomacy dominion fogofwar gamespy grandscale grid grid-hex mapgenerator modifiable modsupport msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay osx osx-10 osx-11 osx-8 osx-9 predefinedcontrols steampowered steamworks steamworkshop story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ugc upkeep workers a Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Civilization V  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2014 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame commercial construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor diplomacy dominion encyclopedia fogofwar gameagent grandscale grid grid-hex hunger license-proprietary lutris mapgenerator modifiable msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay predefinedcontrols sdl steamos steampowered steamworks story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ubuntu ugc unexplainedelements upkeep workers a Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
CreaVures Muse Games2011 animals bioluminescence chapterreplay chargedjump claiming contrasted controlswitch cooperation crazedanimals crowdfunded dark deathpits difficulty forest glowingeyes ladders ledges nofalldamage nonhumanprotagonist predefinedcontrols puzzleplatformer retrypoints ropeswinging shallowwater tutorial tutorial-forced unity-engine bCreaVures is a puzzle-platformer set in a magical forest. You play as five different "Creavures," tiny mythical creatures that each have a unique natural ability. Together your Creavures must travel deep into the dying forest, using their abilities alone or in tandem to gather essence and restore the light.

Key Features:
* 15 Levels Across 5 Forest Areas
* 5 Creavures with Unique Abilities
* 2 Epic Boss Battles
* Stunning Visual Style
* Engaging Puzzle-Platfomer Gameplay
* Physics-Based Environment
Dead Rising 2 Capcom (Blue Castle Games)2010 1life adv-static bathos bossbattles casino clothing constrainedlocale deadrising-series directx10 doors drm drm-activation drm-encryption endlessopposition falselyaccused fauxserious firearms gagweapons glowingeyes gore handguns healingitems hotel improvisedweapons itemdurability jumping knockback knockdown leveluprestoration lunatics mall motorcycle mp-cooperative mp-dropin nevada nvidia3dvision parentprotagonist powertools predefinedcontrols proprietarynetwork protectioncomplex quicktimeevent rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 savepoints serialkey shotguns skateboard skipnoninteractive splatter survivalhorror swarmers sweepingstrikes temporarycompanions timelimit unarmedfighting unattendedevents walking windowslive winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills zombieapocalypse zombies d[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 2.2 GHz CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8800 GTS or Radeon HD 3850 GPU
* 8.5 GB HD space***The sequel to the million-plus selling Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2 takes the zombie survival horror to Fortune City, America’s latest and greatest entertainment playground. Featuring a new story, two online multiplayer modes (2-player co-op campaign and a 4-player "TV show" themed Pay-Per-View event that pits humans against zombies), thousands of on-screen zombies and more, Dead Rising 2 takes zombie survival horror to a whole new level.

As Chuck Greene, you have 72 hours to save your infected daughter, clear your name and survive the hordes of hungry zombies before the military comes in and nukes the city. To ensure your survival, you can combine everyday objects to create numerous deadly combo weapons and slaughter the ravenous zombies. Dead Rising 2, it’s where Creativity Kills.

Key Features
* Sequel to the critically acclaimed and 1 million+ selling Dead Rising: Dead Rising 2 is bigger and better in every way, adding new custom combo weapons, multiplayer and thousands of zombies on-screen at once!
* Thousands of Zombies On Screen: The undead are everywhere creating a dynamic and challenging zombie-killing experience for the player as weapons will be created to kill massive amounts of zombies at one time!
* Combo Weapons: Players can combine two everyday items using duct tape to create the ultimate zombie killing creations such as the Portamower and Paddlesaw. Unlocking combo cards along the way will give players the advantage as the helpful cards will show you what items are best for combining.
* New Storyline and Characters: A new protagonist, Chuck Greene, must save his infected daughter, clear his name, and survive 72 hours in Fortune City.
* 2-Player Co-Op: Online co-op play is introduced to the Dead Rising universe for the first time as players can invite their friends to partner up with them at any time to take on the zombie massacre- tag-team style! Killing zombies with a friend is always more fun!
* 4-Player Terror is Reality: 4 players compete in a gladiator type TV show named Terror Is Reality that pits zombies against a group of players in the ultimate Vs. multiplayer blood bath
Deadly 30 Headup Games;Meridian4 (Headup Games)2012 1940s 20thcentury achievements assaultrifles barricading bathos bunker circadiancycle desura directx9 distortedvision firearms forest gianthumanoids group group-switch healingitems humor-toilet indie karmiccreatures mountain nopointercapture obsoletedassets periodicdangers platformexclusive precisionrifles predefinedcontrols reload-auto reload-manual rewardingvandalism runandgun rural shopping shotguns singlegenderopposition steampowered strangebedfellows submachineguns timepiece turrets undead undeadanimals upgradesystem winvista winxp worldwar2 zombieapocalypse zombies bSurvive 30 nights of horror and zombie menace in Deadly 30! Rescue and recruit companions, upgrade your weaponry and fortify your position during safe daylight. At night defend you bunker and fight off waves of attacking zombies. 12 guns, 11 types of zombies, 25 achievements and thousands of ways to die!

Elements of tower defense including setting up the defense of your base and upgrading your weaponry meet the action-packed run and gun genre of the golden days of gaming. Featuring a strong exploration element, you are required to leave the safety of your base, to forage for materials to make it through the night.

• Elements of tower defense and retro Contra style gameplay.
• Three different characters, playable at the same time.
• A.I. controlled team combat.
• Unique upgradable weaponry for each of your soldiers.
• Enhance your base for better defenses.
• Gruesome different enemies and deadly weapons.
• Tactical planning is required, or you will learn to fear the dark!
Deadly 30 Headup Games2012 1940s 20thcentury achievements assaultrifles barricading bathos bunker circadiancycle desura distortedvision download firearms forest gamesrepublic gianthumanoids group group-switch healingitems humor-toilet indie karmiccreatures mountain nopointercapture obsoletedassets periodicdangers precisionrifles predefinedcontrols reload-auto reload-manual rewardingvandalism rural shopping shotguns singlegenderopposition steampowered strangebedfellows submachineguns timepiece turrets undead undeadanimals upgradesystem worldwar2 zombieapocalypse zombies b Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Deadly 30 Headup Games;Meridian4 (Headup Games)2013 1940s 20thcentury achievements assaultrifles barricading bathos bunker circadiancycle distortedvision firearms forest gianthumanoids group group-switch healingitems humor-toilet indie karmiccreatures mountain nopointercapture obsoletedassets periodicdangers platformexclusive precisionrifles predefinedcontrols reload-auto reload-manual rewardingvandalism rural shopping shotguns singlegenderopposition steampowered strangebedfellows submachineguns timepiece turrets undead undeadanimals upgradesystem worldwar2 zombieapocalypse zombies b Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Delve Deeper! Lunar Giant Studios2010 achievements achievements-public amoeboids automatedbattles beholders claiming cpplanguage csharplanguage deathless difficulty-aspects display-720p dragons dwarvenprotagonist dwarves elitemobs gelatinouscubes gnomes goblins grid grid-hex group healingstations humanoidprotagonist leveleditor mimics mine monsters mp-bots mystics netframework neutralmonsters nocampaign nohumans npcspawning predefinedcontrols scenarios shadermodel2 steampowered steamworks story-none subterranean swarmers tunnels tutorial walking weefolk weefolkprotagonist x360pad xnaframework b[b]DLC packs:[/b]
* Delve Deeper: Gratis Grottos (2012-01-18) - adds 10 maps and 25 relics***It may be a bit vague how to start multiplayer game, but it requires either to have multiple controllers attached or taking turns selecting and configuring your teams. The latter works by player 1 selecting team and configuring its members and hitting ready, but before hitting in the middle for starting the game, second player chooses and configures their team, and repeat until all players have their teams. Only after all players have their team should the begin in the middle be clicked. This is unfortunately a bit vague as there are no clear prompts for it.***2010-06-30 original release
2010-09-24 Steam release with Steamworks integration.***Take command of five Dwarf adventurers as they dive into long-abandoned mines to search for incredible wealth, lost treasures, dangerous monsters and bragging rights at the drinking hall. Be wary though, up to four teams set forth at once, and your greatest obstacle may be a fellow Dwarf with a different colored hat!

Delve Deeper is a Adventure/Strategy game which pits you against monsters as you and up to three rival teams build an ever-changing dungeon map and compete to pilfer its loot as quickly as possible.

[b]Game Features:[/b]
* Endlessly re-playable, fast and furious dungeon adventure meets devious tile-placement puzzler to generate a unique experience each time.
* Up to four players per map, each with a fully customized team of Dwarfs, commanded by your best friends or your hated nemesis, the Rival Dwarf AI.
* Gorgeous 2D pixel art graphics, fully animated characters, critters and combat.
* Quirky humor, with 100 uniquely named Relics to collect, dozens of themed rival dwarf teams, and the ever-present King of Dwarfs commending your success, lambasting your failure, and awarding you with snarky titles at the end of each match.***[media=youtube]MxZkcKlf9J4[/media]
Demon's Souls  Atlus USA;SCEI (From Software;SCE Japan Studio)2009 3ormoreplayers achillesheelfoes actionadventure adv-intermediary adv-static adv-xpdistr amoeboids ancientenemy apocalyptic attrbasedeq autosavepoints axes backstabbing backtracking bleak blindcreatures blocking bludgeons bodyarmor bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter bows breakmeter capacity-weight castle cave classless claws clergy cliff coffins colossi counterattacks crossbows cutsceneinvulnerability damageinfo damagetypes darkfantasy deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery deathpits demonicmenace demons depthoffield difficulty-single dilapidated dingy display-720p dodging dogs dolbydigital dragons dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric elevators elitemobs encounters-popup encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay energyitems environmentalcontact equipmentupgrades exploration explosiveobjects falldamage fallimpact fightfirewithfire fog fortress fragileprotagonist gargoyles genderchoice genderequipment giantgastropods gianthumanoids giantinsects giantmonsters giantworms glowingeyes grapplers hackandslash handandahalfweapons havokphysics healingitems heroprotagonist humanfacedcreatures immortalprotagonist insectoids interactivepurgatory interactivetriggers interrupting inventory invincibilityframes itemdurability itemglow karma karmiccreatures keys leveldrain leveldrain-permanent levelhub limitedcapacity lunatics magic magicrings mandatoryloss mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mindflayers mine monsters mp-cooperative mp-defunct mp-dropin mp-dropinpvp mp-lfg mp-versus multipleendings mystics newgameplus noclearobjectives nofailstate nohealthregen noinvpause nojumping nomodalpause nonlinear nontolkienian nopausefunction noports novoicechat npchealing npcspawning openclassing openpvp overburdening pain parrying phyreengine pinatacreatures platformexclusive playerbaseprogression polearms polyplopicenemies predefinedcontrols prison proprietarynetwork protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face pvpve quitsave randomnpchealth rating-esrb-m rating-grb-18 rating-pegi-16 rating-usk-16 ravens reanimators recallportal restingreset ruins save-opportunistic save-suspend savecopylock scenic shallowwater shields shopping shortcutopening sizeispower skeletons skywhales sorcery soularts souls souls-series soulslike spears spectres spiritualsuccessor splatter stamina stash statuseffects stealth subterranean suicideattackers swords tactical targetlock teleport teleporters thedestroyer thesoulless titlementioned toolbuffs tutorial undefinedelements unlimitedlives unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem vaulting wands weaponsweetspots weaponupgrades weather-persistent wetland willowisps xp-kills xp-objects yeoldeenglish dDemon's Souls promises to be the hardcore action RPG experience PS3 owners have been waiting for since the platform's launch. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Team up with two other players in simultaneous cooperative play, working together to topple some of the game's colossal bosses, or force your way into the games of skilled players and challenge them to PvP battle. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps; either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. PS3labelimagesubject
Descent To Undermountain  Interplay (Dragon Play)1997 adnd automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows charactercreation city clanguage classbased crates crossbows deceptivepackaging descent-engine dialog-sentences dnd doors dosextender dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elves falldamage forgottenrealms genderchoice halflings healingitems healingstations hotel illusionarywalls interlinkedlevels inventory invisiblewalls jewelry jumping knives kobolds ladders lockpicking magic magicartefacts map map-3d mapannotation medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters murinoids mystics neutralmonsters neutralnpcs potions predefinedcontrols protagonistnaming psychics quickkeys randomizedattributes resting safezone saveanywhere shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice stealth subterranean swords thrownweapons traps unarmedfighting uvl-tiein voiceovers weefolk zombies cLatest version: 1.3 (as of ?) MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Don't Look Back Kongregate (Distractionware)2009 pixelated predefinedcontrols short b1 Flashlabelimageminimize
Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale Atari;Deep Silver (Bedlam Games)2011 abilitycooldown achievements achievements-public axes bink bludgeons bodyarmor bows budget chosenone crossbows dark directx9 dnd dodging dwarves elves eviloverlord forgottenrealms gamespy goblins hackandslash halflings healingitems inorganics jewelry knives magicartefacts magicrings map medieval mine mp-campaign mp-cooperative mystics necklaces objectiveindicator obsoletedassets potions predefinedcontrols premadecharacters rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 reanimators rewardingvandalism sauroids shields skeletons sorcery stationaryattack staves steampowered steamworks subterranean supportnpcs swords temporarycompanions thrownweapons undead unlimitedammo uvl-tiein walking weefolk winvista winxp xp-kills dDungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale offers engaging "hack and slash" gameplay, bringing Dungeons & Dragons to life.

Travel to the Dalelands of the Forgotten Realms, where the journey begins in the remote Desertsmouth Mountains. From the sulfuric catacombs of the mines of Tethyamar, to the dizzying heights of the Tower of the Void, Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale delivers, action packed challenge that will satisfy the most seasoned of adventurers.

Key features:
* [b]Solo or Co-op Play[/b] – Whether you choose to do battle in the mines of Tethyamar or skirmish on the Tower of Rezlus, you can choose to fight solo or join with your friends. Four player online multiplayer, two player local.
* [b]Questing[/b] – Explore Daggerdale’s lore and mysteries to reveal an intriguing back story, mysterious characters, and a richly imagined world. Extended depth and experience reward the avid explorer.
* [b]Immersive Combat[/b] – Battle a wide range of enemies by engaging in intuitive pick-up-and-play melee, or try your hand at ranged combat.
* [b]Develop Your Character[/b] – Select a class, build your ultimate hero, collect loot, and earn experience! Select feats, powers, and skills to enhance and customize your hero as you level up.
* [b]Stunning Levels and Deep Exploration[/b] – A wide variety of perilous quests encourage you to explore Daggerdale’s richly detailed environments.
* [b]Authentic D&D Experience[/b] – The detailed world of the iconic Dungeons & Dragons franchise has been painstakingly recreated for a rich, complex, and thrilling game experience.
Every Day the Same Dream Molleindustria2009 dreams license-cc meaningfultitle nojumping predefinedcontrols short bA short existential game about alienation and refusal of labour. Or, if you prefer, a playable music video. Flashlabelimagesubject
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Atari (Behavior Studios)2011 3ormoreplayers achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes arenashooter aspectratio-16-9 beamweapons bossbattles cemetery chapterreplay chargingweapons city collectibles colorcodednpcs comiccutscenes contrasted directx9 earth elimination enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons ghostbusters ghosts group healthpickups hotel insaneasylum invisiblewalls letterbox monsters mp-cooperative mpfocus northamerica plasmaweapons powerups predefinedcontrols rating-esrb-e10 resuscitation revisitedlocales rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks rookieprotagonist score scoremultipliers sequence-turret sewers singledout steampowered steamworks suicideattackers traproom unlimitedammo urbanfantasy uvl-tiein walking x360pad aStrap on your proton packs for an all new ghostbusting adventure! Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime brings paranormal activity to PC Download! With 4 new playable characters and a whole new team of Ghostbusters, get ready for a fast-paced battle against the evil spirits that lurk in New York City to take down Dumazu the Destroyer!

Key features:
* Choose to play as any of the new Ghostbusters crew
* Immerse yourself in the fight against the paranormal – battle ghosts in sewer tunnels, cemeteries and more
* Gain new weapons to increase your ghostbusting gear
* Ride in the all new ECTO-4WD as you battle evil ghosts
* Combine weapon attacks with your teammates to increase the power of your attacks
* Up to 4 player co-op multiplayer
Ghosthunter  Namco;SCEE (SCEE Studio Cambridge)2003 1life achillesheelfoes arcanetechnology aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 astralprojection bossbattles capturing crocodilians death display-480p dolbyprologic2 dolbysurround energyweapons fallbackweapon falseending forest ghosts giantmonsters grenadelaunchers handguns hapticfeedback ingameintro ladders lawenforcerprotagonist mansion monsters noports paranormal precisionrifles predefinedcontrols saveanywhere school scrapyard sentientmachines shotguns undeadmenace uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking wetland widescreen d
[32]***GTIN: [code]711719649311[/code]

Product ID: [code]SCES-51463[/code]***History is alive with tales of ghosts, specters and phantoms whose anguished cries rarely escape to the mortal plane. And rarely are the living able to commune with the dead. A late-night disturbance call leads Lazarus Jones of the Detroit Police Department to an abandoned school, the site of a gruesome multiple murder some 10 years past. What should have been a routine visit becomes a disaster of supernatural proportions when hordes of malevolent, demonic spirits and tortured souls imprisoned for eons and lusting for vengeance are accidentally unleashed. Man-made weapons will barely keep the demons at bay; only through mastery of the paranormal will Jones be able to hunt down and capture the howling fiends before they destroy the world of the living.


* Nightmarish, suspenseful storyline and cinematic visuals unite with intense 1st and 3rd-person shooter combat for an action-horror experience of the highest caliber.
* Chilling haunted and hunting gameplay-stalk, battle and capture the vengeful spirits of the undead.
* Roam freely across a vast and sinister phantasmagorical landscape. Explore macabre locales like a clandestine research lab, a sunken ship and a demon-infested swamp.
* Arm yourself with a vast array of both earthly and paranormal weapons and items, from pistols and combat shotguns to ghost lassos, spirit capture grenades and spectral goggles.
* Feed off the power of your captured phantomsÑ-acquire supernatural abilities and summon helpful spirits to assist you in your quest.
* Innovative, player-guided puzzles and tense stealth sequences extend gameplay.
Haunted House Atari (ImagineEngline)2010 aspectratio-4-3 collectibles dark defenseless difficulty doors genderchoice ghosts haunting healingstations idlenoise keys lamp lamp-powered mansion mapdeficient mp-cooperative predefinedcontrols retrypoints safezone scavenging search titularlocale youngadultprotagonist a Windowslabelimageminimize
Mars: War Logs Focus Home Interactive (Spiders)2013 achievements achievements-public actionrpg adv-ptdistr blocking bludgeons combatanimals counterattacks coupdegrace cyberpunk damagetypes defensebreaking difficulty dingy directx9 dirtyfighting drm drm-activation enemyhealthdisplay extraterrestrial future fxaa group-leader improvisedweapons ingamecinematics interactivedialogs karma mars megacorps meleeweapons mutants mystics nailguns playerexposition predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu rogueprotagonist silkengine slowmotion sorcery ssao steampowered targetlock tasktracker technomagic temporarycompanions town troglodytes war winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills d Windowslabelimageminimize
Murdered: Soul Suspect Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Airtight Games)2014 amdtrueaudio apartmentbuilding backstabbing cemetery city city-salem-ma contemporaryfantasy crimefiction defenseless detectivemystery diaries directx11 earth eqaa femaleantagonist fxaa ghosts hdao hiding humblestore insaneasylum investigatorprotagonist lostsouls mansion massachusetts mediums mindreading monsters motionblur msaa museum northamerica paranormal possession predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 ruins smokes soundcues spectralprotagonist spectres ssao stealth stealth-sight steampowered teleporting temple unknownpast usa x86-64 dHE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all... their own murder.

When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer.

Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using his detective instinct and new-found supernatural abilities.

As Ronan, you have the freedom to explore the modern-day town of Salem: its New England-style wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.
[Steam Store]***Una aventura gráfica de carácter noir/policiaco, donde debes encontrar todas las pistas para resolver diversos casos e inferir muchas veces soluciones en ausencia de ellas, con un énfasis en la exploración que resulta muy gratificante.

Tiene además algunas fases de sigilo sencillas que le dan un poco de variedad, y pequeños elementos como el leer pensamientos o el poseer felinos confieren al juego un encanto único.

8 de 10
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Oddworld Inhabitants2010 abnormalammo achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure aimassist alienplanet ammotypes amoeboids arid autosavepoints avianoids bioluminescence bleepcensor bossbattles canyon capturing cave changinggoals charging constructionsite dam deathpits doors electricweapons enemyhealthdisplay envcombat explosiveobjects fallbackweapon fallimpact fictionaluniverse fofindicator forest healingdevice hugeforearms humanoidprotagonist humanoids interactivetriggers itemglow jumping ladders livingammo lostequipment mercenaryprotagonist midairjumping middleagedprotagonist minecarts moneybags monkeybars nofalldamage nohumans objectiveindicator oddworld outlaws planetaryromance predefinedcontrols radar rewardingvandalism river ruins saveanywhere scrapyard sequence-timed sewers shallowwater shopping speedbuildup stamina steampowered steamworks stunning subtitledeficient suicideattackers summery swimming telescope titularcharacter town turrets tutorial unarmedfighting walking western wildlife wintery cd4 Windowslabelimageminimize
Of Orcs and Men Focus Home Interactive (Cyanide;Spiders)2012 berserkers companion controlswitch difficulty dwarves elves empire fxaa goblinoidprotagonist goblins humanmenace magneticshoulders map meleeweapons orcs physx predefinedcontrols racism-speciesism rebellion silkengine solomission ssao stealth stealthmode steampowered walking warriorprotagonist weefolk d Windowslabelimageminimize
Pound of Ground Bohemia Interactive (Centauri Production)2010 afterburner arid autorun bludgeons canines compass coupdegrace cpplanguage deathbarriers demo driving earth encounters-popup fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms maleprotagonist map minimap nonsense northamerica paidkilling predefinedcontrols reload-manual rural sequence-escape sequence-timed trampling upgradesystem walking zombies dPound of Ground, story driven crazy shoot 'em up with red car and LOTS of zombies.

The game combines action elements - a wide range of advanced weapons, fights with various bosses and spectacular, endless battles with the crowds of the undead - with a gripping story full of unexpected disclosures and peculiar characters.

Key features:
* A well-written story full of turns of events; it's mainly about putting things right, about love and ultimately about saving the whole city
* Duels with variously designed bosses, but also with the crowds of undead enemies
* Scenes from 'behind the shut curtain' that add flavour and humour to the story
* A number of different tasks ensures extended and variegated playability
* Unique gameplay elements
Renegade Ops Sega (Avalanche Studios)2011 achillesheelfoes africa arid armoredcar autozoom buggy captives chargingweapons compositefoes deathpenalty depthoffield destructibleenvironment difficulty directx10 earth eviloverlord explosiveobjects fallbackweapon falldamage flamethrowers flipresistance fmod havokphysics healthpickups heathaze helicopter helicopters independentaim leveluprestoration lives machineguns map mine mp-cooperative nonlinear playerexposition powerups predefinedcontrols quicktimeevent radiotap raknet rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 recurringopponent rockets score scoremultipliers sequence-chase sequence-escape sequence-timed slavery superheavyvehicles tanks trains trampling tropic twinstickshooter upgradesystem vehicularcombat winvista x360pad xinput aDestruction just got awesome.

In Renegade Ops you must defeat Inferno, a madman intent on global domination. Destroy enemies across a range of stunning environments using a wide variety of vehicles. Players have the choice to fight alone in single player mode, team up offline with two-player split screen or join the dynamic 4-player online co-op experience. Blast your way through enemy lines by working together, or compete for achievements as you and your friends aim to top the online leader boards.

* Single player campaign across varied, luscious levels
* Four playable vehicles each with unique special weapons
* Two player split-screen co-operative play
* Up to four player online competitive co-op
* Level up your character to increase your weaponry
* Fight to top online leaderboards
Rochard Recoil Games2011 bloodless bodyslamming caricature casino chapterreplay chapters civilianprotagonist cliffhanger collectibles crystals elevators explosives-sticky extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact forcefields gimmick gravitycontrol grenadelaunchers gunclubbing healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning independentaim instantkillers jumping killingblow ladders lamp lawenforcers low-g mine npcdeflection oldskoolsurveillance outlaws overheating pawn physics powerthrow predefinedcontrols pseudo3d remotedetonators robots ropeswinging screenshake secrets spacefaringage spacestation steampowered titularcharacter undefinedelements unity-engine visualizedtrajectory walking bGrab a G-Lifter - your new best friend! Use it to change gravity at will, manipulate the environment, and throw huge crates at your enemies.

Join the amazing exploits of astro-miner John Rochard and embark on a gravity-bending journey across the Solar System! Rochard is an award-winning side-scroller featuring hours of mind-blowing gravity gameplay, puzzle-solving and action. Narrated in a humorous cartoony style, Rochard tells a thrilling story of villains, a damsel in distress and a mysterious alien civilization.

Key Features:
* 5 long Chapters crammed with fast-paced platforming action and mind-bending puzzles based on gravity
* A beautifully crafted cartoonish visual style, rich with humor and personality
* Incredible items able to influence gravity and grab, swing and throw objects to solve puzzles or get rid of enemies
* A groovy soundtrack composed by Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen from Poets of the Fall, mixing southern rock/blues and 80′s inspired electronic music
* The legendary performance of Jon St. John as the voice of protagonist John Rochard
* The most advanced use of the Unity engine in a video game
Rochard Recoil Games2012 bloodless bodyslamming caricature casino chapterreplay chapters civilianprotagonist cliffhanger collectibles commercial crystals download elevators explosives-sticky extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact forcefields gimmick gravitycontrol grenadelaunchers gunclubbing healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning humblebundle independentaim instantkillers jumping killingblow ladders lamp lawenforcers license-crossplatform license-proprietary low-g lutris mine nodrm npcdeflection oldskoolsurveillance outlaws overheating pawn physics powerthrow predefinedcontrols pseudo3d remotedetonators robots ropeswinging screenshake secrets spacefaringage spacestation steampowered titularcharacter ubuntu undefinedelements unity-engine visualizedtrajectory walking b Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Rochard: Hard Times Recoil Games2012 bloodless bodyslamming caricature casino chapterreplay chapters civilianprotagonist cliffhanger collectibles commercial crystals download elevators explosives-sticky extraterrestrial fallbackweapon fallimpact forcefields gamersgate gimmick gravitycontrol grenadelaunchers gunclubbing healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning humblebundle independentaim instantkillers jumping killingblow ladders lamp langbrazil-port lawenforcers license-crossplatform license-proprietary low-g mine nodrm npcdeflection oldskoolsurveillance outlaws overheating pawn physics powerthrow predefinedcontrols pseudo3d remotedetonators robots ropeswinging screenshake secrets spacefaringage spacestation steampowered titularcharacter ubuntu undefinedelements unity-engine visualizedtrajectory walking b Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Sacred: Citadel Deep Silver (Southend)2013 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr axes beltscroller blocking blocktiming bludgeons bossbattles bossmeter chapterreplay chapters chargedattack classbased combatanimals combobonuses combomoves damageinfo directx9 dodging enemyhealthdisplay fatties gianthumanoids giants hammerspace healingitems healthdrops healthpickups jumping levelselection lightrpg loot-random magic meleeweapons midairjumping mine minibosses mp-campaign mp-cooperative mpfocus nofriendlyfire obsoletedassets predefinedcontrols rage rewardingvandalism riding sacred-series score screenshake shopping slowmotion sorcery splatter steampowered stunlock sweepingstrikes swords titlementioned town unusualmounts walking winvista x360pad xp-kills bUn quiero y no puedo: pretende ser un juego de beat'em up de corte clásico pero muchos de sus elementos evitan esto:
-Unas paradas por argumento poco logradas.
-Una falta de sensación profundidad que mata su jugabilidad (es imposible saber muchas veces si estás en línea con los enemigos)
-Un soporte para varios jugadores que falla como una escopeta de feria.

Destaco de todas formas una IA muy lograda y agresiva, que te sorprende con facilidad.

4 de 10***Sharpen your axe, string your bow, brew your potions! Ancaria needs heroes like you. Grab your friends to join the resistance!

The once peaceful land of Ancaria is in grave danger. The evil Ashen empire has enslaved its population and is using the orc-like Grimmoc to wipe out the Seraphim, who swore to protect it. In order to defeat the empire you will have to prove yourself as a warrior by riding terrifying mounts, acquiring earth shattering skills and looting powerful weapons and valuable treasures. Grab your friends and join the resistance!
Stonekeep Interplay (Interplay Productions)1995 bludgeons bombs book bows capacity-unlimited castle cdrom chatter chosenone clanguage classless devsyslost difficulty-single digitizedvideo disguisedtriggers divinemenace doors dosextender dragons dragons-western dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dwarves elves energystations eviloverlord faerierealm fantasyworld fictionaluniverse giantants giantinsects gifting goblins gridmove healingitems healingstations humanoids illusionarywalls inbuilttraps indoors inventory keys knives liveactors magic magic-sigils mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons metaabilities mystics noenergyregen noports notebook npcfleeing npchealing npcinventory paperdoll polearms powerfoci predefinedcontrols premadeprotagonist projectilerecovery puzzles rewardingvandalism rp-levelless secrets serious sorcery spelldesigning sprites stonekeep-series subterranean subterraneanrealm subtitledeficient swords temporarycompanions thrownweapons title-static titularlocale trash voiceovers voiceovers-full walking wands weefolk xp-literal cLatest version: 1.2 (as of ?)***[b]sorcery[/b] - requires a magic staff onto which you inscribe combinations of magic runes that produce various effects, modified by meta runes and so forth (in the tag's grey area)

--- averted
ambidextrous - has no significant gameplay effect. simply determines which mouse button activates it and which hand on the screen uses it. ergo, this is primarily a graphical gimmick. no way to swap handedness without dragging and dropping the tools between hands.***The scan of the box art is flawed only because my scanner can't really scan the hologram on it (I'm not sure any scanner can). You can see this rainbowy thing behind and around the front skeleton and another skeleton in the rainbow, but in reality it should be silvery/chrome-white and the second skeleton barely visible.***Immerse yourself in an epic experience more powerful and realistic than anything you've imagined. Using innovative new technology, Stonekeep draws you into its dark reaches so completely you'll forget it's just a game. Your feet will walk the ancient corridors. Your hands will wield weapons of metal and magic. You'll battle disembodied foes, rescue your allies from evil, liberate a massive dragon from bondage and discover an experience more realistic than anything you've ever imagined. Step into the mystery of Stonekeep and begin a quest through dark corridors, treacherous sewers and subterranean realms of faeries, magic and the living dead. You'll discover a world where darkness reigns and where you become part of a detailed story line that unfolds to your commands. Defeat evil, reclaim your immortal soul and experience the adventure that is Stonekeep.

Concentrate on the experience, not the computer

* An epic production, Stonekeep is the result of nearly 30 man-years for a dedicated team of producers, designers, programmers, artists and other professionals.
* Hollywood special effects, state-of-the art sound effects and music, expert scriptwriting and stunning live action cinematic sequences... Stonekeep is an experience like nothing you have ever seen.
* 3-D rendered dungeons and creatures combine with live actors and amazing special effects to produce a game play environment of unparalled realism.
* Full-Screen graphics let you truly feel the full intensity of your quest. Without distracting menus and icons, you can conctentrate on the experience, not the keyboard.
* An intelligent Diary accompanies you in your travels, automatically mapping where you've been, the characters you've encountered and important clues you may have heard.
* Includes the first chapter in the Stonekeep saga - Thera Awakening, a limited edition hardbound novella from Steve Jackson and David Pulver.
[Box blurb]***The game came bundled with a small novella, Thera Awakening, coauthored by Steve Jackson and David Pulver.
Super Meat Boy  Team Meat2010 aircontrol argevent aspectratio-16-9 bossbattles cartoonviolence deadlydecor deadlysides deathpits did disappearingplatforms epicgamesstore ghostrace humblebundle letterbox leveleditor nonhumanprotagonist nonstandardcontroller precisionplatformer predefinedcontrols rating-esrb-t replays rescue score singlecontroller supermeatboy surreal titularcharacter ugc unlockable-characters walljumping x360pad bUn plataformas tan frenético como difícil, para los amantes de los récords y las cronos.

Muy recomendable.


8 de 10***Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a tux.

Our meaty hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves and pools of old needles. Sacrificing his own well being to save his damsel in distress. Super Meat Boy brings the old school difficulty of classic NES titles like Mega Man 2, Ghost and Goblins and Super Mario Bros. 2 (The Japanese one) and stream lines them down to the essential no BS straight forward twitch reflex platforming.

Ramping up in difficulty from hard to soul crushing SMB will drag Meat boy though haunted hospitals, salt factories and even hell itself. And if 100+ single player levels weren't enough SMB also throws in multiplayer game modes, a level editor and tons of unlock able secrets, warp zones and hidden characters.

* Story mode, featuring over 205 levels spanning 5 chapters
* Vs mode for 2-4 players
* Collectible Medals and Bandages
* Warp zones that will warp you into other games
* Over 20 unlock able and playable characters from popular indie titles such as, Braid, Bit.Trip and Alien Hominid
* Epic Boss fights
* Full Level Editor
* A story so moving you will cry yourself to sleep for the rest of your life
Super Sanctum TD Coffee Stain Studios2013 activeabilityset difficulty indie levelselection opponentpreview paidkilling predefinedcontrols priorities respec retro sanctum-series staticresolution steampowered supportpowers towerdefense tutorial upgradesystem waves windowed aUn juego tower defense bastante anodino.

Además no dispone de modo pantalla completa.


3 de 10
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri  Virgin Interactive Entertainment (Looking Glass Technologies)1996 1life 2320s 24thcentury aimdeadzone beamweapons cdrom compass cpu-586 customengine difficulty difficulty-ingame energyregen energyweapons facelessprotagonist fallbackweapon firstpersonshooter group group-leader inertscenery intermissions jumppack militantprotagonist militaryfiction minimap missionbased nofalldamage noports powerarmor predefinedcontrols qsound raiders rating-esrb-t remotecamera serious smokegrenades tactical targetlock tutorial visionmodes cSupports resolutions 320x200 and 320x400, the latter is horizontally stretched to virtual 640x400 in all compliant displays. MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri  Night Dive Studios (Looking Glass Studios)2015 1life 2320s 24thcentury aimdeadzone beamweapons compass difficulty difficulty-ingame energyregen energyweapons facelessprotagonist fallbackweapon firstpersonshooter gog group group-leader inertscenery intermissions jumppack militantprotagonist militaryfiction minimap missionbased nofalldamage nonnative powerarmor predefinedcontrols qsound raiders remotecamera serious smokegrenades tactical targetlock tutorial visionmodes c Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
The Flame in the Flood The Molasses Flood2016 alphafunding ambienttemperature animals autumnal backtrackingdenied bows capacity-slots circadiancycle companion crafting crowdfunded disease draganddrop dynamicweather earth fatigue femaleprotagonist gog humblestore humblewidget hunger hypothermia injuries insects inventory island lamp limitedcapacity lowpoly mapgenerator permadeath postsocietal predefinedcontrols premadeprotagonist rafting rapid ravens recipes resting river roguelite ruins scavenging shallowwater snakes soundtrack splatter steampowered stylized thirst trapping usagereporting vaguedate walking wetting wildboars wilderness wildlife wolves x360pad a Windowslabelminimizeminimize
The Incredible Hulk  Sega (Edge of Reality)2008 adv-deeds adv-progress antiheroprotagonist blocking bossbattles chargedattack city-newyork-ny comic criware destructibleenvironment directx9 dvd fmod giantrobots havokphysics healthregen hulk hypermuscles island marvel minigames minimap movie mutablescenery-fixtures mutablescenery-large mutantprotagonist mutants nofalldamage openworld powerthrow predefinedcontrols radar robots sequence-defend shadermodel2 shields superhero-theme superpower-theme superpowers superstrength titularcharacter unarmedfighting wallclimbing wallclinging win2k winxp xp-kills xp-multi d[b]shields[/b] - the huge chunks of concrete work like this.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 2 GHz CPU w/ SSE
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* 2 GB HD space
Transformers: War for Cybertron Activision (High Moon Studios)2010 3ormoreplayers achillesheelfoes aircontrol alternatingprotagonist ammowarning autosavepoints bossbattles chapters chargingweapons civilwar cloakednpcs colossi crystals cybertron darkisevil deathpits difficulty elevators energyweapons eviloverlord extraterrestrial fanservice-tech giantrobots grenades guidedweapons healthpickups jumping lostequipment machinecivilization machineworld meleeweapons midairjumping minibosses mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival multipleperspectives mutagen nofalldamage nohumans nplayers openended otherworld perspectiveflip physx precisionrifles predefinedcontrols premadecharacters prison proprietarynetwork rating-esrb-t reload-auto reload-manual resuscitation robotprotagonist robots rockets sentientmachines shotguns singledout spacestation stupidevil subway technology-theme transformers unrealengine3 unwieldyweapons uselessallies uvl-tiein walking war d Windowslabelimageminimize
Warp EA Partners (Trapdoor)2012 alienprotagonist antimagiczones autosavepoints bossbattles canadamediafund challenges decoys drm drm-login drm-online ea-origin gibs grotesque humanmenace instantdeath juggernauts keyboard mundanedangers predefinedcontrols pressureplates puzzlebosses rating-pegi-18 researchfacility retrypoints scientists sequence-escape serialkey singlecontroller soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered telefrag teleport teleporting undefinedelements upgradesystem visiblelasers x360pad aWarp™ is a strategic stealth-action puzzler where gamers play as Zero, a loveable yet lethal, little orange alien with a big score to settle. Abducted by a villainous General from his home world and taken to an underwater research facility, Zero must plan his ultimate escape by relying on his arsenal of special abilities. Windowslabelimagesubject
Warp EA Partners (Trapdoor)2012 alienprotagonist antimagiczones canadamediafund challenges grotesque humanmenace instantdeath mundanedangers predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 retrypoints sequence-escape splatter telefrag teleport teleporting undefinedelements a X360labelminimizeminimize
Warp EA Partners (Trapdoor)2012 alienprotagonist antimagiczones canadamediafund challenges grotesque humanmenace instantdeath mundanedangers predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 retrypoints sequence-escape splatter teleport teleporting undefinedelements a PS3labelminimizeminimize
World of Tanks Wargaming.net2016 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-acb-pg rating-cero-a rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xml acd4 PS4labelimageminimize
World of Tanks  Wargaming.net2010 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo decoupledresolution delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mixedresolution mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xml acd4Battle tank combat with World War 2 era and later tanks, roughly from 1930s to 1950s period.***Tags no longer applicable: (only valid for older versions)
* invisible walls (removed with 8.0 version as physics engine was updated)***[b]USSR:[/b]
Light tanks: MS-1, BT-2, T-26, BT-7, T-46, A-20
Medium tanks: T-28, T-34, T-34-85, T-43, T-44
Heavy tanks: KV, KV-1S, KV-3, IS, IS-3, IS-4, IS-7
Tank destroyers: AT-1, SU-76, SU-85B, SU-85, SU-100, SU-152, ISU-152
SPGs: SU-18, SU-26, SU-5, SU-8, S-51, SU-14
Premium*: M3 Stuart, Valentine, A-32, Churchill, KV-220, Matilda

Light tanks: Leichttraktor, PzKpfw 35 (t), PzKpfw II, PzKpfw 38 (t), PzKpfw II Luchs, PzKpfw III Ausf. A, VK 1602 Leopard
Medium tanks: PzKpfw III, PzKpfw III/IV, PzKpfw IV, VK 3001 (H), VK 3001 (P), VK 3601 (H), VK 3002 (DB), PzKpfw V Panther
Heavy tanks: PzKpfw VI Tiger, PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B, Maus
Tank destroyers: Panzerjäger I, Marder II, Hetzer, StuG III, JagdPz IV, Jagdpanther, Ferdinand, Jagdtiger
SPGs: Sturmpanzer I Bison, Sturmpanzer II, Wespe, Grille, Hummel
Premium*: PzKpfw 38H735 (f), PzKpfw B2 740(f), PzKpfw S35 739 (f), PzKpfw V-IV, PzKpfw V-IV Alpha

Light tanks: T1 Cunningham, M2 Light Tank, M3 Stuart, M5 Stuart
Medium tanks: T2 Medium Tank, M2 Medium Tank, M3 Lee, M4 Sherman, M7, M4A3E8 Sherman, T20, T23
Heavy tanks: T1 Heavy, M6, T29, T32, T34, T30
SPGs: T57, M37, M7 Priest, M41
Premium*: T2 Light Tank, Ram-II, T-14

* only available with microtransactions and are outside of the tech tree***[b]World of Tanks[/b] is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, and the Soviet Union, carefully detailed with historical accuracy.

A flexible system of authentic vehicle upgrade and development allows you to try any of the vehicles and weapons in the game. Whether you prefer to exhaust your foes with fast and maneuverable light tanks, make deep breaches in enemy lines with all-purpose medium tanks, use the force of giant tanks to eliminate opposing armored forces, or become a heavy sniper with long-range howitzers, each unit type has its own advantages and can be extremely effective when operated by a true tank ace.

But being a great tank commander alone isn't enough to win! In the World of Tanks, it’s all about teamwork. Victory is achieved by combining your combat skills with those of the other members of your team, each playing their own role on the battlefield. Just add your favorite strategy to build your own iron empire and manifest the indisputable authority of the tank power!

[b]The Ultimate Armored Warfare Experience[/b]
Dive into intense tank-on-tank combat to enjoy an amazing new battlefield experience with a balance of multiple genres. A unique blend of these "ingredients," supported by top-notch graphics and stunning audiovisual effects, provides endless challenge and excitement.

[b]Simulator[/b]. Authentic models and vehicle characteristics make you feel like a real tank commander taking part in a furious armored offensive.
[b]RPG[/b]. Your armored steed isn't just a tin can on tracks - it’s a living, evolving mechanism that should be treated accordingly. Research your available upgrades and modifications to enhance its performance on the battlefield.
[b]Action[/b]. Take part in joint operations to spot, track, and destroy enemy units and engage in head-to-head duels where your speed and reaction time is as important as in any co-op shooter.
[b]Strategy[/b]. There’s only one simple rule to follow - don't be a hero. Rally your comrades to devise a battle plan and assign roles, then move out and defeat your enemy on the field of honor.

[b]Dynamic Combat System[/b]
New players jump into battle in less than a minute to take part in short, decisive combat actions designed to ensure fast and action-oriented warfare. As you are thrown onto the battlefield, you must be bold, decisive, and flexible to succeed in the maelstrom of iron and fire.

[b]Epic Tank Clashes[/b]
Intense battles with up to 60 combat vehicles unfold on enormous and detailed battlefields featuring a variety of terrain from open fields with hills and forests to deserts and industrial zones. The terrain offers a wide scope for tactical decisions from aggressive fast-paced thrusts to elaborate flanking operations and diversionary attacks.

[b]Deep Squad-based Gameplay[/b]
Out to conquer the world? Then our highly addictive squad-based gameplay is your ultimate goal. Countless new lands and territories let you show off your teamwork - the key to victory. The distribution and timely accomplishment of tasks and objectives within your squad gives you a critical advantage over your disorganized rivals.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 2 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 GT GPU
* 2 GB HD Space
* 128 Kbps (16 KB/s) internet connection

* 3 GHz CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8600 GT

* 3 GHz dual-core CPU
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 9800 GPU
* 1024 Kbps (128 KB/s) internet connection
World of Tanks  Wargaming.net2015 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xblm xml acd4 Xbox Onelabelimageminimize
World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition Microsoft Game Studios ( 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-acb-pg rating-cero-a rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xml acd4 X360labelimageminimize
Zombie Hunters  D3 Publisher;505 Game Street (Tamsoft)2005 21stcentury actionadventure adv-ptdistr alone blood-motif bossbattles budget city city-tokyo-jp difficulty dismemberment dodging fanservice femaleprotagonist gore hackandslash jumping keys knockback knockup loot-random meleeweapons midairjumping midastouch noports objectiveindicator onechanbara predefinedcontrols radar rage revenge savepoints simple2000 splatter staining swords traproom undead undeadmenace undefinedelements walking warriorprotagonist xp-kills zombieapocalypse zombies d"Zombie Hunters" is the same version of the "Zombie Zone" with some extras like being able to handle Aya's sister, Saki, or Riho and Makoto Futaba as well as a few extra costumes for each character.***The only challenge this game offers are when you enter berserker rage and start losing your health constantly. This either means you have to use an item that comes in limited supply to dispel it or find a statue that cures the state. Otherwise this is plain and simple hack&slash with nothing to interest you (unless watching a girl hack zombies for hours is entertaining to you), and there doesn't seem to be much story either to invigorate any interest.

Berserk mode is entered when the rage meter maxes out, this is tied to how bloody your character gets. Although you can clean your sword whenever you want, this has little effect on how bloody you yourself are. Extremely bloody sword has a habit of getting stuck in enemies and cleaning it only serves to avoid this. There are only few ways to counter berserk mode, avoiding getting blood on you (avoid fights that aren't necessary, though there aren't many), clean yourself as often as possible (happens automatically near certain statues), and using certain one-shot items that clear your rage meter. Neither the statues nor the items are very abundant, so this is actually the most pressing problem you have in the game. Enemies also occasionally drop red orbs that boost the rage meter significantly. You can completely avoid berserk mode by kicking everyone to death, but this is extremely slow compared to slashing them up with your sword.
Zone of the Enders  Konami2001 22ndcentury childprotagonist childsoldiers city difficulty energyshields energyweapons extraterrestrial fallbackweapon future guidedweapons guidedweapons-lock hammerspace healthpickups hoverflight jupiter meatshield mecha meleeweapons otherworld predefinedcontrols savepoints serious spacefaringage spacestation swarmweapons swords targetlock tutorial uselessadults uvl-missingimages voiceovers volleyweapons zoe-series d"A colony hijack!? You're our last hope!" - A dramatic action adventure game in which you feel and experience the spectacular story while fighting the enemy in space with Jehuty -- a gigantic humanoid weapon "orbital frame". Can you save the space colony from the terrorist hijackers? PS2labelimagesubject