showing 28 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearauthor(s)platform
America's Army  U.S. Army2002 Windowslabelimageminimize
America's Army: Operations  U.S. Army2003 Linuxlabelminimizesubject
America's Army: Special Forces U.S. Army2003 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Battlefield Heroes  Electronic Arts (EA Digital Illusions CE)2009 Windowslabelimageminimize
Call of Duty 2  Activision (Infinity Ward)2005 Windowslabelimagesubject
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  Activision (Infinity Ward)2007 Windowslabelimageminimize
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  Aspyr Media (Infinity Ward)2008 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Call of Duty: World at War  Activision Blizzard (Treyarch)2008 Windowslabelimageminimize
Crysis  EA Partners (Crytek)2007Inon Zur (music)
DeFRaG  DeFRaG team2000BeRsErKeR (additional coding)
Camping Zambrzycki[Gaz Piotr][CGaz] (additional coding)
cgg[Cyril Gantin] (programmer)
Firestarter (additional coding)
Ian McGinnis (additional coding)
m00m1n[Cliff Rowley] (programmer)
Ozone-Junkie[John Mason] (programmer)
w3sp (additional coding)
Far Cry 2  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montréal)2008 Windowslabelimagesubject
Frontlines: Fuel of War  THQ (Kaos Studios)2008 Windowslabelimagesubject
Ghost Recon Phantoms  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Singapore)2014 Windowslabelimageminimize
Medal of Honor: Airborne  EA Los Angeles (Electronic Arts)2007Rex Dickson
Prey icculus.org2008Ryan C. Gordon (programmer)
Prey  2K Games (Human Head Studios)2006 Windowslabelimagesubject
Quake 4 Activision;1C Company;Bethesda Softworks (Raven Software;id Software)2005[id Software: doom3 engine and assistance]
[Raven Software]
Aaron Bahr (programmer)
Allison Salmon (programmer)
Andre Sogliuzzo (voice actor)
Andre Ware (voice actor)
Andrew Trabbold (artist)
Andrew Weldon (level designer)
Anthony Whitaker (programmer)
Arnie Swekel (artist)
Aurelio Reis (programmer)
Bob Love (writer)
Bobby Duncanson (motion capture lead)
Bryan Dube (programmer)
Caryn Law (artist)
Chad Bordwell (level designer)
Charles Napier (voice actor)
Chris Vrenna (theme music producer)
Christian Antkow (sound designer)
Clint Walsh (theme music composer)
Corey Peters (level designer)
Danny Cooksey (voice actor)
Dave Earnest (voice actor)
David Dynerman (programmer)
David Gulisano (animator)
Derrick Hammond (artist)
Dimitri Diatchenko (voice actor)
Djordje Cakovan (artist)
Dwight Luetscher (programmer)
editing and post)
editing and post)
Ford Dye (level designer)
Fred Hooper (assistant lead artist)
Greg Eagles (voice actor)
Gretchen Carlson (programmer)
Isaac Owens (artist)
James Monroe (programmer)
James Singer (programmer)
Jan Paul van Waveren (programmer)
Jeff Dischler (programmer)
Jeff Newquist (lead programmer)
Jerry Ashworth (motion capture)
Jerry Keehan (designer)
Jim Hughes (lead designer)
Jim Shepard (programmer)
John J. Scott (programmer)
Kat Cressida (voice actor)
Ken Banks (level designer)
Kenneth Scott (artist)
Kevin Schilder (audio lead)
Khary Payton (voice actor)
Kim Lathrop (artist)
Kurt Richards (artist)
Mal Blackwell (designer)
Marcus Whitlock (programmer)
Margaret Tang (voice casting)
Margaret Tang (voice directing)
Matt Breit (level designer)
Matt Vainio (artist)
Michael Chang Gummelt (programmer)
Michael Egnew (animator)
Michael Ekberg (programmer)
Michael Gannon (voice actor)
Michael Pleva (assistant lead animator)
Michael Renner (level designer)
Mike Majernik (level designer)
Nathan Rausch (programmer)
Nichol Norman (artist)
Nick Maggiore (animator)
Patrick Williams (level designer)
Paul Richards (artist)
Peter Stormare (voice actor)
Phil La Marr (voice actor)
pilot VO)
Rick Johnson (lead programmer)
Rik Schaffer (voiceover recording)
Robert Bettenberg (level designer)
Robert Duffy (programmer)
Roger Cordes (level designer)
Scott McNutt (level designer)
Simon Mills (artist)
Steven Jay Blum (voice actor)
Timothee Besset (programmer)
Wally Wingert (voice actor)
Womb Music (voice casting)
Womb Music (voice directing)
Womb Music (voiceover recording)
Zachary Quarles (audio lead)
Quake III: Arena  ?2006 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
Quake III: Arena  Loki Software;Virgin Interactive (id software)1999Graeme Devine
Quake III: Arena  Loki Software;Virgin Interactive (id software)1999Graeme Devine
Rainbow Six: Lockdown  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal;Red Storm Entertainment)2006Kelli Washburn Davis (quality assurance)
Rainbow Six: Vegas 2  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal Studios)2008 Windowslabelimageminimize
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad  Tripwire Interactive;1C Company (Tripwire Interactive)2011 Windowslabelimagesubject
Return to Castle Wolfenstein  Activision (Gray Matter Interactive Studios;Nerve Software;id Software)2001'The Bakery' (sound design)
Aaron Smith (art)
Aaron Smith (design)
Activision Credits:
Activision France Credits:
Activision Germany Credits:
Activision UK Credits:
Adam Tourkow (tester)
Adam Tourkow (tester)
Al Shier (film coordinator producer)
Alex Roha (installer programmer)
Antoine Seux (sales manager)
Antoine Seux (localisation)
Arbel Rom (tester)
Arbel Rom (tester)
Asier Lavina (animator)
Atlantis Group (voices recording)
B. J. Ward (voice actress)
B. J. Ward (helga)
B. J. Ward (female #1)
Belinda Van Sickle (writer)
Bernard Sizey (marketing director)
Bernard Sizey (localisation)
Bernd Reinartz (pr-manager)
Bernd Reinartz (localisation)
Bill Brown (music composer)
Bill Brown (composer)
Blur Studios Credits:
Bob McPherson (quality assurance manager)
Bob McPherson (customer support)
Bob McPherson (quality assurance manager)
Bob McPherson (customer support)
Brad Carraway (accosiate brand manager)
Brad Saavedra (code release group)
Brad Saavedra (code release group)
Brandon Davis (animator)
Brandon Jame (president)
Brandon Jame (game director)
Brelan Duff (production tester)
Brendan Johnson (tester)
Brendan Johnson (tester)
Brian Patenaude (art)
Brian Patenaude (design)
Brian Simpson (mocap actor)
Cam Clarke (voice actor)
Cam Clarke (german #4)
Caryn Law (online evangelist)
Chad Bordwell (scripting)
Charles Napier (voice actor)
Charles Napier (murphy)
Chris Keim (quality assurance network)
Chris Keim (network)
Chris Wagener (tester)
Chris Wagener (quality assurance floor lead)
Chris Wagener (tester)
Christian Cummings (vice president)
Christian Cummings (content director)
Claire Praderie (texture artist)
Clay Mottern (special operations consultants)
Corky Lehmkuhl (character artist)
Craig Mullins (installer illustrator)
Da'love Thomas (tester)
Da'love Thomas (tester)
Dan Koppel (technical design lead)
Danelle Folta (mocap actress)
Darin McNeil (senior engineer)
David Kelvin (level designer)
David Stinnett (animator)
Derron Ross (animator)
Diane De Domecy (pr manager)
Diane De Domecy (localisation)
DL Multimedia (spanish localisation)
Dominique Drozdz (animator)
Drew Markham (director)
Drew Markham (voice actor)
Drew Markham (german #1)
Drew Patterson (installer scripting)
Dusty Welch (senior director)
Ed Lee (concept art)
Effective Media GmbH (localisation)
Eric Zimmerman (night crew lead)
Eric Zimmerman (night crew lead)
Evan Button (tester)
Evan Button (tester)
ExeQuo (localisation france)
FOCUS2 (package design)
Gaille Heideman (voice actress)
Gaille Heideman (female #2)
Garrett Oshiro (tester)
Garrett Oshiro (tester)
Gautier Ormancey (marketing assistant)
Gautier Ormancey (localisation)
Glenn Gregory (tester)
Glenn Gregory (tester)
Glenn Vistante (quality assurance project lead)
Global Brand Management Credits:
Gray Matter Interactive Studios Credits:
Greg Goodrich (executive producer)
Guillaume Lairan (brand manager)
Guillaume Lairan (localisation)
Heather Clarke (european operations manager)
Heather Clarke (localisation)
IGNITED MINDS (manual layout)
Jackie Whale (creative services manager)
Jackie Whale (localisation)
James Alcroft (voice actor)
James Alcroft (jack)
James M. Ward (voice actor)
James M. Ward (german #3)
Jane Lee (tester)
Jane Lee (tester)
Jason Hoover (models)
Jason Hoover (animation)
Jay Anthony Franke (quality assurance project lead)
Jay Brushwood (art)
Jay Brushwood (design)
Jay Sosnicki (tester)
Jay Sosnicki (tester)
Jeff Weisend (animator)
Jeffry Moxley (tester)
Jeffry Moxley (tester)
Jeremy Cook (cg supervisor)
Jeremy G. Evangelista (tester)
Jeremy G. Evangelista (tester)
Jeremy Luyties (scripting)
Jesse Shannon (tester)
Jesse Shannon (tester)
Jim Hudson (localizations associate producer)
Joe Waters (technical director)
John Bunt (motion capture)
John Sweeney (tester)
John Sweeney (tester)
John Turner (content director)
Jonathan Cook (voice actor)
Jonathan Cook (heinrich)
Jonathan Moses (producer)
Joram Manka (tester)
Joram Manka (tester)
Joseph Aurill (additional programming)
Josh Jay (art)
Josh Jay (design)
Juan Valdes (quality assurance senior project lead)
Kenney Hartman (tester)
Kenney Hartman (tester)
Kevin Kraff (brand manager)
Kevin Vance (special operations consultants)
Kirby Miller (animator)
Kirk Kosinski (tester)
Kirk Kosinski (tester)
Kris Zimmerman (casting director)
Kurt Guitierrez (tester)
Kurt Gutierrez (tester)
Laird M. Malamed (senior executive producer)
Lynne Moss (production planner)
Lynne Moss (localisation)
Mal Blackwell (additional level design)
Mark Lamia (vice-president north american studios)
Mark Yao (tester)
Mark Yao (tester)
Marlon Nowe (animator)
Matt McClure (quality assurance senior project lead)
Matthew Beal (production tester)
Max Yoshikawa (controller)
Michael Beck (tester)
Michael Beck (tester)
Michael Denny (scripting)
Michael Hand (legal)
Michael Maxx Kaufman (art direction)
Michael Sparks (tester)
Michael Sparks (tester)
Michelle Nino (director)
Michelle Nino (corporate communications)
Mihai Pohontu (tester)
Mihai Pohontu (tester)
Mike Larson (senior publicist)
Mike Wale (tester)
Mike Wale (tester)
Miscellaneous credits:
Nathalia Dove (head of publishing services)
Nathalia Dove (localization)
Nathaniel McClure (tester)
Neil Barizo (quality assurance compatibility)
Neil Barizo (compatibility)
Neil Ross (voice actor)
Neil Ross (higgs)
Neil Ross (german #2)
Nerve Software Credits:
Paul Taylor (lead animator)
Paul Williams (tester)
Paul Williams (tester)
Peter Beal (tester)
Peter Beal (tester)
Peter Renaday (voice actor)
Peter Renaday (monk)
Project Synthesis (italian localisation)
Rafael Paiz (additional programming)
Rama Griffith (tester)
Rama Griffith (tester)
Rami Burpee (tester)
Rami Burpee (tester)
Randolph L.S. D'Amore (tester)
Randolph L.S. D'Amore (tester)
Reid Hurley (tester)
Richard Farrelly (lead level designer)
Robert Ladd (tester)
Robert Ladd (tester)
Roger Walkden (director strategic marketing europe)
Roger Walkden (localization)
Ron Gould (creative director)
Ryan Feltrin (technology)
Ryan Feltrin (a.i. programmer)
Sam Nouriani (quality assurance manager)
Sam Nouriani (pc testing)
Sam Nouriani (quality assurance manager)
Sam Nouriani (pc testing)
Sami Tanamly (tester)
Sami Tanamly (tester)
Scott Dodkins (senior vice-president european publishing)
Scott Dodkins (localization)
Scott Keifer (tester)
Scott Kiefer (tester)
Sean Mitchell (programmer)
Sherman Archibald (programmer)
Sherry Wallace (visual effects producer)
Simon Dawes (localisation project manager)
Soundelux Design Music Group (additional effects)
Stefan Luludes (marketing manager)
Stefan Luludes (localisation)
Stefan Seidel (brand manager)
Stefan Seidel (localisation)
Steve Goldberg (writer)
Steve Goldberg (sound design)
Steve Holmes (production tester)
Steve Penate (tester)
Steve Penate (tester)
Sylvia Orzel (layout)
Tamsin Lucas (senior localisation project manager)
Thaddeus Sasser (production tester)
Thaine Lyman (multiplayer producer)
Thom Denick (tester)
Thom Denick (tester)
Thomas Lindberg (special operations consultants)
Thorsten Hubschmann (it)
Thorsten Hubschmann (web manager)
Thorsten Hubschmann (localisation)
Tim Wallace (animator)
Timothy R. Miller (creative director)
Todd Cochran (period music)
Tom Dillon (animator)
Tony Jay (voice actor)
Tony Jay (the director)
Trey Watkins (intro movie director)
Victoria Fisher (production administrator)
Victoria Fisher (localisation)
Victoria Sylvester Stevens (production coordinator)
Urban Terror FrozenSand (Silicon Ice Development)2000 Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Urban Terror  FrozenSand (Silicon Ice Development)2000 Linuxlabelimageminimize
Wolfenstein Activision (Raven Software;Id Software;Endrant Studios)2009 Windowslabelimagesubject
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Activision (Splash Damage)2003 Linuxlabelimagesubject