showing 34 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplatform
Tomb Raider Eidos (Core Design)1996Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider Core Design2014Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider (Tomb Raider featuring Lara Croft;Tomb Raider I) Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1996Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider (Tomb Raider featuring Lara Croft) Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1996MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider (Tomb Raiders;トゥームレイダース) Core Design;Victor;Eidos (Core Design)1996PSlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider (Tomb Raiders;トゥームレイダース) Eidos;Victor;Pack-In-Video (Core Design)1996Saturnlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider 2 (Tomb Raider II;Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian;TR2) Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1997Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider 2 (Tomb Raider II;Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian;TR2) Core Design2014Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider Gold (Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business;Tomb Raider: Version Longue) Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1998Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024Switchlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024PS4labelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024PS5labelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024Xbox Onelabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered Aspyr;Victor;Eidos (Aspyr)2024Xbox Series Xlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider II Gold - The Golden Mask Eidos (Core Design)1999Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider II Starring Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 2: Dagger of Xian;TR2;トゥームレイダー2) Eidos (Core Design)1997PSlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 3;TR3) Eidos (Core Design)1998Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft (Tomb Raider 3;TR3) Core Design2014Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft (Tomb Raider III: Les Aventures de Lara Croft;Tomb Raider 3;トゥームレイダー3;TR3) Eidos (Core Design)1998PSlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider III: The Lost Artifact (Tomb Raider III GOLD) Eidos (Core Design)1998Windowslabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation (Tomb Raider: La Révélation Finale;TR4) Eidos (Core Design)1999Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation (TR4) Core Design2014Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (Tomb Raider V: Chronicles;Tomb Raider 5;Tomb Raider: Sur les Traces de Lara Croft;トゥームレイダー5 クロニクル;TR5) Eidos (Core Design)2000PSlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (Tomb Raider: Sur les traces de Lara Croft;TR5;Tomb Raider 5;Tomb Raider V) Eidos (Core Design)2000Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (Tomb Raider: Sur les Traces de Lara Croft:TR5) Eidos (Core Design)2000Dreamcastlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (TR5;Tomb Raider 5;Tomb Raider V) Core Design2014Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Eidos (Core Design)2003Windowslabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Aspyr2002Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: L'Ange des Ténèbres) Eidos (Core Design)2003PS2labelimageminimize
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation;Tomb Raider: La Révélation Finale;TR4) Eidos (Core Design)2000Dreamcastlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Tomb Raider: La Révélation Finale;Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation;TR4) Eidos (Core Design)2000Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Tomb Raider: La Révélation Finale;Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation;トゥームレイダー4 ラストレベレーション;TR4) Eidos (Core Design)1999PSlabelimagesubject
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Tomb Raider: La Révélation Finale;Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation;トゥームレイダー4 ラストレベレーション;TR4) Eidos (Core Design)1999Windowslabelminimizeminimize