showing 44 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Aleona's Tales Aleona Team?enlabelminimizeminimize
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts?enlabelminimizeminimize
Fragments of Power author?enlabelimagesubject
Half-Life 2  Valve;Valve Corporation (Valve)?ch, en, fr, he, de, it, jp, kr, pt, ru, sp, otherlabelminimizeminimize
The Fallen One author?enlabelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda: A Time to Triumph  author?en, frlabelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Navi's Quest  author?en, frlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Oni-Link Begins  author?en, frlabelimageminimize
Wolfstyle  author?enlabelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001en, de, rulabelimagesubject
1st Quest Revamp  author2002enlabelimagesubject
The Hidden Duality  author2002enlabelimagesubject
Faxanadu Remake  Retro Remakes2003enlabelminimizeminimize
Geepa's First Quest author2003enlabelimagesubject
Maze  author2003enlabelimagesubject
XUltima IV  author2004enlabelimagesubject
Dreams of Yesterday author2004enlabelminimizeminimize
Ganon's Claim author2005enlabelimagesubject
Overlord Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2007en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
Zelda Classic Armageddon Games2007en, otherlabelimagesubject
ORiGiN  author2007enlabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda Remix DX  author2008enlabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: Return of the Hylian  author2008en, frlabelimagesubject
Rise of Ganon  author2009enlabelimagesubject
Overlord II  Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2009en, fr, de, it, pl, splabelminimizeminimize
End of Time  author2010enlabelimagesubject
Souls of Wisdom author2011enlabelimagesubject
Path of Shadows author2012enlabelimageminimize
Tales of a Princess author2012enlabelimagesubject
Dungeon Link author2012enlabelimageminimize
Anodyne Anodyne Games2013enlabelminimizeminimize
Randomizer Modern author2013en, otherlabelimagesubject
Shadow Man Night Dive Studios (Acclaim Studios Teeside;Night Dive Studios)2014en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
Daggerfall Unity author2015enlabelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Hack SSI (Dreamforge Intertainment)2015enlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Return of the Hylian Solarus Edition  Solarus Team2015en, frlabelimageminimize
Overlord: Raising Hell Codemasters (Triumph Studios;Virtual Programming)2016en, fr, de, it, splabelminimizeminimize
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope Devolver Digital (Croteam)2017enlabelminimizeminimize
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Nightdive Studios2018enlabelminimizeminimize
Pon Para and the Great Southern Labyrinth Choice of Games2019enlabelminimizeminimize
Pon Para II Choice of GamesTBAenlabelminimizeminimize
Pon Para III Choice of GamesTBAenlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend Of Zelda: Mercuris’ Chest  authorTBAen, frlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Oni-Link Begins SE  authorTBAen, frlabelminimizeminimize