showing 31 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)year
Aigīna no Yogen: Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori  Vic Tokai1986labelimageminimize
Arkista's Ring American Sammy (NMK)1990labelimagesubject
Castlequest  ASCII;Nexoft (ASCII;Bits Laboratory)1986labelimagesubject
Chip's Challenge Bullet Proof Software1992labelimageminimize
Dragon Buster II: Yami no Fuuin  Namco (Tose)1989labelimageminimize
Dragon Slayer IV: Drasle Family  Namco;Brøderbund (Nihon Falcom)1987labelimagesubject
Elysion  Tokyo Shoseki (SystemSoft)1988labelimageminimize
Family Trainer: Meiro Daisakusen  Bandai (Human)1987labelimageminimize
Fester's Quest  Sunsoft1989labelimagesubject
Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue Gametek (Imagineering)1992labelimageminimize
Gauntlet Tengen;Gradiente (Tengen)1988labelimagesubject
Ghost Lion  Kemco1989labelimagesubject
Hottaman no Chisoko Tanken  Use1986labelimageminimize
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II Acclaim Entertainment;Mattel (Rare;Zippo Games)1989labelimagesubject
Kai no Bouken: The Quest of Ki  Namco (Game Studio)1988labelimageminimize
Little Nemo: The Dream Master  Capcom1990labelimagesubject
Little Red Hood  Joy Van;Sachen;HES (Thin Chen Enterprise)1989labelimagesubject
Mad Max Mindscape1990labelimagesubject
Monster Party Bandai (Human)1989labelimagesubject
Mystery Quest Taxan (Carry Lab)1989labelimageminimize
Power Blade  Taito (Natsume)1990labelimagesubject
Solomon's Key  Tecmo1986labelimageminimize
Solstice: The Quest for the Staff of Demnos  Sony Imagesoft;Epic Sony Records (Software Creations)1990labelimagesubject
Spelunker II: Yuushahe no Chousen  Irem (Now Production)1987labelimageminimize
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six  LJN (BITS Studios)1992labelimagesubject
Tatakai no Banka  Capcom;Hyundai (Capcom)1986labelimagesubject
The Goonies  Konami1986labelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda  Nintendo;Hyundai;Playtronic (Nintendo)1987labelimagesubject
The Tower of Druaga  Namco1985labelimageminimize
Wizards & Warriors  Acclaim (Rare)1987labelimagesubject
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link  Nintendo1988labelimagesubject