showing 1 - 50 of 51 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Donkey Kong Atari1983 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking You are Mario, and that big old gorilla, Donkey Kong, has run off with your girlfriend. It's up to you to struggle up those ladders and balance on those beams to rescue your lady fair. She's held captive at the very top. But Donkey Kong is not ready to give her up so easily. He's tossing barrels and fireballs at you at every turn. It's up to you to outmaneuver that wily ape. Good luck, your lady awaits!***[media=youtube]Lwra05JY83o[/media] labelimagesubject
Hopper SoftSide1983 amphibianprotagonist animalprotagonist basic deadlywater earth froggerlike harmfultouch instantdeath joystick jumping keyboard langinsignificant license-proprietary lives movingplatforms naturalistic naturalvinvention naturalvnatural nohumans river score steppingstones timelimit traffic typein uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns Activision1984 aerostat bootloader carts display-tga earth electriceels ending frog jumping latemodernperiod naturalistic pcjr pitfallseries primates retrypoints spu-tandy subterranean swimming underwaterdiving walking [b]AWESOME ADVENTURE[/b]

Join Pitfall Harry as he searches a vast subterranean cliff dwelling high in the Andes. He’s looking for the fabled Raj Diamond, gold bricks, his niece Rhonda and the cowardly lion Quickclaw. He finds more than he bargained for – eels, poisonous frogs, albino scorpions, bats, condors, a raging river – in the greatest challenge of his career!
Thexder Sierra On-Line (Synergistic Software)1987 ♫moonlightsonata autoaim beamweapons display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga energyweapons fbd flying hypermobilefoes jumping mecha runandgun score spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy thexder walking labelimageminimize
Knight Games Mastertronic (English Software)1988 arena axes bludgeons bows castle crossbows difficulty display-cga display-ega display-tga earth england europe forest hastilude joystick jumping knights langinsignificant medieval meleeweapons middleages militantprotagonist noblocking past polearms river serious staves swords Fight an human or computer opponent in Sword Fight 1, Sword Fight 2, Quarterstaff, Pikestaff, Ball and chain, or Axeman (Axe) as knights in one-on-one combat in the well known fighting game style. Take turns in Archery (Bow) or Crossbow shooting at targets using a cursor. Each player can choose is keyboard or joystick control independently. 'Difficulty' consists of choosing 4, 6, or 8 minute rounds. Players have hit points that can be exhausted for a score bonus to the winner. Hits score points. Score is not cumulative between game nor recorded.
The fighting is in the context of jousting matches. However the famous horse and lance matches are not present making it more of the general hastilude type games.
Matterhorn Screamer! Hi-Tech Expressions1988 5.25disk commercial disney display-cga dos2 joystick jumping keyboard license-proprietary lives mountainclimbing ropeswinging score uvl-tiein wintery Available in a combined C64/DOS/Apple II package UPC:0-87855-02204-3***I was suprised to find this once full price commercial game amidst many shareware/freeware games on a CD-ROM from Softgold from around 1994. On the cover the box only claims to have [game=#43157]Tennis Cup 2[/game] as commercial software on it ("Topshots on CD - Tennis Cup 2"); and besides that over 400 MB of freeware games and tools. We will never find out, but I wonder if this is a typical case of a company publishing a freeware collection without really having taken their time to thoroughly check the games to be free or not. labelimageminimize
Stunt Driver  Spectrum Holobyte1990 daredevil-theme display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga display-vga jumping landvehicle racinggame spu-adlib spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy labelimageminimize
Super Off Road  Virgin Games;Mastertronic (Graftgold)1990 3ormoreplayers afterburner display-cga display-ega display-tga display-vga earth joystick jumping keyboard landvehicle latemodernperiod motorracing motorsport mp-versus offroadracing present professionalathlete shopping wheeledvehicle labelimageminimize
Golden Axe Sega1991 axes beltscroller combatanimals difficulty display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga display-vga feelies gianthumanoids goldenaxe hackandslash joystick jumping lives magic meleeweapons mp-campaign mp-cooperative pinatacreatures premadecharacters riding spu-adlib spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-tandy swords unusualmounts walking The unpatched game will indeed run in Hercules graphics mode but will not run on a Hercules card. The game checks for a CGA card when loading and goes crazy when it doesn't find it. A patch will fix it.***
[37]***The game leaves an unused black band on the screen's right edge, this is likely an artifact of very basic platform conversion.***For 1-2 players simultaneously (cooperative or versus).***Supports EGA, 4 color CGA/MCGA/Tandy, Hercules, 16 color Tandy and VGA GPUs.***This has nearly picture-perfect graphics that are nearly on a par with those of the Genesis, but suffers from some slowdowns at times. Its sound is also limited to blips and chirps from the PC speaker and so music is not an option.

The year is either 1990 or 1991 as records vary.

[b]Trivia[/b] from Golden Axe page
'The kanji [Japanese character] on the title screen actually reads 'Senpu', meaning 'Fighting Axe'. This is an example of 'gikun', where Japanese artists use the phonetic value of a character to determine the game's name, and not the meaning of the character itself.'
The Neverending Story II: The Arcade Game Merit Studios (Linel)1991 3.5disk 5.25disk commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-tga display-vga dos3 gamepad joystick jumping keyboard ladders license-proprietary lives monsters movie multidisplay multisequence riding savepassword spu-adlib theneverendingstory walking labelimageminimize
The Simpsons: Bart's House of Weirdness Konami (Distinctive Software)1991 3.5disk 5.25disk aliens ants bees bossbattles chiroptera city cliff clowns coconuts commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 crocodilians deadlywater defenseless difficulty disappearingplatforms display-ega display-mcga display-tga dodging dogs domesticcats dreamworld fallofftransitions fish fourfingers geese giantworms handguns harmfultouch hostileflora indigenousresidents indoors joystick jumping keyboard ladders laserbolts lawenforcers lethalobjects license-proprietary lives mall millipedes mosquitoes movingplatforms mutants oddappliances outdoors rapidmovementplants robots rodents ropeswinging savepoints score sewers skeletons spiders spu-adlib spu-mt32 spu-sb spu-tandy steppingstones thesimpsons visiblelasers walking labelminimizeminimize
Aldo's Assault author1991 commercial cpu-286 display-ega display-vga dodging dos2 download jumping keyboard ladders license-proprietary timelimit walking labelminimizeminimize
Another World  Interplay (Delphine Software)1992 1life aimdirlimit alienplanet aliens anotherworld cave chargingweapons cinematicplatformer controllablehelplessness deathtraps descriptivedeaths displacementfiction display-ega display-tga display-vga dodgechance elevators elevators-multifloor energyweapons escape flatshading fromanotherworld gore instantdeath jumping lifelikemotion lutris multitools noaircontrol nohud prison rotoscoping savepassword scientistprotagonist screenshake serious sessilecreatures stranded tentaclecreatures titularlocale walking [media=youtube]l6MwEu2bbPw[/media]***This game is simply one of the best sroller I've ever played.

It plays a little like prince of persia. The game is set in a strange alien world. Your job is to make your way out of it. Interesting puzzles, freaky atmosphere and original graphics make this one stand out.

One of the best game of it's kind. By the way,if you want to really enjoy it, I suggest you get the Snes version (it's got music..)
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  Origin (Blue Sky Productions)1992 1life 3.5disk adv-undefined authoravatar automap axes bludgeons cdrom charactercreation containers cpu-386 demo doors doors-breakable dungeoncrawler falselyaccused floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice giantinsects goblins gog heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters mouse neutralmonsters neutralnpcs noinvpause serious shopping sorcery subterranean swords systemsdriven thrownweapons titularlocale trash uipointer ultima ultimauw unarmedfighting walking worms xp-undefined Historical note: This game was the first, first person 3D game (it preceded Wolfenstein 3D by two months). Also the engine is much more advanced than the Wolfenstein 3D engine was. Not just in the RPG elements but the 3D environment, dynamic lighting, curved surfaces, real bridges and tunnels, texture resolution and variation, and vertical variation in the terrain. However, the system requirements of UW are higher than Wolf 3D.
Mario's Time Machine  Mindscape1993 1990s 20thcentury 3.5disk cdrom city-moscow-ru earth edu-history greece jumping latemodernperiod mario mario-universe minigames northamerica past present russia surfboard timetravel walking labelminimizeminimize
Rollerblade Racer Hi-Tech Expressions (Tahoe Software Productions)1993 5.25disk commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 dodging dos2 earth joystick jumping keyboard latemodernperiod license-proprietary rollerskating score sequence-timed spu-pcspeaker labelminimizeminimize
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds  Origin (Looking Glass Technologies)1993 1life authoravatar automap brains castle dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel doors dungeoncrawler felinoids floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice gog headless heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters neutralmonsters noinvpause serious shopping sorcery swords systemsdriven titularlocale uipointer ultima ultimauw unlikelysentients walking Comes with five 3.5' and 5.25' disks. labelimageminimize
Doofus Prestige (X-ample Architectures)1994 childprotagonist humanprotagonist jumping walking labelimageminimize
Fantastic Dizzy  Codemasters1994 3.5disk actionadventure jumping lives score walking labelimageminimize
Mystic Towers Apogee (Animation FX)1994 elderlyprotagonist grid grid-square insectoids jumping knightlorelike lives magic map monsters roombased score uvl-techlimitation walking labelimageminimize
System Shock Electronic Arts;Origin (Looking Glass Technologies)1994 1life 3.5disk aimdeadzone alone alternatefailures antagonistawareness automap backtracking beamweapons beepingcomputers biotechnology blankprotagonist cacophonicvoice cdrom coerced compass creatorvscreation cultfollowing customengine cybernetics cyborgprotagonist cyborgs diaries difficulty difficulty-aspects distortedvision doors elevators empguns empweapons endlessopposition energyitems energyshields energystations energyweapons everyonesdead eviloverlord femaleantagonist firearms firstpersonshooter fleshvssteel freelook gog grenades grotesque hacking handguns hud-explained immersivesim implants indoors interactivetriggers inventory itempickup-instant jumping keyboard leaning ledges lightsabers mapannotation meleeweapons mines monopod mouse mutants namelessprotagonist noenergyregen nonlinear overheating persistentworld pictureinpicture pointertoggle postures powercorrupts reload-manual robotmenace robots rogueai seamlessworld sentientmachines serious singularlocale solomission spacestation spu-gm suddensentience systemshock targetident technology-theme transhumanism uipointer virtualreality voiceovers walking zero-g The game has difficulty levels separately for combat, puzzles, cyberspace and plot. At highest plot difficulty, the game has a real-time limit imposed which is perhaps the greatest challenge you face and certainly not something you want on your first playthrough. Cyberspace also has timelimit on highest difficulty, but this only causes you to eject from cyberspace and nothing more serious.***The CD-ROM version (1994/11) added optional SVGA mode - 640x480 resolution instead of the original VGA 320x240 - with improved graphics and full speech for the logs and SHODAN.

The CD-ROM version requires the CD to be in drive during play, but this can be easily circumvented by copying the CDROM folder from the CD to HD and editing both [code]cyb.cfg[/code] and [code]cdshock.bat[/code] to point to the folder in your HD instead.
Ultima VIII: Pagan  Origin1994 1life 3.5disk adv-undefined capacity-unlimited cdrom cheatcodes cpu-386 deadlywater demons dialog-sentences disappearingplatforms doors draganddrop elementals floatingeyes free fromanotherworld ghosts giantfungi gog ineptveteran inorganics interactivedialogs inventory juggernauts jumping keys luggage magic magic-ingredients magic-instant magiccircles mediums mediumship meleeweapons mouse museum necromancers necromancy noinvpause noports platforming premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming saveanywhere scummvm-wip serious skeletons sorcery stranded summoning telekinesis titularlocale ultima ultima8-engine ultimaageofarmageddon undead walking xp-undefined zombies Requires CPU 386, but a 486 is recommended.***
[22]***85% if run on a DX33
93% if run on a DX2 66
[37]***Comes on 8 3½ floppy disks or one CD.***I didn't like Pagan as much as the previous titles, mainly because you have no companions travelling with you. Still a great game nonetheless. Check this site to get this to run on Windows:
The Elder Scrolls: Arena  Bethesda Softworks1994 1life 3.5disk adv-ptdistr automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor cdrom charactercreation chosenone classbased classless compass corpselooting cpu-386 disease display-vga doors dos5 drm dungeon dungeoncrawler elderscrolls fantasyworld feelies fictionaluniverse genderchoice goblins hitchance jumping keys knives licensechange magic map mapannotation medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse nonlinear objectplot openworld optionaltasks pickpocketing randomchance resting skeletonkey sorcery specieschoice spelldesigning swimming swords town unarmedfighting walking xp-kills [b]Minimum:[/b]
* DOS 5.0
* 25 MHz 386 CPU
* 4 MB RAM
* 25 MB HD space
* VGA display
* mouse***The game was formerly commercial, but was released as freeware at some point.
Star Wars: Dark Forces LucasArts1995 adaptivemusic aimassist alone armyofone autosavepoints canon cdrom controlconfig cpu-386 depthfog difficulty doors download elevators energyshields energyweapons firstpersonshooter freelook grenades healthbuffer healthpickups imuse jediengine joystick jumping keyboard keycodes keys laserbolts laserweapons lives lostequipment lutris mercenaryprotagonist middleprojection missionbased monsters mountain mouse otherworld playerprofiles powerups rebellion rebelprotagonist restorepower retrypoints robots rocketjumping serious sewers spacefaringage starwars starwars-skywalker turrets uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein voiceovers walking war Un juego estilo DOOM (pero con salto) donde comienzas la aventura de Kyle Katarn contra el Imperio. Tiene una buena dosis de libertad gracias a unos mapas bastante grandes y unos cuantos secretos.
Peca de un sistema de disparo ineficaz para las diferencias de altura y de unos enemigos que no aciertan una, y la ausencia de un sistema de guardado.

7 de 10***The first mission ties with the movies in that Kyle serves as the guy who fetches the Death Star plans so Luke (unmentioned in the game) can destroy it. The actual game starts from the events following it, however, as the Dark Trooper project gets into operational state. Rest of the game story is built around this project, uncovering information about it and sabotaging it.

Unlike most games of old and even modern, many of the missions in Dark Forces involve the player locating something and then [i]returning[/i] to the start point where the vessel that brought Kyle in is ready to extract him again (or shortly arrives there!). There's also turrets going berserk, armor not providing perfect protection, shared ammo between two weapons (the other consumes more ammo), grenades having a charged throw (throws farther the longer you hold the fire key), actual 3D models (spacecraft and turrets), overpasses (near true 3D levels), sectioned maps within single level, a glow lamp with depleting batteries (instead of single use light "powerup"), and probably some other features that weren't seen in games around the time Dark Forces came out.***2009-09-16 on Steam, by LucasArts (lang: eng, fre, ger, ita, spa) - bundled with DOSBox and default control configuration somewhat similar to modern FPS games (original controls were very different).***[b]war[/b] - since the protagonist is a mercenary who is mostly hired for "covert" ops, this bit is not so evident, but these are part of the Rebel Alliance's war effort against the Empire.
[b]depth fog[/b] - only used in some levels, especially some of the outside levels to simulate thick atmosphere (or dust?).
[b]autosave points[/b] - on mission completion, no other saves are made. Player can freely replay any level they've finished.
[b]voice overs[/b] - besides videos and taunts from the empire's minions, there's actually some voice overs besides them, such as Kyle reporting having found something pertinent to the mission and Jan giving farther instructions (albeit all of these are rather short compared to the voice overs in videos).

--- averted
absolutearmor - melee and some other attacks bypass the shields
Hexen  id Software;GT Interactive (Raven Software)1995 1life 3.5disk aimassist alone automap axes backtracking blankprotagonist bleak bludgeons bossbattles cdrom centauroids cheatcodes classbased classbasedeq cpu-486 crossmaptriggers cryokinesis darkfantasy demonicmenace devsysnext68x devsysnextppc difficulty doomwad dos5 electrokinesis eviloverlord explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fistloads forcedpolymorph freezing ghosts gunblades healingitems healthpickups heretichexen heroprotagonist humanoidanimals idtech1 interactivetriggers interlinkedlevels inventory jumping licensechange magic magic-innate magic-somatic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons middleprojection monsters mp-dm noingameintro nontolkienian npcstrife personalquest polycephalids potions premadecharacters progressiveattacks pyrokinesis retrypoints retrypoints-rollback sauroids saveanywhere serious singlegender slipperysurfaces sorcery swords teleport unarmedfighting voiceovers walking wands wetland Re-edited version with addons included
[22]***1999-01-11 source code released under a restrictive license.
2008-09-04 source code was released under GPL compatible license***Has rather unique difficulty levels, the number of enemies gets inflated as is to be expected, but better weapons are located later on, forcing you to fight with old and "less efficient" ones much longer. But since each character has only 4 weapons total, including the starting weapon, this isn't such a big thing but does prove additional challenge early on. There are some differences in encountered enemies between the characters, too (or they're randomized, but I haven't verified that). There are only two types of "ammo" (mana, really), where the second weapon consumes blue, third weapon green, and fourth weapon both. Unlike some other games of the time, magic was not simply dispensed from some magical weapons, but the character actually seemed to have proficiency in magical arts, as witnessed by the mage classes use of lightning and ice and cleric's use of fire. Hexen is also one of the first (if not [i]the[/i] first) first-person games to implement jumping, as well as falling damage which is ignored in great many games even today.

[spoiler=Show weapons;Hide weapons]Baratus (Warrior):
* Spiked Gauntlets
* Timon's Axe
* Hammer of Retribution
* Quietus

Parias (Cleric):
* Mace of Contrition
* Serpent Staff
* Firestorm
* Wraithverge

Daedolon (Mage):
* Sapphire Wand
* Frost Shards
* Arc of Death (Lightning)
* Bloodscourge[/spoiler]***Raven Software's HeXen actually began development as an expansion for Heretic that was originally slated to hit the shelves as "Heretic II." However, the game design so expanded beyond the original game that this proposed the expansion of the Heretic universe took on a bold new identity of its own...HeXen: Beyond Heretic.

HeXen was developed over a period of 8 months, published by Id Software and distributed by GT Interactive in 1995. The game introduced the 3-D gaming world to the "hub system" of level progression, rotating polygonal brushes and multiple character classes that were available in both single player and multiplayer. All of this combined to help HeXen raise the bar for the first-person shooter genre. HeXen pushed Id Software's DooM engine to its absolute limits and surpassed Heretic as Raven Software's most popular, highly acclaimed title.

The success of HeXen prompted a mission pack, Deathkings of the Dark Citadel, and several ports to home console gaming systems including the Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64 and the Sony PlayStation. HeXen also became the first Raven Software game made available for the Macintosh.
[Raven]***[b]System requirements:[/b]
* 486 33 MHz CPU or better
* MS-DOS 5.0 or higher.
* 25 MB free HD space
* 8 MB RAM
* VGA graphics card
* Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card

Supports joystick and mouse.***~ Represeting a quantum leap in realism, bursting at the seams with playability and bulging interactivity, Hexen is a spellbinding and terrifying epic that pits its players as one of the three classes of hero and sets them on a nightmarish knife-edge quest to destroy the evil rulers who once controlled them. Every part of this colossal battle between horrific creatures is waged with one of the 12 death dealing weapons, either alone or in 'co-operative' or 'Deathmatch' networked play. Pretenders to the throne beware: - id Software and Raven have joined forces again to create this masterpiece of the 3D dynasty.
[Box blurb]***While you were battling the evil forces of D'Sparil, the other Serpent Riders were busy sowing the seeds of destruction in other dimensions. One such dimension is the decaying world where Hexen takes place. A world littered with the mangled corpses of nonbelievers and inhabited by the undead followers that executed them. Only three humans - a warrior, a mage and a cleric - have escaped the leaders' vicious spell. Now these brave souls have sworn to crush the evil regime that threatens to destroy the world forever. Separated upon entering the mystical portal, the three are forced to attempt on their own what they had hoped to do together: find Korax's stronghold, destroy him and restore order in the physical world.
[id Software]***A sort of sequel of Heretic, Hexen takes you to a new world to take the place of one of three heroes (A Fighter, a Cleric and a Mage) to stop the second of the Serpent Riders. The use of a "hub" system to travel back and forth through the levels is a very innovative idea. This is one of my all time favorite games, however some are turned away by the running around, collecting of puzzle pieces.
Powerslave Official Beta Version  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1995 20thcentury alieninvasion asphyxiation autosavepoints buildengine clanguage cpu-386 display-vga doors dos3 dosextender download earth egypt egyptian-theme explosiveobjects firearms firstpersonshooter handguns jumping keyboard keys latemodernperiod lava machineguns magic metroidvania milessound present reload-auto retrypoints spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-mpu-401 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-rap10 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandydac spu-wavejammer swimming tinyfoes walking This is effectively a 'shareware' demo of the final game. But this version supports a much wider array of hardware and options. I suspect there were some angry customers of the full version. For instance, this version works on Tandy 1000 where the final version did not. labelminimizesubject
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel id Software (Raven Software)1996 1life aimassist alone axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles cdrom cemetery centauroids classbased classbasedeq crushers cryokinesis doomwad electrokinesis explosiveobjects facelessprotagonist fantasyworld fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter forcedpolymorph freezing ghosts gunblades healingitems healthpickups heretichexen humanoidanimals idtech1 illusionarywalls inbuilttraps inventory jumping magic magicartefacts magicweapons medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-dm noingameintro nontolkienian npcspawning npcstrife personalquest potions premadecharacters progressiveattacks pyrokinesis sauroids secrets serious singlegender sorcery swords teleport titularlocale tombstones unarmedfighting walking Apparently the first expansion Raven Software ever did. labelimageminimize
Duke Nukem 3D  Apogee Software (3D Realms)1996 1life 21stcentury 3.5disk addons airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom bombs bpjmindexed buildengine captives cdrom censored city city-losangeles-ca clingers color-8bit cpu-486 cryogenicweapons destructibleitems dialup difficulty display-320x200 display-320x400 display-640x480 display-800x600 display-vesa display-vga doors dos5 download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gamepad gameplayinn gog gore graphicdeaths handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet impossiblegeometry interspecificconflict invasion inventory ipx joystick jumping jumppack keyboard license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mouse mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-versus multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters noreloading quake realisticshotguns redlightdistrict remotedetonators rockets ruins saveanywhere screenshake shotguns shrinker spacefaringage spacestation spu-adlib spu-awe32 spu-dss spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-pas spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-tandy suidoids techinnovation ten-service theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter twitchshooter walking walkingarmory About tech / gameplay innovation, to quote TV Tropes:
[quote]First Person Shooters prior to Duke 3d didn't feature "realistic" real world locations. Things that Duke 3d did first include: televisions that show different programmes; closed circuit security cameras that let you see other areas of the level than the bit you're in; working subway trains that take you across "town"; strip bars/clubs; breakable glass/destroyable furniture/mirrors that you can see your own reflection in; triggered set pieces such as earthquakes that can destroy the architecture around the player; and working toilets that you can use to gain extra health. These things were quite revolutionary at the time, and the level design in later games of the genre (such as Half Life, Deus Ex, Soldier Of Fortune, and even aspects of Doom 3) show signs of its ground breaking influence. It could be argued that this organic approach to level design would have come about anyway as a direct result of increasingly better technology... but nevertheless, Duke 3d was there first.[/quote]***The source code for the 1.5 version was released under GPL license on 2003-04-01.***"Complete Version", the one I have, came on single CD-ROM. I'm pretty sure some older releases came on several 3½ disks.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 486 CPU
* 8 MB RAM
* 30 MB free HD space

* 486DX2 / 66 MHz CPU (Pentium for SVGA modes)
* 16 MB RAM
* VESA-compliant VGA or SVGA GPU

[b]Supported sound cards:[/b]
For music: Gravis UltraSound, Sound Blaster (all of them), SoundMan16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, Waveblaster, Sound Canvas, Adlib, and General MIDI.
For sound: Sound Blaster (all of them), Gravis UltraSound, SoundMan16, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundScape, Disney/Tandy Sound Sources.***The third chapter in the series, and the first with a 3D perspective (the original Duke Nukem and the sequel, Duke Nukem II, are side scrolling platform games). This game, set sometime in the early 21st century, begins in a ravaged LA, which was overtaken by aliens while you were abducted during Duke Nukem II. Duke, upon returning to Earth, finds himself with another mess to clean up, and another alien race that needs exterminating. Duke is a can-do hero who realizes that sometimes innocent people have to die in order to save Earth, so accuracy of gun fire is not a real concern to him. :)

This game has a long list of cool things that haven't been attempted in 3D action games, yet. The weapons, for example, kick-butt:

* There's a mine that can be placed on any wall and sends out a laser trip beam-- perfect for multiplayer games.
* There's also a shrinker ray that reduces an opponent to the size of a G.I. Joe, at which point they are foot fodder--watch them splat!
* As in Shadow Warrior, you can swim under water, and even shoot players who are standing outside the water, or vice versa.
[3D Realms]
Quake  Activision (id Software)1996 1life achillesheelfoes aimassist alone axes beamweapons bpjmindexed bunnyhopping cdrom conductivewater cpu-586 dark darkfantasy deadlydecor dedicatedclient demons devconsole devsysnext68x devsysnextintel devsysnextppc dialup difficulty dingy distortedvision dogs doomwad doors dos5 download electricweapons energyweapons eviloverlord findexit firearms firstpersonshooter future gibs gore graybrown idlenoise indoors ipx jumping keys lightmaps medieval meleeweapons middleguns middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters mp-dm nailguns npcfriendlyfire npcstrife opaquewater opengl otherworld overkill permanentcorpses portals powerups quake-series quakeengine rocketjumping rockets sciencefantasy secrets serious sourcecodestolen splatter swimming swrender tcpip telefrag title-demo touchactivation undead underwaterdiving zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* MS-DOS 5.0
* Pentium CPU (w/ math co-processor)
* 8 MB RAM
* 80 MB HD space

* 16 MB RAM***[b]Episodes:[/b]
1) [i]Dimension of the Doomed[/i] : "The mystical past comes alive"
2) [i]The Realm of Black Magic[/i] : "Ancient castles and strange beasts ahead"
3) [i]The Netherworld[/i] : "Primal fear in a strange dimension"
4) [i]The Elder World[/i] : "Your worst nightmare come true"***Re-released as GLQuake which used OpenGL for rendering rather than software, Windows port of the game was based on GLQuake rather than the original software version.***This game was developed on a several platforms running NeXTSTEP.
[Zerothis]***Partially influenced by H.P.Lovecraft's works.***Excellent game for the time. When I first saw the purple moving clouds in the skies of the game on the free demo I remember I rushed to the store to buy it!! I can remember I played night after night just to finish the game and had sleepy eyes on the office the day after. In the end of the game there was some kind of a monster on a small island which you could jump on to finish it off.. No doubt about it: In its genre, one of the best games ever.
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 1life achillesheelfoes adv-static allergies automap ballistics bleak books calendrictime caninoids carts causeway cdrom centaurs charactercreation characterflaws chosenone circadiancycle city clothing commercial compass concealeddoors controlconfig corpselooting cpu-486 cpu-586 customclass datedevents demons dialog-keywords difficulty disease display-vga doors dos6 download dragons dragons-western dungeoncrawler elderscrolls electrokinesis elevators enchanting energyregen falldamage fantasyworld fasttravel featherfall felinoids fictionaluniverse fines genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantspiders gold guild harpies hitchance holstering humanoidanimals illequipped interactivedialogs inventory investigation itempickup-instant jewelry joystick jumping keyboard lawenforcers license-proprietary licensechange liches lockbreaking lockpicking lutris magic magicartefacts manaburn map-3d mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren nocrosshair nonlinear noports nudity nudity-featureless nymphs obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlanderprotagonist paperdoll persistentworld pointertoggle pyrokinesis racechoice randomchance rats rodents sauroids scavenging search secrets serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping skeletonkey skeletons smuggling sorcery souljar specieschoice spelldesigning spriggans spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-iomagictempo spu-max spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-toptekgolden16 spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem stealing superalloy swimming temple therianthropes titlementioned titularlocale tutorial twitch uipointer undead undeadmenace unknownpast unnecessarykilling vampires waiting walking wallclimbing werewolves xngine xp-literal The various demo various support sound hardware that the final version does not.***
* DOS 6.0
* 66 MHz 486DX2 CPU
* 8 MB RAM
* 50 MB HD space
* mouse

* 450 MB HD space

*Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster 16, AWE 32
* Pro Audio Spectrum
* Ensoniq Soundscape
* Gravis Ultrasound***2009-07-09 made temporarily available for free, on the 15th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls series.***Latest version: 1.07.213 (as of ?)***The control system for Daggerfall was surprisingly advanced for its time (in DOS game, anyway), I think. You could easily have mouse look in and practically use similar-ish control mechanism to what's in modern games (e.g. in Dark Messiah) to control which way or how you swung your weapons. The only difference was that instead of swinging in the direction you moved, it swung in the direction you dragged the mouse, which in effect prevented you from turning around with the mouse as long as you had the attack button pressed. The controls were also quite customizable, since you could easily configure them to resemble something similar to that time's control system. The game was also quite unique that you could scale any straight wall almost indefinitely, defying any laws of sensibility by dragging yourself across to heights that made no sense. Lack of this ability was one of the most disappointing factors in the sequels, I think (though I have to really blame the blatantly lighter mood of the other games for _really_ disappointing me.. honestly, the story description of both Morrowind and Oblivion is much darker, yet I feel like I'm playing in some kind of [[link: Teletubby]] land).***The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall is the second chapter in the highly acclaimed Elder Scrolls role-playing series. Its predecessor, TES: Arena, won over twenty Best Role Playing Game of the Year awards and set a new level for computer role plating. TES: Daggerfall is the most ambitious CRPG ever created and surpasses the high standard set in Arena.

Daggerfall offers you an opportunity to adventure in total freedom within a world where your destiny is of your own making and consequence evolves from your decisions. A world of love and darkness, magic and sorcery. Whether you choose to follow a quest or to venture out alone, you will interact with thousands of people as you travel across an expansive land in a time of fantasy and imagination.

* The largest world ever created for a computer role-playing game. Adventure through thousands of cities, villages, dungeons, graveyards, ruins, castles, shrines and farms.
* Interact with thousands of characters, both in dialogue and action.
* Involve yourself in a complex world of constantly evolving political intrigue.
* Own property and ships, participate in the politics of guilds and other organisations and trade goods and services.
* Customise your character or even create a unique character class.
* Participate in numerous large-scale, complex quests or venture off on your own.
* A multiple path story, with several different endings. You decide how the game is played and won.
[Box blurb]***Daggerfall is the sequel to Arena. The world is HUGE, with litterally thousands of NPC's, hundreds of towns and dungeons, and a nearly infinate number of choices that can be made. You can spend time on side quests, or attempt your main goal of saving Daggerfall from the spirit of it's dead king.
Tomb Raider  Eidos Interactive (Core Design)1996 actionadventure archeologistprotagonist chiroptera dinosaurs dromaeosaurs earth fanservice fantasticearth femaleantagonist femaleprotagonist firearms glide3d hostilewildlife jumping lions oopitems peru present puzzlebosses ruins simulacrums titularcharacter tombraider tombraider-1st tutorial tyrannosaurus ursines uvl-confusable walking win95 wolves [quote=anonymous]Gold edition has two extra levels: 'The Shadow of the Cat' and 'Unfinished Business'.[/quote]***DOS version package prominently advertises that it runs under windows95 and it does. But it is a native DOS game with a native DOS installer.***Lara Croft is employed by Jacqueline Natla ,to find an artifact rumored to be
hidden in a temple in Peru. When she finds it she realizes that it is one of the 3 parts of a more important artifact, the Scion,which is the key to activating the Great Pyramid of Atlantis. She also discovers though, that Natla, her employer is not what she seemed to be.
She was one of the 3 rulers of Atlantis and she had one of the 3 pieces of the artifact. The other two belonged to Tihocan and Qualopeg. However, she abused its powers, creating a race of monsters which destroyed Atlantis. The other 2 rulers froze her into what they thought would be an eternal prison. She, however, managed to escape and now wants to create mutated species again. Lara has to stop her, but that's quite difficult, because she is both powerful and intelligent.
Lara now needs to find all the three pieces of Scion, race against Natla's henchmen and then go to Atlantis for the final battle.
PowerSlave  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1996 20thcentury alieninvasion asphyxiation autosavepoints buildengine cdrom clanguage commercial cpu-486 dialup display-vesa display-vga doors dos3 dosextender earth egypt egyptian-theme explosiveobjects firearms firstpersonshooter handguns ipx jumping keyboard keys latemodernperiod lava license-proprietary machineguns magic metroidvania milessound mouse present redbookaudio reload-auto retrypoints spu-awe32 spu-gus spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro swimming tinyfoes walking This version is [i]significantly[/i] different form the original console version. labelimageminimize
Blood: Cryptic Passage Sunstorm Interactive1997 antiheroprotagonist blood-series buildengine difficulty display-vesa download electricweapons firstpersonshooter gog gore hearts hitscan immortals insaneprotagonist jumping malevolentprotagonist personalquest steampowered walkingarmory weirdwest Episode 6: Cryptic Passage

* E6M1: Boat Docks
* E6M2: Old Opera House
* E6M3: Gothic Library
* E6M4: Lost Monastery
* E6M5: Steamboat
* E6M6: Graveyard
* E6M10: Boggy Creek (SECRET LEVEL)
* E6M7: Mountain Pass
* E6M8: Abysmal Mine
* E6M9: Castle (BOSS LEVEL)
Blood: Plasma Pak GT Interactive (Monolith Productions)1997 antiheroprotagonist blood-series buildengine difficulty display-vesa download electricweapons firstpersonshooter gog gore hearts hitscan immortals insaneprotagonist jumping malevolentprotagonist personalquest steampowered walkingarmory weirdwest Episode 5: Post Mortem

* E5M1: Welcome to Your Life
* E5M2: They Are Here
* E5M3: Public Storage
* E5M4: Aqueducts
* E5M5: The Ruined Temple
* E5M6: Forbidden Rituals
* E5M9: Forgotten Catacombs (SECRET LEVEL)
* E5M7: The Dungeon
* E5M8: Beauty and the Beast (BOSS LEVEL)
Descent To Undermountain  Interplay (Dragon Play)1997 adnd automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows charactercreation city clanguage classbased crates crossbows deceptivepackaging descent-engine dialog-sentences dnd doors dosextender dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elves falldamage forgottenrealms genderchoice halflings healingitems healingstations hotel illusionarywalls interlinkedlevels inventory invisiblewalls jewelry jumping knives kobolds ladders lockpicking magic magicartefacts map map-3d mapannotation medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters murinoids mystics neutralmonsters neutralnpcs potions predefinedcontrols protagonistnaming psychics quickkeys randomizedattributes resting safezone saveanywhere shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice stealth subterranean swords thrownweapons traps unarmedfighting uvl-tiein voiceovers weefolk zombies Latest version: 1.3 (as of ?) labelimageminimize
Edna Signum (Black Raven)1997 elderlyprotagonist femaleprotagonist forest inventory jumping magic mysticprotagonist sorcery spiders titularcharacter walking witches labelminimizeminimize
Redneck Rampage  Interplay Entertainment (Xatrix Entertainment)1997 1life abnormalammo alcohol alieninvasion aliens antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles automap bombs buildengine chickens civilianprotagonist clanguage controlmalfunction difficulty display-vesa distortedvision dosextender driving drunkenness earth energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter gog handguns hicks hitscan interspecificconflict inventory jumping northamerica rating-esrb-m rednecks shotguns steampowered vehiclerepairshop voiceovers walking
[84]***Apparently there was an addon called "Redneck Rampage: Cuss Pack" which added harsher language.
Redneck Rampage Rides Again: Arkansas  Interplay Entertainment (Xatrix Entertainment)1997 alcohol alieninvasion aliens antiheroprotagonist arkansas automap buildengine chickens civilianprotagonist clanguage difficulty display-vesa distortedvision dosextender drunkenness firearms firstpersonshooter gog hicks hitscan interspecificconflict jumping rednecks labelminimizeminimize
Redneck Rampage: The Early Years SoftKey Multimedia (Xatrix Entertainment)1997 1life abnormalammo alcohol alieninvasion aliens antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles automap bombs buildengine chickens civilianprotagonist clanguage controlmalfunction difficulty display-vesa distortedvision dosextender driving drunkenness earth energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter handguns hicks hitscan interspecificconflict inventory jumping mp-dm northamerica rating-esrb-m rednecks shotguns vehiclerepairshop voiceovers walking Redneck Rampage: The Early Years adds 8 deathmatch levels to the original game and adds a demo of the original game having only the first five levels accessible via normal gameplay. Oddly, the CD contains every level from the full game and includes tools for players to access these levels. labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior  GT Interactive;Devolver Digital (3D Realms)1997 1life alternateattack animals armyofone asianprotagonist bombs buildengine caltrops cdrom city difficulty display-vesa dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits ladders lagomorphs licensechange lutris meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody sciencefantasy secrets sequelhook sex-inhuman shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords ten-service thrownweapons titularcharacter voiceovers warriorprotagonist win95 The game runs at 320x200 resolution by default, but for those with VESA 2.0 compatible GPU, the game can use up to 800x600 resolution.

Build engine renders pickups and some other objects like levers and buttons with voxels, though this can be disabled so they show up as regular sprites.
The Elder Scrolls Legends: Battlespire Bethesda Softworks1997 1life automap ballistics bows cdrom charactercreation color-15bit dark-limited demons doors elderscrolls elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse genderchoice gog indoors interactivedialogs interactivetriggers inventory ipx itemdurability jumping keys magic meleeweapons milessound noports npcstrife nudity paperdoll saveanywhere serious sorcery stealth summoning swimming targetedjump teleport titlementioned titularlocale unarmedfighting unknownpast uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking xngine xp-literal From the epic role-playing world of Daggerfall and Arena, springs forth a sinister tale of mortal conflict and triumph. The celestial citadel known as Battlespire has been ravaged by a black-hearted Daedra Lord. If this evil Lord and his minions can so easily brush aside an entire defending garrison of the Empire's Battlemages, how can you, a solitary hero, stand against them?

* Create your character using the acclaimed Daggerfall character design system, unrivaled power to custom-build the exact type of hero you want.
* Chat with, conspire and then betray your enemies. Mete out justice with sword and fyre. Battle fiends so cunning they smell your blood, hear your footsteps, and track you like prey.
* Explore exquisitely detailed 3D interiors and exteriors. From ominous dungeons to towering castles, all rendered in splendid hi-res and hi-color.
* Wage war in multi-player mode! Team vs. computer, team vs. team or the ultimate Deathmatch via IPX or Internet.
[Box blurb]
Clonk 3: Radikal RedWolf Design1997 aerostat artillerygame burning burrowers catapults clonkseries currency digging explosives flying fortress hotairballoons jumping licensechange monsters prospecting resourceharvesting shopping sourcecodeavailable tutorial walking weather labelimageminimize
MDK  Playmates Interactive Entertainment (Shiny Entertainment)1997 alienmenace aliens armcannons bossbattles civilianprotagonist coerced download firearms jumping madscience mdk powerarmor reluctanthero solomission steampowered telescope unwantedresponsibility walking ON A GOOD DAY, ONLY 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE WILL DIE. As vast alien mining cities suck the power and minerals from every major metropolis on Earth simultaneously, time is of the essence as millions of civilians are expiring by the second.***
[58]***2009-09-17 on Steam, by Interplay (lang: eng, fre, ger, ita, spa, pol)
Blood GT Interactive (Monolith Productions)1997 1920s 1life 20thcentury aimassist alone antiheroprotagonist armyofone beamweapons blood-series bombs buildengine burning carnival cdrom clanguage clingers controlconfig cpu-586 cultists damageovertime difficulty display-vesa divinemenace doors dos6 dosextender download electricweapons energyweapons eviloverlord explosiveobjects fanatics findexit firearms firstpersonshooter flaregun gamepad gargoyles gog gore grenadecooking grotesque hands healingitems healthpickups hearts hitscan immortals insaneprotagonist inventory joystick jumping keyboard keys labyrinth limitedsupplies magic magicweapons malevolentprotagonist meleeweapons midastouch monsters mouse mp-dm noports npcfriendlyfire personalquest plethoraofreferences powerups prematuredetonation railyard rats realisticshotguns rebornprotagonist remotedetonators revenge sciencefantasy secrets shotguns singlegender sourcecodestolen speech-gibberish splatter spu-sb steampowered storagearea submachineguns swimming ten-service thermalweapons tinyfoes title-demo underwaterdiving unusualprotagonist voiceovers voodoo walkingarmory weirdwest zombies [b]Episodes:[/b]
* The Way of All Flesh
* Even Death May Die
* Farewell to Arms
* Dead Reckoning

[b]Difficulty levels:[/b]
* Still Kicking
* Pink on the Inside
* Lightly Broiled (default)
* Well Done
* Extra Crispy

* Pitchfork
* Flare gun
* Shotgun
* Tommy gun
* Aerosol can
* TNT bundle
* Proximity/remote detonator
* Napalm launcher (functions like rocket launcher)
* Tesla cannon
* Voodoo doll***Has optional support for VESA 2.0 (SVGA 640x480 and 800x600 display resolution with 256 colors)***Experience more terror, mayhem, and violence in the full registered version of Blood. Buy Blood While fighting your way through intricately devious traps and monsters, you will find armaments that you could only dream of to help assist in destroying the Cabal forever. Use the Tesla Cannon to scorch evil cultists hell-bent on destroying you. Quietly lay proximity bombs when faced with dangerous and uncharted ground, then laugh as you hear the sounds of zombies and cultists vaporizing when the bombs detonate.

New game features & additions include:

* 34 levels spanning through 4 episodes plus 8 additional Bloodbath-only levels designed for fast-paced action.
* 12 weapons, including the Tesla Cannon, Voodoo Doll, Life Leech, Spray Can Flame-Thrower, and Remote and Proximity Detonators.
* 17 enemies
* New enemies, bosses, sounds, and art.
* Mapedit, our enhanced Build level editing tool, which will allow you to create your own levels or modify ours.
* Beautifully rendered cutscenes to enhance the mood and story of the game.
* Stunning redbook-audio cd soundtrack.
* Additional bonus: we've gone back through and put all the weapons into the first episode for improved BloodBath!
* DOS 6.2
* 75 MHz Pentium CPU
* 16 MB RAM
* 80 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive
* Sound Blaster

* Keyboard
* Mouse
* Gamepad
* Joystick***Contains several [i]references[/i] to H.P. Lovecraft's works, Macbeth, Shine, and likely several other works as well.***[b]magic[/b] — the voodoo doll, may be the only instance of it besides the other paranormal things that can't be attributed to much anything.
[b]limited supplies[/b] — not very strong example, but you certainly can't shoot brazenly about like you can in most other shooters. Finding secret stashes helps a lot, but these are [i]secrets[/i].
[b]healing stations[/b] — life essences can't be carried about and therefore function like automatic single-use health dispensers.
[b]immortals[/b] — the zombies raise again an unidentifiable number of times, though you can put an end to it if you put some effort in it.
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny  Virgin Interactive (Westwood Studios)1997 1life antimagiczones automap autosaves-periodic axes bellyofawhale bigcats bludgeons capturedresources cave cdrom civilianprotagonist civilizedsavages clingers compass crawltunnels curse dark-limited datacaching deadlywater deities diaries difficulty difficulty-ingame dinosaurs dromaeosaurs elevators elevators-multifloor energyregen enlargingprotagonist environmentalpuzzle falselyaccused felinoids flammables forest giantinsects giantspiders glowingeyes gog healingitems healthregen hiddenattributes hiddenitemstats idlenoise illusionarywalls inventory involuntarystates jumping keys knockback landsoflore liveactors magic mapannotation mapspoilers mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound monsters multipleendings museum mystics neutralmonsters nightvision nontolkienian outlanderprotagonist pictureinpicture polycephalids polymathprotagonist premadeprotagonist prologue quake recurrence recurrence-character ruins saveanywhere screenshake seers shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping shrinkingprotagonist sorcery stealingnpcs subterranean swords tentaclecreatures town toxins trash treetoptown tropic unarmedfighting unexplainedelements unusualprotagonist variableabilitypower voiceovers volcanic walking Latest version: 1.30 (as of 1998-02?)***Comes on 4 CDs. labelimageminimize
Chasm - The Rift Megamedia;GT Interactive (WizardWorks Software;Action Forms)1997 1life autorun cdrom clanguage color-8bit cpu-586 dark dialup dismemberment display-320x200 display-320x240 display-320x400 display-320x480 display-640x400 display-640x480 display-vesa display-vga doors dos5 dosextender fallbackweapon firstpersonshooter gibs healthpickups inbuilttraps indoors ingamecinematics insectoids ipx itemglow joystick jumping keyboard keys leveleditor machineguns militantprotagonist militarybase missionbased monsters mouse mp-versus overkill powerplant precisionrifles rain redbookaudio restorepower saveanywhere shotguns splatter spu-awe32 spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro tcpip temporalincursion timetravel title-demo title-none walking zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* MS-DOS 5.0
* 486 DX4-100 CPU
* 16 MB RAM
* 75 MB HD space

* Pentium CPU
* VESA GPU***Latest version: 1.04 (as of ?)***Chasm - The Rift is a Quake like game that had many features unseen untill it's release, yet fell short to games like Quake and Hexen 2. The engine is almost exact to Quake's, yet excedes it in being able to blow off your enemies arms and head, environmental effects like rain etc. However, it's lack of hardware acceleration (OpenGL etc) support seemed it's biggest shortcoming.
Redneck Rampage: Suckin' Grits on Route 66  Interplay Entertainment (Sunstorm Interactive)1998 alcohol alieninvasion aliens antiheroprotagonist automap buildengine chickens civilianprotagonist clanguage difficulty display-vesa distortedvision dosextender drunkenness earth firearms firstpersonshooter gog hicks hitscan interspecificconflict jumping northamerica rednecks walking labelminimizeminimize
Z.A.R. Auric Vision (Maddox Games)1998 21stcentury cannons controlconfig dialup falldamage firearms future ipx joystick jumping milessound otherworld robots rockets rogueai shrapnel superjump swimming tanks tcpip teleport terraindeformation walkers weaponkickback wrappingworld Supported special display hardware:
* SimulEyes VR (StereoGraphics Corp)
* 3D Stereo Set/3DBIOS (?)
* VFX1 Headgear VR System (?)
* I-Glasses Mono/Stereo (Virtual I-O)

Supported special controllers:
* CyberPuck (?)
Shadow Warrior: Twin Dragon  (Level Infinity)1998 1life animals armyofone bombs buildengine city clanguage commercial difficulty download dualwielding earth fanservice firearms firstpersonshooter gore graphicdeaths grotesque hearts hitscan japan jumping killerrabbits lagomorphs license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters ninja ninjaprotagonist parody sciencefantasy sequelhook shadowwarrior-series spectres steampowered suicideattackers swords thrownweapons titularcharacter ubuntu voiceovers warriorprotagonist labelimageminimize
Redneck Rampage: Possum Bayou ?1998 1life abnormalammo alcohol alieninvasion aliens antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles automap bombs buildengine chickens civilianprotagonist clanguage controlmalfunction difficulty display-vesa distortedvision dosextender driving drunkenness earth energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter handguns hicks hitscan interspecificconflict inventory jumping mp-dm northamerica rating-esrb-m rednecks shotguns vehiclerepairshop voiceovers walking labelminimizeminimize
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