
Other (objects, etc.) concept

Tags related to buildings and other structures.

This is a container group; its children are:

Base buildingInvolves building, maintaining and possibly defending your base of operations. (too short)1984 / 2021334 games
BuildersBuilding anything requires people, robots or such that build them. (too short)1994 / 2020134 games
City-buildingInvolving planning, construction, and management of population centers (cities) and the people involved with them.1980 / 2021256 games
Construction & management simulationSub-genre of business simulation with emphasis on construction which forms most or all of the aspects of managing the business.1991 / 202139 games
ConstructingPlayer spends significant amount of time personally building or managing the building of singular object or structure, such as a house, possibly several but each are worked on separately and with equal effort.1979 / 202353 games
Gradual constructionConstruction happens naturally over time. (too short)1994 / 201538 games
Instant constructionAny construction occurs instantly once it has begun. (too short)1997 / 201517 games
Partial constructionConstruction can be paused leaving the construction into partially complete state, resources diverted to other activities for a time, and resumed at a later date without having to restart the work from scratch.1998 / 201515 games
FoundationsPlayer must deal with building foundations for structures or similar. (too short)1992 / 201619 games
No structure facingPlayer can not designate which way the structures they build face. (too short)1992 / 202061 games
Structure expansionsStructure's can be expanded, usually by adding a separate expansion "module" to it that while increasing its size also increases its effectiveness or adds extra options to its normal operation.1998 / 201515 games
Structure facingPlayer can designate which way buildings and other permanent structures face rather than being limited to default facing.1997 / 201625 games
Structure upgrades (too short)2003 / 201457 games