Tie-in or based-on

Culture theme

Anything created as a tie-in product to something else or based on someone else's creation.

Tie-in is officially sanctioned product based on something, often commissioned by by the owner of the original though often enough they're licensees who acquired rights to make games based on the product. The rest are just based on them, likely have author concession to make them, based on things in the public domain (such as fables, fairy tales, etc.), or are free fan works or parodies.

This is a container group; its children are:

Boardgame Tie-inA videogame based on a proprietary real world boardgame. Not necessarily using the same rules; it may use the same characters for instance.1976 / 2017244 games
Book tie-inBased on a book or made into a book. (too short)1975 / 2021805 games
TV cartoon tie-inBased on or were made into a cartoon show. (too short)1981 / 2017746 games
Celebrity Tie-InFeatures at least 1 celebrity for the sake of featuring them. (too short)1988 / 201414 games
Comic tie-inBased on or made into a comic. (too short)1979 / 2018436 games
Commercial mascotEven commercial mascots can be protagonists of video games. (too short)1991 / 201126 games
Fairy tale basisBased on any traditional fairy tale. (too short)1980 / 201736 games
Grimms' Fairy TalesBased on any of fairy tales attributed to or found in the Brothers Grimm collection (last edition of which contained over 200 stories), very few of which were actually written by the brothers themselves.1983 / 201542 games
Linux MascotsTux the penguin, and all his friends. (too short)1999 / 201536 games (35 characters)
Movie tie-inBased on a movie or made into a movie. (too short)1975 / 20201938 games
Organization MascotA mascot designed primarily to promote an idea for an group (especially but not limited to a non-profit group) rather than for a profitable product.1 game
Organization Tie-inA tie-in for an organization (especially but not limited to a non-profit one) rather than a for-profit business and/or product.1 game
Tabletop Game Tie-inA videogame based on a real world tabletop game. Not necessarily using the same rules; it may use the same characters for instance.1986 / 201717 games
Theme Park Ride tie-inTie-in with a real thrill ride / theme park ride. (too short)1988 / 20035 games
Tie-in variants (too short)container group
Toy Tie-inBased on a real toy or series of toys. (too short)1983 / 2014215 games
Traditional Tie-in (too short)1981 / 201544 games
Game show tie-inBased on or inspired by a TV game show. (too short)1982 / 2014326 games
Live action TV series tie-inBased on or made into a non-animated TV series. (too short)1971 / 2017655 games
UVL Maintenance: Generic tie-in tagNeeded when migrating the tie-in game type to tags, now these games have to be tagged more specifically.1981 / 20212259 games