showing 37 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame typedisplayplatform
Amnesia: The Dark Descent  Frictional Games;1C Company (Frictional Games;Snowball Studios)2010adventure Horror textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
ArcaniA - A Gothic Tale  JoWood Productions (Spellbound Entertainment)2010action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Captain Forever  Pixelsaurus (Pixelsaurus;Future Crayon)2009shooter Science Fiction vectorLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Cargo – The Quest for Gravity bitComposer Games;Viva Media (Ice-pick Lodge)2011action/reflex adventure Fantasy Humorous Cartoon textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time Stickmen Studios2010platformer puzzle Humorous Cartoon Science Fiction rasterWindowslabelimageminimize
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time Stickmen Studios2011adventure Cartoon Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Final Fantasy X  Square;SCE Europe (Square)2001role-play Fantasy Manga Science Fiction textured polygonsPS2labelimagesubject
Final Fantasy X  Square Enix;SCE Europe (Square Enix)2019role-play Fantasy Manga Science Fiction textured polygonsSwitchlabelminimizeminimize
Gothic  Egmont Interactive;Xicat Interactive (Piranha Bytes)2001action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Gothic 2  JoWood Productions (Piranha Bytes)2002action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Gothic 2: The Night of the Raven  JoWooD Productions (Piranha Bytes)2003action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Gothic 3  JoWooD Productions;Deep Silver;Aspyr Media (Piranha Bytes)2006action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Ōkami  Capcom (Clover Studio;Ready at Dawn)2008action/reflex adventure Fantasy Humorous Manga textured polygons, cell shadingWiilabelimageminimize
Ōkami  Capcom (Clover Studio)2006action/reflex adventure Fantasy Humorous Manga textured polygons, cell shadingPS2labelimagesubject
Ōkami HD  Capcom2018action/reflex adventure Fantasy Humorous Manga textured polygons, cell shadingSwitchlabelimagesubject
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011action/reflex shooter Science Fiction textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011action/reflex Science Fiction textured polygonsPS3labelimageminimize
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011action/reflex Science Fiction textured polygonsX360labelimageminimize
Rage  Bethesda Softworks (id Software)2011action/reflex Science Fiction textured polygonsMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsX360labelimagesubject
Risen Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2009action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsX360labelimagesubject
Risen 3: Titan Lords Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsPS3labelminimizesubject
Risen 3: Titan Lords  Deep Silver (Piranha Bytes)2014action/reflex role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
Secrets of Grindea Pixel Ferrets2015action/reflex role-play Fantasy rasterWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Secrets of Grindea Pixel Ferrets2016action/reflex role-play Fantasy rasterLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Shadow Warrior 2 Devolver Digital (Flying Wild Hog)2016action/reflex shooter Fantasy Humorous textured polygonsWindowslabelimageminimize
Stonekeep Interplay (Interplay Productions)1995adventure role-play Fantasy rasterMS-DOSlabelimagesubject
The Curse of Monkey Island  LucasArts1997adventure Humorous Cartoon rasterWindowslabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Nintendo (Nintendo EAD)2011adventure role-play Fantasy textured polygonsWiilabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Nintendo (EAD Software Development Group 3)2006adventure Fantasy textured polygonsWiilabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess  Nintendo (EAD Software Development Group 3)2006adventure textured polygonsGameCubelabelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD  Nintendo (Nintendo EPD;Tantalus)2016action/reflex adventure Fantasy textured polygonsWii Ulabelimageminimize
The Nomad Soul  Eidos (Quantic Dream)2000action/reflex beat 'em up shooter adventure Fantasy Science Fiction textured polygonsDreamcastlabelimagesubject
The Walking Dead Telltale Games2012action/reflex adventure Horror textured polygonsWindowslabelimagesubject
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season Telltale Games;Square Enix (Telltale Games)2013action/reflex adventure Horror textured polygonsPS Vitalabelimageminimize
Ultima VIII: Pagan  Origin1994adventure role-play Fantasy rasterMS-DOSlabelimageminimize