showing 18 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Nightlong  DreamCatcher Interactive (Team17;Trecision)1998 apartmentbuilding city clickadventure club future hoarding inventory investigatorprotagonist maleprotagonist middleagedprotagonist obligation subway virtualreality zoo labelminimizeminimize
Max Payne Take 2 Interactive;Gathering of Developers (Remedy Entertainment)2001 1life ammomagazines apartmentbuilding armyofone assaultrifles atlastmoment autosavepoints aybabtu bullettime city comiccutscenes compatiblewine containers cpplanguage crates crimefiction difficulty directx8 dodging doors dualwielding earth ectsaward falselyaccused firearms gameplayinn gangsters grenades grounddiving handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hotel incendiarygrenades jumping lawenforcerprotagonist maxfx-engine maxpayne-series meninblack movie naturalistic neutralnpcs noir organizedcrime personalquest precisionrifles purpleprose restorepower rewardingvandalism rooftops saveanywhere serious shotguns slaughterhouse slowmotion submachineguns subway titlementioned titularcharacter tutorial vigilanteprotagonist walking wintery Un shooter con un especial énfasis en el uso del entorno y sobretodo en el empleo de "tiempo bala" y de esquivas de todo tipo.
Además tiene una historia muy interesante y con elementos, como las viñetas o las fases oníricas, que le vienen como anillo al dedo para crear esa atmósfera miserable de una tragedia noir.

8 de 10***Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night. A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder, and now hunted by cops and the mob. Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. Prepare for a new breed of deep action game. Prepare for pain... Developed by Remedy Entertainment and produced by 3D Realms, Max Payne is a relentless story-driven game about a man on the edge, fighting for his justice while uncovering plot-twists and twisted thugs in the gritty bowels of New York during the century's worst blizzard. Max Payne is an original third-person 3D game based on the MAX-FX engine, and uses photo-digitized textures, resulting in one of the most realistic looking games ever seen.***Max Payne is a cool game. Nice story line, good playing, especially when we have many mod to play. 5 Stars for Max Payne.

[zbig13]***The first action game to approach Half-Life in terms of playability. Impressive originality, such as Bullet Time, made it a benchmark game for 2001, improving on Half-Life in many fields, yet still not fully attracting the support the former got.
Splinter Cell  Ubi Soft (Ubi Soft Montreal)2003 1life 2000s 21stcentury ammomagazines apartmentbuilding aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints awardgdcwriting city clandestine doors download dynamicaccuracy earth espionage firearms georgia-usa latemodernperiod ledges lockpicking meatshield militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased monkeybars naturalistic playerprofiles present realworld relentlessguards saveanywhere secretmission serious slaughterhouse solomission splintercell spyfiction stealth stealthgame tomclancy tutorial uvl-releases uvl-tiein walking walljumping 2003-02-18 as boxed
2008-04-01 on Steam***Clint Hocking and JT Petty won the3rd annual (2003) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing.
Half-Life 2  Vivendi Universal Games;Valve Corporation (Valve)2004 1life 21stcentury absolutearmor achievements achievements-public airboat airlocks aliens alternateattack ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles apartmentbuilding armoredcars aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 autosavepoints awardgdcwriting bioships bludgeons breakpad bridge buggy burrowers cagetransport cave cc censored chainreactions chapterreplay chargers chosenone city cliff cliffhanger compatiblewine controllablehelplessness corpseactions crates crossbows dam damageindicator dawnofanewage demo difficulty difficulty-ingame dilapidated directx7 directx8 directx9 disintegrators displaydevices distortedhearing dollyzoom doors download driving drm drm-activation dystopian earth ectsaward elevatedglitch encounters-popup energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects extensible facialexpressions falldamage famousprotagonist fascism fastzombies firearms firstpersonshooter forcefields genderdiscrepancy grenades guidedweapons guidedweapons-pointer halflife handguns havokphysics hazmatsuit headtracking healthbuffer healthpickups healthwarning helicopters idlenoise illequipped ingamecinematics inpersoncinematics insectoids jumping ladders langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langthai leveleditor license-crossplatform lightbridges lighthouse lipsync livinglegend lostresources mandatoryloss meleeweapons middleprojection modifiable motionblur mutablescenery-fixtures mutablescenery-small nochildren nofriendlyfire noodleincident npchiding oculusrift pain parasites planetlooters postapocalypse powerarmor powerthrow prison projectileimmunity prologue radiotap railway railyard rebellion rebelprotagonist recurrence recurrence-character recurrence-creature recurrence-object reload-auto reload-manual retcon rewardingvandalism robots rockets saveonline savior scientistprotagonist scientists secrets sequence-defend sequence-survival sessilecreatures shallowwater shore silentprotagonist singlegenderopposition soldiers sourcecodestolen sourceengine squatters steampowered steamworks storagearea superweapon suppression swimming teleporters telescope temporarycompanions timespan-days title-animated title-multi title-scene trains trampling tripeds turrets underwaterdiving voiceovers walking walkingarmory warehouse widescreen win2k windy winxp zombies Uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, la mejor comunidad modder del mundo y predecesor de juegos como el Portal 2 y el TF2.

9 de 10.***[code]하프라이프[/code] literally reads [code]hapeu raipeu[/code] which is presumably transliteration of English "half-life".***It's commonly pointed out by various people (also by the [url=]Concerned HL2 comic[/url]) that you can't sprint when your flashlight runs out of power and this doesn't make sense (to them). However, they fail to realize a simple fact: default movement mode is already [i]running[/i] (this is fairly obvious, which makes me wonder how people manage to miss it). The thing they think is running is literally [i]sprinting[/i] largely accomplished by the aid of the HEV suit (a type of utility power armor) Gordon is wearing. So the sprint expends the same suit energy your flashlight uses. However there is obvious discrepancy in the amount of energy used.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 1.2 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM

* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM***Half-Life2: Game of the Year Edition was also published in Israel. While the packaging is in English, the manual and game itself are in Hebrew

Valve Software/Vivendi Universal Gameswon the 5th annual (2005) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing. Marc Laidlaw was designated in the nomination.

From the official site:
By taking the suspense, challenge and visceral charge of the original, and adding startling new realism and responsiveness, Half-Life 2 opens the door to a world where the player's presence affects everything around him, from the physical environment to the behaviors -- even the emotions -- of both friends and enemies.

The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people -- people he cares about -- are counting on him.
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines  Activision (Troika Games;White Wolf Game Studio)2004 1life actionadventure adv-xpdistr airducts apartmentbuilding assaultrifles axes backstabbing beach bludgeons bullettime cablecars capacity-slots cdrom charactercreation chinatown city city-losangeles-ca clandestine classbased cloaking club communicator contemporaryfantasy controlloss cpplanguage crossbows cutsceneincompetence damagetypes devotees directx9 distracting doomsayers doors drm dvd earth elevators facialexpressions fakenames falldamage fanpatch fantasticearth firearms firstpersonshooter gargoyles genderchoice ghosts hacking haunting havokphysics healthdraining hollywoodusa hospital hotel humanity installoslimit intimidation inventory itemglow jigglephysics juggernauts jumping lipsync lockpicking mansion mediaindrive meleeweapons milessound monastery multipleendings museum neutralnpcs news nodrm noports northamerica oldskoolsecurity optionaltasks park parkinglot poltergeists pressureplates prostitutes publictransit pythonlanguage railyard rating-esrb-m rp-levelless ruins safedisc safezone scrapyard secretconflict secretsociety seers selectivefire serious sewers shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping siminsanity sourceengine stealth stealth-light stealth-sight steampowered storagearea subterranean swords tasktracker teleportmaze theatre tutorial unarmedfighting undead unfixedbugs unvoicedprotagonist urbanfantasy uvl-tiein vagrants vampireprotagonist vampires vendortrash voiceovers walking watercraft-location werewolves win2k win98 winxp worldofdarkness xp-undefined zombies Latest version: 1.2 (as of ?), unofficial: 5.7 (as of ?)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
* 1.2 GHz Athlon or Pentium III CPU
* 384 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 3.3 GB free HD space

* 512 MB RAM
Fallout 3  Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2008 1life 23rdcentury abnormalammo achievements achievements-public actioncamera addiction adv-perks adv-ptdistr alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apartmentbuilding aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 assaultrifles automap autopause-inventory autosavepoints backstabbing beamweapons blacksheep bludgeons burning cannibalism capacity-stacks capacity-weight captives cave censored charactercreation chekhovsgun children circadiancycle city city-washington-dc classless consequences cpplanguage crafting criticalchance cruelty-potential crustacoids currency-unusual cyborgs deadondisplay death deathworld depthoffield devconsole diaries difficulty difficulty-ingame dingy directx9 disarming discrimination disproportionateretribution doors download drm druggies drugs dualism dvd earth energyweapons fakenames fallout fasttravel firearms fistloads flamethrowers flammablegas friendlyfire future gadgetweapons gamebryoengine gameoftheyear genderchoice ghouls giantants gianthumanoids giantinsects giantrobots giantshoulderpads giantspiders gore graphicdeaths graybrown graychoices grenades grotesque growingprotagonist hacking handguns healthregen hiddenvillage home humanexperiments humanoidanimals ignoredcompanions improvisedweapons indicator-poi indicator-threat injuries interactivedialogs inventory isolationists itemdurability jumping karma knives laserweapons letterbox levelcap leveleditor library limitedcapacity locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lutris machineguns malfunctioning maneaters mcbestgameaward meleeweapons mines modsupport moralchoices multipleendings museum music-licensed music-vocal mutagen mutants nailguns netframework neutralmonsters neutralnpcs news noheadbob northamerica npcinjuries npcschedules organizedcrime outlaws overkill parttargeting pickpocketing plasmaweapons postapocalypse powerarmor precisionrifles prejudice pressureplates propaganda prostitutes protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face protagonistredesigning radiation radioactiveglow raiders rating-cero-z raygungothic reload-auto reload-manual repairing retrofuture robots rockets rogueai rotaryguns ruinedworld ruins sauroids saveanywhere scientists scorpions search securom7 sentientmachines shantytown shopping sidetracked slavery slowmotion splatter starforce stealing stealth stealthmode stupidevil submachineguns subway supermode swimming swords tasktracker teenprotagonist teslacoils thermalweapons thx-1138 timeskip town trapdisarming traps tripwires tutorial unarmedfighting unvoicedprotagonist variableending waiting walking wasteland widescreen winvista winxp A spin and rebirth of the saga, brings back a desolate atmosphere but in FPS-packed-action; neverless, the VATS compensates incredibly for the turn-system action.
Sadly, the story empowers epicness over good story, with immortal characters an black/white characters in general (there are exceptions)
But is important for being the predecessor of Fallout: New Vegas, who is better in every way possible and retakes the old developers of Fallout 1 and 2.

8 de 10***[b]Non-free add-ons:[/b] (DLC)
* [url=]Operation: Anchorage[/url] (2009-01-27)
* [url=]The Pitt[/url] (2009-03-24)
* Broken Steel (2009-05-05)
* Point Lookout (2009-06-23)
* Mothership Zeta (2009-07-29?)

Available only through the Microsoft LIVE service (for both Windows and X360). GOTY edition of the game comes with all five DLCs included.***Bethesda decided, without anyone asking them to (or being required to do so by anything), to censor the Japanese release. This includes changes such as removing NPC Burke from the Power of the Atom side-quest and the option to detonate the a-bomb in the city of Megaton.

Kotaku: [url][/url]
Bethesda: [url][/url]***Latest version: (as of 2009-01-13)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 2.4 Ghz Pentium IV CPU
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X850 GPU
* 6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM***[b]active pause[/b] — VATS functions like active pause even if it isn't [i]exactly[/i] that; using the PipBoy also effectively pauses the game.
[b]cannibalism[/b] — you meet current and "former" cannibals and can become one yourself by picking the "cannibal" perk.
[b]auto-regen[/b] — there are at least two perks that give this under certain conditions, normally not present.
[b]growing protagonist[/b] — goes through from birth to ages of 1, 10, 16 and 19. This effectively covers character creation completely and offers some backstory.
[b]slavery[/b] — besides being somewhat common topic, player can also partake in this activity by stunning and collaring people (the collar will cause the slave's head to explode if they try to escape).

[b]variable ending[/b] — the ending is constructed of 3 things: karma and two choices near the end that form total of around 10 "unique" endings (if minor details are ignored) constructed out of 28 video segments (see breakdown at [url=]Fallout wiki[/url]). Only around 4 endings if you play them out in very archetypical manner.

[b]thx-1138[/b] — the number is encountered at least in [i]The Republic of Dave[/i], unconfirmed reference.***Project started in 2004***Description:

Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world – radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.


Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you've ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

Key Features:

* Limitless Freedom! – Take in the sights and sounds of the vast Capital Wasteland! See the great monuments of the United States lying in post-apocalyptic ruin! You make the choices that define you and change the world. Just keep an eye on your Rad Meter!
* Experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! – Vault-Tec engineers bring you the latest in human ability simulation – the SPECIAL Character System! Utilizing new breakthroughs in points-based ability representation, SPECIAL affords unlimited customization of your character. Also included are dozens of unique skills and perks to choose from, each with a dazzling variety of effects!
* Fantastic New Views! – The wizards at Vault-Tec have done it again! No longer constrained to just one view, experience the world from 1st or 3rd person perspective. Customize your view with the touch of a button!
* The Power of Choice! – Feeling like a dastardly villain today, or a Good Samaritan? Pick a side or walk the line, as every situation can be dealt with in many different ways. Talk out your problems in a civilized fashion, or just flash your Plasma Rifle.
* Blast ‘Em Away With V.A.T.S.! – Even the odds in combat with the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System for your Pip-Boy Model 3000! V.A.T.S. allows you to pause time in combat, target specific body parts on your target, queue up attacks, and let Vault-Tec take out your aggression for you. Rain death and destruction in an all-new cinematic presentation.
* Mind-Blowing Artificial Intelligence! – At Vault-Tec, we realize that the key to reviving civilization after a global nuclear war is people. Our best minds pooled their efforts to produce an advanced version of Radiant AI, America's First Choice in Human Interaction Simulation. Facial expressions, gestures, unique dialog, and lifelike behavior are brought together with stunning results by the latest in Vault-Tec technology.
* Eye-Popping Prettiness! – Witness the harsh realities of nuclear fallout rendered like never before in modern super-deluxe HD graphics. From the barren Wasteland, to the danger-filled offices and metro tunnels of DC, to the hideous rotten flesh of a mutant's face.
Left 4 Dead  Valve;EA Partners (Valve South)2008 2000s 3ormoreplayers accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public airport ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles apartmentbuilding aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles asymmetricfactions autorun ballistics bleeding burning capacity-toolslots cc chainreactions city civilianprotagonist colorblind cooperation corridors damageovertime dark decoybombs difficulty difficulty-auto distortedvision doors doors-breakable download dualwielding dvd dynamicaccuracy earth elitemobs endlessopposition eventdirector everyonesdead explosiveobjects fastzombies fatties filmgrain firearms firstpersonshooter forest friendlyfire friendlyfire-full friendlyfire-reduced fullbodyawareness gore group gunclubbing handguns havokphysics healing-active healing-delayed healingitems hordegame hospital host-dedicated house hypermobilefoes incendiarygrenades injuries instantmotion instructor intangibleallies itemglow itempickup-instant jumping karmiccreatures killingblow knockback l4d-series lamp langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langnorse latemodernperiod license-crossplatform limitedcapacity lutris mode-survival mp-bots mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin mp-escape mp-matchmaking mp-nodupes mp-nosaves mp-survival mpfocus multiprotagonists noantagonist nooneleftbehind novintfalcon npcspawning nplayers officebuilding outbreak overpenetration parkinglot precisionrifles present pve pvp rating-cero-z reload-auto reload-manual repulsion resuscitation ruins runningcommentary saveonline sequence-survival serverbrowser shadermodel2 shadermodel3 shotguns socialnetwork sourceengine steampowered steamworks submachineguns subway survival survivalhorror swarmers teamawareness telescope thermalweapons undead undeadmenace unorthodoxweapons unusualprotagonist uvl-searchelp voicechat voicemacros walking zombieapocalypse zombies A medio camino entre una remodelación del mod de zombies del Counter-Strike y un juego de supervivencia cooperativa aparece el Left 4 Dead, cuya mayor virtud sin duda alguna es que la verdadera competición es supervivientes contra zombies especiales, siendo en realidad un cooperativo en modo versus.
También es de lo más interesante la IA de los zombies genéricos y sus diversas reacciones frente a la luz, el sonido etc...

6 de 10.***[b]Named updates/patches[/b]: (called DLC for some strange reason)
* Survival Pack (2009-04-21)
* Crash Course (2009-09-29)***For 1-8 players, 2-8 in versus, 1-4 in other modes.***[b]bleeding[/b] - border case as this only occurs when a player gets incapacitated and waits for someone to assist them.
[b]hypermobile foes[/b] - hunters mainly, the others have only slightly higher mobility than the protagonists.
[b]karmic creatures[/b] - boomer, killing him in close quarters has the same effect as having him barf on you.
[b]killing blow[/b] - the common infected are so very fragile. not applicable to the special infected.
[b]elite npcs[/b] - the special infected.

[b]asymmetric factions[/b] - versus mode, the infected and the survivors.***US 2008-11-17
RU 2008-11-20 by Akella***Built for multiplayer cooperative play (with up to four players), single player is the same as multiplayer except the other characters are AI controlled and not the intended point. The AI generally controls all missing players even in multiplayer games and takes over temporarily if a player goes AFK (at least if they tell it to).***Only English, French, German, Spanish and Russian have full voice-overs, the others are as text only.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or Vista64
* 3.0 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* Radeon 9600 or GeForce 6600 GPU
* 7.5 GB HD space

* 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU
* GeForce 7600 GPU***Left 4 Dead [...] casts up to four "Survivors" in an epic struggle against hordes of swarming zombies and terrifying "Boss Infected" mutants.

Set in the immediate aftermath of the long-awaited zombie apocalypse, L4D's survival co-op game mode is played out across four sprawling "Movies" set in a variety of urban and rural environments. Each "Movie" has an over-riding team objective, is comprised of five large maps, and may be played by 1 to 4 human players.

New technology dubbed "the AI Director" is used to procedurally generate a unique experience each time the game is played. Just as in Hollywood films, the Director calls for new monsters, sounds, and action as it tailors the gameplay experience based upon the team's performance.

[...] Left 4 Dead also includes new multiplayer modes.

* Addictive co-op action gameplay [...]
* Advanced artificial intelligence drives both friendly and unfriendly creatures to dynamically create intense single-player, co-op, and multiplayer experiences every time the game is played
* 20 new maps. 10 new weapons. Four sprawling "Movies"
* Match making, stats, rankings, and awards system drive collaborative play
* Designer's Commentary mode allows gamers to go "behind the scenes" of the game
* Powered by Source and Steam
Wanted: Weapons of Fate  Warner Bros. Interactive (GRIN)2009 1980s 2000s achillesheelfoes aimmode aircraft-location alternatingprotagonist ammomagazines antiheroprotagonist apartmentbuilding aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-auto assassinprotagonist autosavepoints bossbattles bullettime city city-chicago-il city-paris-fr cover-swap coversystem dieselengine difficulty difficulty-ingame distortedhearing drm dvd earth equipment-predefined europe explosiveobjects factory firearms fofindicator france grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning itemglow itempickup-auto killingblow knives latemodernperiod meatshield meleeweapons mountain movie multilingual newgameplus northamerica officebuilding openal openended past physx precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rage secondaryattack secretsociety securom sequence-turret skipnoninteractive snipers speech-french splatter temple title-animated tower tracers tutorial undefinedelements usa vaulting walking xml Pretty good for a game based on a license, although the bullet curving and bullet time wasn't as fluid as one would hope (not with mouse and keyboard at least).***[b]rage[/b] - enables bullet curving and slomo
[b]alternating protagonist[/b] - switches between Wesley Gibson after the movie's events and his father (Cross) before the movie's events.
[b]1980s[/b] - 1984
[b]2000s[/b] - 2004, 2005, 2009(?)

[b]undefined elements[/b] - bullet curving, allows player to control the flight curve of the bullets to dodge obstacles/cover
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Vivendi (Terminal Reality)2009 1990s achillesheelfoes aimassist animateobjects apartmentbuilding arcanetechnology authorapproval autosavepoints beamweapons bossbattles capturing castle cemetery city city-newyork-ny contrasted crippled damageindicator detector diegeticui difficulty dimensionalbreach dimensionaltravel directx9 dodging download earth elevators encounters-popup enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons experimentaltechnology fatties ghostbusters ghosts goothrowers haunting healthregen healthregen-fast hotel infernalengine insectoids library lighthearted monsters museum namelessprotagonist nojumping npcgenerators oneofmany overheating paranormal past poltergeists portals possessed rookieprotagonist separated shopping silentprotagonist singlesave staining stamina streamprojectors suicideattackers technology-theme tutorial upgrades-permanent upgradesystem urbanfantasy uvl-tiein vibrant walking weaponupgrades whispers Who ya gonna call?
The Ghostbusters are back for an all new adventure! With Manhattan overrun again by supernatural creatures, gamers take the role of a new recruit joining the famous Ghostbusters team. Equipped with a variety of unique equipment and gadgets, players hunt, fight and wrangle a wide range of ghosts in an all-new battle to save New York City from its latest paranormal plague.

THE AUTHENTIC GHOSTBUSTERS GAME EXPERIENCE - Delivering a special gaming experience to the tremendous Ghostbusters fan base around the world, Ghostbusters™: The Video Game features the original cast from Columbia Pictures' classic Ghostbusters films, including Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson - together again for the first time in over 20 years. Supporting the original Ghostbusters crew are the talents of Annie Potts, Brian Doyle Murray and William Atherton.
UNIQUE GHOST BUSTING ACTION - Like the films before it, Ghostbusters™: The Video Game is all-new classic adventure with Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis returning to the helm to script and create a new storyline that leads gamers through the trials and tribulations of the world's leading paranormal ghost busting team. Players experience a variety of frightening new ghosts, even some based on ideas from Aykroyd and Ramis that never made it into the original feature films.
EQUIPMENT, GADGETS & ENEMIES - Ghostbusters™: The Video Game features never seen before ghost hunting, wrangling and trapping game mechanics with upgradeable gadgets. Gamers can wear ghosts down into a weakened state with the Proton Pack's Blast Stream and use the Capture Stream to wrangle them into the trap, execute different strategic tactics with the new Slime Tether and Stasis Stream, and scan and analyze targets using like the P.K.E. Meter and Paragoggles.***US 2009-06-16 on Steam
PAYDAY: The Heist  Sony Online Entertainment (OVERKILL Software)2011 3ormoreplayers accuracy-motion accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes aimmode ammowarning apartmentbuilding assaultrifles bank bridge brigandprotagonist captiveexchange captives city cooperation criminalactivity daringenterprise dieselengine difficulty distortedvision dynamicaccuracy endlessopposition equipment-preselect fakenames firearms firstpersonshooter genericpickups gunclubbing handguns healthbuffer healthregen hordegame imprisoning ironsights itemglow lawenforcers limitedsupplies locationinfo machinepistols masks mines mp-bots mp-cooperative mp-crossaddon mp-dropin mpfocus naturalistic noantagonist noncombpenalty nplayers objectiveindicator officebuilding optionaltasks outlawprotagonist payday-series playerprogression precisionrifles qaa randomentry randomlocations randomtaskdetails rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual resuscitation score sequence-defend sequence-stealth shotguns slaughterhouse steampowered steamworks submachineguns teamawareness timelimit unlockable-items visiblelasers voicechat wadsofcash walking windowentry winvista winxp Un gran juego para emular el sueño americano de robar un banco.
Payday 2 es mejor por su rejugabilidad y progreso, pero ambos son prácticamente idénticos en calidad de juego.

7 de 10***Has numerous superficial similarities with L4D outside of the obvious lack of zombie apocalypse and different goal. But unlike L4D this is commonly compared to, player has various objectives that can change on the fly, and the players are not required to be on constant move as much. However, like L4D the police are similar to the zombies in what they do and how soloers may have extreme trouble surviving.***PAYDAY™ The Heist is an action filled first person shooter that lets players take on the role of a hardened career criminal executing intense, dynamic heists in constant pursuit of the next "big score". Load out with an array of weaponry and equipment. Navigate six high-stake heists with three other live or A.I. Co-Op partners in crime.

Time for a PAYDAY™ - Cash in Before you Cash Out!

Key Features
* Six High-Intensity Heists
* Interactive 4-Player Co-Op play
* Endless Replayability
* Massive Character Progression Tree
* Build Your Skills to Fit Your Preferred Form of Violence
* Hostage Trading
* More DLC: Additional heists, weapons and equipment means PAYDAY™—a digitally distributed AAA quality title for less than half the price of a retail game—is total OVERKILL
Spec Ops: The Line 2K Games (Yager)2012 aimmode ambientocclusion antiheroprotagonist apartmentbuilding arabia arid assaultrifles autosavepoints autoshotguns blindfiring capacity-toolslots chapters characterdriven cia city city-dubai-ae contextactions coupdegrace coversystem creatorcentrism crepuscularrays dark-limited dementia demo diaries distortedvision dubai earth elimination eliteprotagonist euthanasia explosives-sticky firearms fofindicator gore grenadelaunchers grenades grenadewarning grotesque group group-leader helicopters hotel hud-dynamic invisiblewalls itemglow limitedcapacity lostequipment machineguns militantprotagonist militaryfiction mp-cooperative multipleendings npcreloading observer officebuilding playerstats precisionrifles present rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 retrypoints rockets rotaryguns ruins separated sequence-escape sequence-turret serious shotguns skipnoninteractive speech-farsi splatter stungrenades submachineguns suicide telescope torture tower unlockable-difficulty visualizedtrajectory wasteland ziplines Rara vez se ve un FPS de guerra que transmita la verdadera desolación de una zona marcial. Spec Ops: The Line lo logra de manera magistral gracias a la sensación de abandono y a lo humanos que expone a los enemigos, lejos del típico "yo bueno, tu malo" tan común en los shooter en general.
Además, en terminos de juego no tiene nada que envidiar a sus compañeros de género, con un buen arsenal y la añadidura de la física de la arena y sus múltiples efectos (hasta corriendo se nota). incluye también elementos muy propios de los juegos de Tom Clancy en el aspecto de enviar órdenes, aunque de manera muy simplificada.
El multijugador no es nada del otro mundo, el típico clase+perks+armas y los clásicos modos deathmatch/por equipos/etc...

8 de 10***Spec Ops: The Line is a new original title from 2K Games that features provocative and gripping Third-Person modern military Shooter gameplay designed to challenge players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made. Features include, a gripping, storyline reminiscent of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness but set in a ruined Dubai, tactical squad-based Delta Force gameplay throughout a horizontally and vertically oriented world, devastating sandstorms which can be used in combat, a variety of multiplayer modes and maps, and deep support featuring two factions.

It’s been 6 months since Dubai was wiped off the map by a cataclysmic sandstorm. Thousands of lives were lost, including those of American soldiers sent to evacuate the city. Today, the city lies buried under sand, the world’s most opulent ruin. Now, a mysterious radio signal is picked-up from Dubai, and a Delta Recon Team is sent to infiltrate the city. Their mission is simple: Locate survivors and radio for Evac. What they find is a city in the grip of war. To save Dubai, they’ll have to find the man at the heart of its madness—Col. John Konrad.

Spec Ops: The Line is an action-packed Third-Person Shooter that delivers heart pounding physically close combat through a squad-based play mechanic. Players lead a team of three characters, Captain Martin Walker, Lieutenant Adams and Sergeant Lugo. Each character has his own distinct personality and specialized skills, and the mature story they each play a role in explores the dark side of war in a realistic way, in which there are no good outcomes, only hard choices. As missions are completed more advanced weapons and equipment are made available. In addition, the desert environment of Dubai is brought into the game in a unique way with stunning visuals, and dynamic sandstorms that actively effect level designs, and which can be used to help and hinder progress. The vertical interiors of Dubai high rise buildings also provide tactical advantages and risks that can used be by players. Multiplayer campaigns bring new modes and unusual situations and environments to expand the single player experience.

Key Features
* A new portrayal of the military shooter experience with twisting narrative uncertainties.
* Action packed 3rd Person Shooter gameplay provides an up-close and personal view into the brutality and emotion within the combat.
* Command an intelligent and powerful squad of Delta-Force soldiers in a dangerous and unpredictable combat zone.
* Cross "The Line" in a mature story that explores the dark side of war, where there are no bright outcomes, only bad or worse choices.
* Unique Dubai setting strikes the imagination and transports players to a larger-than-life playground for vertical gameplay and stunning visuals.
* Sand-filled Dubai provides new gameplay experiences including sand avalanches, and powerful, disorienting sandstorm combat.
* Customisable, Class-Based, Blazing Multiplayer
Deadlight Microsoft Studios (Tequila Works)2012 1980s 20thcentury aimmode alternatetimeline amnesia amphitheatre apartmentbuilding axes bink cinematicplatformer city city-seattle-wa comiccutscenes deadlywater deathfakers deathpits difficultyspike doors earth elevators envcombat environmentalpuzzle fallimpact firearms fragileprotagonist glowingeyes grapplers handguns helicopters hospital house instantkillers interactionhighlight jumping ladders ledges lostequipment middleagedprotagonist naturalistic officebuilding past postapocalypse pressureplates pseudo3d quicktimeevent rating-pegi-18 reload-chambering reload-manual ruins scaleform sequence-escape silhouetted slingshots stamina steampowered stumbling survivalhorror tackling taunting tumbling unrealengine unrealengine3 usa walking xbydifferentname zombieapocalypse zombies labelimageminimize
Hitman: Absolution  Square Enix (IO Interactive)2012 aimmode alarmers alternatesolutions antiheroprotagonist apartmentbuilding assassinating assaultrifles autosavepoints backstabbing blacksheep bodydragging bombs cemetery challenges chinatown cinematicinconsistencies city city-chicago-il clandestine coversystem criminalactivity crowds depthoffield difficulty disguising distortedhearing distracting dogs doors drugs dualwielding eavesdropping elevators envcombat epilogue factory factualinaccuracy fanservice firearms fxaa gardengnomes glacier2engine hammerspace handguns hiding hippies hitman-series holstering hotel improvisedweapons infopropagation interactionhighlight itemglow jigglephysics knives ladders launcher lawenforcers ledges lightbloom limitedsaves mansion meatshield meleeweapons mine mines msaa naturalistic neutralnpcs nonlethalelimination nonlinear optionaltasks orphanage outlawprotagonist overpenetration pacifism playerexposition precisionrifles prerenderedcinematics radar rain redemption remotedetonators researchfacility revisitedlocales rogueprotagonist rubberducks ruins savepoints score scoreloss sequelhook sex-inhuman shotguns slowmotion slums ssao stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame stereoscopic stunning submachineguns tasktracker thrownweapons titlementioned torture trespassing ugc vehicle-pontiacgrandam weirdvision witnesses xrayvision A great stealth game, who promotes heavily to be clean and swift over running and gunning everyone (even when its perfectly possible)
Also, it allows the player to be creative in both the art of killing and the art of infiltration, with an arsenal of weapons and an extensive use of furniture and disguises.
Last but not least, mission challenges plus contracts mode increase its replayability to almost infinite, displaying many unlockables to find and a lot of ways to finish each level.

8 of 10***Hitman: Absolution follows the Original Assassin undertaking his most personal contract to date. Betrayed by the Agency and hunted by the police, Agent 47 finds himself pursuing redemption in a corrupt and twisted world.

Key Features
*Showcasing Glacier 2™ technology: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION has been built from the ground up, boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art direction and highly original game and sound design.
*Contracts Mode: Create your own custom hits by choosing the level, targets, weapons and the rules of assassination in an innovative new online mode. Created contracts can be shared with friends or the whole Hitman community and the money that you earn will unlock weapons, upgrades and disguises.
*Freedom of Choice: Stalk your prey, fight them head on or adapt as you go along. As Agent 47 the choice is yours thanks to highly evolved gameplay mechanics and a ground-breaking AI system.
*Experience a Living, Breathing World: In the world of Hitman: Absolution every moment can become a story as unique characters, rich dialogue and Hollywood standard performances combine to create a gameplay experience like no other.
*Disguises: As Agent 47, the identity of almost anyone you meet is yours for the taking. Immobilise your prey, steal their outfit and use your instinct to blend in and deceive your enemies.
*Instinct Mode: See the world through the eyes of Agent 47 and become the world’s deadliest assassin. Using Hitman: Absolution’s Instinct Mode you’ll predict enemy movement, discover new ways to kill and use high powered weaponry with deadly accuracy.
[Steam Store]***[media=youtube]N79x5dU-puw[/media]
Murdered: Soul Suspect Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Airtight Games)2014 amdtrueaudio apartmentbuilding backstabbing cemetery city city-salem-ma contemporaryfantasy crimefiction defenseless detectivemystery diaries directx11 earth eqaa femaleantagonist fxaa ghosts hdao hiding humblestore insaneasylum investigatorprotagonist lostsouls mansion massachusetts mediums mindreading monsters motionblur msaa museum northamerica paranormal possession predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 ruins smokes soundcues spectralprotagonist spectres ssao stealth stealth-sight steampowered teleporting temple unknownpast usa x86-64 HE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all... their own murder.

When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer.

Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using his detective instinct and new-found supernatural abilities.

As Ronan, you have the freedom to explore the modern-day town of Salem: its New England-style wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.
[Steam Store]***Una aventura gráfica de carácter noir/policiaco, donde debes encontrar todas las pistas para resolver diversos casos e inferir muchas veces soluciones en ausencia de ellas, con un énfasis en la exploración que resulta muy gratificante.

Tiene además algunas fases de sigilo sencillas que le dan un poco de variedad, y pequeños elementos como el leer pensamientos o el poseer felinos confieren al juego un encanto único.

8 de 10
This War of Mine 11 bit studios2014 alcohol apartmentbuilding assaultrifles autumnal axes backstabbing bartering bleak bodyarmor capacity-slots capacity-stacks children circadiancycle civilianprotagonist concession-enemy concession-player consequences cooking crafting crafting-sites dark desaturated disease doorpeep doors download enemyhealthdisplay fatigue firearms fragileprotagonist gog group handguns hiding hospital house hunger improvisedweapons injuries inventory knives ladders limitedcapacity lineofsight looters marketfluctuation morale naturalistic npcmercy permadeath quitsave randomevents rats resting ruins scavenging seasons selectivecolor serious shotguns singlesave smokes snipers soldiers soundlocator stealing stealth stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered stylized survival survivalsimulation temple timemanagement trading trespassing unarmedfighting undefinedelements war In the 21st century one thing is inevitable. War can break out anytime, anywhere. And if your city gets under siege, be sure you were not prepared for it.

In This War of Mine for the first time you do not play as an elite soldier, but a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city; struggling with lack of necessities and constant danger.

During the day snipers outside stop you from leaving your refuge, so you need to focus on maintaining your hideout. At night, take one of your civilians on a mission to scavenge for items that will help you stay alive.

Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter. During war, there are no good or bad decisions; there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better.***
[12]***[media=youtube]XI_c0lp68RY[/media]***Concepts that don't have a tag:
* Randomized group members
* Randomized date of game start
* NPCs being crippled by grief of their friends being murdered
Dying Light Techland2015 2010s 21stcentury 3ormoreplayers actionadventure airducts ambientcreatures ambientocclusion apartmentbuilding assaultrifles autosavepoints axes backstabbing bioluminescence bludgeons bonebreaking bossbattles bossmeter cave challenges chargers children childvictims chromaticaberration chromeengine circadiancycle city cleargame communicator companionapp compass constructionsite crafting dark-limited deathpenalty depthoffield disease dismemberment distortedvision doors doorslamming dynamicweather earth eastereggs endlessopposition enemyupgrade envcombat explosiveobjects fictionalcity firearms flares fovoption fullbodyawareness gore grapplers grapplinghook graybrown handguns hotel improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades itemdurability jumping knives knockback knockdown lamp langbrazil-port ledges lockpicking maleprotagonist map meleesim meleeweapons minimap motionblur mp-asymmetric mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-dropinpvp mp-versus neareast nvgameworks objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator officebuilding openworld optionaltasks outbreak parkour periodicdangers present pvpve quarantine quicktimeevent reload-manual repairing repairlimit rescuees rooftops ruins safezone school secrets sewers shields shotguns slowmotion socketables solomission specialagentprotagonist splatter stamina stealth stealth-sound steampowered suicideattackers swimming swords tasktracker throwingstars thrownweapons timepiece tower underwater underwaterdiving universallanguage vaulting walking waypoints zombieapocalypse zombies labelimageminimize
Beholder Alawar Entertainment (Warm Lamp Games)2016 1980s 1life 20thcentury apartmentbuilding chromaticaberration clandestine coercion consequences currency difficulty download dystopian espionage home house humanprotagonist indie langchinesesimpl maleprotagonist multipleendings parentprotagonist shopping stealth steampowered suppression titlementioned titularcharacter violence walking labelimageminimize
Beholder 2 Alawar (Warm Lamp Games)2016 apartmentbuilding coercion consequences dystopian espionage home house indie langchinesesimpl parentprotagonist steampowered suppression titlementioned titularcharacter ubuntu violence labelminimizeminimize