showing 36 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Prototype Activision (Radical Entertainment)2009 1life a113 acrobatics adv-limited adv-progress adv-xpdistr aimassist airdash alarmers amnesia antiheroprotagonist armyofone autosavepoints autumnal biogrowth bossbattles cannibalism challenges chargedattack chargedjump city city-newyork-ny cleargame coldopen collectibles comic conspiracy cpplanguage desperatepower detectors devouring difficulty directx9 disguising disposableweapons dodging download driving drm dvd earth endlessopposition enemyupgrade evilvsevil fallimpact firearms fistloads fullscreen geneticassimilation giantmonsters gliding gore grappling groundslamming groupmind healthdrops hiding hijacking homingboulders humanoidprotagonist humanweapon impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-threat infravision intermissions island jumping lasso liveactors lua midairjumping minimap missionbased monsters mutablescenery-large mutants naturalweapons neuralthxsurround neutralnpcs newgameplus nochildren nofalldamage nonlinear noreloading northamerica npcspawning oneofakind openended openworld outbreak overheal parkour patientzero playerexposition powermimicry powerthrow protectioncomplex prototype-series quarantine quicktimeevent radar recurringopponent rockets rooftops save-opportunistic securom7 sequelhook sequence-defend serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shapeshifting-partial stealth superjump superpowers superstrength targetlock tasteofpower tentaclecreatures titanium-engine traffic trampling tutorial unarmedfighting uniqueprotagonist unlockable-difficulty unrestrictedviolence upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-permanent upgradesystem uvl-techlimitation vehicle-pontiacgrandam visionmodes walking wallclimbing wallclinging wallrunning walltraversal weaponupgrades weirdvision whips widescreen winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-drops xp-objects Anyone experiencing crashes that can't be traced down to anything real should try playing the game by limiting it to 1 CPU core, on systems with 4 or more cores some may have luck with limiting it to less than half of the cores.your.
... Personally this occurred as spurious crashes (in nvd3dum.dll which supposedly indicates bad GPU driver) until it finally became rather consistent when trying to protect the bloodtox tank.

The game is also one of the few games truly incompatible with 64 bit version of XP, so you're out of luck there (compatibility mode nor anything else will help you).***[spoiler=Show spoilers;Hide][b]Autopsy on fully clothed Alex[/b] : A Web of Intrigue video mentions that everything on Alex is actually part of his biomass, this also explains how he mimics people and their clothes repeatedly and discards them for his own form, and repeats this as often as he wants to. It also conveniently removes a nude scene and the source of his clothing during his escape.
[b]People running around on the streets while the infection spreads (not escaping)[/b] : the island is in quarantine, though the seemingly oblivious behaviour of the pedestrians few blocks away is not explained by this, nor why they don't hide indoors.
[b]Infection detectors not triggering for the soldiers themselves[/b] : presumably adjusted to ignore minor cases of infection, though apparently not mentioned anywhere. In truth, it's likely an oversight from the developers.[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 1.86 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 4000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* 8 GB HD space

Requires at least 800x600 resolution for the menu graphics to not be damnably blurry (though they're readable on lower).***US 2009-06-10 on DVD and Steam (lang: eng, fre, spa, ita)
INT 2009-06-13 on Steam***Actual title seems to be [code][PROTOTYPE][/code], in all caps and with the square brackets. UVL can't currently handle square brackets, so this is all we have now.
Postal III  Akella (Running With Scissors;Trashmasters)2011 assaultrifles bludgeons firearms handguns havokphysics insaneprotagonist machineguns neutralnpcs oddappliances postal shotguns sourceengine unrestrictedviolence 2011-12-23 - retail by
2011-12-23? - digital release on Steam itself
2011-12-21 - English(&Russian?) digital release available for purchase from D2D, Gamefly, Gamersgate, and possibly others but requires(?) registration on Steam
2011-11-25 - Russian digital(?) release on
2011-11-23 - Russian retail release by Akella - can be registered on Steam***Good or Insane? The choice is yours.

Following the Apocalyptic end to the Postal Dude’s week in Paradise, we follow him and his insane pitbull Champ as they emigrate to it’s appropriately named sister city, Catharsis. Unfortunately, due to the Global Economic Meltdown, psychotic left-wing "Green" extremism and hypocritical Government corruption, it turns out Catharsis isn’t a much better place to live.

What path will you choose when faced with the antics of a hypocritical scheming Mayor? A berserk cartoon mascot with Al Qaeda ties? A former Vice-President’s cadre of Eco-Zealots? How about Gay Segway "biker" gangs, and a sociopathic cult leader Uncle with nuclear ambitions? Will you give in to your base instincts and fight fire with gasoline? Or will you rise above it to become something more, to serve and protect your fellow citizens from the rampant insanity of our modern society?

Key features:
* Edgy, satirical Running With Scissors sense of humor
* A world of twisted parody inspired by real people, events and philosophies
* Large, detailed, interactive environments
* Crazy POSTAL style Vehicle gameplay
* NPC’s react to your behavior in a variety of surprising ways
* Multiple story paths determined by your behavior
* Celebrity characters: Super porn star Ron Jeremy, Village People Cowboy Randy Jones, Internationally hated film director Uwe Boll and Playboy Playmate Jennifer Walcott
* Appearances by other popular Running With Scissors character franchises: Krotchy, Champ and the Postal Babes, who will fight along side you (or sometimes against you!)
* Insane new gameplay including the Helper Monkey, Grenade Cats and the BadgerSaw
* Kill Uwe Boll! (or save him!)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 2 GB RAM (4 GB for Vista/7)
* 128 MB VRAM
* Radeon X800 or GeForce 6600 GPU
* 16 GB HD space

* 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* GeForce 7600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
Prey  Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2017 2030s abilitycooldown aliens alternatetimeline amnesia aristocratprotagonist backstabbing beamweapons chromaticaberration cloakednpcs corpselooting criticalchance crossbows cryengine damagedropoff damagetypes developmenthell diaries difficulty distortedvision earlyending enemyhealthdisplay enemyscan energyweapons engineerprotagonist experimentaltechnology extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter formerhumans fullbodyawareness genderchoice hacking handguns healthregen healthregen-stunted humanexperiments immersivesim inconclusiveending keycodes keys leaning limitedcapacity maleprotagonist megacorps metaprotagonist mimics mindupload monsters multipleendings objectiveindicator oneoftheenemy openended optionaltasks postcreditsscene powerthrow prey-series psychicpowers psychics radialmenu rating-pegi-18 reboot recycledtitle reload-manual scientistprotagonist secrets shotguns silentprotagonist slowmotion solsystem spacestation spoilertags stamina stealth steampowered stunguns stunning suicideattackers systemsdriven telescope tutorial undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem uvl-confusable variableending virtualreality zero-g Prey 2 was cancelled in 2014-10. Originally developed by Human Head Studios and was to be a cyberpunk space wstern where you control a human mercenary living among aliens.

Revived in 2016-06 E3 when it was announced again but named simply Prey. How much of the old project remains is unknown.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Daedalic Entertainment (Mimimi Productions)2016 1620s 17thcentury 2ndmillennium backstabbing bodydragging clandestine controlswitch distracting download earth edoperiod eyetracking femaleprotagonist feudaljapan gog grapplinghook interactionhighlight japan ladders maleprotagonist minimap multiprotagonists naturalistic ninja ninjaprotagonist npcallyawareness past permanentcorpses poisoning projectilerecovery rooftops samurai secrets-tasks serious soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight stealthgame steampowered tactical targetedjump taskqueuing tasktracker tobiieyetracker trails tutorial unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence walking warriorprotagonist labelimageminimize
Saints Row: The Third -Remastered-  Deep Silver (Sperasoft)2020 actionadventure adv-limited aeroplane aimmode aircraft-location anticipatorysightings antiheroprotagonist armcannons assaultrifles bathos beamweapons bludgeons circadiancycle city cleargame clothdyeing combobonuses crimefiction criminalactivity crowds damagemodeling drifting driving dualwielding dynamicaccuracy dynamicweather earth ejecting elitemobs endlessopposition energyweapons epilogue evilvsevil falldamage fauxserious fictionallocation firearms flamethrowers gagweapons gangwar genderchoice grenadelaunchers grenades gtalike hackers handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast helicopter helicopters helming hijacking hoverflight humor-blue indicator-poi indicator-route jetbike jetbikes jigglephysics jokeitems jumping lawenforcers locationaldamage lostresources luchadores machineguns map martiallaw meatshield minimap missionbased motorboat motorcycle mp-campaign mp-cooperative multipleendings neutralnpcs nochildren northamerica notextchat openworld optionaltasks organizedcrime outlawprotagonist overthetop parachuting pda piloting playerexposition precisionrifles propellerplane prostitutes protagonistdesigning quicktimeevent radar ragdollphysics rampantcrime rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual remotecontrol rockets rotaryguns saintsrow-series secondaryantagonist selfcensorship sequence-defend shopping shotguns soldiers sonicweapons spectacularcrash staggering stamina stunguns submachineguns swords tank tanks targetdesignator telescope traffic trampling truck unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence unwieldyweapons upgradesystem vaulting vehiclepainting vehicleselectinplay voicechat vtol walking walkingarmory watercraft watercraft-location waterscooter waterwaves wwise zombies labelminimizeminimize
Hatred Destructive Creations2015 aimmode antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles chainreactions chromaticaberration city companyfirstgame dark destructibleenvironment difficulty directx11 dock dodging doors doors-breakable driving explosiveobjects flamethrowers grenades handguns healingfinishers incendiarygrenades insaneprotagonist instantkillers itemglow lamp lawenforcers lives malevolentprotagonist massmurder optionaltasks peeking physx powerplant radar rating-esrb-ao rating-pegi-18 reload-manual rockets selectivecolor sewers soldiers splatter submachineguns suburb traffic tumbling tutorial tutorial-interactive unrealengine4 unrestrictedviolence vagrants vaulting walking wwise x86 x86-64 This is modern take of the original Postal game in essence. You're a misanthropist who just wants to kill as many people as possible before taking his own life. The actual content isn't anything spectacular or not available as something to do on the side of other games that have received far less attention (you can do all this in GTAV for example, it's just not the goal).***[media=youtube]Pa8sQb9nb7w[/media]***[media=youtube]ytdEYapPXdY[/media]***Hatred is an isometric shooter with disturbing atmosphere of mass killing, where player takes the role of a cold blood antagonist, who is full of hatred for humanity. It's a horror, but here YOU are the villain. Wander the outskirts of New York State, seek for victims on seven free-roam levels. Fight against law enforcement and take a journey into the antagonist's hateful mind. Gather equipment of the dead ‘human shields’ to spread Armageddon upon society. Destroy everything on your way of hunt and fight back when it's disturbed...

...just don't try this at home and don't take it too seriously, it's just a game. :)

The question you may ask is: why do they do this? These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment – we wanted to create something against trends. Something different, something that could give the player a pure, gaming pleasure. Herecomes our game, which takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. We say ‘yes, it is a game about killing people’ and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred. Player has to ask himself what can push any human being to mass-murder. We provoke this question using new Unreal Engine 4, pushing its physics (or rather PhysX) systems to the limits and trying to make the visuals as good as possible. It's not a simple task, because of the game's non-linear structure and a lot of characters on the screen. But here at Destructive Creations, we are an experienced team and we know how to handle the challenge!
Black & White  Electronic Arts (Lionhead Studios)2001 absoluterulership actionstrategy antagonistawareness appearanceshifting aspectratio-4-3 bink blacknwhite-series cdrom children dataglove directx7 dominion drawing drm dynamicweather eastereggs-date ectsaward fullscreen gesturing giantmonsters godgame godlingprotagonist goodvsevil hybridgame island learningai lighthearted magic missionbased moralchoices nontolkienian norecruiting p5glove physics playerprofiles playerstats prophecy qsound rating-esrb-t resourceharvesting safedisc sorcery stockpiles teaching titularconcept transformingpresence tutorial unrestrictedviolence uvl-missingimages virtualpets win2k win95 win98 workers In a perfect world, people wouldn't need gods. But perfect worlds can't exist and sooner or later someone, in trouble, desperate, will pray to the heavens. This is what happens in the beginning of Black & White.

Your new tribe bow before you in awe, and from this moment your prayer power starts to grow. As you carry out godly acts, the belief in you rises and more and more people are convinced that worshipping you in the way forward. But you can be good or evil. You may choose to rule the world as you wish.

As you grow in power, you acquire a Creature, a wondrous being capable of doing anything you can do. Capable of learning and being trained and capable of making his own decisions. The people of Eden, whether they believe in you or not, can't failed to be impressed by this beast, and more are swayed to your cause through their admiration of the Creature and the god that owns him.

But on other lands there are other gods. They have their own Creatures and their own followers. You must vie with them for power. You must use your Miracles, your Creature and your cunning to steal followers from these gods, and to do battle between the Creatures for supremacy.

The ultimate goal is the Creed. Elements of these live within each Creature, and he who controls the parts of the Creed can control the whole land of Eden.

You may do well. You may sway the minds of the tribes, but can you gather the parts of the Creed? Can you defeat the god of gods, the enemy of enemies? Can you defeat your Nemesis and rule over the whole world? That is a question only you, and only time will answer.***Latest version: 1.3 (as of ?)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98, ME, or 2000
* 350 MHz Pentium II MMX CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 600 MB HD space***2001 offering by design genius Molyneux, Black and White promised, and delivered, incredible advances in terms of in-game graphics, an advanced storyline, and artificial intelligence and playability that shocked the gaming world. Based around Godlike control of a village, with a creature that you can use to do tasks for you. However, Black & White failed to quite live up to what it promised. Nevertheless, an amazing game.
Black & White 2  Electronic Arts (Lionhead Studios)2005 absoluterulership actionstrategy aging alternatesolutions antagonistawareness appearanceshifting basebuilding blacknwhite-series bodymorphing breeding builders catapults cdrom challenges children circadiancycle cruelty depthoffield difficulty-single directx9 dominion doors drm dualism dvd dynamicweather excretion gamecoda gesturing giantmonsters godgame godlingprotagonist goodvsevil hybridgame infinitezoom island karma learningai lightbloom lighthearted magic mediaindrive missionbased naming-companions needs noglobalresources nontolkienian noports nudity nudity-featureless optionaltasks playerprofiles playerstats prophecy quake ramparts rating-pegi-12 reflecteddeeds renderwareengine resourceharvesting safedisc screenshake serialkey shadermodel1 siegeweapons silviculture sorcery spreadingvegetation stockpiles structurefacing tasktracker teaching terraindeformation thoroughfareconstruction timechange titularconcept transformingpresence tutorial tutorial-interactive undertaking unrestrictedviolence veterancy virtualpets vorbis win2k winxp workers xml xp-literal zoom [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 2000 or XP
* 1.6 GHz Pentium IV CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 3.5 GB HD space***Latest version: 1.2 (as of ?)***[size=150]Will you be an evil or benevolent deity?[/size]

That's the choice you must make upon returning to a warring land in Black & White 2. Like its wildly successful predecessor, Black & White, the sequel is all about moral choices.

The land, however, has transformed itself. The inhabitants of this breathtaking 3D world have lost their innocence and developed new weapons and technology. As you enter this warring world, will you make tribes coexist peacefully; encouraging villages and towns to grow into sprawling metropolises, or prompt them to inflict their will upon others by, creating and commanding large armies that seek to dominate and conquer?

Creatures in the game have grown too. They can learn strategies, master new abilities and skills, lead armies into battle and be your ultimate unit. Black & White 2 includes other new elements, such as improved graphics and miracle effects such as rivers of fire and earthquakes that yield massive destruction.

Every choice you make will have an impact. Each action and inactions prompts obvious changes to buildings, flora and fauna, all morphing to reflect your personality.

New features:
* Wage massive wars, sieges and battles or use your skill and power to keep the peace.
* Discover and use new Epic Miracles, including the ground-ripping Earthquake and volcanoes, which cause rivers of lava.
* Choose and customize the Creature that's right for you from a selection, including old favorites such as the Ape, Cow, and Lion.
* Research and create new forms of weaponry, from swords to bows to siege machines.
* Build and design unique defensive gates and walls.
* Control and marshal huge and varied armies.
* Create and control settlements that include housing, farming, and many other buildings like fountains and lush gardens (if you're Good) or spikes and torture pits (if you're Evil).
* Weather systems such as rain, snow, mists, and fog.
* Journey through 9 lands homing each of the five tribes.
Syndicate  Electronic Arts (Starbreeze Studios)2012 2060s 21stcentury aaa achillesheelfoes activereload airducts assaultrifles augmentedreality bossbattles city city-losangeles-ca city-newyork-ny cloakednpcs color-16f color-32bit combobonuses conversion corporatewarfare cyberpunk cyborgs directx9 distortedvision ea-origin empgrenades experimentaltechnology firearms flamethrowers forcedsuicide fullbodyawareness future genrechange grenadelaunchers grenades guidedbullets guidedweapons hacking handguns healingfinishers hud-explained hudmalfunctioning indicator-poi itemglow ladders lostequipment machineguns megacorps mindcontrol mindcontrolling mp-cooperative multilockweapons multisights officebuilding plotimmortality precisionrifles quicktimeevent rage rating-bbfc-18 reboot recycledtitle reload-manual researchfacility resuscitation robots rockets rotaryguns score screenshake selectivefire shadermodel3 shotguns silentprotagonist slowmotion slums squatters starbreezeengine submachineguns suicide syndicate-series temporarycompanions titlementioned train-location turrets unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem visiblelasers voicechat walking watercraft-location weirdvision xrayvision youngadultprotagonist labelimageminimize
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin  FromSoftware;Bandai Namco Entertainment (FromSoftware)2015 actionrpg adv-intermediary altered amalgams antisavescumming armorupgrades attrbasedeq avianoids backtracking barragezone blocking bodyarmor bossarenas breakmeter castle cemetery classless cleargame coffins concealeddoors curse dark darkfantasy darkisnotevil darksouls-series difficulty-single dilapidated directx11 doors doubleweapons dreamworld elephantoids encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay environmentalaudio equipmentupgrades fallimpact fasttravel-points fmod fortress genderchoice gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantmyriapods giants giantspiders grapplers handandahalfweapons havokphysics humanfacedcreatures humblestore immortalprotagonist intelligentanimals invincibilityframes itemcharges itemcomparison itemdurability itemglow itemrecharging jumping ladders lunatics magic mansion mapdeficient medieval metroidvania minibosses monsters mp-cooperative mp-dropinpvp mp-lfg mp-undefined mp-versus multipleendings multistagebosses mystics neutralmonsters newgameplus noagenda nofailstate nonchoices npcenvironmentalvulnerability openclassing openpvp outlanderprotagonist parrying phyreengine pinatacreatures protagonistdesigning pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics recallportal restingreset ruins save-opportunistic save-suspend selfluminance shieldbash shields shortcutopening sizeispower skeletons sorcery soularts souls-series soulslike srank staggering steampowered swords targetlock tumbling tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead undeadprotagonist undefinedelements unlimitedlives unrestrictedviolence unusedcontent upgradesystem vaguestory viciouscycle voicechat walking weaponsweetspots windowsmedia x86 x86-64 xp-kills xp-objects ziplines zombieapocalypse DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin brings the franchise’s renowned obscurity & gripping gameplay to a new level. Join the dark journey and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and unrelenting challenge.
[Steam Store]***(Jugado hasta la segunda zona)

Hasta ahora he visto que mejora y cambia respecto al anterior varios elementos.

-Los controles por fin son decentes.
-No se traba como antes.
-Alterna con mucho más criterio entre lugares claustrofóbicos y espacios abiertos.
-Añade cierta belleza a su habitual mundo tenebroso.

-Sigue favoreciendo demasiado las clases de melee puro o con toques de magia frente a cualquier otra.

8 de 10***[b]Scholar of the First Sin[/b] edition brings few mostly irrelevant changes to the base gameplay while bundling the 3 Crowns DLCs. Also exclusively 64 bit and DX11 unlike the original which was exclusively 32 bit and DX9.

* 6 maximum players per session (2 allied summons and 3 invaders) instead of 4, and an additional item to control soul memory.
* Some enemy placements have been changed.
* Includes the Crown of the Sunken King, Crown of the Old Iron King, and Crown of the Ivory King DLCs.

Multiplayer and saves for the new edition are also incompatible with the original.
Dark Souls II  FromSoftware;Namco Bandai Games (FromSoftware)2014 actionrpg adv-intermediary amalgams antisavescumming armorupgrades attrbasedeq avianoids backtracking barragezone blocking bodyarmor bossarenas breakmeter castle cemetery classless cleargame coffins concealeddoors curse dark darkfantasy darkisnotevil darksouls-series difficulty-single dilapidated directx9 doors doubleweapons dreamworld elephantoids encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay environmentalaudio equipmentupgrades fallimpact fasttravel-points fortress genderchoice gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantmyriapods giants giantspiders grapplers handandahalfweapons havokphysics humanfacedcreatures humblestore immortalprotagonist intelligentanimals invincibilityframes itemcharges itemcomparison itemdurability itemglow itemrecharging jumping ladders lunatics magic mansion mapdeficient medieval metroidvania minibosses monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossaddon mp-dropinpvp mp-lfg mp-undefined mp-versus multipleendings multistagebosses mystics neutralmonsters newgameplus noagenda nofailstate nonchoices npcenvironmentalvulnerability openclassing openpvp outlanderprotagonist parrying phyreengine pinatacreatures protagonistdesigning pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics recallportal restingreset ruins save-opportunistic save-suspend selfluminance shieldbash shields shortcutopening sizeispower skeletons sorcery soularts souls-series soulslike srank staggering steampowered swords targetlock tumbling tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead undeadprotagonist undefinedelements unlimitedlives unrestrictedviolence unusedcontent upgradesystem vaguestory viciouscycle voicechat walking weaponsweetspots x86 x86-32 xp-kills xp-objects ziplines zombieapocalypse Developed by FROM SOFTWARE, DARK SOULS™ II is the highly anticipated sequel to the gruelling 2011 breakout hit Dark Souls. The unique old-school action RPG experience captivated imaginations of gamers worldwide with incredible challenge and intense emotional reward.
[Steam Store]***Confusingly DS2 DX9 version received an update named Scholar of the First Sin which makes it harder to identify the actual DX11 version released under that name in some circumstances. Although the update makes the DX9 version close to what the DX11 version is, there's still significant differences between them.
Noir Syndrome Glass Knuckle Games2014 achievements chapel city crimefiction currency customengine desura detectivemystery disguising domesticcats download firearms handguns hunger indoors investigatorprotagonist lawenforcerprotagonist lockpicking neutralnpcs noir noncombpenalty overworld pixelated proceduralstory retro sewers steampowered timelimit unrestrictedviolence labelimageminimize
Blood II: The Chosen  GT Interactive (Monolith Productions)1998 1life 2020s 21stcentury antiheroprotagonist armyofone assaultrifles beamweapons bleak blood-series cdrom city color-16bit cpu-586 cultists demons difficulty direct3d directx6 display-640x480 doors drm dualwielding earth electricweapons energyregen energyweapons evilisgood eviloverlord firearms firstpersonshooter flaregun future gog gore handguns hearts hintsystem insaneprotagonist knives lithtechengine magicweapons malevolentprotagonist mediaindrive milessound mp-dm museum neutralnpcs noports personalquest rewardingvandalism safedisc sciencefantasy singularitydevices sourcecodeavailable steampowered submachineguns swrender unrestrictedviolence unusualprotagonist urbanfantasy voiceovers walking walkingarmory win-16b-installer win95 win98 Continues about 100 years after the events of [game=#32876]Blood[/game]. The antagonist does an extremely short recap on it in the intro, stating Caleb destroyed their god Chernobog hundred years prior. Since Blood 1 was set in 1920s, this sets Blood 2 in 2020s.***Latest version: 2.1.233 (as of 1999?)***EAN-13: [code]5029988004973[/code]
... copy protection causes read errors on sectors 89 through 4565***[b]For those on 64 bit operating systems[/b] and having problems with the installer: copying the [code]game[/code] folder off the CD to wherever you wanted to install the game may be enough, same may work for the patches.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows [b]95[/b] or 98
* 166 MHz CPU (Pentium 233 MHz without 3D accelerator)
* 32 MB RAM
* 175 MB free HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive
* DX-compatible soundcard

* 3D accelerator
* 450 MB free HD space***In a time of turmoil and decay, a dark organization with a sinister agenda casts it's shadow over the world.

But as their plot unfolds, an even greater evil pushes it's twisted being at the very bindings of reality. Filled with hate and vengeance, Caleb has returned to face the Cabal and it's minions once again O and this time he's not alone. Can he hold the Chosen together long enough to reclaim the Cabal and the heartof this one true love? Or will his actions destroy them all?

* All new next-generation engine, fully Direct X complaint.
* Over 30 screaming fast totally immersive blood-soaked levels!
* Run a savage gauntlet of multiplayer mayhem from BloodFeud to BloodBath for Maximum BloodShed.
* Explore vast 3D environments and destroy everything on sight!
* Four playable, fully customizable characters: Caleb, Ophelia, Gabriella and Ishmael!
* Full arsenal of weapons and inventory items including Flare Guns, Death Rays and Night Vision Goggles!
[Box blurb]
Carmageddon TDR 2000  Hasbro Interactive (Torus Games)2000 carmageddon demolitionderby unrestrictedviolence labelimageminimize
Fable III  Microsoft Game Studios (Lionhead Studios)2011 aaa addons adoption animals antivillain arcanepunk blocking bloodlines bludgeons bodymorphing books capacity-toolslots cave chargedattack chickens circadiancycle city classless collectibles companion crates crepuscularrays crossworldcharacters difficulty dodging drm drm-activation earlymodern-theme emotes eviloverlord fable-series fascism fictionaluniverse firearms forest friendlyfire genderchoice glowingeyes glowingveins groupsex gunpowderfantasy handguns healingitems healthregen hero-theme highbornprotagonist highfantasy historicalfantasy homosexuals humanoids industrialage langchinesetrad langhungarian latestart library lightbloom limitlessenergy magic marriage meleeweapons mine minigames monsters moralchoices mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin namelessprotagonist naming-companions naming-objects naturalleader necessaryevil objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws playablemenu plotimmortality portals potions precisionrifles procreation pyrokinesis rebellion reflecteddeeds renting risetopower sciencefantasy secondaryantagonist secrets securom securompa selfcensorship sewers sex shadows shopping skeletons slimdx soldiers sorcery splatter stealing steampowered summery swimming swords tangibleabstracts tasktracker temporarycompanions tombstones town trophies undead unlimitedammo unrestrictedviolence walking werewolves wetland windowslive wintery wolves xbydifferentname xrayelectrocution zombies [b]DLC packs:[/b]
* Traitor's Keep Quest Pack
* Dog Breed Set
* Industrial Knight Outfit
* Dog Outfit
* Understone Quest Pack***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP3, Vista, or 7
* 2 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 4000+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 7600 GT or Radeon HD 2600 Pro GPU
* 12 GB HD space***[b]It's a Revolution![/b]

Fable III is the next blockbuster installment in the highly praised Fable franchise. Five decades have passed since Fable II, and Albion has matured into an industrial revolution. However, the fate of the kingdom is in peril. Lead a revolution to take control of Albion, fight alongside your people, and experience love and loss while defending the kingdom against a looming threat. Your choices as ruler will lead to consequences felt across the entire land.

Who will you become? A rebel without a cause, the tyrant you rebelled against, or the greatest ruler to ever live?

Game Features
* Exciting PC features: Built from the ground up for the PC gamer. Experience the "hardcore mode" option for greater difficulty, enjoy additional in-game content, and even play Fable 3 in stunning 3D, thanks to NVIDIA technology!
* Be the hero and forge your own destiny: Storytelling comes to life as "Fable III" puts you and your hero in the center of an epic journey that traces your rise from revolutionary to ruler.
* Where blockbuster action meets adventure: Your journey spans from the streets of a thriving and industrialized Albion to the surrounding battlefields.
* Choice and consequence: A core tenet of the "Fable" franchise, players are presented with infinite choices and consequences that impact the world.
Frozen Synapse Mode 7 Games2011 achievements achievements-public aiprotagonist clones clonetechnology coversystem cpplanguage destructibleenvironment desura facebookconnect grenadelaunchers group humblebundle irc license-crossplatform license-multicopy lineofsight machineguns mapgenerator missionbased mode-skirmish mp-assault mp-control mp-ffa mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-undefined neutralnpcs norecruiting openal opengl planning postures precisionrifles rockets shotguns simultaneousturns simultaneousturns-planned splatter steampowered steamworks strafing tactical taskqueue-modify taskqueuing tasksyncing timelimit tutorial tutorial-interactive twitter undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence waypoints youtube zoom Un juego de estrategia/acción por turnos, donde debes planificar tus acciones no sólo en función de lo que tu quieres hacer, sino también pensando en las acciones del rival.

Muy mental (aunque demolerlo todo a bazocazos es sencillo y eficaz), desgraciadamente no hay tanta gente para jugar partidas como antaño.
Lo cual es curioso, ya que debido a su planteamiento tu envías/recibes una partida y recibir la respuesta/contestarla días más tarde con su/tu estrategia, para ver el resultado de vuestras acciones y seguir (si ambos permanecéis mínimamente vivos)

Original como el sólo, el único defecto que le veo es que su campaña es excesivamente exigente (su curva de dificultad hace de su tutorial un infierno y de su campaña una quimera, se aprende más jugando en multijugador)

Un interesante enfoque en los juegos de acción por turnos.

6 de 10***A semi-abstract, semi-cyberspace tactical squad-based combat strategy with ability to give surprisingly complex commands to your troops at about decisecond precision.

Each turn is about 5 seconds of action where you need to plan your moves in a way that avoids unnecessarily loss of life by scanning surroundings, controlling facing, designating targets to focus or ignore, etc. and since actions can cross the timeline between turns, you can easily end up with a turn starting where you have a rocket a millimeter way from your trooper's face with no solution available to save them.

Each singleplayer mission takes place on randomly generated map that is generated again if you restart that mission, disallowing you to grind same level over and over again to win it by brute forcing your tactics (as in, the challenges if not the goals are different on each try).

Multiplayer at the time of writing only has 1-vs-1 battles against human players.***Frozen Synapse is the ultimate tactical game on PC and Mac.

It brings the simultaneous turn-based strategy genre bang up-to-date and lets you give detailed, accurate orders to your squad: classic gameplay with a modern interface. Plan your moves, test them out, then hit the "Prime" button: both you and your enemy's turns are executed simultaneously. Competitive-but-intuitive multiplayer and a huge single player campaign mean that Frozen Synapse will give you hours and hours of tactical delight.

Key features:
* Get a FREE full copy of the game for a friend with every purchase
* 5 challenging multiplayer modes, including the innovative bidding-based "Secure" and "Hostage Rescue"
* 55-mission single player campaign with dynamic dialogue and thrilling near-future narrative
* Powerful Skirmish Generator
* Facebook, Twitter and YouTube integration
* 15 Steam Achievements
* Integrated IRC chat as well as various community features
* Random generation combined with hand-crafted content means that levels and maps are different every time
* Critically-acclaimed electronica soundtrack by musician nervous_testpilot***[media=youtube]aXbsSLeINhg[/media]
Dark Souls  Namco Bandai (From Software)2012 actionadventure adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr amalgams antisavescumming apocalyptic armorupgrades attrbasedeq avianoids axes backtracking bleak blocking bludgeons bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter bows breakmeter cagetransport cave cemetery classless coffins corpselooting counterattacks crystals damageinfo damageovertime darkfantasy darkisnotevil darkness-theme darksouls-series dawnofanewage defensebreaking depthoffield destiny difficulty-single dilapidated dingy display-30fps dodging dragons driders encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay equipmentupgrades exploration fallimpact fanpatch fasttravel-points fatties fmod forest fragileprotagonist framesynced genderchoice giantgastropods gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantmyriapods giantrats giants giantwolves grapplers greyvsgrey hackandslash handandahalfweapons heads healingitems healingstations humanity humanoids hydrae illusionarywalls immortalprotagonist intelligentanimals invincibilityframes invisibleplatforms itemcharges itemdurability itemglow itemrecharging jokecharacter knives knockbackwards lava legacydesign-controls library loadless lutris magic mandatoryloss mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mimics mixedresolution monstergirls monsters motionblur mp-cooperative mp-dropinpvp mp-lfg mp-undefined multipleendings mycoids mystics neutralmonsters noagenda noclearobjectives nofailstate npcenvironmentalvulnerability npchealing npcspawning openclassing openpvp openworld packagedenemies palace parrying phyreengine pinatacreatures plantcreatures polearms potions pressureplates prison prophecy pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics rating-cero-d rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 ravens recallportal restingreset retrypoints save-opportunistic save-suspend scenic seamlessworld secrets secrets-meta shieldbash shields shortcutopening sizeispower skeletons smaa sorcery soularts souls-series soulslike sparsemusic spellmemory srank stamina statuseffects steampowered steamworks swords tactical targetlock teleport temple thrownweapons titlementioned toxins tumbling tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead undeadprotagonist undefinedelements undirected unlimitedlives unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem vaguestory volcano weaponsweetspots windowslive xp-kills xp-objects zombieapocalypse zonedgloballighting zoom Drift bags and vagrants are one of the most obscure mechanics of the game. Drift bags are dropped items that are randomly transported to another player's world where they can be picked up, if they aren't picked up they get transported again. Once the drift bag has been transported enough many times, it turns into a vagrant, a rare enemy that spawns in no other way. Vagrants if undefeated will be transported to other players' worlds much like the drift bags.***The game's story is about the waning Age of Fire which the player can help continue or end, the waning of the age also is the cause of the undead curse when Gwyn kindled the First Flame with his essence. Letting the Age of Fire end would bring about Age of Dark (a.k.a. Age of Humanity), but considering how Dark Souls (a.k.a. human souls) are prone to bad things and generally the world's bleak presentation of humans, this would probably be about as bad thing as the previous age or worse.

How bad humans and Dark Souls are or can be is especially shown in Artorias of the Abyss expansion (which is included in the Windows port of the game), though the information gained there can be somewhat misleading. The Abyss appeared because the pygmy went insane, not because it was natural thing to happen with Dark Souls, and the Abyss corrupted Artorias and the Oolacile. Many players seem to assume this is the natural progression for what happens with Dark Souls unfortunately.***With a moody and almost grimterror atmosphere and lore that would make even H.P.Lovecraft shiver a little, a simple but very customizable character development and a gameplay that is hard and "unfair", bringing back the "trial and error" progress system of classical arcade games, this game is simply a jewel of RPG-action goodness.

Sadly, this version is a poorly done port from the console version, almost forcing to be played by handheld control (keyboard + mouse is horribly designed and also missing keybinding for some actions), and the camera feels clunky, slow and very dependant of player panning/autolock.

8 of 10***Dark Souls is an upcoming action role-playing game from the developers who brought you Demon’s Souls, FromSoftware. Dark Souls will have many familiar features: A dark fantasy universe, tense dungeon crawling, fearsome enemy encounters and unique online interactions. Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon’s, not a sequel. Prepare for a new, despair-inducing world, with a vast, fully-explorable horizon and vertically-oriented landforms. Prepare for a new, mysterious story, centered around the King’s Crowns and the original, now dying flame at the center of the world. But most of all, prepare to die. You will face countless murderous traps, countless darkly grotesque monsters and several gargantuan, supremely powerful demons and dragons. You must learn from death to persist through this unforgiving world. And you aren’t alone. Dark Souls allows the spirits of other players to show up in your world, so you can learn from their deaths and they can learn from yours. New to Dark Souls is Beacon Fire, where you can share the experiences of your adventure with the spirits of other players. Around the Beacon Fire, you may find the only warmth and calm that exists in this dark world. Beware: There is no place in Dark Souls that is truly safe. With days of game play and an even more punishing difficulty level, Dark Souls will be the most deeply challenging game you play this year. Can you live through a million deaths and earn your legacy?

[b]New Content[/b]
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition will include an untold chapter in the world of Lordran where the player must stop the spread of darkness at all costs by facing and defeating the Dark Knight Artorias.

* New Bosses – Including Artorias of Abyss, Chimera of Tomb, and more
* PVP Online Matchmaking System – Quick matching for co-op or PVP
* New Areas – Including Oolacile Tomb, Old Ruins and more
* New Enemies – Including Abyss Guard, Chained Prisoner and more
* New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough and more
* New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs

[b]Key features:[/b]
* Extremely Deep, Dark & Difficult – Unforgiving in its punishment, yet rewarding for the determined – learn to strategize freely and conquer seemingly impossible challenges.
* Fully Seamless World – Explore a completely integrated world of dark fantasy where dungeons are seamlessly intertwined, with great height.
* Mastery Earns Progression – Contains 60 hours of gameplay, with nearly 100 uniquely despair‐inducing monsters & an incredibly nuanced weaponry & magic spells system. Player success depends on their eventual mastery of how and when to use the magic spells, choice of armor, the number of weapons, the types of weapons, and the moves attached to the weapons.
* Network Play – Players may cross paths with one another, interacting with each other throughout the game even as each player plays their own game.
* Flexible Character Development & Role Play – As the player progresses, they must carefully choose which of their character’s abilities to enhance as this will determine their progression style.
* Community – See other real players and empathize with their journey, learn from seeing how others died, find and leave messages for your fellow players; helping them or leading them into death.
* Symbolic of Life & Hope – The Beacon Fire is an important feature of Dark Souls for many reasons. Though in gameplay it serves as a recovery and re‐spawn point for players whose health gets low and is the one place in the dark world where players can find a fleeting moment of warmth and calm.***[media=youtube]WlVBVKAFFg4[/media]
Dark Souls: Remastered  Namco Bandai (From Software)2018 actionadventure adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr amalgams antisavescumming apocalyptic armorupgrades attrbasedeq avianoids axes backtracking bleak blocking bludgeons bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter bows breakmeter cagetransport cave cemetery classless coffins corpselooting counterattacks crystals damageinfo damageovertime darkfantasy darkisnotevil darkness-theme darksouls-series dawnofanewage defensebreaking depthoffield destiny difficulty-single dilapidated dingy dodging dragons driders encounters-seen enemyhealthdisplay equipmentupgrades exploration fallimpact fasttravel-points fatties forest fragileprotagonist genderchoice giantgastropods gianthumanoids giantmonsters giantmyriapods giantrats giants giantwolves grapplers greyvsgrey hackandslash handandahalfweapons heads healingitems healingstations humanity humanoids hydrae illusionarywalls immortalprotagonist intelligentanimals invincibilityframes invisibleplatforms itemcharges itemdurability itemglow itemrecharging jokecharacter knives knockbackwards lava library loadless magic mandatoryloss mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mimics monstergirls monsters mp-cooperative mp-dropinpvp multipleendings mycoids mystics neutralmonsters noagenda noclearobjectives nofailstate npcenvironmentalvulnerability npchealing npcspawning openclassing openpvp openworld palace parrying phyreengine pinatacreatures plantcreatures polearms potions pressureplates prison prophecy pvpve quitsave ragdollphysics rating-pegi-16 ravens recallportal restingreset retrypoints save-opportunistic save-suspend scenic seamlessworld secrets shieldbash shields shortcutopening sizeispower skeletons sorcery soularts souls-series soulslike sparsemusic spellmemory srank stamina statuseffects steampowered steamworks swords tactical targetlock teleport temple thrownweapons titlementioned toxins tumbling tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead undeadprotagonist undefinedelements undirected unlimitedlives unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem vaguestory volcano weaponsweetspots xp-kills xp-objects zombieapocalypse zoom Embark upon an epic dark fantasy in a universe stricken by decline and the Curse. Explore its intricate world design - full of hidden passages, dungeons and secrets - and uncover its deeply rooted lore.***Has significant changes to the engine and certain parts of the gameplay. Some features from the sequels were ported over. This however is not redesign of original Dark Souls, so many of the problems of the original are still present. The assumed goal however of this product is to move support to unified game across all current supported platforms and allow players who never played the original to experience it.

There's been some severe outcry from PC Dark Souls fans for the remaster not doing "enough".
Magicka Paradox Interactive (Arrowhead Game Studios)2011 4thwallbroken achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes angelofdeath axes bitsquid blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles burning capturedresources castle chargedabilities chargers cheapdeath classicwizards combinedeffort comboactions combomoves conductivewater controlloss cryokinesis csharplanguage damageinfo deadends deadlywater deathpits demo demons demons-other difficulty-single dragons druids dwarves electrokinesis elements encounters-set enforcedproximity facelessprotagonist falldamage flyingislands forcefields forest freezing friendlyfire gianthumanoids giants giantspiders gibs goblins gore hapticfeedback hazardouspowers healing healingdevice hydrokinesis instantkillers knockback knockdown limitlessenergy magic magic-precast magicka-series magicstaves meleeweapons mergedactions midastouch mine mode-survival monsters mountain mp-campaign mp-cooperative mysticprotagonist mystics mythmagnet namelessprotagonist netframework netranking norsemythology npcfriendlyfire overkill parody playablecredits plethoraofreferences plotimmortality pyrokinesis rating-esrb-t recurringopponent repulsion resuscitation ricochetingattacks ruins rural satire screenshake secrets shallowwater silentprotagonist skeletons sorcery spectres speech-gibberish splatter steampowered steamworks swords systemsdriven teleport timetravel toxins treants trolls undead unhealthyundead unrestrictedviolence vampires volcanic walking waterweapons weathercontrol weathereffects weefolk wetland wetting worldedge wyrms xnaframework xrayelectrocution zombies Juegazo para jugar en multijugador y reírse un rato.

Nunca matar a tus amigos fue tan gratificante y útil como en este juego.

Y recuerda: 100% libre de vampiros.

8 de 10***[b]DLC packs:[/b]
* Magicka: Vietnam (2011-04-12)
* Magicka: Marshlands (2011-04-26) - adds 2 new challenge (survival) maps.
* Magicka: Final Frontier (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Frozen Lake (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Nippon (2011-06-01)
* Magicka: Party Robes (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: The Watchtower (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Gamer Bundle (2011-09-18)
* Magicka: The Stars Are Left (2011-09-30)
* Magicka: Wizard's Survival Kit (2011-03-08)
* Magicka: Holiday Spirit Item Pack (2011-11-30)
* Magicka: Horror Props Item Pack (2011-11-30)

Vietnam and The Stars Are Left DLCs are larger extra campaigns, the others are smaller packs with few (PvP or survival) maps and items.***"Fake" Magicka infomercial
[media=youtube]ZnqMnuO2crg[/media]***Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The player assumes the role of a wizard from a sacred order tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer who has thrown the world into turmoil, his foul creations besieging the forces of good.

Players will be able to combine the elements to cast spells, wreaking havoc and devastation on the minions of darkness. They will also be able to team up with friends and fight their way through the campaign, or test their skills in the magickal arts through other challenging modes.

In Magicka, up to four players take on a grand adventure to save their world from certain doom using a fully dynamic spell system. The adventure mode takes the players across three different levels, ranging from the lush forests of mountain valleys to the frozen halls of the Mountain King where wits and creative thinking are the keys to victory.

In the unlockable hardcore challenge mode, players fight off waves of enemies to earn their place on local and online leaderboards.

Main Features:
* Innovative and dynamic spell casting system
* Up to four-player co-op in all game modes, as well as a single-player option
* Fight your way through 13 different campaign levels
* Explore an expansive realm of adventure to defeat the evil wizard
* Find and unlock challenges, items, and powerful Magicks
* Experience the parody and satire of a clichéd fantasy world
Postal Ripcord Games (Running With Scissors)1997 1990s alone antiheroprotagonist blankprotagonist bleak civilianprotagonist dementia desura fallbackweapon finishingmoves firearms gore insaneprotagonist itemglow keyboard latemodernperiod malevolentprotagonist massmurder missionbased mouse noingameintro outdoors postal present rampage rockets serious shotguns singlecontroller splatter steampowered unknownpast unrestrictedviolence uvl-missingimages walking Play as The POSTAL Dude in his first appearance in a video game. Includes all the original missions PLUS the Special Delivery addon pack! This is retro gameplay at its finest. In the ilk of Robotron, play from a 3/4 Isometric view and take out your aggression on gun toting protagonists, innocent bystanders as well as torching a marching band! No aliens, no mutants, no stupid quest for the dragon's balls. Just good antisocial, psychotic shoot-'em-up action, strategy and government intervention.

Blast, maim and fire-bomb your way through 21 levels
Exploit chaos opportunities, mow down marching bands, spray protesters, charbroil whole towns. Look at the world through the eyes of a psycho!
A fast-paced, guns-blazing, mind-numbing isometric view killing spree***Si alguna vez quisiste sentirte como un chiflado de extrañas creencias que se cree El Elegido que debe purgar La Tierra de la escoria humana, este es tu juego.
El juego es lo bastante complicado para ser entretenido, ya además la ultraviolencia es opcional (especialmente por parte de los civiles) Si que peca de ser muy repetitivo y de una visión cenital a veces poco adecuada.

6 de 10
Postal: Special Delivery Ripcord Games (Running With Scissors)1998 antiheroprotagonist civilianprotagonist insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist massmurder outdoors postal rampage unrestrictedviolence labelminimizeminimize
Grand Theft Auto V  Rockstar Games (Rockstar North)2015 actionadventure collapsedepth directx11 displaychoice fovoption fxaa gta gtalike msaa parallelloading radialmenu rageengine rating-acb-r18 rating-cero-z rating-esrb-m rating-grb-18 rating-gsrr-r rating-pegi-18 rawinput submarine txaa unrestrictedviolence vehicle-pontiacgrandam voicechat watercraft waterscooter Officially GTA5 and GTAO are treated as two separate games, but practically GTAO is just the online component of GTA5 and is delivered together (you can't get just one or the other) and use same assets. labelimageminimize
Postal 2: Paradise Lost Running With Scissors2015 1life alternateattack antiheroprotagonist cruelty-potential firearms firstpersonshooter grenades handguns insaneprotagonist meleeweapons postal unrealengine2 unrestrictedviolence walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2005 antiheroprotagonist arizona cdrom civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential desura excretion firearms firstpersonshooter insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist neutralnpcs northamerica postal rating-esrb-m shovels steampowered town unrestrictedviolence vorbis walkingarmory Latest version: 1411 (as of ?) labelimageminimize
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now SCI (Stainless Games)1999 carmageddon city compatiblewine controlmalfunction demolitionderby ipx objectdeformation swrender unrestrictedviolence labelminimizeminimize
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Streum On Studio2011 accuracy-motion accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public adv-ptdistr aimmode assaultrifles autosaves-periodic backstabbing bleeding capacity-slots city classless cloakednpcs cloaking criticalchance cultists cybernetics cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs damageindicator dark-limited deathpenalty deathpenalty-recovery derivedstatistics dialog-sentences distantfuture distortedvision doors dynamicaccuracy elevators eliteprotagonist endlessopposition federation firearms friendlyfire future gloomy grecoroman grenades hacking healingdevice hudmalfunctioning implants indie industrial-setting injuries inventory inventory-supplies japanese-theme ladders lamp leaning limitedcapacity locationaldamage lutris machineguns megacorps meleeweapons menus midastouch monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative multipleendings mysticprotagonist neutralnpcs nonlinear objectiveindicator optionaltasks oriental origlang-french outlaws overburdening paidkilling precisionrifles psychicpowers psychics quitsave recoil reload-lossy reload-manual reload-real robots rotaryguns sciencefantasy shopping soldiers soundlocator sourceengine splatter statloss steampowered steamworks techdisparity technofantasy technology-theme telescope titlementioned titles titulargroup tutorial tutorial-incomplete tutorial-noninteractive undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence walking warriorprotagonist xp-deeds xp-kills yelloworange Un juego de acción que parece una versión futurista del barroco de Los Austrias mezclada con elementos orientales, se presenta como una mezcla de FPS clásico con personalización, habilidades, conversaciones e inventario de RPG.
Campaña muy sólida, misiones secundarias variadas que añaden rejugabilidad y un multijugador muy entretenido.
Pena que el interfaz sea algo lento, porque por lo demás es un auténtico juegazo.

8 de 10***Without having played the game, it gives off similar feel to Anachronox, Cybermage and especially Shadowrun (the P&P game, not the botched MP game based on it).

Seems to have some Chinese and Gothic influences in designs.***As a member of the strange secret society E.Y.E, you wake up after a fight in which your fellow teammates were killed. E.Y.E, an armed branch of the Secreta Secretorum is attempting a coup against the all-powerful Federation, a coalition of several worlds and planets that rule with an iron fist.

To complicate matters, E.Y.E itself is plagued with its own internal conflicts between the Jian faction and the Culter faction, to which you belong. Your loyalties are torn between Commander Rimanah, your superior and the chief of the Secreta who is a separatist with an unstoppable ambition, and the "Mentor" your friend and instructor. The "Mentor" tries at all costs to unite the two rival factions. In doing so, you are thrust into the middle of a fratricidal war frought with political conspiracies and quests for power in which different groups and megacorporations are implicated.

These troubles set the stage for an attack by an unknown force bent on destroying humankind.

Key features:
* Multiplayer co-op modes directly influence solo play, and vice-versa. The limits of solo and multiplayer games are finally left behind.
* Psychological and mental trauma management.
* 25 weapons, different shooting modes, dynamic precision, drilling shots, iron sighting, extended zoom.
* Complete hacking system with game play impact
* 9 devastatingly subtle PSI powers.
* More than 20 NPC with non-scripted, fully reactive and efficient AI, endowed with a sense of initiative. Bloody close combat with technical detail. Incredible physical movement realism thanks to Source Engine physics.
* Excellent replayability - primary and secondary missions, dynamic environments, non-linear level progression, and random NPC spawn, type and appearance. Death doesn't penalize players: no need to restart the current mission.
* Open-level gameplay for hours of fun without reloading.
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 actionadventure adv-limited aeroplane aimmode aircraft-location anticipatorysightings antiheroprotagonist armcannons assaultrifles bathos beamweapons bludgeons circadiancycle city cleargame clothdyeing combobonuses crimefiction criminalactivity crowds damagemodeling drifting driving dualwielding dynamicaccuracy dynamicweather earth ejecting elitemobs endlessopposition energyweapons epilogue evilvsevil falldamage fauxserious fictionallocation firearms flamethrowers gagweapons gangwar genderchoice grenadelaunchers grenades gtalike hackers handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast helicopter helicopters helming hijacking hoverflight humor-blue indicator-poi indicator-route jetbike jetbikes jigglephysics jokeitems jumping lawenforcers locationaldamage lostresources luchadores machineguns map martiallaw meatshield minimap missionbased motorboat motorcycle mp-campaign mp-cooperative multipleendings neutralnpcs nochildren northamerica notextchat openworld optionaltasks organizedcrime outlawprotagonist overthetop parachuting pda piloting playerexposition precisionrifles propellerplane prostitutes protagonistdesigning quicktimeevent radar ragdollphysics rampantcrime rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reload-manual remotecontrol rockets rotaryguns saintsrow-series secondaryantagonist selfcensorship sequence-defend shopping shotguns soldiers sonicweapons spectacularcrash staggering stamina stunguns submachineguns swords tank tanks targetdesignator telescope traffic trampling truck unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence unwieldyweapons upgradesystem vaulting vehiclepainting vehicleselectinplay voicechat vtol walking walkingarmory watercraft watercraft-location waterscooter waterwaves wwise zombies Uno de los sandbox más divertidos y absurdos que existen.
Además de un multijugador para morirse de risa.
Gangsta en estado puro.

8 de 10***Years after taking Stilwater for their own, the Third Street Saints have evolved from street gang to household brand name, with Saints sneakers, Saints energy drinks and Johnny Gat bobble head dolls all available at a store near you.

The Saints are kings of Stilwater, but their celebrity status has not gone unnoticed. The Syndicate, a legendary criminal fraternity with pawns in play all over the globe, has turned its eye on the Saints and demands tribute. Refusing to kneel to the Syndicate, you take the fight to Steelport, a once-proud metropolis reduced to a struggling city of sin under Syndicate control.

Take a tank skydiving, call in a satellite-targeted airstrike on a Mexican wrestling gang, and defend yourself against a highly-trained military force using only a sex toy in the most out- landish gameplay scenarios ever seen, igniting a city-wide war that will set Steelport on fire. Strap it on.
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China Ubisoft2015 16thcentury assassinprotagonist assassinscreed china earth femaleprotagonist stealth unrestrictedviolence wallclimbing labelminimizeminimize
Assassin's Creed II  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010 1480s 15thcentury 2010s aaa achillesheelfoes actionadventure aesop aimassist alternatetimeline antivillain anvilengine armcannons aspectratio-16-9 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap backstabbing balancebeams beggars bloodlines bludgeons bodydragging brothel chasing city city-florence-it city-venice-it clandestine cleargame corpselooting counterattacks cpplanguage criminalactivity crowds depthoffield difficulty-single disarming dodging doubleentendres download drm drm-login drm-online drm-removed earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay erraticlanguage estate europe fallimpact falsehistory fasttravel firearms freewill future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling graybrown healingitems healingstations hiding highbornprotagonist hirelings horizontalbars indicator-poi indicator-threat interfacespoilers inversekinematics italy itemglow jumping knives ladders launcher ledges letterbox license-crossplatform mansion map megacorps meleeweapons mercenaries minimap multilingual multitools neutralnpcs nohealthregen npcdisarming npcfriendlyfire npcstrife openworld optionaltasks outlaws parkour past pickpocketing precursors prologue prophecy prostitutes quicktimeevent radar rating-cero-z recurrence-character redeemingbeatdown revenge riding rooftops safeledges secondaryantagonist secretconflict secretsociety selfupdate sequence-defend sequence-stealth sequence-timed sequence-vehicle serialkey sexindustry shallowwater shopping singlegenderopposition smokegrenades speech-italian splatter stealing stealth stealth-sight steampowered steppingstones stockfootage stumbling swimming swords targetlock taunting templar threatdisplay throwingknives timeskip trespassing ubisoft-osp unarmedfighting undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence uplay virtualreality walking wallclimbing walljumping widescreen youngadultprotagonist Con una gran variedad de misiones secundarias y mucha más exploración, parece mejor que el primer juego. Sin embargo, un Ezio con demasiados cachivaches (o demasiada munición según se mire) y con habilidades de combate demasiado poderosas (como poder bloquear con la hoja oculta) hacen que las misiones se tornen muy asequibles. Además el sigilo no prima tanto como en el primer juego.

7 de 10***Deluxe Edition adds 3 maps: Palazzo Medici, Santa Maria Dei Frari, and the Arsenal Shipyard. Ad speech mentions secret treasures and nothing else. Unknown if this means simply florins or actual equipment.***Undefined game-play elements: blending in with the crowd, hiring prostitutes (or others?) to serve as cover (controllable crowd) or to distract those who'd wish you harm.***Continues Desmond Miles' story right where it ended in the first game, even if Altair is no longer his alter ego inside the Animus.
Assassin's Creed III  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2012 aaa amerindprotagonist anvilnext-engine assassinscreed glitchvisuals unrestrictedviolence The American Colonies, 1775. It’s a time of civil unrest and political upheaval in the Americas. As a Native American assassin fights to protect his land and his people, he will ignite the flames of a young nation’s revolution.
Assassin’s Creed® III takes you back to the American Revolutionary War, but not the one you’ve read about in history books...***Hecho a prisas, con muchos elementos que no acaban de encajar y un prota aburrido (es mucho mejor Haytham), el peor de la saga sin duda.

6 de 10
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2013 aaa actioncamera ageofsail ambientocclusion anvilnext-engine assassinscreed autoaim axes backstabbing boarding caribbean charging city collectibles compass corpselooting crepuscularrays csaa difficulty-single dynamicprompts earlymodernperiod earth enemyhealthdisplay falldamage fasttravel firearms firearms-early firingarcs forcedmouseaccel fxaa glitchvisuals hbao healthregen hiding indicator-poi island jumping ladders map meatshield meleeweapons motionblur msaa openworld outlawprotagonist parkour pirateprotagonist pirates playableloads radar sailing screenspacereflections secrets slowmotion smaa smokegrenades splatter stealth swimming swords throwingknives town tropic txaa unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem uplay visualizedtrajectory walking wallclimbing watercraft watercraft-large x360pad The year is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established their own lawless Republic where corruption, greediness and cruelty are commonplace.

Among these outlaws is a brash young captain named Edward Kenway. His fight for glory has earned him the respect of legends like Blackbeard, but also drawn him into the ancient war between Assassins and Templars, a war that may destroy everything the pirates have built.

Welcome to the Golden Age of Piracy.***Probablemente el mejor juego de la saga, retomando elementos de todos los juegos y puliendo o eliminando los que no acababan de encajar, con un personaje genial, un argumento doble (fuero y dentro del Animus) impecables, y aportando muchísimos elementos de exploración y crafteo.

9 de 10
Assassin's Creed Revelations Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2011 1510s 16thcentury aaa actionadventure alternatetimeline anvilengine assassinscreed drm drm-activation langnorse openworld rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 turkey ubisoft-osp unrestrictedviolence uplay Como Ezio no era lo suficientemente letal, le añaden bombas para que ya sea un ejército andante.
Sin embargo, la adición de los jenízaros, que te amargarán la vida con sus pistolas, y la misión donde te toca hacer de trovador lo convierten en un juego entretenido y memorable.

8 de 10***When a man has won all his battles and defeated his enemies; what is left for him to achieve? Ezio Auditore must leave his life behind in search of answers, In search of the truth.

In Assassin’s Creed® Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore walks in the footsteps of the legendary mentor Altair, on a journey of discovery and revelation. It is a perilous path – one that will take Ezio to Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a growing army of Templars threatens to destabilize the region.

In addition to Ezio’s award-winning story, a refined and expanded online multiplayer experience returns with more modes, more maps and more characters, allowing you to test your assassin skills against others from around the world.

Key Features:
Wield the lethal skills of a wiser, more efficient and deadlier Ezio. Swiftly eliminate your adversaries by deploying a new arsenal of weapons and abilities, such as enhanced free-running and hook blade combat. Experience new levels of gameplay customization with bomb crafting, and use heightened Eagle Vision to overcome your enemies and the environment.
A critically acclaimed multiplayer experience gets even better, with all-new team modes and infinite replay value.
Explore the farthest reaches of the Animus as you uncover the mysteries of Desmond’s past while gaining insight into what the future might hold.
System Requirements
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2011 15thcentury aaa actionadventure alternatetimeline anvilengine aspectratio-16-9 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed bloodlines city city-rome-it clandestine cpplanguage criminalactivity dodging download drm drm-online earlymodernperiod earth erraticlanguage europe falsehistory highbornprotagonist horizontalbars italy jumping ladders langnorse ledges meleeweapons parkour rating-esrb-m rooftops stealth steampowered swords tasteofpower ubisoft-osp unrestrictedviolence uplay walking wallclimbing widescreen Aunque en muchos sentidos es mejor que el AC:II original, y tiene una plétora de misiones secundarias, el poder llamar a asesinos, y en especial la lluvia de flechas, hacen a Ezio prácticamente imparable, convirtiendo el juego en un paseo.

7 de 10***Live and breathe as Ezio, a legendary Master Assassin, in his enduring struggle against the powerful Templar Order. He must journey into Italy’s greatest city, Rome, center of power, greed and corruption to strike at the heart of the enemy.

Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio commands an entire Brotherhood who will rally to his side. Only by working together can the Assassins defeat their mortal enemies.

And for the first time, introducing an award-winning multiplayer layer that allows you to choose from a wide range of unique characters, each with their own signature weapons and assassination techniques, and match your skills against other players from around the world.

It’s time to join the Brotherhood.

[b]Key Features[/b]
* BE A LEGEND – Take Ezio, now a legendary Assassin, on a new adventure with 15+ hours of story-driven single-player gameplay.
* LEAD AND CONTROL A LEGENDARY BROTHERHOOD – Recruit and customize your own guild. Train and level up assassins and command them to aid you in your quest.
* DEPLOY SECRET WEAPONS – Swiftly eliminate your enemies using tools such as poison darts, parachutes, double hidden blades, hidden guns, and an advanced flying machine at your disposal.
* WIN THE HEART OF A CITY – Use your hard-won currency to revitalize the crumbling capitol city. Rally the citizens to your cause and unlock extra factions and missions.
* AWARD-WINNING MULTIPLAYER – Choose from multiple authentic character classes, each with their own signature weapons and killing moves. With richly detailed maps and a wide variety of unique multiplayer modes, you’ll never fight the same way twice.
* BONUS CONTENT –Additional premium DLC.
Assassin's Creed  Ubisoft Entertainment (Ubisoft Montreal)2008 12thcentury 2010s 21stcentury aaa actionadventure aesop ahistoric alientechnology alternatetimeline antiheroprotagonist antivillain anvilengine arabia asia asia-west aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assassinprotagonist assassinscreed automap autosavepoints backstabbing beggars bink bloodlines castle chasing city city-acre-il city-damascus-sy city-jerusalem-il clandestine cleargame cliffhanger coerced compass consequentialism controllablehelplessness counterattacks coupdegrace crowds cruelty difficulty-single directx10 directx9 dock dolbydigital download drm drm-activation earth eax eax2 eax3 eax4 eliteprotagonist endlessopposition equipment-predefined espionage factualinaccuracy falldamage fallimpact falsehistory future geneticmemory glitchvisuals grappling havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast hiding hillland historicallyinaccurate holstering horizontalbars horses ideology impulsegoo indicator-poi indicator-threat jumping katar killingblow knives knockback ladders ledges letterbox map mediaindrive megacorps meleeweapons nazcalines neutralnpcs objectplot openended openworld openworld-restricted outdoors palestine parkour past pawn pickpocketing playerprofiles precursors prostitutes ragdollphysics rating-cero-z redeemingbeatdown retrypoints riding rooftops safedisc safeledges safezone search secretsociety sequelhook serious shadermodel3 singlegenderopposition singlesave soldiers splatter stealth stealth-sight steampowered steppingstones stumbling subtitledeficient suppression swords syria tackling targetlock templar throwingknives thrownweapons torture tower tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated unarmedfighting unrestrictedviolence upgrades-health uvl-imagequality vagrants virtualreality walking wallclimbing warriorprotagonist widescreen youngadultprotagonist El comienzo estelar de la saga, a pesar de ser mucho más lineal y corto que sus predecesores (y unas misiones secundarias enormemente repetitivas), se hecha de menos no ser una arsenal andante que puede con toda la guardia de la ciudad: mucho más sigilo y huida y menos acción.

Especialmente reseñable era la posibilidad de finalizar un asesinato siguiendo el diario de Altair, convirtiendo el encargo en un auténtico reto, además de la claustrofóbica situación de Desmond y la intriga que rodea todo el juego.

Como reprochable, la enorme letalidad del agua, aunque también es cierto que es de gran ayuda contra los templarios.

8 de 10***2008-04-09 as boxed
2008-04-09 on Steam (eng,fre,ita,ger,spa)***[b]save points[/b] - there's only one save per profile, so make sure you back it up occasionally. Nothing worse than playing almost through the game and the save getting corrupted for whatever reason (such as BSOD). The saves are stored in `[code]%APPDATA%/Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed/Saved Games/[/code]´.***Latest version: 1.02 (as of 2008-05-14)***The story starts with Desmond Miles being kidnapped in 2012 by Abstergo Industries and put into the Animus machine, a device capable of drawing out genetic memories and allowing the user to re-live their ancestors' lives. For Desmond, this is the life of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر), an assassin who lived during the Third Crusade in 1191. Although the story skips the kidnapping and starts with Desmond jagged into the Animus and experiencing some synchronization issues with it.

The game is difficult to categorize and abundantly lampshaded by the fact that most of the game takes place inside the Animus which has been created to produce a video game like experience, so effectively you're playing a video game inside a video game. And the experience produced by the Animus is an abstraction of sorts with various alterations that make it easier for the user to operate it, such as translating all languages to plain English and so forth. So any inconsistencies with reality are due to that, and since memories aren't exactly logical 1 to 1 copies of reality, much illogical instances can occur, some of which can be interpreted to mean some [url=]very strange things[/url].

Things you may need to replay the whole game for:[spoiler]In memory block 4, you have a chance to pickpocket Vidic to get his security pen. This opportunity does not represent itself and replaying the memory block later does not roll back time in the "real world".

After the credits you gain access to the conference room where you need Vidic's pen to access a computer, but there's nothing else after that besides your ability to replay the memory blocks and aim for 100% completion (collecting all the flags, killing the templars, scouting, and doing all the side tasks).[/spoiler]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.6 GHz dual-core Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* Radeon X1600 or GeForce 6800 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 5.1 capable soundcard***The PC version has 4 new missions compared to the original console version.

Director's Cut Edition is apparently just alternate name for the thing and is in no way different from PC releases without that extra bit in their name.
Postal²: Share The Pain  Whiptail Interactive (Running With Scissors)2005 antiheroprotagonist arizona civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential desura excretion firstpersonshooter insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist neutralnpcs northamerica postal rating-esrb-m terrorists town unrestrictedviolence walkingarmory Pretty much the same as Postal 2 except Share the Pain comes with multiplayer.***Latest version: 1409 (as of ?) labelimageminimize
Postal²  Whiptail Interactive;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2003 1life alternateattack antiheroprotagonist arizona autosavepoints bizarreevents civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential difficulty domesticcats drugs excretion firearms firstpersonshooter grenades handguns improvisedweapons insaneprotagonist interlinkedlevels inventory ladders library malevolentprotagonist mall meleeweapons movie neutralnpcs northamerica oopitems openal playertaunting postal precisionrifles rockets shopping shotguns shovels steampowered terrorists thermalweapons town unrealengine2 unrestrictedviolence voiceovers walkingarmory A funny thing about Steam achievements is that some of them are anachronic with the original release date of the game: for example, there is an achievement that relates to [url=]Chuck Testa Taxidermy Meme (2011)[/url]***Este juego trata de como un tipo corriente en un día normal puede armar un cristo en su pequeña ciudad residencial por cosas tan cotidianas como esperar en una cola o ir a devolver un libro.
Tiene un fuerte humor negro y muchísimo sarcasmo en cuanto a la violencia en videojuegos y las manifestaciones.
Lo mejor de todo es que en realidad puedes cumplir los objetivos sin dar ni un sólo tiro, pero la tentación es simplemente demasiado grande.

8 de 10***Live a week in the life of "The Postal Dude"; a hapless everyman just trying to check off some chores. Buying milk, returning an overdue library book, getting Gary Coleman's autograph, what could possibly go wrong?
Blast, chop and piss your way through a freakshow of American caricatures in this darkly humorous first-person adventure. Meet Krotchy: the toy mascot gone bad, visit your Uncle Dave at his besieged religious cult compound and battle sewer-dwelling Taliban when you least expect them! Endure the sphincter-clenching challenge of cannibal rednecks, corrupt cops and berserker elephants. Accompanied by Champ, the Dude's semi-loyal pitbull, battle your way through open environments populated with amazingly unpredictable AI. Utilize an arsenal of weapons ranging from a humble shovel to a uniquely hilarious rocket launcher.
Collect a pack of attack dogs! Use cats as silencers! Piss and pour gasoline on anything and everyone! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!***[b]cruelty potential[/b] - the game lives and breathes this; you don't get rewarded for it, the game doesn't encourage it, but damn if they ever meant you to do anything else.***Latest version: 1337 (as of ?)