Groups comparison

Carry capacity: Weight - 1979 to 2021
Carry capacity is limited by the weight of the items.

Inventory - 1979 to 2023
Player has an item storage of unspecified capacity they can access.

Limited capacity - 1981 to 2023
Carry capacity is limited in more ways than the quantity of ammo you can carry.

Carry capacity: Slots - 1983 to 2023
Carry capacity is limited by the number of available slots. Some items may take more than one slot and some items may be stacked within single slot.

Carry capacity: Stacks (Carry capacity: Groups) - 1983 to 2020
Within an inventory, some items may be (or are are automatically) stacked or grouped.

Carry capacity: Tool slots (Item type) - 1983 to 2019
Carry capacity is limited by available generic tool slots, or by item type (e.g. only only one heavy and one light). Not including clothing/armor or similar passive things.

Inventory: Indisposable (No drop) - 1987 to 2016
Player can't dispose of items in their inventory, even temporarily, regardless if there's any reason to.

Obsoleted assets - 1991 to 2021
As the story progresses, your old assets, such as underlings, tools, vehicles, skills, etc. become obsolete as you gain access to better.

Carry capacity: Volume - 1992 to 2014
Carry capacity is limited by the volume of carried items.

Shared inventory - 1993 to 2016
Inventory space is shared by all members of the team rather than each having their own.

Unlimited capacity (Magic satchel;Infinite inventory space) - 1994 to 2019
Player can store unlimited number of items, regardless of size and weight, in their inventory.

Unprotected inventory - 1994 to 2015
Items in your inventory can be damaged or destroyed.

Supplies in inventory - 1995 to 2023
Things like ammunition, medikits, keys, and such take space from inventory like any other items.

Junk inventory(Autosell inventory;Quick sell inventory) - 2011 to 2016
Player can designate items as junk that still keeps them in the inventory but removes them from normal browsing, usually with the purpose of quick selling all items marked as such and speed up inventory management.

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