Idle noise
Video game concept
The NPCs, monsters and other enemies produce an idle noise or chatter warning the player of their presence.
Notable people involved: Kelly Bailey, Alex Quick, Marc Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek and Randy Pitchford
Alternate name: Idle chatter
FMT 1990-11
WIN 2006-10-25
X68K 1990-01-26
DOS 1995-10
WIN 1999-08-11
9801 1990-02-09
WIN 2005
WIN 2016-11-18
WIN 2006-10-27
WIN 2015-06-26
LIN 2012-12
WIN 2005-11-11
This is for anything unrealistically loud, frequent and/or characteristic noise anything makes to warn the player of their proximity.
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Games by year
The first Idle noise video game was released in 1987.
Valve, Sierra and Tripwire Interactive published most of these games.