Save tokens
Video game concept
Saving requires using up a save token, limiting the number of saves to how many tokens you have and can find.
Notable people involved: Kenji Eno, John Romero, Bryan Pritchard, Yukio Andoh and Hitoshi Sakimoto
VITA 2014-07-24
PS2 2002-11-14
WIN 1999-10
SAT 1997
WIN 1998-11-28
SAT 1996
PS1 1998-01-18
N64 2000-11-21
WIN 2000-04-14
PS1 1996-03-22
DC 2000-06
This does NOT dictate where you can save the game progress, so add location free saves, save points, etc. where necessary.
Popular tags
actionadventure meleesim powerups residentevil residentevil-main shokutaku survivalhorrorParent group
Games by year
The first Save tokens video game was released in 1996.
Capcom, Eidos, Kemco and Electro Source published most of these games.