
Knights & Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom

a.k.a. Vojna i Mir / Chevaliers et Camelots / Cavaleiros e Mercadores / Knights and Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom

published by Linux Game Publishing / TopWare Interactive in 2007-05-13, developed by Joymania Development / TopWare Interactive, running on Linux
type: simulation
setting: Medieval
perspective: bird's-eye
player options: single player
languages: eng fre por rus

Official description

After many battles, the kingdom has been divided into many small feuding principalities and earldoms. The king`s troops have been pushed back into one last royal province, and the rulers of the other provinces wage terrible, destructive wars against one another.

The whole land has fallen into a state of chaos and now the final royal province is under siege by the armies of the rebel lords.

Knights and Merchants recreates a fictitious kingdom in the era of the Middle Ages. All game elements and scenes are based on the Anglo-Saxon period, of around 1200 A.D. You the player takes on the role of a captain in the kings army. A conspiracy against the king catapults you into a situation where you find yourself responsible for the defense of the last royal province. Earn Royal favour by taking back the renegade provinces and crushing the rebellious lords!

Zerothis - # 2010-01-29 19:31:17 - official description - source


The Portuguese version is Brazilian Portuguese
MSRP: £25.00 (later reduced)
ID: 19

Requires Linux kernel 2.2.x+, glibc-2.1+, X-Windows (XFree86 3.3.5+), 400 MHz x86 CPU, 200 RAM, 450 HD, 4x CD drive, 16 MB VRAM, OSS or ALSA compatible sound card.

The Steam version is not a Linux game. It is the Windows version bundled with wine. The version originally offered by Linux Game Publishing is a native Linux game. Might still find one in a box somewhere.

(Zerothis) - # 2007-05-24 23:17:54

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Knights & Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom in-game image.
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