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namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Dungeon Hack  author? labelimageminimize
Forsaken Sanctum author? labelimageminimize
Hexen  author? labelminimizeminimize
Lords of Uberdark author? labelminimizeminimize
Manic Digger author? labelminimizeminimize
Moria  author?While moria is in Ubuntu repositories, this version often fails to run on older Ubuntu based distributions. Compiling from the sources in the Ubuntu repositories seems to have the same result. But the moria package from the Debian repos runs and compiles fine. moria from Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty repos works.***Deep Within the Mines of Moria the Balrog awaits. You are tasked with defeating it. Moria is obviously based on Tolkien's works. Moria has other Tolkien creatures and characters and some Dungeon's & Dragons inspired content also (D&D itself was heavily inspired by Tolkien's works). The player may choose a Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc, or Half-Troll character and a Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, or Paladin class (note some races cannot choose some classes). Delve deeper for the best treasures, but going deeper is riskier; one slip and the protagonist dies, permanently, no resurrections, savegame deleted. No going back to an earlier save either, doing so marks your file and all records of your character will vanish on game over or winning.

Moria is based on the design of Rogue (it is a clone that shares no code or data with Rogue) but has notable variations in gameplay. Most significant is the 6 shops on the surface that the protagonist may visit to buy [i]and sell[/i] equipment, supplies, armor, weapons, scrolls, books, potions, and magical items. The surface is only one screen in size, not really an 'overworld' like in Angband and other roguelikes based on this game. UNIX Moria also served as inspiration for the design of Diablo. Moria was created using VMS Pascal ("Moria") when Robert Alan Koeneke and Jimmey Wayne Todd found that Rogue, their addiction at the time, was not available on VAX-11/780 minicomputers. UNIX Moria (umoria) is a port of "Moria" written in C language. Many subsequent ports and forks of "Moria" were based on umoria. The original license permitting sharing and modification but not commercial use. At some point, an agreement was reached by every person who ever maintained Moria to release its source code under the GPL license. Linux umoria has since become the standard version of sorts and is even called "Moria" by the current maintainer. Although, it is still a actively maintained VAX/VMS game.
OQPlus author? labelminimizeminimize
QuakeSpasm author? labelminimizeminimize
RanaRemake CEZ Games Studio? labelminimizeminimize
Underworld Online author? labelminimizeminimize
Tibia CipSoft1997The idea of writing an online role-playing game emerged during autumn 1995. Unlike the text based multi-user-dungeons at that time, Tibia should have a graphical user-interface, thus giving players a better impression of the world they live in. Concrete plannings started in the Easter holidays 1996, and by January 7th, 1997, a permanent public server was ready to be launched. Since then, the game has continuously been developed further, and the number of players grew steadily. Now tens of thousands of players visit Tibia every day, thus making it one of Europe's largest online role-playing games.
[From official site]***Requires Internet access.
Hexen  author1999Unofficial port labelminimizeminimize
Quake: The Offering Pearson Software (id software;Hipnotic Software;Rogue Entertainment)1999Minimum requirements are s 100MHz Pentium, Linux Kernel 2.0.24+, 16MB RAM for software mode (24MB GLQuake mode), 2x CD-ROM, 100% Sound Blaster-compatible card, 54MB hard drive for Quake, 130MB for mission packs, and GLQuake requires a 3dfx or OpenGL (X11 compatible) card. labelminimizeminimize
Avanor, The Land Of Mystery author2001 labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001Thanks to a game engine called Exult, Ultima VII: The Black Gate and its addon The Forge of Virtue can be played on a variety of platforms. Plus a few enhancements.

The character can move seamlessly from above ground to under ground, up or down stars, in and out of buildings, on and off of rooftops, in and out of ships, and take to the air and land. Various magical transportation occurs.
The 8th canonical game in the Ultima series and the first game in Ultima's Age of Armageddon. (Ultima Underworld is canonical, prequil of this game, and the 7th in the series). But, it was never intended to run on Linux. This, and other exult enhancements are sufficient to mark this game as uncanonical. Exult uses SDL for the Linux version with an OpenGL option. The player and party can use crossbows and bows. Ingredients can be mixed to bake bread and other things. Cheese is available as food. A variety of items can be crafted into other items. There are pumpkin fields in the game, from which pumpkins can be harvested. Flight of the Bumblebee is played at one point, Rule Britannia is overplayed. There are several prisoners in the game and this plays into the plot more than once. An addictive medicine in the game is abused by characters and can be abused by the player's character and party, with consequences. Unicorns are mentioned by in-game books and by characters[spoiler=and;and]one can be found by the player also.[/spoiler]. And some coder with nothing better to do has given the engine dance mat compatibility.
CrossFire author2001A fantasy medieval themed MORPG with a set of races and classes similar to angband and nethack. There are multiple graphical clients to chose from that will show more information than text based clients (stacks of objects on the floor for instance). Use of text remains heavy in all clients and more closely follows a the example of text adventure interpreters than simple commands. Players will need to converse with NPCs. But many typed commands are simple as well and players can bind any command to a keystroke. Also, there are a variety of shortcuts that can be preformed with the mouse. The adventures provided really depend on which server the player chooses to play on. Most servers allow multiple characters and they remain attached to the server where they were created. Initially there was no gender option provided but version 1.10 added this option. Many servers continue to use the monogender mode. Generally servers include a tutorial map, several interlinked preset maps, and attached maps that are randomly generated within a set or constrictions (themed dungeons). Players find a public bed (or buy their own real estate to place a bed in) to sleep until they want to return to the game, which is a quit-save. Any items they left lying around may be stolen, but their inventory and their character are safe when sleeping. A variety of locked storage, security systems, guard animals, or guard NPCs are available for things that just won't fit into inventory. Maid NPCs are also an option. Player vs player is decided per server. The game allows for servers to have PvP zones and for players to mutually agree to PvP (outside of zones). But absolute prevention of PvP is apparently technically impossible for anyone determined to circumvent the safeguards as sings repeatedly warn players that PvP is forbidden in places where technical limitation are already in place. There is an extensive skills system as well. Skills increase by using them. For instance, read a book that is within your literacy skill level and you will ear literacy experience points. This only works once per book, btw. There is no combat mode. Attacks are in real time. While characters can have all manor of attacks at their disposal, all melee attacks are done without visual feedback. Text feedback is given instead. Ranged attacks show the projectile, but are otherwise identical to each other as melee attacks are.

Find towers and dungeons. Hack up monsters. Gather loot. Sell loot. Practice skills. Repeat.

For POSIX/X11 and/or GTK systems. Confirmed to run on Ubuntu and IRIX. RPM available.
Rune Loki (Human Head Studios;Loki)2001This is a proprietary game.
For any Linux with 2.2.x Kernel. Also needs glibc 2.1, 8MB video card, XFree86 3.3.5 for Glide Cards or XFree86 4.x for OpenGL cards and OSS compatible 16-bit Soundcard.
OpenQuartz Open Quartz Team2001The Open Quartz Team provides a fully playable game but also content for most any variant of the Quake engine from the original commercial version, derivatives of it, and the various forks of the GPLed version. Its a Quake Clone for the Quake engine.***Open Quartz is a project to supply GPL'ed artwork in the form of PAK and WAD files to create a fully GPL game based around the GPL'ed quake sourcecode.This includes models, maps, soundfx and textures. labelminimizesubject
The Mage's Lair author2002Due to several dispicable actions that are offered to gain reward in the game and the and the context of their presentation, I chose not to continue playing soon after signing up.
For examples: The player benifits by performing ritual sacrifice enemies, animal, monster, and sentient. Also, the player are forced to participate in cruelty simply to advance in the game. Also, note the screenshot.
Warp Rogue  author2003 labelimageminimize
Aklabeth author2004The evil wizard has polluted the land of Aklabeth with monsters. Although the lord of Aklabeth repelled the wizard, his evil creatures remain. Select the role of Fighter or Mage. Do battle with skeletons, thieves, rats, orcs, vipers, carrions, gremlins, mimics, deamon, and balrogs using rapier, axe, shield, bow and arrow. Don't run out of food and use unpredictable amulets wisely. There are dungeons to clean, towns to visit and shops to buy from. Visit the lord at the castle to be sent on quests.

Turn based. Above ground the player has an overhead view of icons. But in the dungeons, you explore and fight in first person view.

Build instructions:
extract the tar ball to a directory
navigate to that directory in a terminal then type
sudo make install[/code]
now typing [code]aklabeth[/code] in a terminal will run the game

Aklabeth is effectively Ultima 0. It was written for the Apple II in Basic.

This game is a port, written in a mixture of C and C++. I wrote this a year or two back, can't remember why, in C. I glued it to my SDL wrapper library and released it.

It's a RPG - sort of. You wander the top world, visit 3D (sort of) dungeons, beat up monsters and perform tasks for the legendary Lord British (AKA Richard Garriott).

It requires the SDL Library.


N S E W (and arrow keys) move player both in upper world, and in the dungeons.

A attack
I inventory
Q quit
X enter town/shop/dungeon/climb up and down.

Have fun,

Paul Robson
Kamyran's Eye software development2004 labelimageminimize
XUltima IV  author2004Choices for installing**.
1. Ultima Arcanum PPA (as of 2014-08-01, I recommend this option for Ubuntu users)
2. Acquire and convert the RPM to DEB
3. Compile from source

Check here for resources <>
Acquire the original Ultima VI, v1.01 perferred.
Optionally, acquire the VGA patch.

1. Ultima Arcanum PPA
$sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dallen.wilson/ultima
$sudo apt-get install xu4

OR for compiling:

$sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dallen.wilson/ultima
$sudo apt-get source xu4

The PPA has versions for Maverick and Trusty but the package doesn't enforce these versions (may install on any version of Ubuntu).

2. One simple way for DEB systems is to install the dependencies and convert and install the RPM to DEB using alien in a terminal
[code]$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install alien libsdl1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libxml2 timidity
$sudo alien -di xu4-1.0beta3-1.i386.rpm[/code]

The RPM package provided by the creators will convert to deb with no problems to DEB platforms (Alien or another package converter) up to version 1.0beta2 (beta3 and beta4 fail due to dependencies). The source code will also compile easily on ubuntu systems. Dallen Wilson's Ultima Arcanum PPA has source and deb packages for Ubuntu Maverick and Trusty (which covers all version between). The Trusty build is provided daily.

2. How to Compile xu4 from SVN in Ubuntu (and possibly other NIXum)
In Terminal:
[code]$sudo apt-get install alien build-essential checkinstall libxml2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev subversion timidity[/code]

Acquire the latest xu4 source code:
**[code]$svn co xu4[/code]
These directories may need to be created first. It harms nothing to run this command anyway:
[code]$sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/pixmaps /usr/local/lib/u4 /usr/local/share/applications/[/code]

Enter the main xu4 source directory and build the project*:
[code]$cd xu4/trunk/u4/src
make clean

Use your package manager to remove any older version of xu4 you have*

Now to install*:
$sudo checkinstall -Dy --pkgname xu4-mybuild --arch i386

Check install will create a deb file with a name similar to xu4-mybuild_20110730_i386.deb (based on the pkgname you chose and the date of the svn)
Use "--arch amd64" with checkinstall if you built for 64-bit (and are not on 64-bit, likewise "--arch i386" will build a 32-bit version).
Use "-Sy" to build a Slackware package
Use "-Ry" to build an RPM package
Slackware and RPM have additional options that can be investigated with:
$man checkinstall

To get the latest xu4 again, go to the directory that contains the xu4 directory and enter*:
$svn update xu4

*These steps must be done every time to compile from source.
**2014 These instructions no longer work on Ubuntu 12.04 precise and must be modified. I have found no RPM that converts successfully due to additional package requirements that will not function properly after converting.
**instead, use [code]$svn checkout svn:// xu4-code[/code]***The xu4 game engine is a standalone Ultima IV clone also capable of running the original or VGA patched versions of Ultima IV on a variety of platforms. It is also capable of running new RPGs. xu4 Also allows extensive modding of the graphics, enemies, items, and certain game logic. To date (2014), no totaly conversions or hacks have been created to utilized these features (I guess the developers got UIV perfect on the first try :)

The full version of Ultima IV for DOS was 'made available for free download' at selected sites by Origin (subsequently purchased by Electronic Arts). However, it remains proprietary and not defined as "freeware" or "public domain" (these downloads can disappear or the priced raised at any time at Electronic Art's option). Several homebrew upgrades exist for this game that add features such as VGA graphics and Midi sound. xu4 can used these upgrades as well, or simply recreated the original DOS experience (or the Amiga experience, for that matter). The xu4 project allows this game to run on Linux, Mac OS 8, Mac OS X, Windows, and other operating systems.

The Ultima series continued to innovate with the release of each game in the series. With the 4th game released for Apple ][ and then ported to IBM-PC, the genre was taken to bran new places. And now, playable on Linux. There is no evil big bad enemy to defeat, and the point of the game is not to take advantage of people to get stuff to go defeat the enemy. Rather, the point of the game is for the main character to become a champion of virtue. The goals are literally honesty, humility, honor, spirituality, valor, justice, compassion, sacrifice, courage, truth, and love. Actions, inactions, even words can have less than apparent unhelpful or helpful consequences. Yes, there are still monsters to fight and treasures to find, but this makes up less than 1/8th of the game and the care and purpose in handling these things is more important than the end result.

[spoiler=Show Orb Refresh Cheat;hide cheat]Use an orb. Press Q to save. Press Alt+X to exit. Find the dngmap.sav file (.xu4/ in your home folder in Linux). Delete it. Run the game and [b]J[/b]ourney onward. The orb is ready to use again. [b]Note, deleting dngmap.sav undoes everything in the current dungeon as if you'd gone to another dungeon and come back.[/b][/spoiler][spoiler=Show Chest Refresh Cheat;hide cheat][b]G[/b]et all the chests in a level of a dungeon (not ones in a room on on the surface). Press Q to save. Press Alt+X to exit. Find the dngmap.sav file (.xu4/ in your home folder in Linux). Delete it. Run the game and [b]J[/b]ourney onward. All the chests you have [b]G[/b]otten are there to [b]G[/b]et again. [b]Note, deleting dngmap.sav undoes everything in the current dungeon as if you'd gone to another dungeon and come back.[/b][/spoiler]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood  e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment (Spellbound Entertainment)2004Do not only take on the role of the hero Robin Hood, but also the roles of his faithful vassals and take them to the battle field against the nasty Prince John Lackland. In doing so you are able to enjoy the fabulous English landscape of 1190 as well as the giant castles and funny characters.
The thrilling story is introduced by an award-winning introduction and transfers you directly into the hero’s body with the first mission, in which you have to set the captive comrades free. Take up the battle against the oppressors and free the farmers from the Prince’s reign! Be smart, be fast! Be Robin Hood!

- More than 30 non-linear missions in which, for instance, you have the duty to save Little John and Brother Tuck, to prevent a wedding between Marianne and the revolting Guy of Gisbourne or to attack the taxation collectors of the Sheriff of Nottingham
- Visit five giant castles on different ways, at day- and night times, and at different weather conditions
- Play with up to nine integrated characters being outstanding due to their specific abilities and qualities
- Due to an innovative fighting system you are able to control the hero’s sword in battles by mouse
- Decide yourself which tactic appears to be the right one for you: reach the goal by creeping around the guards or fight bravely using sword and bow
Killing Floor Shatterline Productions2005The tags need to be verified for this since this is the UT2k4 mod rather than the later commercialized version created by Tripwire (whom had nothing to do with the original).

Patriarch (the boss fight) was not in the mod, though the developers had tested it by themselves, it was only made available to players in the commercialized version. Same for molotov cocktails and incendiary grenades.
Stendhal Arianne2005Are you looking for adventure? Want to fight for riches?
Develop yourself and your social standing? Meet new people?
Do you want to be part of a brave new world?

Stendhal is a fully fledged multiplayer online adventures game (MMORPG) developed using the Arianne game development system.

Stendhal features a new, rich and expanding world in which you can explore towns, buildings, plains, caves and dungeons.
You will meet NPCs and acquire tasks and quests for valuable experience and cold hard cash.
Your character will develop and grow and with each new level up become stronger and better. With the money you acquire you can buy new items and improve your armour and weapons.
And for the blood thirsty of you; satisfy your killing desires by roaming the world in search of evil monsters!

Stendhal is totally platform independent, written using Java 1.5 and the Java2D environment.

So what are you waiting for?! A whole new world awaits...
The Sheep Killer author2005 labelminimizeminimize
LambdaRogue: The Book of the Stars  -2006A polished graphical rogue-like. Seek the sacred book that has the knowledge to save mankind. labelimagesubject
Spectalum author2006This is an unfinished engine remake of EOB2 and requires original copy of EOB2 to play at all. labelminimizeminimize
Ardentryst  Project Ardentryst2007[quote][...] you can get the source package, which [u]should[/u] run on any system with Python and pygame installed.[/quote]
The game seems to be primarily developed on/for Windows. Ubuntu and OpenSUSE packages are also available (by third-parties?).

As of 2010-05, the Getdeb package (Ubuntu), is provided by João Pinto, the GetDeb Team Leader (not associated with Ardentryst). However, version 1.71 has been officially tested on and indicated Linux compatible by the Ardentryst team.
Overlord Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2007 labelminimizeminimize
Eschalon: Book I My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2007This is a proprietary game.

The creator advertises that gameplay is, "the result of absolutely every action is rolled, calculated or statistically determined ", and it has a "combination of randomly generated treasure and carefully hidden goodies". The difficulty of the game is determined by the development of a character's skills and the adeptness of the player's using them. The story is not linear.

Originally only available as a download. Since 2008-01-14, all Eschalon CD packages have the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X versions. Released as Free-to-Play on its 10th year anniversary.

Requires a 1.8 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, and a 3D card.
(Note, the game runs fine on a 1.0GHz CPU. I suspect this is the Windows requirements)
Tunnels of Doom Reboot Dream Codex2008 labelminimizeminimize
Zezenia Online Saucer Software (K-Zodron)2008 labelminimizeminimize
Hexen  Raven Software2008 labelminimizeminimize
Dawn author2009 labelminimizeminimize
Overlord II  Codemasters (Triumph Studios)2009 labelminimizeminimize
Atrinik Atrinik Developer Team2009Atrinik is a free open source Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MORPG) with 2D isometric graphics based on Daimonin and Crossfire. All the content and code is released under GNU GPL.

Feature Highlights

* Guilds
* PvP arenas
* Many maps to explore, and quests to complete
* Player shops
* And a lot more!
* You can help out with the game development!
Fight or Perish New Breed Software20101 player, 2 players, 3 players, or 4 players simultaneously.
A Dandy clone with Gauntlet influences. Choose from 8 classes and roam the maze taking treasure, vanquishing monters, and finding the exit. Use explosives against enemies and keys on locked doors.
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010Secret of Fathamurk is a free content expansion that was added with patch version 1.05.***Latest version: 1.06 (as of 2010-09-02)
[quote=Basilisk Games]1.06 is compiled with the latest libraries on Ubuntu 10.04. This might make the game incompatible with your system.[/quote]
Krum  Square-Enix (Blender Foundation)2011 labelminimizeminimize
The Ark author2011 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011 labelimageminimize
Minecraft Mojang2011[media=youtube]oG8ar_ieu7Y[/media]***GPL license is likely wrongly applied to this:
[quote]Do not distribute anything I've made. This includes the client and the server software for the game. This also includes modified versions of anything I've made.[/quote] source: [url][/url]

Also on the former DRM tag:
[quote]Once you've bought the game, it's yours. No DRM.[/quote] source: [url][/url]***Unlike the Windows and Mac versions, the Linux version is distributed as plain Java runtime (.jar archive) which is not Linux specific at all and can be run on any other platform with Java VM.***Go prospecting for materials to build game world bricks and more advanced items (such as minecarts). Fend off enemy creatures. Also grow crops if you like.***Online play is free, offline play requires purchasing online play. The game is GPL and source code is freely available (so paying is not strictly required for anyone who modifies and compiles the code themselves. This is perfectly legal, though somewhat inconvenient)
Island Forge Potential Games2012A world of player-created content! Create your own islands with stories for others to explore. The brand-new old-school MMORPG. labelminimizesubject
Realm of the Diggle Gods Gaslamp Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
RuneScape  Jagex2012 labelminimizeminimize
Torchlight Runic Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
Killing Floor Tripwire Interactive (Tripwire Interactive;Shatterline Productions)2012[media=youtube]QM3sbMk_Ujs[/media] labelminimizeminimize
S.C.O.U.R.G.E.: Heroes of Lesser Renown  scourgeweb.org2012 labelimageminimize
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