showing 26 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Prey  Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2017 2030s abilitycooldown aliens alternatetimeline amnesia aristocratprotagonist backstabbing beamweapons chromaticaberration cloakednpcs corpselooting criticalchance crossbows cryengine damagedropoff damagetypes developmenthell diaries difficulty distortedvision earlyending enemyhealthdisplay enemyscan energyweapons engineerprotagonist experimentaltechnology extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter formerhumans fullbodyawareness genderchoice hacking handguns healthregen healthregen-stunted humanexperiments immersivesim inconclusiveending keycodes keys leaning limitedcapacity maleprotagonist megacorps metaprotagonist mimics mindupload monsters multipleendings objectiveindicator oneoftheenemy openended optionaltasks postcreditsscene powerthrow prey-series psychicpowers psychics radialmenu rating-pegi-18 reboot recycledtitle reload-manual scientistprotagonist secrets shotguns silentprotagonist slowmotion solsystem spacestation spoilertags stamina stealth steampowered stunguns stunning suicideattackers systemsdriven telescope tutorial undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence upgradesystem uvl-confusable variableending virtualreality zero-g Prey 2 was cancelled in 2014-10. Originally developed by Human Head Studios and was to be a cyberpunk space wstern where you control a human mercenary living among aliens.

Revived in 2016-06 E3 when it was announced again but named simply Prey. How much of the old project remains is unknown.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided  Square Enix (Eidos Montreal)2016 2020s 21stcentury actionrpg adv-objects adv-ptdistr airducts ambientocclusion ammotypes bank capacity-slots chromaticaberration city city-london-uk city-prague-cz cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs czech dartguns denuvo deusex diaries discrimination displaychoice distracting drm dubai earth energyitems energyregen energyregen-stunted europe firstpersonshooter fovoption future gasgrenades grenades hacking healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted house immersivesim inventory lawenforcerprotagonist limitedcapacity maleprotagonist minimap modularequipment motionblur msaa newgameplus objectiveindicator openworld pacifism radialmenu rating-acb-ma15 rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 recap robots ruins searchedindicator sequelhook shopping shotguns smokegrenades stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered stereoscopic stunguns trapdisarming turrets txaa uncertainending unlockable-difficulty variableending weaponupgrades win10 win7 x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Lichdom: Battlemage  Xaviant2014 abilitycriticals actionadventure actionrpg amdtrueaudio astoundsound autoaim blocking bossbattles bossmeter chargedabilities chargedattack chosenone city combatautoloot comboactions crafting cryengine3 cryokinesis cultists damageinfo dashing deadlywater deathpenalty depthoffield derelictgraveyard directx10 directx11 display-1080p distortedvision electrokinesis encounters-popup energyshields equipmentbased eviloverlord explodingcriticals forcefields fovoption freezing genderchoice gibs healthregen healthregen-stunted indie itempickup-auto itempickup-global limitlessenergy loot-random magic monsters motionblur mountain mysticprotagonist newgameplus nocooldowns noinvpause nomodalpause overkill pyrokinesis quake revenge ruins safepowers screenshake secrets segmentedhealth simplygon skeletons slowmotion sorcery spelldesigning splatter statuseffects steampowered stunning timedblockattacks town tressfx tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead uvl-workingtitle wasteland waterfalls wilderness wintery wwise labelimageminimize
Wolfenstein: The New Order Bethesda Softworks (MachineGames)2014 1940s 1960s aaa aimmode airducts airlocks alternatetimeline amnesia assaultrifles autoshotguns backstabbing beamweapons bink britain city city-berlin-de city-london-uk collectibles columnarjointing combatanimals cover-destructible croatia cyborgs depthoffield difficulty difficulty-mockery displaychoice distortedvision dualwielding earth energyweapons europe evilgenius experimentaltechnology falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fovoption fragileprotagonist germany giantrobots gibs gore grapplers grenades grotesque handguns healthregen healthregen-stunted hideout idtech5 insaneasylum interactivetriggers jumping knives laserbolts laserweapons leaning lensflare lostequipment luna machineguns megatextures militantprotagonist militarybase militaryfiction moon nazis oldskoolsecurity optionaltasks overheal overkill poland postures prison prologue rebellion recoil reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility robots rockets rotaryguns ruins screenstaining secretsociety sewers sex shotguns sliding splatter ssao stealth steampowered superscience swimming throwingknives timeskip torture turrets tutorial undefinedelements underwaterdiving unwieldyweapons vaulting walking watercraft-location wolfenstein worlddomination worldwar2 (Jugado hasta al psiquiátrico)

Buena mezcla de acción a raudales y sigilo.

-Armas dobles.
-Adrenalínico como pocos.

-La IA es mejorable.

7 de 10
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified  2K Games (2K Marin)2013 1960s 20thcentury abilitycooldown achillesheelfoes adv-perks aimassist aimmode alcohol alieninvasion alienmenace alientechnology alternatetimeline alternatingprotagonist ambientocclusion amoeboids beamweapons beepingcomputers berserkers bink bossbattles capacity-toolslots captives chargingweapons cinematicinconsistencies classbased coversystem dam damageindicator decoys dialog-sentences difficulty directx11 doors doppelgangers earth elevators elimination eliteprotagonist enemyhealthdisplay enemyscan energycreatures energyweapons experimentaltechnology explainedthirdperson falseprotagonist fictionalelement filmgrain finiteopposition firearms flanking flyingsaucers fofindicator forcefields formervaporware fovoption grenades grenadewarning greys group group-leader handguns healingdevice healthregen healthregen-stunted humanoids humanresources interactivedialogs intermissions jargon laserbolts laserweapons levelselection lightbridges limitedcapacity locationaldamage metaprotagonist militarybase militaryfiction mindcontrol minibosses minimap minionequipping multipleendings noncanon northamerica objectiveindicator oopitems physx plasmaweapons postcombatrestoration precisionrifles psychics radar reload-manual resuscitation robots rural scientists secretconflict secretsociety shallowwater shotguns skipnoninteractive slowmotion smokes splatter steampowered submachineguns summoning supportnpcs tagging tasteofpower technofantasy technomagic teleport teleporters town tumbling turrets tutorial unconvincingarmor unrealengine3 uselessallies uvl-workingtitle vaulting visualizedtrajectory walking winvista wwise xcom-series xp-kills zoom Aunque de primeras parece un shooter del montón, lo que le convierte en un buen juego es el control y manejo de tu escuadra, donde es importante saber cómo moverlos y de que habilidades disponen, convirtiéndolo en un juego de acción a tiempo real pero con momentos de planificación, a medio camino entre los X-COM clásicos y un Rainbow Six.

7 de 10***The year is 1962 and the Cold War has the nation gripped by fear. A top-secret government unit called The Bureau begins investigating a series of mysterious attacks by an enemy more powerful than communism. As agent Carter, call the shots, pull the trigger and lead your squad in a gripping third-person tactical shooter set within a covert war to protect humanity from an otherworldly enemy.***The plot has a tragic logical fallacy about the Bureau performing a complete erasing of the truth of what happened, except the invasion was global and they had no control over what happened in other countries and the amount of secrecy they held over the event (likely poor/none in several), yet it's said no evidence of the invasion was left to the public.
Resident Evil 6  Capcom2013 2010s accuracy-pinpoint aimmode aircraft-location anachronic assaultrifles autosavepoints bilingualdialogue biogrowth bodyhorror bombs bossbattles cemetery china city clothingchanges companion cooperation crates deathfakers difficulty dodging doppelgangers europe femaleprotagonist flashcards formerhumans friendlyfire fxaa gore grenadelaunchers grenades gtcar handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted hud-dynamic incendiarygrenades itemglow jigglephysics juggernauts keys knives legacydesign-controls legacydesign-interface limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lostequipment maleprotagonist mansion mountain mp-asymmetric mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-dropinpvp mp-versus multibarrelguns multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives mutagen mutants nopausefunction nplayers objectiveclairvoyance parachronic postcreditsscene precisionrifles present quicktimeevent rating-pegi-18 recoil recurringopponent reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators residentevil resuscitation rewardingvandalism ruins segmentedhealth sequence-turret sewers shotguns splatter steampowered stunprods submachineguns subterranean subway train-location tutorial unarmedfighting usa vaulting vehicle-pontiacgrandam visualizedtrajectory voicechat walking waveringaim wilderness wintery zombies [b]Campaigns:[/b]
* [b]Leon[/b] & Helena
* [b]Chris[/b] & Piers
* [b]Jake[/b] & Sherry
* [b]Ada[/b]
Aliens: Colonial Marines  Sega (Gearbox Software;TimeGate Studios;Nerve Software)2013 22ndcentury 3ormoreplayers aaa achievements achillesheelfoes airducts alienfranchise aliens alternateattack androids assaultrifles autosavepoints bink blindcreatures bossbattles cave chargers collectibles dark-limited deathpits detector developmenthell directx9 disposableweapons drm drm-activation dynamicaccuracy elevators extraterrestrial fallbackweapon firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers future fxaa ghosttown gibs grapplers grenadecooking grenades grenadewarning grotesque handguns healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted healthwarning humanexperiments incendiarygrenades instantkillers intangibleallies interspecificconflict invisiblewalls juggernauts jumping lamp lostequipment lutris lv426 megacorps mercenaries militantprotagonist militarybase militaryfiction motiondetector movie mp-cooperative mp-dm mp-dropin mp-escape mp-teams mp-undefined nofriendlyfire nooneleftbehind otherworld parasites physx playerprogression privatemilitarycompanies quake quicktimeevent rating-acb-ma15 rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reload-manual researchfacility rockets ruins scaleform scientists score screenshake secondaryattack segmentedhealth sequence-escape sequence-stealth sewers shallowwater shotguns singledout soldiers spacecraft-location spacefaringage steampowered submachineguns suicideattackers swayinglevels thermalweapons titulargroup unlockable-costumes unlockable-items unrealengine3 upgradesystem uvl-techlimitation voicechat volcanic walking walkingarmory wastedeffort winvista winxp wwise Has been received extremely poorly, here's few things that go over why:
* [url][/url]
* [url][/url]
* [url][/url]***For any Aliens fans, this game will be horribly disappointing. Despite the gratuitous fanservice from including LV-426, Hadley's Hope, Sulaco, the Derelict and its dead Jockey pilot, Hicks, and various other things from the movies, this game utterly fails to deliver on the atmosphere of the films. Alien acidic blood is only a minor annoyance, player can trivially fight the aliens in melee, the aliens themselves seem incredibly lazy, the way player can carry ~10 different weapons with separate ammo for each, extremely linear locations, and whatever else make this feel unsatisfying when you come to it expecting a proper Aliens game. The license seems almost wasted on it considering how much they deviate from what fans of the franchise would expect. If they had made this a game with no ties to Aliens franchise it would've probably been half-decent, but as it is, it fails to be what it is supposed to be. The graphics are the main point where this actually is quite good at, though for PC game they're kinda low fidelity, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a game that's published on the usual platform trio (X360/PS3/PC).

To summarize: fans of the Alien franchise, keep away. People who don't care for the franchise on the other hand, this can work as a mediocre tube shooter.
Dishonored Bethesda Softworks (Arkane Studios)2012 achievements aimassist airducts alarmers alcohol ambientcreatures antiheroprotagonist asphyxiation assassinprotagonist backstabbing bink bodydragging books brothel city combatanimals consequences containers controllablehelplessness cpplanguage crepuscularrays crossbows detector diaries dieselpunk difficulty dishonored-series distracting dock dogs doorpeep doors dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dystopian earlymodern-theme eliteprotagonist energyitems energyregen energyregen-stunted euthanasia explosiveobjects explosives-sticky falldamage fallimpact falselyaccused fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter flood flyingislands fxaa grenadecooking grenades handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted humanism immersivesim indicator-threat industrial-setting industrialage intermissions jumping keycodes keys knives knockback ladders lawenforcers leaning ledges lighthouse lostequipment lutris magic mines missionbased mlaa multipleendings mystics nonlinear npcstrife objectiveindicator observer outbreak pacifism pagans palace parrying pawn pickpocketing playerstats politicalcorruption possession potions prison prologue prostitutes radialmenu rage rats restaurant revisitedlocales ruins scaleform scientists screenshake secrets sewers shopping slums smokes smudgefilter splatter stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthmode steampowered steamworks stunning suicide summoning swarmers swimming teleport teleporting tower trapdisarming treachery tripwires underwaterdiving unnecessarykilling unrealengine unrealengine3 unvoicedprotagonist upgradesystem urbanfantasy vaulting walking weaponupgrades weirdvision This game is incorrectly categorized as Steampunk in various places, please do not spread that error here. Dieselpunk is much more appropriate as everything is powered with whale oil.***Dishonored is an immersive first-person action game that casts you as a supernatural assassin driven by revenge. With Dishonored’s flexible combat system, creatively eliminate your targets as you combine the supernatural abilities, weapons and unusual gadgets at your disposal. Pursue your enemies under the cover of darkness or ruthlessly attack them head on with weapons drawn. The outcome of each mission plays out based on the choices you make.

Dishonored is set in Dunwall, an industrial whaling city where strange steampunk- inspired technology and otherworldly forces coexist in the shadows. You are the once-trusted bodyguard of the beloved Empress. Framed for her murder, you become an infamous assassin, known only by the disturbing mask that has become your calling card. In a time of uncertainty, when the city is besieged by plague and ruled by a corrupt government armed with industrial technologies, dark forces conspire to bestow upon you abilities beyond those of any common man – but at what cost? The truth behind your betrayal is as murky as the waters surrounding the city, and the life you once had is gone forever.

[b]Key features:[/b]
[b]Improvise and Innovate[/b]
Approach each assassination with your own style of play. Use shadow and sound to your advantage to make your way silently through levels unseen by foes, or attack enemies head-on as they respond to your aggression. The flexible combat system allows you to creatively combine your abilities, supernatural powers and gadgets as you make your way through the levels and dispatch your targets. Improvise and innovate to define your play style.
[b]Action with Meaning[/b]
The world of Dishonored reacts to how you play. Move like a ghost and resist corruption, or show no mercy and leave a path of destruction in your wake. Decide your approach for each mission, and the outcomes will change as a result.
[b]Supernatural Abilities[/b]
Teleport for stealth approaches, possess any living creature, or stop time itself to orchestrate unearthly executions! Combining your suite of supernatural abilities and weapons opens up even more ways to overcome obstacles and eliminate targets. The game’s upgrade system allows for the mastery of deadly new abilities and devious gadgets.
[b]A City Unlike Any Other[/b]
Enter an original world envisioned by Half-Life 2 art director Viktor Antonov. Arkane and Bethesda bring you a steampunk city where industry and the supernatural collide, creating an atmosphere thick with intrigue. The world is yours to discover.
Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment2012 1life achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes actionadventure activereload aimassist alanwake-series alcohol ambientocclusion antagonistawareness anticipatorystockpiles artistprotagonist authoravatar chapters collectibles comicrelief crepuscularrays dark-limited darkisevil darkness-theme deathpits destiny diaries did difficulty digitizedvideo directx10 directx9 dissolvingcorpses distortedhearing distortedvision dodging drifting driving encounters-popup envcombat epicgamesstore explosiveobjects fallimpact famousprotagonist farm finiteammo firearms flaregun flares flashbacks fog foreshadowing forest foretelling fxaa gog handguns havokphysics healingstations healthregen healthregen-stunted house insaneasylum isolatedhabitat isolatedlocale itemglow jumping ladders lamp light lighthouse limitedcapacity limitedsupplies liveactors lostequipment metafiction mine motionblur mountain neutralnpcs northamerica obsoletedassets paranormal poltergeists precisionrifles psychologicalthriller railyard recursivereference reload-auto reload-chambering reload-manual remedyconnecteduniverse rescue resort rural scrapyard screenshake shotguns slowmotion spouseprotagonist ssao stamina steampowered steamworks tangibleabstracts temporarycompanions titlementioned titularcharacter town trampling tutorial usa vaguelocation walking wilderness wildlife winvista winxp Muy buena atmósfera, con una elaborada historia y un sistema de combate innovador aunque algo repetitivo. Es un survival horror peculiar.

Como jugar a un libro de Stephen King.

8 de 10***When the wife of the best-selling writer Alan Wake disappears on their vacation, his search turns up pages from a thriller he doesn’t even remember writing. A Dark Presence stalks the small town of Bright Falls, pushing Wake to the brink of sanity in his fight to unravel the mystery and save his love.

Presented in the style of a TV series, Alan Wake features the trademark Remedy storytelling and pulse-pounding action sequences. As players dive deeper and deeper into the mystery, they’ll face overwhelming odds, plot twists, and cliffhangers. It’s only by mastering the Fight With Light combat mechanic that they can stay one step ahead of the darkness that spreads across Bright Falls.

With the body of an action game and the mind of a psychological thriller, Alan Wake’s intense atmosphere, deep and multilayered story, and exceptionally tense combat sequences provide players with an entertaining and original gaming experience.

[b]Enhanced for the PC[/b]
* Includes Alan Wake Special Episodes "The Signal" and "The Writer"
* Experience Alan Wake’s Pacific Northwest in higher resolutions and higher fidelity than the Xbox360 version.
* Fully configurable mouse and keyboard support, or if you prefer to play with the Microsoft gamepad connected to your PC, you can do that too!
* Lots of customizable graphics settings and support for 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios!
* Multithreaded engine that takes advantage of quad core CPUs.
* Additional features our fans have sought after such as field of view adjustment as well as "hide HUD".
* Works with AMD Eyefinity 3D 3-screen mode.
* Works with NVIDIA NVISION2 Stereoscopic 3D***Cancelled by Microsoft at some point, citing the game is best played on a couch with TV. Uncancelled at a later time, and the final release includes veiled jab(s) (in QR codes found in-game) at Microsoft's platform exclusive original release.***A psychological thriller from makers of [[game:Max Payne]] series.
The Darkness II  2K Games (Digital Extremes)2012 3ormoreplayers adv-intermediary adv-xpdistr aimmode airducts amusementpark antiheroprotagonist assaultrifles bossbattles brothel controllablehelplessness dark-limited darkness-theme death demo difficulty dreamworld dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric firearms firstpersonshooter gibs gloomy gore grotesque handguns healingfinishers healthdrops healthregen healthregen-stunted hellscape humor-toilet insaneasylum ironsights jumping lasso lefthanded lightdousing lostpowers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative newgameplus npcdisarming powernegation powerthrow rating-bbfc-18 rating-pegi-18 recap recursivereference reload-manual sex shotguns splatter steampowered submachineguns thedarkness titlementioned titularentity uvl-tiein walking warehouse x360pad xp-kills Un FPS cuya mayor virtud es el elenco de poderes que puedes emplear para destrozar y eviscerar todo a tu paso.
Aún mejor que la historia es el multijugador cooperativo, ya que los personajes son a su vez más especialistas y más limitados en sus poderes, lo que genera unas situaciones donde la sinergia es tan necesaria como sorprendentemente poderosa.

6 de 10***EAN-13: [code]5 026555 058902[/code] (UK Limited Edition)***Inspired by the popular comic book series produced by Top Cow Productions, Inc., The Darkness II is an intense first person shooter that delivers a twisted and gripping narrative of tragedy, modern crime drama, and supernatural horror.

Players will be taken down the brutal and personal path of Jackie Estacado, head of a New York crime family and wielder of an ancient and ruthless force of chaos and destruction known as The Darkness.

It’s been two years since Jackie Estacado used The Darkness to kill the men responsible for his girlfriend’s murder. He’s been unable to shake the memory of Jenny’s death since bottling up his supernatural power and now The Darkness wants out. A sudden, unprovoked attack by a mysterious organization known as the Brotherhood heralds the start of a full-scale war and opens the door for The Darkness to reemerge, setting Jackie on a journey to hell and worse.

Key Features
* 4-Player Co-op Campaign - Play as one of four unique characters each capable of wielding weapons infused with Darkness powers.
Quad-Wielding Chaos - Slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with the Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons, adding a new dimension to the FPS category.
* Harness an Unstoppable Power - Master the Demon Arms and summon the powers of The Darkness for even more explosive gameplay.
Kill the Lights - The vicious powers of The Darkness manifest only in the shadows so use the environment to your advantage and watch out for enemies who will use light as a weapon.
* Intense and Personal Journey - Experience a dark, twisted and gripping story written exclusively for the game by acclaimed comic book author Paul Jenkins whose credits also include The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, and the original The Darkness game.
* Distinctive Graphic-Noir Style - Graphic novel shading and color combined with the dramatic lighting of film noir pays tribute to the source material and brings the pages of the comic series to life. Inspired by the popular comic book series created by Top Cow.
Dead Island Techland;Deep Silver (Techland)2011 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr aimassist alcohol assaultrifles axes bludgeons bonebreaking bossbattles burning capacity-slots chapters chargers chromeengine city collectibles containers controlschemes corpselooting coupdegrace cpplanguage crafting crafting-ammo crafting-sites crossworldcharacters dark-limited daylighthorror deadisland-series deadlywater deathpenalty decoys diaries difficulty-charscaling directx9 disarming dismemberment distortedvision dodging doors driving elitemobs endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay explosiveobjects facebookconnect falldamage fictionallocation firearms forest genderchoice gore grenades handguns healingitems healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted honorablefoes hotel hud-dynamic improvisedweapons incendiarygrenades indicator-poi indicator-route interrupting inventory invisiblewalls island itemdurability itemgenerator itemglow karmiccreatures knives knockback knockdown laboratory ladders lamp levelbasedeq limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup map meleeweapons meshnetwork motionblur mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-dropin multiseaters music-hiphop neutralnpcs newgameplus noanimals nochildren npcasphyxiation npcinjuries nplayers objectiveindicator obsoletedassets oceania openworld opponentpowerdisplay optionaltasks outlaws pacificocean pain papuanewguinea playerstats premadecharacters priceinfo prison quickkeys radialmenu rage rating-pegi-18 repairing repulsion resort resourcetransfer resuscitation safezone scavenging scientists screenshake search searchedindicator sellundo shallowwater shopping shotguns shovels slobbery slowmotion soldiers splatter ssao stomping stranded suicideattackers supermode survivalhorror swords targetident throwanything thrownweapons trampling tribals tropic unethicalscience valveanticheat walking waypoints weaponupgrades xp-kills xp-other zombieapocalypse zombies An open sandbox zombie survival game with crafting (talking about fresh ideas) that brings both brute gory fun and great atmosphere.

-Simple crafting-upgrade system.
-Stamina-reliant combat and movement.
-IA (specially for beings that hunt down brains)
-Drowning zombies.
-Leveling up with RPG-like characters and trees (Borderlands anyone?)

-No animals.
-No use of extra weapons for repairing or carftfing.
-No swimming.
-Right seat wheel car.

6 of 10***Note that Dead Island does not strictly match Zombie Apocalypse genre as the zombie outbreak is limited to the island of Banoi with an excessive military quarantine making sure nothing goes in or out of there, thus the outbreak is sufficiently contained. However, none of the events in the game take place outside the containment area, giving it the overall appearance of zombie apocalypse without actually being it.***Terror. Violence. Madness. Bedlam. A holiday paradise gone mad. A tropical island turns into total chaos after a mysterious zombie outbreak. Cut off from the rest of the world, the player’s only chance to survive is to fight to the death and find a way to escape from the island.

Dead Island combines first-person action with a heavy focus on melee combat, character development and customization of a vast array of weapons. All of these gameplay features are presented in a dark story inspired by classic zombie movies with a gritty and engrossing campaign that can be played with up to four players in co-op mode.

Set in an open world tropical island, hordes of different festering zombies await players around every corner while they embark on a variety of thrilling missions through the holiday resort. With firearms and ammunition being scarce the player must rely on utilizing found items as weapons for self-defense and fight off zombie hordes in intense melee combat. A diverse range of items can be collected and will later serve to transform the player’s ordinary makeshift weapons into serious instruments of destruction.

In addition to satisfying even the most bloodthirsty action fan’s fantasy, Dead Island also features role-playing elements which allow the player to develop one of the game’s unique character classes according to their preferences, all the while learning new skills and fresh tactics during their journey through the perilous environments of the island. What’s more, anytime during a game up to four players can seamlessly join together and experience the intense combat and immersive story with cooperative gameplay.

With the all-new Chrome Engine 5 powering Dead Island, the game will use the latest installment of Techland’s acclaimed proprietary game engine, allowing the player to experience the tropical island paradise in graphical splendor with diverse environments like lush forests and detailed city environments.

Key Features
* First-person melee combat
* 4-player coop
* Weapon customization
* Set on an gorgeous open world tropical island
* RPG elements for character development
* Hordes of gruesome zombies
TAGAP 2  Penguin Development Team2011 aspectratio-4-3 doors earth elevators fmod healthregen healthregen-stunted interactivetriggers mp-campaign mp-cooperative newzealand pillarbox rewardingvandalism robots sewers shotguns smartbomb splatter submachineguns tagap-series vorbis TAGAP 2 continues the story of cyber-penguins Pablo and Pedro, who now have joined forces. Following the events of TAGAP, our waddling heroes stumble on even bigger zombie penguin army, spearheaded by general Primo, the most epic cyber-penguin ever! More advanced and better equipped, Primo and his troops are going to accomplish what their predecessors failed to achieve; To conquer the world!

TAGAP 2 expands the original action formula to new heights with variety of new gameplay features, diverse environments and bigger and more dynamic action. Pablo is more able than before tossing grenades, using new vehicles, utilizing electro-magnetism and being more bad-ass, while Pedro provides back-up via air strikes. Not only that, but if you have a game pad your friend can assume the role of Pedro and join you side-by-side in split-screen co-op play.***Latest version: 1.5 (2012-01-30)

Version history:
* 1.4 (2011-10-21)
* 1.3 (2011-09-02)
* 1.2 (2011-08-12)
Mafia II  2K Games (2K Czech)2010 1940s 1950s 20thcentury accuracy-motion aimmode alcohol ammomagazines antiheroprotagonist artdeco autosavepoints car chapterreplay chasing city clandestine clothing compass coversystem crimefiction criminalactivity demo difficulty directx9 doors drifting driving dynamicaccuracy earth familycar fictionalcity firearms gangsters grenades gtalike handguns healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hispanicprotagonist historicalfiction holstering home incendiarygrenades indicator-route indulgence instantkillers invisiblewalls killingblow kynapse lawenforcers lethalvelocity limitedcapacity lockpicking lostequipment machineguns mafia mafia-series map naturalistic neutralnpcs news northamerica nudity nvapex nvidia3dvision objectiveindicator openworld organizedcrime outlawprotagonist outlaws physx precisionrifles prison prostitutes radar screenshake sex shopping shotguns smokes speedlimits sportscar ssao stealth submachineguns summery surfacevariations temporarycompanions timeskip tommygun trampling triad truck turrets unarmedfighting vaulting walking waypoints weathereffects wheeledvehicle wintery winvista winxp youngadultprotagonist Un juego que, aunque con una jugabilidad "sanbox" al estilo GTA, presenta una argumento más serio y sobretodo una recreación tan bonita como inmersiva de los mediados del S.XX en EEUU.

In short: third person action/driving sandbox in the 40s-50s.

Great atmosphere and details, especially in cars.
Great jazz and rock music
Collectables that are worth the time to search them

The action is too often limited for a videogame, too filmic.
Very limited choices in the story

6 of 10***[b]DLC add-ons:[/b]
* Jimmy's Vendetta
* Greaser Pack
* Renegade Pack
* Vegas Pack
* War Hero Pack
* Joe's Adventure***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP2, Vista or 7
* 3 GHz Pentium D or Athlon 64 X2 3600+ CPU
* 1.5 GB RAM
* GeForce 8600 or Radeon HD2600 Pro GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* 2.4 GHz quad-core CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 9800 GTX or Radeon HD 3870 GPU
* 10 GB HD space
Blacklight: Tango Down  Ignition Entertainment (Zombie Studios)2010 21stcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-posture achievements achievements-public aimassist aimmode ammomagazines aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles bink blacklight-series capturedresources city clienthost cpplanguage dedicatedclient detector directx9 distortedvision dynamicaccuracy earth empgrenades empweapons europe fictionalcity fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fragileprotagonist future grenadecooking grenades handguns healingstations healthpickups healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted host-migrating hud-explained hudmalfunctioning ironsights jumping letterbox machineguns mines mp-control mp-cooperative mp-ctf mp-dm mp-lms mp-teams notextchat physx playerprogression playerstats precisionrifles pve pvp pvpfocus rating-esrb-t scaleform serialkey shotguns stamina submachineguns titlementioned unlockable-items unrealengine3 voicechat walking weaponcustomization windowslive winvista winxp In Blacklight: Tango Down, experience the bleeding edge of advanced warfare. Participate in the "NetWar": a hyper-realistic battlefield letting you fight tomorrow’s conflicts with or against your friends in the gritty Blacklight universe. Make your stand across seven game modes with 12 different maps in intense online battles supporting up to 16 players. Or fight through four intense Black Ops missions co-operatively or alone; all the while gaining experience, collecting stats, and unlocking items. Earn new weapon attachments and items, improve your abilities, and engage your Hyper Reality Visor to locate enemies and take them out. Customize your character and weaponry from among thousands of combinations to become the soldier you always wanted to be.

* Groundbreaking content: 12 multiplayer maps across seven multiplayer game modes.
* Black Ops missions: Enhance your skills in four co-op missions with support for 1-4 players.
* Highly-customizable weapons and armor: Modify the way your firearms shoot, look, and feel among thousands of combinations.
* Rank up through 70 levels: Improve your abilities as you unlock tons of new items, camos, armor, and weapon attachments!
Sniper: Ghost Warrior City Interactive2010 accuracy-motion accuracy-posture actioncamera alternatingprotagonist ammomagazines animals assaultrifles ballistics bombs chromeengine clandestine cliff cpplanguage damageindicator depthoffield difficulty directx9 download drm dvd dynamicaccuracy earth environmentalcontact fictionallocation firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator forest fullbodyawareness grenades grenadewarning handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted indicator-threat industrial-setting knives map militantprotagonist militaryfiction mines minimap naturalistic objectiveindicator postures precisionrifles projectilerecovery radar rain rating-esrb-m refinery reload-manual ruins secondaryattack secrets securom securompa sequence-stealth shallowwater shotguns simulatedpulse skipnoninteractive slowmotion sniperghostwarrior specialistprotagonist stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound tactical telescope thickvegetation thrownweapons tropic tutorial vorbis walking weathereffects windindicator windowsmedia winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV, 2.66 GHz Pentium D, or Athlon 64 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X1650 GPU
* 6.5 GB HD space
Aliens vs Predator  Sega (Rebellion Developments)2010 achievements achievements-public airducts alienfranchise alienprotagonist aliens aliensvspredator alternateattack ammomagazines androids anticipatorysightings assaultrifles asura-engine autosavepoints backstabbing biogrowth bossbattles canyon capacity-toolslots cave chargedactions claws cloakednpcs cloaking cpplanguage dark deathfakers deathpits detector diaries directx11 directx9 dismemberment distortedvision download dvd elevators energydraining energyweapons exoticweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial fallbackweapon falldamage fearofnothing firearms flamethrowers flares fullbodyawareness future gore grenadelaunchers grotesque gunclubbing handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted hud-dynamic humanprotagonist industrial-setting interspecificconflict itempickup-auto jumping killingblow lamp lightdousing limitedcapacity lipsync locationaldamage lostequipment lv426 machineguns megacorps meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mines monsterprotagonist monsters motiondetector movie mp-3way mp-control mp-dm mp-infection mp-survival mp-tag mp-teams multiplecampaigns multipleperspectives namelessprotagonist netranking noenergyregen npcstrife objectiveindicator openended otherworld pain parasites perspectiveflip plasmaweapons precisionrifles predator researchfacility restorepower robots rookieprotagonist ruins saveonline scientists secrets segmentedhealth sequelhook sequence-escape serialkey serious shotguns silentprotagonist soldiers spacefaringage stealth steampowered steamworks targetedjump telescope temple thermalweapons thrownweapons tropic turrets tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting visiblelasers visionmodes voicechat walking wetland winvista winxp EAN-13: [code]5055277002238[/code] (UK; 2 DVDs; SEGA-PC111)***For 1-18 players, multiplayer maps include player caps at 8, 12, and 18.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, Vista or 7
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 4.6 GB HD space

* Core 2 Duo E6400 CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD2900 Pro GPU***[b]healthregen-stunted[/b] - the marine has 3 health bars, regeneration is limited to filling the currently partially depleted bar. Predator regenerates arbitrary chunks of damage that "fall off" the health bar, completely gone chunks do not regenerate. Xenomorph regenerates any and all damage and therefore is not covered by this tag.
[b]cloaking[/b] - unlike in the previous games, the predator can remain cloaked indefinitely as long as they avoid certain actions. this causes no energy drain of any kind. And the cloak can be immediately resumed when the cloak breaking action is ceased.***Aliens vs Predator is an entirely new title for PC and high-definition consoles from acclaimed British developer Rebellion, the team behind the 1999 original PC gaming classic.

Bringing the most intense war between two of science-fiction’s most popular characters FPS fans, AvP delivers three outstanding single player campaigns and provides untold hours of unique 3-way multiplayer gaming.

Experience distinctly new and thrilling first person gameplay as you survive, hunt and prey in the deadly jungles and swamps surrounding the damned colony of Freya’s Prospect.

- As the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough. However, the United States Marine Corps are humanity’s last line of defence, and as such they are armed to the teeth with the very latest in high explosive and automatic weaponry.
- As the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims. Although equipped with an array of powerful, exotic weapons and tracking equipment, honour ultimately dictates that you must get in close and take your trophies face to face.
- As the most deadly species in the universe, the Alien offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares - the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades.
- Play all sides off against each other in a series of unique 3-way online modes and go tooth-to-claw-to-pulse rifle in the reinvention of one of multiplayer gaming’s defining moments.
[Sega]***Not to be mistaken with an earlier [game=#16824]AVP game[/game] from the same developer.
NecroVisioN: Lost Company  1C Company (The Farm 51)2010 1910s 1life 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-posture aimmode alternatetimeline ammomagazines autosavepoints bayonets biplane bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bossbattles burning cave chapterreplay colossi cryokinesis damageovertime deadanimation demons diaries dismemberment drm dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dvd dynamicaccuracy earth elevators falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers flaregun forcefields gamespy gasgrenades gianthumanoids giants glowingeyes gore grenades grenadewarning grotesque gunclubbing havokphysics hdrlighting healthpickups healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted healthwarning hellscape improvisedweapons impulsegoo itempickup-auto itempickup-instant juggernauts jumping knives knockback knockdown livingfire locationaldamage machineguns magic mandatoryloss meleeweapons milessound militantprotagonist mine mode-challenge monastery monsters motionblur murinoids naga necrovision objectiveindicator obligation pain-engine paranormal past pawn possessed precisionrifles pyrokinesis rage recurrence-character recurrence-location reload-auto reload-manual repulsion robots rockets safepowers saveanywhere sciencefantasy secretconflict secrets sequence-turret serialkey shallowwater shapeshifters shotguns simulacrums skippedstory slowmotion sorcery spectres splatter ssao stamina starforce submachineguns tangiblecorpses tasktracker telescope temporarycompanions thrownweapons titlementioned tracers tunnels undead vampires walking war wastedeffort werewolves worldwar1 zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 GPU
* 8 GB HD space

* 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 5000+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD38xx GPU***NecroVisioN: Lost Company is the prequel to the old-school horror FPS which covers the events that happened before the NecroVisioN story began. The game contains several unique levels, characters, weapons and gameplay elements, as well as a new main hero that tells the original game story from an opposing perspective. Players now act as one of the WWI German soldiers that discovers the evil forces unleashed by the war and starts to fight against them. Eventually the player leads soldiers from all the nations gathered on the front through massive battles against the zombies and demons. Finally players become the first Necromancer that was defeated by Simon Bukner in NecroVisioN.

Key Features:
* 10 new levels in the single player campaign
* 15 new characters
* 6 new weapons
* Variety of special weapon upgrades
* New drivable vehicles to use in the fight including the FT17 tank and Halberstadt CL.II airplane
* Several additional close combat techniques, spells and fatalities in single player
* New, unique multiplayer mode: Gas Attack
* 3 new maps and several new skins for multiplayer mode
* New visual effects like enhanced depth-of-field, soft shadows and new shaders with optimized renderer and data loading system.
[1C Publishing]
The Precursors  Russobit-M;Game Factory Interactive (Deep Shadows)2009 4thwallbroken accuracy-motion accuracy-posture acid addiction adv-perks afterburner aimmode alcohol alienanimals alienplanet aliens ammotypes anomalies aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-5-4 asphyxiation assaultrifles avianoids bioluminescence bodyarmor buggy capacity-weight carts cave chainreactions children circadiancycle city compass crossbows damageindicator damagetypes dark-limited dialog-sentences difficulty directx9 distortedhearing distortedvision doors doors-autoclosing driving drm drm-activation dustmotes dynamicaccuracy electricweapons endlessopposition energyshields energyweapons explosiveobjects factions fallbackweapon falldamage firstpersonshooter freelancing fuel giantworms grenades guidedweapons hacking healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate healthregen-stunted hostileflora hybridgame injuries insectoids insects interactivedialogs jumping karma ladders lamp limitedcapacity livingtools livingweapons locationaldamage locationalhealth lockpicking maleprotagonist map meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist monsters multipleworlds neutralnpcs noports npcgenerators npcspawning npcstrife optionaltasks origlang-russian outlaws overburdening photographing postures precisionrifles prologue quickkeys radar raiders recoil reload-manual repairing robots rockets ruins screenshake selectivefire serialkey shadermodel3 shopping shotguns space spacecraft spacefaringage spaceflight spaceport spacestation splatter stacsim stamina starforce stealth stealth-sight steampowered swimming taskgenerator telescope theora titlementioned town tracers trading trampling treetoptown trike underwaterdiving upgradesystem vitalengine walking warptravel wasteland weaponupgrades wilderness xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist There's an unofficial patch for the western release that replaces a lot of the sounds with the ones from Russian release (also thus "adding" voices [rather, restoring their Russian voice-overs] for all characters rather than only very few of them) as well as fixing certain issues.

This patch is also available [url=]as free DLC[/url] on Beamdog in case you got the game from them.***Precursors, predecessors, the legend of the galaxy... Who among the existing races are carrying their genes?
The worlds of the galaxy are beautiful, unique and dangerous. Some of them are inhabited, some are deserted, some lie in ruins, others are just smugglers trans-shipment stations.
Some worlds are at the beginning of their evolution, other are falling into decay. Only when you'll pass through all of these worlds, when you'll feel the heat of blazing lava-seas and the chilling cold of dark abysses, when you'll see stark heavens and red skies, you will realize the real power of nature. Only when you'll meet corrupt judges, mendacious politicians, unselfish protectors and cruel tyrants, you'll understand the passions of society. Only when you'll reach unexplored sectors of the galaxy and come across wonderful natural phenomenons, when you'll fly through the tail of a comet or dive into a mysterious portal, then you'll perceive the infinite depth and diversity of the universe.
Nobody knows what exactly this journey will comprise, but we can assure you that it will be unforgettable...

"Precursors" is a new project of Deep Shadows. The game action takes place in space and on the surface of various planets. The genre of the game is freeplay RPG with FPS and space sim combat elements.

"Precursors" and "White Gold: War In Paradise" are developed using the Vital Engine 3. It has shader 3.0 support and features various post rendering effects like HDR, motion blur and others. In comparison with the Vital Engine 2 the physics system has been improved and moreover, two of the main features of the engine are destructible objects, which will be found everywhere in the games, and support of one huge unified playing area.

You will fight your enemies in space as well as on the surface of various planets. You will be able to work for different factions and carry out their quests to earn money, which is quite essential for your hero. The money will give you the opportunity to buy new weapons, make technical upgrades or repair your damaged spaceship.

You can explore a planet's surface using a wide choice of different vehicles, but in space you will use only one ship which will be given to you at the beginning of the game. RPG stats will allows you to upgrade not only the personal characteristics of your hero but the technical abilities of your spaceship as well.
[Deep Shadows]
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games (Starbreeze Studios;Tigon Studios)2009 1life 5thmillennium achievements achillesheelfoes activationlimit aimmode airducts alarmers alcatraz ammomagazines aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles autosavepoints backstabbing bodydragging bodyslamming bossbattles captives chroniclesofriddick color-16f color-32bit continuity cyborgs dark deadlywater deathpits depthoffield dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-ingame distantfuture doors download drm drm-activation dvd elevators environmentalcontact escape explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms fullbodyawareness future gog grenades handguns hdrlighting healingstations healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted indoors industrial-setting interactivedialogs itemglow jumping keys killingblow ladders leaning ledges letterbox lightdousing locationaldamage lostequipment meatshield meleeweapons mercenaries mine monkeybars movie mp-ctf mp-dm mp-undefined neutralnpcs npcspawning opengl optionaltasks otherworld outlawprotagonist outlaws playerprofiles powerarmor precisionrifles prison prisonbreak remotedetonators robots rockets rotaryguns secrets segmentedhealth serialkey serious shore shotguns skipnoninteractive spacecraft-location spacefaringage starbreezeengine stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealthgame submachineguns subterranean tages titularcharacter titularevent town tutorial unarmedfighting visionenhancer voiceovers walking wildlife [b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP2 or Vista
* Pentium D 805 or Athlon X2 3800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* Radeon HD 2600 XT or GeForce 6800 Ultra GPU
* 11 GB HD space

* 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 5200+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* Radeon HD 3850 or GeForce 8800 GT GPU***[b]tages[/b] - Atari has made a promise (of a sort) to remove this at some point in the future. [url][/url]

-- Butcher Bay specific: prisonbreak, mine, subterranean, npcspawning
-- Dark Athena specific: cyborgs, spacecraft-location, submachineguns, remotedetonators***US 2009-06-16 on Steam; uses Tages copy protection like the retail release with "3 machine activation limit".
... elsewhere much later (on 2009-11-30??)
NecroVisioN 1C Company;505 Games;Aspyr Media (The Farm 51)2009 1910s 1life 20thcentury alternatetimeline ammomagazines anatomicdamage apocalyptic autosavepoints bayonets bodyarmor bombs bossbattles chosenone compass cyborgs dark deadanimation demons diaries difficulty directx10 directx9 dismemberment dissolvingcorpses doors download dragons dragons-western dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dvd dynamicaccuracy earth eviloverlord exoticweapons firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers forcefields fortress france gamespy giantmonsters giantrobots gore grenadecooking grenades grotesque gunclubbing havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hell hellscape heroprotagonist hexapeds improvisedweapons insectoids invisiblewalls itemglow knives knockdown lamp latemodernperiod livingfire locationaldamage lostequipment magic magicweapons meleeweapons milessound militantprotagonist mode-challenge monsters mp-ctf mp-dm mp-lms mp-teams murinoids naga necrovision noenergyregen noports npcstrife pain-engine paranormal powerarmor precursors projectilerecovery rage reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots rockets ruins saveanywhere sciencefantasy secretconflict secrets segmentedhealth sentientartefact serialkey serious shadermodel3 sorcery spectres spiderbots stamina subterranean tangiblecorpses temple thermalweapons thrownweapons titlementioned undead uvl-techlimitation vampires walkers walking war winvista winxp worldwar worldwar1 zombies Latest version: 1.1 (as of 2009-03-18)***2005-11-30 PC/X360 horror FPS mentioned, no details given.
2006-06-09 Announced as NecroVisioN
2007-04-02 Publishing contract with 1C signed
2008-02-05 505 Games set to publish NecroVisioN in Europe
2008-08-07 1C signs Gamersgate to distribute NecroVisioN digitally
2009-01-17 European release dated to Feb 20
2009-01-22 Aspyr enters an agreement with 1C to publish NecroVisioN in North America
2009-02-11 Polish and English demos released
2009-02-20 European release
2009-05-19 on GameAgent, by Aspyr (lang: eng; download)
2009-05-20 on Steam, by Aspyr (lang: eng; download)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 2800+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1600 CPU
* 8 GB HD space
* DVD-ROM drive

* 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon X2 5000+ CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* GeForce 8800 or Radeon HD 38xx GPU***EU by 505 Games
NA by Aspyr Media
?? by 1C Publishing EU / 1C Company***The year is 1916. Young American joins UK Army to experience an adventure of his life and soon realizes that greater evil is hiding beneath the Great War storm. He has to face the underground world of vampires, demons, evil genius creatures and even become one of the demons to rescue the human and vampire kind from forces of darkness.

NecroVisioN is a First Person Shooter taking place in a variety of locations from battlefields of World War I to much darker and brutal underground world of vampires and demons. Sceneries range from realistic to dream-like, opponents from enemy troops to fantasy creatures -- old fashion look and style of the game is going to remind the world setting from the Lovecraft's horrors and seamlessly mix the war shooter elements into it. Player will fight enemies using environments, powerful and evil artifacts, vampire technology, and authentic WWI era weapons.

Key features:

* Intense and explosive fights
* Huge boss battles
* Combat System + Spell System
* Mix of realistic and fantasy weapons, enemies, levels
* Interactive elements and simple riddles adding depth to the overall gameplay experience
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin  Warner Bros. Interactive (Monolith Productions)2009 1life accuracy-motion accuracy-posture accuracy-turning aimmode airducts ammomagazines anticipatorystockpiles armyofone aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles autosavepoints beamweapons blood-motif bodyarmor bullettime capacity-toolslots city cliffhanger cloakednpcs comicrelief cpplanguage dark demo depthoffield diegeticui directx10 directx9 dissolvingcorpses distortedvision dolbydigital doors dvd dynamicaccuracy earth empgrenades empweapons energyweapons evilwins facelessprotagonist fauxserious fear-series femaleantagonist filmgrain firearms firstpersonshooter fullbodyawareness gamespy gore grenadecooking grenades grotesque gunclubbing hallucinations handguns havokphysics hdrlighting healingitems healthpickups healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hospital humanexperiments imaginarybeings incendiarygrenades industrial-setting juicyflesh jumping lamp lamp-faulty langhungarian letterbox limitedcapacity lithtech-jupiterex lithtechengine logitech-g19 mecha militantprotagonist militaryfiction mindcontrol motionblur npchiding npcinjuries nudity officebuilding openended paranormal posthumans precisionrifles psychics quicktimeevent rape recurrence recurrence-character reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility rockets ruins school secretfacility selectivefire sequelhook serialkey serious sex shadermodel2 shadermodel3 shotguns silentprotagonist spectres splatter ssao stamina steampowered steamworks stungrenades submachineguns subterranean subway tasktracker thermalweapons unusualprotagonist urbanfantasy uvl-searchelp vaulting visions walker walking whispers widescreen winvista winxp x86 x86-64 Was worked on simply as "Project Origin" before Monolith re-acquired the rights to the F.E.A.R. title from Vivendi.***Comes on 2 DVDs.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP SP2 or Vista SP1
* 2.8 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon 64 3000+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X700 GPU
* 12 GB HD space

* 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo or Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU
* 1.5 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8600 GTS or Radeon HD 2900 XT
Far Cry 2  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montréal)2008 2000s 21stcentury aaa africa aimmode ambx ammomagazines anatomicdamage animals antiheroprotagonist arid assaultrifles autosavepoints ballistics bombs briefcases buggy burning camouflage capacity-toolslots captives capturedresources circadiancycle collectibles communicator controlconfig coupdegrace cpplanguage crewtargeting currency-unusual damageindicator damageovertime dartguns depthoffield derelictgraveyard destructibleenvironment difficulty difficulty-ingame directx10 directx9 disease distortedvision doors download drifting driving drm drm-activation duniaengine dvd dynamicweather earth ejecting endlessopposition environment-animate explosiveobjects falldamage farcry fasttravel fasttravel-points firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers flaregun fog forest freelancing friendlyfire gems genderdiscrepancy grenadelaunchers grenades handguns hangglider hdrlighting healingitems healingstations healthregen healthregen-stunted heathaze hiding host-dedicated hud-dynamic humid incendiarygrenades ironsights itemdurability itemglow jeep jumping killingblow knives ladders landvehicle latemodernperiod leveleditor lightbloom limitedcapacity lives locationaldamage machineguns machinepistols maleprotagonist malfunctioning map mediaindrive mercenaries mercenaryprotagonist mp-customport mp-dm mp-teams mp-undefined multiseaters netframework netranking neutralnpcs nonlinear npcinjuries npcspawning objectiveindicator openworld openworld-restricted optionaltasks plains precisionrifles premadecharacters present proprietarynetwork publictransit punkbuster quazal racechoice rain realisticshotguns recoil reload-auto reload-manual remotedetonators repairing resting river roadsigns rockets safezone saveanywhere savepoints scenic secrets securom securompa segmentedhealth serialkey serious shadermodel3 shantytown shopping shotguns singlegender singlegenderopposition solomission staining stamina stash stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound submachineguns subtropic swimming syringes telescope thermalweapons thickvegetation thoroughfares town trampling trespassing tropic turrets unfixedbugs unrelatedsequel upgrades-other upgradesystem uvl-imagequality vehiclecrew walking war wasteland weaponupgrades wheeledvehicle widescreen wildfire wildlife Con un entorno mucho más abierto que la anterior entrega, manejas a un futuro queso gruyere con patas y malaria en un entorno africano muy interesante.

Juego muy completo, la misión de la plantación no tiene pérdida.

P.D: Odiarás el proceso conocido como oxidación.

7 de 10***[b]Fortunes[/b] DLC features:
Single player additional content:
* Three brand-new weapons: Silenced shotgun, Sawed-off shotgun, Crossbow
* Two new vehicles: Unimog, Quad
Multiplayer additional content:
* Additional weapons and four new exciting maps: Cheap Labor, Last Resort, Lake Smear, Fort Fury***[b]lives[/b] - this is almost the same as [url=/groups/info/deathless]deathless[/url]; you have 1 extra life which is used when you "die" and your partner arrives to drag you off to relative safety. However, if you die again before your partner is ready to save you (gain 1 up, so to speak), you die for good. You meet your partner in one of the safe houses when she's ready to do it again.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP w/ SP2 or Vista w/ SP1
* 3.2 GHz Pentium IV, 2.66 GHz Pentium D or Athlon 64 3500+ CPU
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista)
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6800 or Radeon X1650 GPU
* 6 GB HD space

* Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD 64 X2 5200+ or AMD Phenom CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 512 Mb VRAM
* GeForce 8600 GTS or Radeon X1900 GPU
* 5.1 soundcard***Far Cry 2, the next-generation first-person shooter from Ubisoft, will take you deep into the most beautiful but also most hostile environments in the world: Africa! More than just a visual and technological achievement, Far Cry 2, the true sequel to the award-winning PC game, will provide you with an unprecedented gaming experience.

Caught between two rival factions in war-torn Africa, you are sent to take out "The Jackal", a mysterious character who has rekindled the conflict between the warlords, jeopardizing thousands of lives. In order to fulfil your mission you will have to play the factions against each other, identify and exploit their weaknesses, and neutralise their superior numbers and firepower with surprise, subversion, cunning and, of course, brute force.


The extensive artistic research combined with the next-gen engine will allow you to explore over 50Km2 of seamlessly rendered African landscape. No game has ever provided such freedom of movement!


The Dunia Engine was built specifically for Far Cry 2 by the award-winning Ubisoft Montréal development team. It delivers the most realistic destructible environments, amazing special effects such as dynamic fire propagation and storm effects, real-time night-and-day cycle, dynamic music system, non-scripted enemy A.I. and so much more...


Real-time story telling, systemic auto-healing, minimal in-game interface are just few of the features that will make you feel the tension of being alone against barbarous warlords that threaten thousands of innocent lives.


Choose from a wide range of weapons to make your way to your primary target. Meet the fight head-on with your machine-gun, go berserk with your machete or make stealth kills as a Sniper. If you feel that the atmosphere is not warm enough, light up your flamethrower and let your enemies and everything around them feel the heat.


Fly, Drive, Run, slide and hover over the huge open world with your glider, trucks, cars, boats and much more.
Pariah Groove Games (Digital Extremes)2005 1life 2520s 26thcentury 3rdmillennium accuracy-posture achillesheelfoes aimmode ammomagazines assaultrifles autosavepoints canyon cdrom cpplanguage death destructibleenvironment did directx9 distortedvision driving drm dynamicaccuracy earth elevators explosiveobjects extraterrestrial falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fofindicator future futureearth grenadelaunchers havokphysics healingitems healthregen healthregen-stunted humanweapon itempickup-auto jumping karmiccreatures ladders leveleditor meleeweapons militantprotagonist mp-assault mp-ctf mp-dm obligation openal plasmaweapons precisionrifles ragdollphysics rescue restorepower rockets safedisc segmentedhealth sequence-defend sequence-turret serialkey serious shotguns stamina stranded suicide telescope trampling tutorial unrealengine2 upgrades-permanent upgradesystem vorbis walking weaponupgrades win2k win98 winxp [b]Crashes randomly in-game and/or black screen on grenade explosions[/b]?
Try disabling post processing effects.

[b]Crashes on start-up[/b]?
Patch to latest version and/or try using a crack (Safedisk is problematic).***Latest version: 1.03, patch #3, v.1118 (as of 2005-06)

Version history:
* patch #2 (2005-05-??)
* patch #1 (2005-05-??)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP
* Pentium III or Athlon CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 GPU
* 2.4 GB HD space
Doom 3  id Software2004 1life 2140s 22ndcentury airlocks alientechnology alteredreality ammomagazines antagonistawareness anticipatorysightings anticipatorystockpiles aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles autosavepoints biogrowth bodyarmor bossbattles cc chargingweapons color-32bit communicator corridorshooter cyborgs dark demo demonicinvasion demons descriptivenames diaries dimensionalbreach dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel dingy directx9 dissolvingcorpses doom-series doors doors-automatic drm drm-removed eastereggs eax4 elevators elevators-multifloor encounters-popup eviloverlord excavation extraterrestrial fatties firearms firstpersonshooter future grenadecooking grenades handguns heads healthpickups healthregen healthregen-stunted heavyspecularity hell hellscape humanfacedcreatures idtech4 inclinators ingamecinematics interactiveterminals jumping keycodes ladders lamp locationinfo magiccircles mars mediaindrive megacorps militantprotagonist minigames monstrouschildren namelessprotagonist newgameplus nomodalpause novintfalcon npcfriendlyfire npcstrife oddappliances openal opengl overcharging pain pandorasbox paranormal pda plasmaweapons portals powertools rating-bbfc-18 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 reanimators reboot red reload-auto reload-manual researchfacility rockets rotaryguns safedisc saveanywhere sciencefantasy scientists secrets sentientartefact serialkey serious shadowvolume shotguns soldiers spacefaringage spiderbots steampowered subtitledeficient supportnpcs teleport teleporters temporarycompanions unlockable-difficulty unorthodoxweapons uvl-distributors walkers walking walkingarmory whispers win2k winxp zip Note! Activision worked only as distributor for Doom 3, not publisher.***Science has unlocked the gates to the unknown, and now only one man stands between Hell and Earth. A Sci-Fi horror masterpiece, Doom 3 is like nothing you've ever experienced. Dramatic storyline, pulse-pounding action, incredible graphics, and revolutionary technology combine to draw you into the most frightening and gripping first person gaming experience ever created.

[i]Terrifying atmosphere[/i]
Never before seen detail with real-time lighting and shadows

[i]Disturbingly lifelife[/i]
Real-world physics, killer AI and 5.1 surround sound

[i]Fight for your life[/i]
Battle in team or deathmatch-based modes
[Box blurb]***Comes on 3 CDs.

EAN-13: [code]5030917024399[/code]***[b]missing images:[/b] interesting and clear main/cover image to replace the current low resolution one***Latest version: [url=]1.3.1[/url] (as of 2006-12-14)***You take up the role of nameless marine come to UAC Mars research base as a replacement to fill up the diminishing security forces on site. You're initially greeted by bleak residents of the Mars base and the uptight workforce of the place and are quickly pushed to your first assignment. And your arrival could not have been on worse time, as the conditions rapidly deteriorate from then on into an invasion by demonic forces and a darker plot brewing behind it.

Personally I think the game is quite good, and the major criticism from others seems to have been about the extremely dark setting (lack of lighting), but how many horror games do you see in brightly lit environs that still manage to scare you? I doubt any. Creep you out by weirdness, perhaps, but not scare you.

The only gripe I have about the game is that it relies all too much on scripted sequences to scare you, and the mob A.I. seems to be a bit too straightforward to give much challenge as it's quite easy to figure out and once that's done, most situations are ridiculously easy to handle, especially with the virtually infinite ammo you have (not that that's much a surprise as the place _is_ weapons research and manufacturing facility on top of everything else).***[b]Minimum:[/b]
[*] Windows 2000 or XP
[*] Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or Athlon XP 1500+ CPU
[*] 384 MB RAM
[*] 64 MB VRAM (Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3)
[*] 8X CD-ROM drive
[*] 2.2 GB free HD space
[*] soundcard
[*] mouse
[*] keyboard***[spoiler=Show partial access code list;Hide code list][b]Syntax:[/b]
[code]locked object : code [lock location] [code found from][/code]

Listed in order of encountering the locked object

Reception & Marine HQ
Combat Prep : 584 [Marine HQ] [Bill Tyson's PDA near the location on second visit to Marine HQ]
Locker #001 : 396 [Maintenance] [Kitchen, Adam's PDA] – automatically opened and emptied on return trip if not opened by player
Locker #023 : 531 [Energy Stab. Unit] [Baston's PDA right next to it]
??? Possible missing code for something here around this portion of the game?
Locker #017 : 347 [Infirmary] [Caseon's PDA found right next to it]

Alpha Labs (no backtracking)
Locker #013 : 586 [Alpha Labs Hallway] [Dorweiler's PDA found right next to it]
martianbuddy : 0508 [North Hallway] [Moses' PDA found right next to it]

Alpha Labs Sector 1
Locker #009 : 752 [?] [Berger's PDA in nearby room]

Alpha Labs Sector 2
Locker #038 : 409 [MFS Compressor] [Chin's PDA in Engineering Security Checkpoint]
Locker #039 : 102 [Coolant Control Junction] [Connors' PDA in MFS Compressor]

Alpha Labs Sector 3
Locker #047 : 123 [Hazardous Materials Lift] [Lamia's PDA in Hazardous Waste Disposal]
Locker #048 : 123 [Coolant Monitoring] [Lamia's PDA in Hazardous Waste Disposal]
Locker #049 : 123 [EFR Staging Room 1B] [Lamia's PDA in Hazardous Waste Disposal]

Alpha Labs Sector 4
door : ? [Reactor Junction 1] [???; Unlocked if you free the scientist in the previous room]
Locker #064 : 651 [?] [Nelson's PDA]

Enpro Plant
Locker #063 : 972 [Power Core Access] [Chasar's PDA right next to it]
Plasma Storage : 734 [Maintenance 3] [Hammer's PDA in same large room]

Central Communications Tower
Locker #054 : 246 [Security Office] [Wolfe's PDA in Comm Systems]

Waste Recycling 2
Locker #003 : 483 [Monorail Access] [Sadowayj's PDA in Central Maintenance, Waste Recycling 1, and Johnson's PDA in Main Environment Control]

Locker #003 : Open [Recycling Boarding Plat.] [None needed]
Monorail Airlock : 826 [Site 2 Transfer Area] [Ross' PDA in Site 2 Transfer Area]
Locker #054 : 142 [Site 2 Transfer Area] [Hollies' PDA right next to it]

Locker #078 : 364 [Delta Checkpoint Storage] [Cullen's PDA in Monorail Security Checkpoint]
Locker #079 : 364 [Delta Checkpoint Storage] [Cullen's PDA in Monorail Security Checkpoint]

Delta Labs 1
Locker #210 : 298 [Storage Room 21-D] [Price's PDA in Delta Entryway]

Delta Labs 2
Locker #112 : 538 [Records Office] [Cinder's PDA in Delta Ops Administration]
Locker #113 : Open [Records Office] [None needed]
M. Abrams office : 931 [Delta Security Junction] [Abrams' PDA in Kaczynski's room in Alpha Labs 4]
Locker #116 : 972 [Delta Security] [Terminal right next to it]
Locker #114 : 715 [Operations Server Room] [Post-it note on the side of the locker]
Locker #115 : Open [Operations Server Room] [None needed]

Delta Labs 2b
Locker #103 : 259 [Maintenance Corridor] [Erikson's PDA right next to it]
Locker #216 : 624 [Specimen Research Lab] [Michael's dialog just before]
Locker #217 : 624 [Specimen Research Lab] [Michael's dialog just before]
Locker #213 : 371 [Stasis Transfer Control] [Stemmon's PDA in Maintenance Area 4]
Locker #666 : 372 [Analysis Control] [Post-it note next to the locker numpad]

Storage 07 : 725 [Central Processing] [McNeil's PDA in Technical Director's Office nearby]
Martian Buddy : 0508 [Secure Storage] [Moses' PDA found in Alpha Labs]
Level 3 Access : 463 [Central Processing] [McNeil's PDA in Technical Director's Office nearby]

Delta Labs 3
Locker #317 : 841 [Terminal Office Storage] [Cerano's PDA in Lower Terminal Office]
Locker #386 : 836 [T1 Access] [Lee's PDA in Chamber 1 Control]
Locker #387 : 836 [T1 Access] [Lee's PDA in Chamber 1 Control]

Delta Labs 4
Locker #104 : 579 [Delta4 Security] [Downing's PDA in Delta4 Junction 2, also a terminal nearby]

CPU Complex
Locker #452 : 571 [Entrance Checkpoint] [Jackson's PDA in Delta Main Lobby in Delta before entering CPU Complex]
Lab A : 626 [Main Entrance Hall] [Bates' PDA in Security Monitoring, also seen through a security monitor nearby]
Locker #669 : 468 [Lab A Upper Floors] [Haskell's PDA in Lab A ???]
Locker #009 : Open [Lab A Upper Floors] [None needed]
The code listing will be completed when I bother to, which likely won't be anytime soon.
Max Payne Take 2 Interactive;Gathering of Developers (Remedy Entertainment)2001 1life ammomagazines apartmentbuilding armyofone assaultrifles atlastmoment autosavepoints aybabtu bullettime city comiccutscenes compatiblewine containers cpplanguage crates crimefiction difficulty directx8 dodging doors dualwielding earth ectsaward falselyaccused firearms gameplayinn gangsters grenades grounddiving handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hotel incendiarygrenades jumping lawenforcerprotagonist maxfx-engine maxpayne-series meninblack movie naturalistic neutralnpcs noir organizedcrime personalquest precisionrifles purpleprose restorepower rewardingvandalism rooftops saveanywhere serious shotguns slaughterhouse slowmotion submachineguns subway titlementioned titularcharacter tutorial vigilanteprotagonist walking wintery Un shooter con un especial énfasis en el uso del entorno y sobretodo en el empleo de "tiempo bala" y de esquivas de todo tipo.
Además tiene una historia muy interesante y con elementos, como las viñetas o las fases oníricas, que le vienen como anillo al dedo para crear esa atmósfera miserable de una tragedia noir.

8 de 10***Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night. A fugitive undercover cop framed for murder, and now hunted by cops and the mob. Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win. Prepare for a new breed of deep action game. Prepare for pain... Developed by Remedy Entertainment and produced by 3D Realms, Max Payne is a relentless story-driven game about a man on the edge, fighting for his justice while uncovering plot-twists and twisted thugs in the gritty bowels of New York during the century's worst blizzard. Max Payne is an original third-person 3D game based on the MAX-FX engine, and uses photo-digitized textures, resulting in one of the most realistic looking games ever seen.***Max Payne is a cool game. Nice story line, good playing, especially when we have many mod to play. 5 Stars for Max Payne.

[zbig13]***The first action game to approach Half-Life in terms of playability. Impressive originality, such as Bullet Time, made it a benchmark game for 2001, improving on Half-Life in many fields, yet still not fully attracting the support the former got.
X-COM: Enforcer Hasbro Interactive (Microprose)2001 21stcentury alieninvasion aliens alone alternatetimeline autosavepoints beamweapons cemetery city clanguage cyborgs directx8 earth energyweapons firearms future gamespy glide3d gog greys healthregen healthregen-moderate healthregen-stunted intermissions interspecificconflict jumping laserbolts laserweapons leveleditor lighthearted limitedcapacity militaryfiction missionbased naga noncanon noports parkinglot rating-esrb-t rescue robotprotagonist robots rooftops sewers solomission spacecraft-location steampowered subway swrender teleport thermalweapons titlementioned titularcharacter titulargroup unrealengine unrealengine1 voiceovers walking widescreen win95 win98 xcom-original xcom-series Un curioso shoot'em up en 3D que funciona bastante bien, aunque desgraciadamente el único reto real son los monstruos finales de pantalla, ya que las misiones son de lo más simple y los enemigos son poco más que hordas descerebradas con ganas de morir.

5 de 10***[b]teleport[/b] — for the player this is when entering and leaving the levels. Large majority of the enemies arrive by teleporting, usually aided by the alien transmitters, and the professor-thing teleports weapons near you occasionally.
[b]autosave points[/b] — saves occur automatically between levels, before and after you've used your data points. Continuing/loading opens up the last mid-level data point spending screen.
[-]***If you enjoy slaughtering hundreds upon hundreds of fleshy blood-filled aliens, this is the game for you. Each level requires you to kill hundreds (possibly even thousands in some cases) of those pesky little things, repeatedly in almost neverending swarm that futilely tries to defeat you in turn. If there ever was a third person shooter that comes close to those shmups of old, this is it.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98 or ME
* 233 MHz Pentium CPU (266 MHz w/ software rendering)
* 32 MB RAM
* 500 MB HD space
* 8X CD-ROM drive

* 400 MHz Pentium CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* Voodoo, TNT or GeForce GPU